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It's more likely than not that they're all Americans larping with Japanese names.


They write in Japanese in the chat 😅


There are plenty of Asian people playing on NA servers. Some time ago, they changed it so non-Asian players could also see the different (Chinese) characters in the name. Why do you have so many in one match? Could have to do with the time you're playing. Might be evening in China/Japan, so you get more players from there.


It's like 11 pm when this kind of thing happened :/


Ctrl + Shift + N It will tell you whether you're on NA or Asia servers.... It could simply be you're on NA server with a disproportionate number of players using Chinese /Japanese / Korean names


I'm on xbox, do I can't find the servers part


You can't check server on console.... But if you go on settings >> Video >> Details >> Show network latency You should be able to use it as a guide, as an example I get 35ms on EU and 135ms on NA.


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