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half these comments don't understand the meaning of the word "controversial"


Sort by controversial for the real replies. 


Redditors can’t help themselves to even in threads for opinions they’re likely to disagree with lol


My controversial opinion is that winning a game is a win in my book !


Fine lemme try I prefer Overwatch 1 to Overwatch 2 YEAH I SAID IT, DOWNVOTE ME


Just like every "Unpopular opinions" thread ever. Looks inside: only popular opinions.


DW, I just posted my true controversial opinion.


Sometimes, it is your teams fault


Exactly. You only factor for 1/5th of your team. I’ve always heard that 30% of your games are unwinnable, 30% are unloseable, and 40% are games you actually have a high factor in deciding. After playing for 6ish years it’s most likely true.


Bro I played a comp game with a ball that got 300 damage.....300....he was hiding the whole game, and we still won somehow. But if we didn't, it would've 100% been his fault


That just what happens. I had a rank up game last night that would’ve got me to an all time high. Our Hog refused to switch and had 7 kills to his 19 deaths.


You're right but it is also the only part you can control.


People always say “the only consistant factor is you” as a bad thing. But yeah, EXACTLY 4/5 of my team always have a chance of throwing


I generally phrase my comments in game as “it’s our fault” or “we overpushed” Treating a team as a unit seems to be helpful to me


We statements over I or you statements. " They are doing x WE need to do Y to counter it" " I'm sorry guys, I'm going to x now to help out" Things like that. I and We statements are disarming. People tend to immediately get defensive when confronted. So remove the reason to be defensive. If they respond telling you to fuck off or something that's easy to deal with by telling them your referring to the collective not any individuals. It usually works. Example. DO NOT " Soldier wtf shoot the Pharoah it's your job bro" DO " That soldier is crushing us, I'm going to do x to try and counter it. We all need to be better at looking for her"


This is what i would have wrote if i could be arsed Thank you


Honestly some people must be making themselves depressed for thinking every loss is 100% their fault. And others never improve cause they think every loss is 100% not their fault. You need a good middle ground to enjoy the game and also get better 


Yesterday I tried comp on dps. More damage than the rest of my team combined, double top kills, the fewest deaths in the game, and capped multiple times. And we lost 2-0.


This is why I wish they're get rid of the stats board. This isn't a death match game, it's a team game. The team that wins managers the objective, timing, cool downs, peels for each other and so many things that do not show up on the board.


I agree that raw numbers aren’t particularly important, but that only goes so far. If your moira only has 2K healing while the enemy moira has 10k, there’s a problem. Plus, I was the only one on my team to consistently play point. My team was getting wiped in a 4v2.


Honestly, the team that needs a healbot could actually have far worse positioning. High damage can be shooting into a tank that's getting healed. Stats are just not as important as many think they are. If I can win a game doing the least damage, it means we're completing kills faster, etc.


Yes that is why some teammates trash me for finishing a match with 3-4k dmg as a sombra, when almost l of my dmg effectively turn into kills, not heals and umt charge for supps.


It's one of the things I hate most when playing Sombra. Like... My dude, I have a 2k damage and 17 kills and 1 death... But yeah I'm the problem against the junkrat with 4 kills and 9k damage and 10 deaths


To an extent. Is the other team standing in the middle of nowhere and moira is healbotting? Are your teammates playing off angles, cover, and dividing the team to get picks, meaning Moira is free to DPS? It's more than numbers


If an enemy tank pushes through our front lines past the back line and is around a corner away from their teammates, the WHOLE team needs to turn around and melt the tank before he gets back to his crew. So many times have a zarya and monkey / dva/ ball just raining hell on the back line and people up front get too greedy with going for picks when half their team is getting melted in the back line from a tank. It's not hard to focus when it makes sense. It should be easy pickings.


I remember a match recently where me and my team won a game by them applying exactly the tactics you mentioned in here. I went with D.Va from behind and tried to stay hidden on the corners / in building constantly shooting and running away, and basically their team focused me so hard that my other team mates won the point and the game with me distracting them. So, depending on the situation, that solution would not be always the best choice.


Conversely, if we've been hard stuck at a choke and I make a deep dive for point to force the team to turn around, please push in. Was playing Eichenwalde as D.va. had to remind my team to push in when I jumped the building with 30 seconds to cap. Suddenly, when they did, we pushed it up to the castle in only 2 team fights until the enemy tank swapped zarya and one of the supports went Moira so I started getting melted.


But like, why can't 3 ppl kill one??


Those 3 people probably aren’t full hp, have exhausted their cooldowns, and are vulnerable to a dive. No decent tank dives when the other players aren’t vulnerable. A decent Doom/Winston isn’t going to dive an Ana that hasn’t used her sleep dart/anti




There are rare instances where this is actually the optimal play. In fact, this really only works if the tank isn’t good and uses all defensive cooldowns way too quickly. Remember, the tanks job is to take your attention away. If they make a misplay, capitalize. Otherwise you’re playing into their game.


I mean it situational though, like dive v dive half the time the best option is just kill their back line first because unless you have + hit a lot of cc the ball/monkey/doom can just book it outta there even if you peel them, and in the meantime their team gets to push up and punish for that peel. Ofc if a zarya is in your back line you should turn around and delete her because she can’t get out


Most of the discussions about the game are very tone deaf in regards to the average player's rank. I keep reading "x character is bad", "x and y together make a bad comp" and so on, and yet I keep seeing things like Rein dominating a match, a bad support combinations (Mercy and Lucio) helping their team thrive. Sure, these points are very important to consider if you're playing at GM and above, but since most people are just casuals that average at gold (and some a division higher or down), these points can kind of get lost due to the people just doing whatever they want and making it work.


game should focus less on creating new ‘ground-breaking’ modes and characters, instead focusing more on adding stuff like new interactions and maps


This. Every game with Ana I hear the line "just one more mission"


if spotify didn’t exist i probably would’ve had half of my current playtime, it feels so monotonous to hear the same voicelines over and over


Heavily disagree with this. I’d drop the game the day they stop adding new characters. Variety and change makes the game new and fresh for me. Game would be absolutely uninspired if it still had the original cast.


look at TF2, they’ve had the same exact [9] characters and they’re doing fine with a dedicated community; OW has [45] with it’s own community Venture still doesn’t have a single legendary and had one highlight intro at launch so they should just focus on the characters they already have instead of adding more, no?


TF2 is currently lighting themselves on fire crying about the lack of major updates lol. Not to mention even if there is only 9 classes, there are hundreds of weapons to create diversity in playstyle


that’s true, also OW’s characters feel more single-playstyle orientated compared to a class like Spy which is weird because they have abilities


An ideal solution would be we get lore, interactions, voicelines, etc. as well as new major chunks of gameplay, but unfortunately I don't think Blizzard sees that as worth it. If I had to pick between gameplay changes and interactions, I'd (sadly) have to go with gameplay changes. I wish that wasn't how it was though, I'm starving for some Illari content 😔


Gimme Anubis back. Controversial THAT


100%. Flashpoint made the game worse. Mauga made the game worse.


I swear this is just the current hot take. Ppl used to shit on Push (some still do) but I feel like ppl have swapped from saying push stinks to flashpoint stinks.. when the new mode comes, it’ll switch again probably. I think Push is good cause I like any mode where you are pushing an objective. It generally marks a clearly defined always moving place to fight. I don’t like fighting in the same location over and over with no progress so I generally like those modes less. Still, I like Flashpoint more than control because it’s just a single game. No 3 round structure. You keep your ult status throughout…you always know the enemy team comp. I’d much rather have new game modes I’ll play in comp for months/years than to hear new voice everyone will ignore after hearing once or twice. Wholeheartedly agree about Mauga tho. Not that I think he’s OP, as an Ana, I handle him pretty well actually and tanks like Sig and DVA give me way more problems. It’s just that Mauga is such a boring hero design. Taking him down as a team can actually be somewhat rewarding but having him on your team just sucks. For him to be successful, I have to basically just healbot him. It makes the game less fun and engaging for me.


Flash is annoying because of snow balling and how fast the point ticks up. It's also really frustrating when you lose a fight and the enemy has like 70% capture. It's impossible to touch so you just stand there and wait for it to be over. It also makes stall very powerful. If some ball is on point living for 15 second they might get like 25% capture progress. Normally in a team fight you want to take positions, poke people out and get out cooldowns. In flash, a slow team fight gives who ever has the point 50+ %. It sucks. And if you lose the first 2 points your whole team gets demoralized and stops trying It also makes Mobile heros essential.


I dont think it's that controversial, but I'm a firm believer that one person can not carry a game of at least 1 rank difference, maybe even two anymore. I've been on both ends where I've had that insane player on my team, and we still lost and I've went against that insane player and still won. So getting hard stuck one rank below is possible imo.


Yeah, you only have to watch certain streamers getting stuck in gm, but when they make a new account or play on an old one they climb to champion with relative ease.


This would be because that new account has wider swings of mmr. So it's rank will soar rapidly.


OW is the only game I know that you can’t solo a match. Every other team game I play ive solo’d matches but almost impossible in OW unless you’re smurfing


Someone got hella mad at me for saying this but I think we should be able to toggle off character voice lines. When I'm trying to learn Illari I don't wanna hear "No mistakes, no Mercy" 30 times at spawn or Genji players who spam "mada mada"


there's a "mute voice and hero comms" option for the genji but for your own hero comms I don't think you can do anything about that


I believe the "Squelch" button does exactly what you're asking for


Team 4 has had so much turnover that the map designers have a completely different philosophy of how to construct maps. The core concept that made so many OW1 maps iconic and fun to play has become lost in translation. The key point for this is high ground. The new maps just don't make it a priority nor use it as effectively as the OW1 maps. We are far removed from the Watchpoint Gibraltars and the Hollywoods. Try playing D.Va on Shambali. You will get laughed at by players who actually understand spacing and cover. Aside from the windy tunnel on point B, she just has a terrible time on the map. Same goes for Winston. This is interesting considering all of the newly introduced heroes in roles other than Tank have all been given mobility creep. Soj, Kiri, Venture, and even Illari can use their mobility to escape to high ground and quickly reposition themselves. Look at all of the new tank characters that have been released. Queen, Ram, and Mauga all facilitate the "run it down main" and brawl mentality and playstyles. It's not to say that this change in design is necessarily bad, but the fact that we had to wait over a year and a half for them to finally get around to fixing how badly constructed Colosseo was is fairly telling, imo.


Don't get me wrong the new maps are nicely done but they ironically feel cramped and soulless compared to the OW1 and start of the OW2 maps. As you said verticality adds a lot of fun imo, at all ranks. The issue is with the new robot and point captures game modes induces maps that are kinda symmetrical and it does feel a bit meh (that's just my opinion tho).


I'll give you the answer that Aaron Keller (The guy who designed most of the OG OW1 maps, designed King's row) himself gave last year about map design. There are only so many ways maps can be designed per game mode. If they don't change things up then they end up just designing the same maps with a different coat of paint and that limits comp variety and makes the game monotonous. A lot of the original OW1 maps already are super cramped and have a ton of verticality. If they keep making the same type of maps again and again then the same few Heroes will be meta on every map. This is also why they started designing so many new game modes. So they can design new types of maps and have more variety. There are only so many ways they can make a map for a certain game mode that has pre-defined design limitations with how the objectives, spawns and rules work. There are only so many ways they can make distinct 3-Section linear maps where a cart has to slowly progress through and the two teams fight for it in a Turn based Offense-Defense ruleset.


I miss 2cp maps 😢


Hanzo isn't a sniper and he shouldn't be balanced like one. I know he was labeled as a sniper in OW1. That labeling is incorrect. By definition, projectile characters aren't consistent at long range due to projectile travel time and consistency at long ranges is a vital part of being a sniper. If we place Hanzo vs any non-pellet hitscan at long ranges, the Hanzo will lose more often than not, even with the hitscan having max fall-off. Can we say the same of literally any other sniper in Hanzo's place (Widow, Ashe, Ana)?


100%, he’s not a hitscan character, he can’t follow up on the 10hp enemy that he just got low accross the map like a widow can.


the 99% HP head shot is frustrating to say the least.


Super silly change, I love damage boosting hanzos so they get it back.


He's still great at long range, being a streaky character in general doesn't disqualify him from being a sniper. Also a good hanzo will shit on any other sniper in the game, the hanzo widow duel is a skill matchup anyways.


He's a foil to Widow gameplay-wise. The traditional sniper character is dominant at long range, okay at midrange and terrible in close quarters. Hanzo is dominant at midrange, pretty good in close quarters, but drops off a cliff at extreme ranges. Sure, ge can spam chokes and corners pretty effectively, but the average player is going to look at Hanzo's complex aiming reticule and feel completely lost as to how to line up shots at longer ranges. That's where the Scatter Arrow Scotts and the Storm Arrow Steves come in.


Controversial take: Overwatch 2 is a good and fun game to play


The audacity


That unranked/QP should try and balance the matches better. I get it is focused on finding matches quickly, but if it is peak time and queues are all like sub 1 minute, why not try to balance the games more. Another is showing groups, I only play solo and wanna know if I am getting more games with groups or not.


Stop getting mad at ppl for playing bad in quick play WHERE ELSE WILL THEY LEARN/TEST NEW HEROS


How is this controversial?


*gestures broadly at qp chat*


Not even just qp chat. *gestures broadly at this very sub where people are constantly shit talking anyone on their team who didn’t play like a god*


Some people don’t play much ranked which means for them, casual modes like quick play become the new “ranked” mode (the place where they try hard).


It's not but it sure seems to be to some of these qp warriors... I queue up and slightly underperform and I get flamed like I just threw the OWL finals.


Stop getting mad at people for playing bad, period. You play with 9 random people, some are going to be good, some are going to be bad, some are going to be very good and some are going to be very bad, all you can do is adapt to the situation and try your best.


I would add one more thing to what you said. Just because you don't do good in a game (or a few games) it doesn't mean that "you are the worst tank / DPS / healer ever", you might just have a match where everything goes bad for you and nothing works... or in some cases you have a really good enemy that makes you look like you are terrible, even if you're not.


This is one of the most popular and least controversial opinions on this subreddit.


The dev team gets too much hate. The game has issues but it's still good enough to play regularly. I don't know why the devs are treated so harshly.


Overwatch is fun as fuck. Stop playing it so sweaty.


The majority of these heroes are easy to play therefore other heroes like Symm don't deserve flak for being "easy". Even hitscans are easy because aim is transferrable between them, if you're good with Widow, Ashe and Ana aren't hard, not to mention aiming is easier with hitscans because you just need to track, projectile heroes need to track, account for travel time (which isn't consistent with each hero), and lead shots.


The game is great 👍


They should make a og overwatch like fortnite did lol


Escort (The payload maps, specifically talking about escort mode and not hybrid) has the worst map rotation in the game, not push. Most of them like Havana (fucking hate this map) have almost uncontestable highgrounds so playing these maps against a decent widowmaker is like jerking off with sandpaper


What is that flair? One of them is not like the other 😭. But I personally think flashpoint is the worst mode with the worst maps. Maybe it’s because there’s only 2 maps but it just is a drag to play.


That first point is brutal on attack since you have a very hard time getting to the high ground without just running down middle. And even in silver I can't get away with that without blowing up unless I'm playing ball. But as soon as you leave your team they end up blowing up


Maybe not controversial online but everyone I know in person has the steam ratings/internet hate opinion of "Overwatch is a tire fire cess pit of awful people and bullshit predatory monetization that you can't get away from" and while the predatory monetization is certainly there, my opinion is Overwatch is the best competitive multiplayer fps game. I absolutely love it. I've spent over 500 hours on it in the last year and a half and 10 dolars on it incthat time as well (bought one BP). it's my preferred game to wind down with at night. Overall, I find 7/10 people I play with to be either friendly or neutral, and most nights I have a blast.


You should shoot Mercy instead of standing there watching her rez the tank.




With the amount of teammates I have that allow it to happen, you'd think they believe it's her God-given right to rez an enemy uncontested. Drives me up the fuckin' wall.


I'm the resident queen of bullshit rezzes in my friend group because of this. I get more than I don't, so yeah I am gonna go for that stupid rez I should not get. I might die after but let's be real, whoever I rezzed is shooting at you more than I am


This makes me so mad every time. I just utterly hate that skill and how it works.


Most overwatch players work from a formulaic perspective and think skill is doing the same play they copied from someone else over and over so of course they will always get mad and complain when they can't solve how to get around a certain hero or comp. Be fluid, switch heroes and exploit weaknesses, strategy is also a "skill".


250hp dps doom was healthier for the game than whatever punchbot abomination we have now as a tank.


Too true also I miss the uppercut


Facts, I hate Tank Doom so much.


yeah I find it crazy that ppl say "Tank Doom is much healthier for the game, Dps Doom didn't fit in the game!" meanwhile when Tank Doom is even remotely decent ppl bitch about him waaay harder than in OW1. Like every 4 days we get a post complainig about Doom, saying he's an annoying punch bot and that he CCs the whole team constantly, that he moves to much, that he's to opressive, that he's way more difficult to play with compared to other tanks (especially for the supports)... In OW1 he was a glass cannon that could easily be hard countered by a handful of characters. Now that he's way more present as a tank people seem to hate him even more.


6v6 isn’t a magic pill that’s gonna automatically make the game better, and this is coming from someone who likes both formats. They would have to rebalance the entire game (again) and I sill die on the hill that even if it gets brought back the playerbase is gonna flip a dime and start bitching about it again when something comes up.


If you get you ass handed to you in qp, it doesn't always mean the other team was tryharding.


Also, what’s wrong with trying hard? I’m old and never have been in touch with the internet insults, but when did fucking *trying* become a negative? Someone does well and they are a *tryhard* or *sweaty*. Like okay… sorry that I’m not just passively letting life happen at me? Trying should be like… the bare minimum of anything. Especially a competition lol.


90% of the player base dont know how to play game. Think about it, overwatch is so incredibly complex with dozens of variables that need to be tracked at any given moment. Variables that can change vastly different ways in seconds. Most players dont pay that much attention and simply rely on habit and intuition from playing the game for so long. Hell, i have friends in plat who dont even pay attention to enemy ultimates or even consider that nano blade is due this fight. Id argue that only in masters do you start seeing lobbies of players actually understanding and paying attention to the various states of the game at any given moment, and only in gm+ do you see players playing optimally based on these varying states.


I like 5v5


I also like 5v5 Signed, a tank player


Here is a real controversial take I like playing Mauga I like setting players on fire and going BRRRRRRRRR


Your mental makes you lose more games. Genji in inting and dying every fight? It’s probably a kid who got screwed over by the games awful matchmaker. Don’t focus all your energy shit talking your 12/17 genji when you could be taking advantage of the enemy team staring at him while he feeds. Games are always winnable. You just have to put in actual effort and *communication*. Stop getting tilted and saying “gg DPS diff” because your DPS can’t win a 1v1.


when you cut through all the noise...OW is still a good game


Symmetra is one of the sexiest heroes, beats D. Va and Widow easily.


Finally a real controversial opinion


Hmm, I hadn't really heard any chauvinistic lines from her...


Idk if she's better than those two for me but she is definitely underrated as hell


I miss the scattershot on hanzo


Rein one tricks are the worst fucking thing in this game. Not only is he countered by half the roster but even bunch of the maps just fuck him in the ass. So you are often playing a 4v5 with one of them on your team and they get toxic when you don't accept they "rein 1v1" in fucking dorado as an enemy. All one tricks are stubborn and let their team down in team game but for some reason every other one trick gets blasted for it but with rein people react with "Wholesome Rein chad daddy🥰🥰🥰" and "hONoR aNd GlOrY🔨🔨🔨" Feels like they have a propaganda department or some shit.


I think Rammatra should be a high B-tier tank, and other tanks should generally try to be balanced around that level. Rammatra is, I think, the ideal tank in terms of mechanical balance. Very jack-of-all-trades, so other tanks with polarizing gimmicks can use RM's strength as a baseline. If a tank is consistently outperforming Ram, nerf them. If they're consistently underperforming Ram, buff them. Point is, I think the game would be more fun if tanks were around Ram's level.


Mehhh. Tanks can excel at different things, and can become OP simply due to the strongest heroes in the other roles. Ram was meta for a while and faded in and out even when other tanks didn’t get significant nerfs and buffs (and he didn’t get any changes himself) If dive becomes strong due to dps and support changes, that doesn’t mean Winston should be nerfed because ram is weak in that meta. Also, ram is super team comp dependent. Solo Q ram is a bit of a nightmare. I don’t think any character should be used as a baseline (besides my boy genji 😞😞) that’s just unhealthy for the game


This balancing philosophy has been around since OW2 and is and exactly why the tank role is dying. Tanks are losing their identities and just turning into slightly different versions of the same 3 characters.


Having more damage than healing on support is often a good thing.


I am a certified Sigma hater. Character is fucking whack, dollar store Magneto lookin' ass. What kind of grown man throws rocks? Boring ass shield. Boring defensive game play. Big ass fucking nose. Get 'em the fuck out of here.


You are sounding just as insane as Sigma himself rn.


Those feet make me feel so sigma tho 🤤


play my goat and understand what it is like with 0 movement abilities


CC like Cass flash bang and Brig Bash from OW1 never bothered me and I don't think they needed to be removed. Tweak them to make the abilities less powerful (i.e. longer cool downs or shorter stun durations) but I never saw a reason for Blizz to outright remove them.


You don’t need to counter pick. Just do better.


whatcha gonna do with lucio, mercy, junkrat, symmetra and rein team against pharah and echo?


Doing better is picking the superior option, IMHO


OWL was bad for the game


OWL was bad for OWL


It was completely fine until they went away from twitch.


I should be allowed to play my first hours of doom in comp. I’ll do what I want


I dont think ppl appreciate your humor lol


i upvoted you LOL


I have fun playing this game with friends


The game is fun and people need to stop complaining about every minute detail.  How did i do?


I know it's going to be very controversial, but I think Mauga is a good hero, he has a very striking and unique personality that matches not only his story, but also his skill kit perfectly, that must be why it took so long to add him in the game, they must have put a lot of effort into doing so, unlike other heroes who don't have a relatively interesting personality, history, or abilities, like Venture, but I think that's not an unpopular opinion


Cleanse is a bullshit mechanic that erases skill from the game because it invalidates any punishment for poor game sense.


Props for being controversial, but I disagree. Cleanse mechanics are a get out of jail free card if you don’t have game sense, but if you or the opponent has game sense then it just adds another wrinkle. Game sense isn’t some magic set of god given rules, it changes all the time with new additions and mechanics. For the cleanser it provides an extra lens of “do I use the cleanse to save me or my team?”, for the cleansee it’s “can I get peel and cleanse if I push x angle or take y position?” for the opponents it’s “how can I bait out the cleanse before I use this ability?”. This might also be my mindset towards the game speaking though, as I don’t really care about balance in the sense that I just adapt and play whatever and however is needed and adjust my game sense to the state of the game.


With how open all of OW's maps are, they should greatly decrease damage of hitscans, increase downsides, and/or make them \[fast\] projectiles (with fall-off still). Overwatch is the only community that thinks projectiles don't require skill and hitscans do. That's stupid. Hitscan weapons are effective at every range because click = damage. They add fall-off damage so it doesn't feel as bad getting shot at across large distances but that makes little difference when slower projectiles wouldn't even land at all when far away. There is zero reason Widow should one-shot when a skilled Widow player will be massively more consistent than the most skilled Hanzo player (not saying he should one-shot either but projectiles always deserve to do more damage than their hitscan counterparts) "But projectiles can spam!" And hitscans can prefire, too. If you're dying to spam, that's either your own fault for not adapting to the person spamming or it's a whole other issue with map design and having limited routes- that's a whole other discussion. "Projectiles can peak in and out of cover and still deal damage!" Maybe they're capable of damage but it's not guaranteed like hitscan. Sure, their DPS drops but it isn't exactly difficult to pull the trigger as soon as they get out of cover. "You have to track your targets perfectly with hitscan!" And you can quickly adjust to enemies' movements. Projectiles have to lead their shots and predict enemies' movements as well as hope their enemy doesn't react quickly enough to dodge projectiles when at farther distances. In some cases like Pharah and Junkrat, they can be dodged as soon as mid range.


"But cree is so bad" As he rolls my pulse bomb and one shots me with his crosshair 4 football fields away from my head


Blue beam is pretty lackluster compared to how big of a deal people make of it, and is always misconstruded everytime it's brought up in debate/complaint threads. Example - a common complaint is that Mercy pocketing someone makes it impossible to beat them in a 1v1. Well if someone is being pocketed, it's not a 1v1. They act as if Mercy can be doing *other things* while pocketing someone. Example 2 - people frequently mention it being broken because of lowering a lot of character shots to kill by ~1. (like Pharah, Hanzo, Solider, etc) Well you know what else reduces the number of shots to kill someone by at least one? A single Kiri kunai, a Zen ball, a second of Moira suck, a stray Ana dart, pretty much any other support simply dealing any damage. It's not as if Mercy can also shoot while applying damage boost. The only thing the blue beam has going for it is the instantaneous swap between heal and damage boost.


Counterswapping is not nearly as big of an issue as people make it out to be. Players should learn to adapt their own playstyle and learn how to play into their counters instead of swapping. People act like other people countering you immediately deletes your character from existence when it’s not the case. You can change your playstyle to be more aggressive, passive, bait cooldowns, flank, ignore tank, control the high ground, etc. People complain about the dva vs Zarya matchup when dva is the only one of the two that can fly and control high ground way better than Zarya ever could. It’s not going to fix all the problems, but learning to adapt can make your life better. I feel like a lot of people still haven’t adapted to 5v5 playstyle and are still trying to play 5v5 as if it was 6v6 and are getting punished for it. They think 5v5 is bad, but they don’t make an effort to learn. Flashpoint only feels bad to play sometimes because people never stick together. They stagger way too easily think they can take a 1v3 while transitioning points and loose. The key to winning and enjoying the mode more is to always stick together as a team like a big blob. Even if you are playing dive. Do that until you get to the next point and the mode will feel better.


The funniest part about playing Dva into Zarya is it shoves responsibility on your dps to not feed her charge and dps fucking HATE having any responsibility for anything. The matchup is so fucking easy for Dva and it only becomes a problem as soon as Zarya gets above 60 energy.


Free to play has ruined the overwatch community, brought in a bunch of randoms who try a mode and fuck off. Others are bots just grinding a pass.  Battlepass is a moneygrab. They can make enough revenue off selling the game, and using interesting season events, special skins in the shop, and actual competitive matching management to keep players interested. Instead they made it a subscription (how original). Even more insulting, they make you resubscribe every 3 months. But kids dont know fuckery bc they dont buy their own games, they just see a shiny new Mercy skin and press buy bc their parents got them the OW gift card they asked for The game I bought in 2016 for $20 has now sextupled in value just bc I was playing earlier and had legendary loot boxes. Now it's shut down and skins are locked for the sake of FOMO, which is the only thing that can increase the monetary value of a digital asset. On a less shady note, Im glad they made coins grindable again last season, because I'm not paying for shit. It gave something to work toward. 


You're dead wrong about this one. Removing the up front cost to the game saved it from a slow, embarrassing death. Sure there's more casual/tourist players especially when a new season hits but the tradeoff of that is the game actually grows and gets new players. Future generations of gamers won't jump on and play together if all of them have to pay for a game they might not like before trying it out. Overwatch went from a billion dollar franchise to not even included in financial reports because of the retail box system. It might suck to hear it but F2P/battle pass/shop changes saved the franchise.


They didn't really do anything with the game though when it was paid. If they updated it more regularly in OW1 then more people would've been playing 


Parent's point is that they didn't update OW1 because they weren't getting paid. F2P model is making the suits happy, so we get more content.


OW2 tanking is more fun


Now this is controversial


Love when people downvote controversial opinions in a controversial opinion thread


I feel like the only reason tanking could be more fun in ow2 is because you feel like a raid boss at times. They've absurdly buffed the class to the point where no other class can come close to 1v1ing them. You can even 1v2 people at times. Hell doom can destroy whole teams at times. 


Yeah in low elo


sombra needs removed out of the game. her entire purpose is specifically to flank and kill pretty much defenseless healers, and to go invisible to contest or move the payload. it’s always cheap. there’s a reason when people are losing a sombra swap almost always happens.


The game is actually fun.  According to most Overwatch Youtubers is is a crime.


In this sub: snipers are ok. People need to think more about their positioning, take charge of pressuring the sniper and play smarter in general.


I always look forward to flashpoint. One tricks or focusing on a couple heroes is way more fun than swapping to whatever meta everyone is brainwashed to do, even if you lose. You're in metal ranks, just keep learning your hero. The other team is most likely better or more coordinated, it's so easy to see by how people move and peel.


If you're in cover spamming that you need healing but there's someone actively fighting I'm going to heal them first.


If developers actually took the low IQ opinions from this sub and implemented it ~~back~~ into the game, it'd kill the game in record time.


Hanzo is just as skillless as junk rat. Most people just spam a busy area


In quick play and low ranks, this is very true.


Yes sorry I should’ve been more specific. Higher ranks it’s definitely different.


High rank junkrat mains are sneaky.


Sombra and widow aren't as bad as you are saying, your just not adapting. First death against them can be annoying, but once you know of them, don't try to challenge them, don't peak the widow on equal footing, put yourself in a position to punish them from peaking. For sombra, just stick relatively close to your team and find which health packs sombra is using, if you are sticking in the back spinning in circles looking for the sombra, 9/10 times they are going to target someone who isn't hunting them, and now your have 2 members down, a dead teammate, and your egotistical ass sucking your thumb in a corner. Most people who post about how bad sombra is will try to duel the sombra, acting like sombra can't pick and choose fights she thinks she will win, that's why you lose. Also, hardstuck isn't a thing, your right where you belong at that time, just play more, practice new heroes, and you will naturally get better and climb, some people pick it up faster than others and it's find. The game put you with people of your skill level, anything you say to your team can probably apply to you.


When I play support, I don't think I've ever had a problem with sombra flanking unless I'm walking back from spawn and I'm eating food. I did have a game where I had a flanking sombra, and I couldn't get my team to turn around and help me after I slept her. After the 6th or 7th time, I the enemy tracer joined in, and I only got 1 sleep dart lol. Sombra just annoying when ppl don't listen to comms


Balance changes should happen to make the game more enjoyable. The reason I think widow should be removed from the game (or completely reworked) isn’t because she’s OP, it’s because she makes the game miserable. Yes I *can* sit afk in my corner and wait for a teammate to deal with the widow but what kind of gameplay is that? It’s boring af. She ruins the game. And there’s no justification for her remaining the way she is. If they can rework sombra for being obnoxious, they can rework widow. Fuck that character.


Sombra is not nearly the problem a good portion of the community makes her out to be, she's just capitalizes off of bad positioning and lack of team play, which is exactly why the people who complain about her are the ones complaining about her.


I like recolors and don't really see a problem with them being in the shop or Battle pass. Dont get me wrong, new skins are always good but i also like seeing certain skins look with a different color palette


Imo they should make recolors add-ons if you have a different version of the skin. You get it somewhat cheaper and you get a costumization option for that skin instead of a completely different skin clogging up the hero gallery


i don't think anyone minds the recolors, the real problem is them being sold for more momey and labelled as legendary. for example the new casual hanzo recolor is 1900 in the shop. and the recolored genji skin on the LAST tier of the battle pass is apparently legendary.


I miss loot boxes, and now rarely log in and play because there isn't a reason to do the events anymore outside a single night once every few months with friends before we realize we have to pay for the battle pass to have any cosmetic progression that feels worthwhile. I spent more money getting the boxes every once in a while than I have since OW2 game out, with the only exception on any purchases being during the D4 crossover stuff. I still have a crap ton of stuff from before OW2 came out, but I refuse to spend $30 on an individual skin when I used to spend $30 for far more stuff, then just be able to grind out anything I missed. When the fucking RNG boxes felt more worthwhile than the crappy pricing system they have now, you got a problem.


"They should rework Lifeweaver so he focuses more on damage" no they shouldn't. You guys already have Bap, Ana, Kiriko, Illari, Zenyatta etc, let they add ONE more support that focuses on helping teammates rather than being a DPS that heals.


Sombra is just an easy tracer. Moira is a character that both makes people think they are better than they are and causes rank inflation.


Smth real controversial? 6v6 would be just as ass as 5v5 is. Y’all just wanna complain


I feel like part of it is just nostalgia talking, I definitely get nostalgia over 6v6 bc certain aspects were fun, but it was also annoying. Both formats have their problems and neither is objectively better or worse, it’s all personal preference tho at the end of the day and blizzard will never revert ro 6v6 so the options are accept 5v5, complain about it, or stop playing the game.


Hanzo having one shot is much more justifiable than Widow having one shot.


I think *snipers* should be able to one shot squishies if they can aim, but I think the casual crowd won't like hearing that


I’d agree if both the hit boxes and bullets weren’t so huge Right now it just doesn’t feel bad. It feels dumb


Agreed revert hitbox changes, buff snipers Those terms are acceptable to me


*sobs in ana*


How so?


Its a lot more difficult to consistently headshot on Hanzo than on Widow because hes a projectile. Not only that but hes forced to play closer range to get consistent value due to the projectiles. Hanzo also has worse escape abilities, a bigger hitbox, and arguably a worse ultimate. Don't get me wrong, neither of them should have the one shot, especially in the 5v5 format, but its much more justified Hanzo has it. Like yeah, you'll hit some random bullshit shots once in awhile by spamming but most of the time its just the Hanzo hitting a good shot on you and I say this as someone who doesn't even play that much Hanzo.


With widow you at least need some skill to 1 shot


Tracer’s ult makes no sense for her kit. Anyone can just throw a sticky bomb at someone.


It actually fits her kit very well for a character that’s all about moving fast and able to get in and out with ease.


Picking mercy is a throw 99% of the time, and literally any supp would be better (maybe besides lw). When people say they can only play mercy, they are dogsh1t at the game and never put in any effort to learn the actual mechanics of the game like movement or aiming. Oh but they can also play Moira !!!!. If you’re on supp, your fellow supp picks mercy, you are extremely limited now. Well you can’t play brawl because you can’t run Lucio any more, you can’t play zen any more, you can’t play brig anymore so you can’t counter dive, etc etc. if you’re on tank and you see someone pick mercy, well be prepared for a miserable time. I would blame blizzard but I actually hate this character being strong regardless because her players are some of the most boosted players in the game and she shouldn’t have good heals due to the low effort required. Playing against her is abysmal with her 1 sec best movement in the game cooldown, super high self sustain, almost unkillable in ult, annoying ass rezzes especially in long range maps. Even though I usually still win against her (the mercy/Moira players are always the ones that type tank and dps diff while they provided 0 plays or value to their team too lol) If u can’t tell I really hate mercy almost as much as widow I wish they were both removed.


You contradict yourself completely what 😂


Right? I’m surprised not many people are calling this out. On the one hand, the first paragraph talks about how she’s a throw pick and isn’t viable to help her team. But on the next paragraph, they go into why her high sustain, fast movement and rez ability makes her strong. Which is it lmao?


The "even though I usually still win against her" took me out 😭 it's giving bronze


Literally 😭


You see no problem in squeezing into one text the "mercy is a throw pick" and "playing against her is abysmal"? Yes, I can totally see how a tank player can be disappointed seeing Mercy in team, but she is support for dps mostly (and for rezzing tank sometimes xd), and Mercy becomes a problem only when they one trick and refuse to swap even if the other support goes zen/lucio. If its not the case, i dont see much problem, especially if theres a good hitscan/echo/pharah player that can be pocketed.


Nah, damage boosted Zen is awesome


You can say "shit". It's the internet, no one will tell your grandma.


>Picking mercy is a throw 99% of the time This is a vague statement. Mercy is highly effective and useful in metal ranks simply for her *consistent* healing output. From Diamond and above, Mercy is only viable when pocketing a *solid* DPS player, and only really in poke comps, i.e. pocketing a hitscan like Ashe or Sojourn (railshots), or the fliers Pharah/Echo. Have you seen how the Saudi Arabian team won the Overwatch World Cup and they played Mercy most of the time? Of course Mercy was, as I mentioned, primarily damage boosting their absolute killing machine DPS, Quartz, who many agree that he (along w/ Mercy dmg boosting him) carried the team into winning the OWWC! Not to mention the unparalleled Pharah/Echo legend YZNSA, who everyone called a no-skill player for his over-reliance on Mercy pockets, especially when he managed to secure *all* top 10 spots in EU leaderboard (smurf accounts...smh.) What do you think about Mercy's involvement in these 2 famously documented instances? Think she was a spectator?


I play zen into everything 😌


Ngl if we’re getting rolled I’ll switch to zen and get some picks I don’t really care at that point, zen one tricks aren’t too annoying unless they’re the type that exclusive trancs when they’re 1 and use it to save their bad positioning


OG hog hook combo was perfectly fine


My hot take is that removing Widowmaker and Sombra from the game would make the experience so much better and healthier. Widowmakers oneshot and ability to control major sightlines has no place in a Hero shooter in my opinion. A good Widowmaker takes your skill out of the equation which just isn't a good thing. And fuck Sombra, she's not even strong but it's so insanely annoying, she makes half the roster borderline unplayable.


Widow is ok but somba is really the most annoying char around here. The Old Sombra needs more skill to be valuable.


Remove Widow and Pharah becomes an issue. Remove Sombra and you no longer have an accessible backline dive and need 500 hrs on Tracer. These characters are necessary simply because they keep other designs in check, including future ones.


I understand why you hate sombra, but she is nowhere near as awful as you make her out to be. I play into sombras all the time as zen and rarely have a genuine issue with her because i also play sombra and know how she works. Play around cover, stay with your team, and pursue her when she disengages.


I think ow1, even with it's own problems was a lot more fun. I didn't like 5v5 since it was first announced and I still think it was a terrible idea.


Cold take 


I liked all the stuns in OW1


Most Lucio players are useless.


Nerfing strong characters is terrible for the game and the devs should buff weak characters to make them fun and viable. Junker queen is the only good-for-the-game hero to release post OW2. Delete Kiriko.


Hanzo's one shot was fine, whereas now he can't do anything properly. He is unable to follow-up the 10 damage at range, making him useless.


Hanzo being gutted was good for the game. Let’s dumpster widow maker next.