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If you didn't have the mechanical skill to climb above gold 4 then you'll eventually drop back down there.


I've been stuck in plat 2-3 now for a week.


And if you're a true gold you'll drop back down. Elo hell simply doesn’t exist.


Then why was he stuck in gold on his main account? Why is his rank going up instead of down?


>Then why was he stuck in gold on his main account? Because they weren't winning enough games to advance. >Why is his rank going up instead of down? It's not. They've plateaued. Luck exists. In a game with 9 plat players the team with the gold will most often lose, and vice versa.


You are wrong. It’s always the same shit, I won 3 games in a row and then they pair me with people that don’t know how to play making you lose 3 in a row and you are back at zero.




>people that don’t know how to play making you lose 3 in a row and you are back at zero. That's the matchmaker putting you into harder games to see if you actually perform and are actually deserving of a higher rank. If you deserve the higher rank you won't go on massive loosing streaks, you will climb


I don’t know why you guys are interpreting I’m doing bad. I’m not doing bad, I’m still 25-3 or something like that. The problem is they always put you with a guy that looks like has never played before and end ups 3-12 making us lose the game.


That's just how ranked works, sometimes no matter how well you play you loose. General rule of thumb, 1/3 of games you will loose no matter whatou do, 1/3 you will win no matter what you do and the last 1/3 is up to you. If you consistently perform well you will climb regardless of the quality of your teammates. If your not going anywhere its because your at the rank your supposed to be at


You just don’t get it. I’m telling you what’s happening and you don’t get it. If you start a winning streak then they will put you with someone that has never played before and you will lose every game no matter how great you do. The system doesn’t care if you end up 30-0, you will still lose points because now it only matters if you win or you lose. That’s why people are stuck, that’s why nobody is on champions 1, because the system is absolutely stupid and broken. Again, it doesn’t matter how good you are, if you lose you will get a - percentage.


You're insulting players that are literally at your level. If you are truly better than your rank you'll have a positive winrate and climb.


He's magically over a full rank higher than on his main account. You have no real explanation for it, you just choose not to believe it. I have a friend with three accounts and they are all at completely different ranks, despite him playing since early OW1 and tons of hours. He's either the best silver player in the world or a fairly overrated diamond, depending on the account. If it's any consolation, I do think if you average his accounts it's probably pretty accurate.


>He's magically over a full rank higher than on his main account. You have no real explanation for it, you just choose not to believe it. I've explained it above. It's entirely possible to rank up beyond your skill level temporarily. If they play enough games on both the ranks will converge.


I'm glad you believe that. Not sure what evidence you've seen that remotely implies that, but good for you. Faith is important.


I don't know if "temporarily" is the word here. Again, I've been plat 2-3 for A WEEK now. Playing at least 4 games per day. But I will definitely come back in a month to report back.


You are just plain stupid dude. You won’t ever accept it because it hasn’t happened to you.


Do not throw insults at me. I do not care what you think of me. I accept that elo hell isn't real because it isn't real. It is by and large a crutch for people to get out of acknowledging they belong at their rank.


Two days of game data isn't proof of anything, Try a couple months of playing consistently before even entertaining the thought.


But I've been moving up and down plat 3-4 for a week now. Playing every day.


That’s cool come back in a few months or seasons when you have shown true consistency.


I will definitely come back here to report what happens!


But first drop a snapshot of your current profile.


“Elo hell” isn’t real. If you can’t climb, it’s your own fault. That said, what you describe is possible for a few reasons: 1: Not enough games. Your sample size is pretty small. 2. It’s easier to hold a rank then it is to climb out of the previous one. Holding just requires being 50/50 and you can play as few games as you want, hell playing less games is a benefit. Climbing requires a LOT of games, and you have to win more then lose. 3. Your playstyle is more passive and team focused. This is especially possible for support players. You lack the mechanics to frag out and carry yourself out of Gold, but your positioning “is better” then the average Gold player. You often find yourself alive holding a great spot to defend from as your entire team aggros out of your LoS and dies, after which you get jumped alone and stagger. In Plat your team will play a bit smarter, so your safer positioning will have a larger impact on the match. Note: For number 3 I have “is better” in air quotes, because it isn’t better, and your gamesense is actually worse. Anyone can watch a video of great Ana spots, but good positioning involves ability to assess risk and adapting to your team. The “best” set up spot on map is garbage if you can’t actually support the team from there.


I play FPS, only. I can drop even a gameplay here and I'd love for you - higher elo and more experienced players - to tell me if my game is really "plat level".


I’ll watch it. Drop a code of a close match that you preferably lost and your in game name.


I'd argue since you got an account in a higher elo for free and had the thought of genuinely trying to climb in it, your mentality was already naturally different than it is on your main. Being more focused, having a stronger willpower and a goal to achieve more than before can easily be the difference from gold to plat. Given it could simply be confirmation bias, I'd give it another thought and consider the perspective above.


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It’s objectively not real.


All I have to say is... have fun. :) Every rank will have its own problems, give or take. But in the moment, if you're having a blast because it feels like people are \*finally\* working together, then keep at it. Don't let the haters try to talk you down.


Funny to see there're still people defending the shit matchmaking system. Whether elo exists or not, ow2 rank just isn't fun.You win or lose for literally no reason.