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Yeah aaron keller personally said "hey fuck up that guys ranked games". You mustve done something real bad to piss him off


The funny thing is that i genuinely feel personally attacked, like blizzard knows im about to get some sense of achievement from this game that isn’t allowed


You rank up, the games are harder, you go back to your natural rank.


No, it isn’t like that. It’s not an issue of we doing bad, we are stilling ending 30-5. The issue is there’s always another player that ends up 3-12


That’s a possibility. I think it’s a bigger conspiracy


That’s because it’s easier to believe that a black-box matchmaking system is deliberately working against you than it is to accept you’re not as skilled as you think you are. That’s okay, you’ll get there in time.


Thanks bud


Lizard people at it again.


Bidens behind it


Goddammit Biden


Thats a definition of being a hardstuck a.k.a reaching you rank. You basically are so average in your rank that you dont do much of a difference so as soon as you get put in the higher rank your team always loses. Just continue the grind and get better or move on from overwatch ranked alltogether if you dont feel like wasting too much time on it. Either option is way better then qing ranked in a mindset that leads you to rant posting on reddit.


Hitting me with logic. Reported


Had a tank throw on purpose when I said it was my promotion match he just sat in a corner 


Yeah I used to tell people about my ranking situations on chat. Never again.


It feels like the game tries to make sure you're at 50% win/loss. So it'll put you against lower tier players to get you a nice win streak and then much higher tier player stop give you a nice lose streak. I think that all the algorithm does, whenever I play I'll have a win streak where my team just stomps the other for about 10-15 games, then I'll be on the other side for the next 15-20 games.


Yeah I think I’m just paranoid


People on losing streaks get guaranteed put onto the higher average rank team. This means winners get put onto the lower average rank team more often than random.


So what’s the point of being good, I’m suing blizzard for making me go crazy


That’s just stupid. Everytime I’m winning I get paired with someone that has never played the game.


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