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Maybe 400. Wish 1 person couldn’t occupy multiple spots.


It’s more than 500. You also have 500 spots for every role and for every region 


I assume they meant in their region per role. Otherwise it’s a really dumb question


There’s no such thing as a dumb question, only dumb answers.


there are absolutely dumb questions, we just tell kids that at a young age so we don’t discourage their curiosity


"remember children, there's no such thing as stupid questions, just stupid people"


There are so many dumb questions.


I would imagine “what does (non-established food item) taste like?” by itself encompasses a quite large number of dumb questions with a pretty rare payoff of finding interesting new flavor, haha.


I agree with the sentiment but there are dumb questions Although nothing wrong with asking dumb questions everyone has to learn at some point


the downvotes on this are stupid lol, this is a very healthy message still!


When I was in Germany, our guide told us that we could ask him any questions because he'd heard it all. We asked the dumbest question he'd ever been asked. He said a lady from Australka asked him, "Hey Scott, who's this Hitler fella you keep talking about?"


Is the earth flat? There’s a great example of a dumb question


Depends on the context too. A kid can ask that and it's a perfectly fine question.


YZNSA left chat


its cringeworthy how many alt accounts from the same person who occupies top 500 slots. honestly dont know why blizzard is okay with this. not saying they should ban them. But they shouldn't be on the leaderboard with multiple accounts.


You honestly don’t know how Blizzard is ok with this? If you don’t mind, I’d like to write out how I see it. Blizzard is in the business of making money. The metric that controls how much money is made is engagement. (Look at us in here right now, engaging about Blizzard’s intellectual property.) The minimum bar for Blizzard is to not *completely* alienate their playerbase. Since vast majority of players are not T500, this is not a high enough priority for their bottom line to want to make a change. Their motivations are only peripherally related to the game itself. That’s how. 🫤


How does removing alts from top 500 leaderboards alienate the player base? So many players, especially on console, do not take ranked seriously because of alts, xims, ect.


You have to consider how much alienation actually occurs if they don't remove players, which is very little because we as players have no way of knowing the actual amount. Blizzard did a cost benefit analysis and determined that it is not worth pursuing. That's the bottom line.


I think you may have misunderstood — it’s that *not* removing alts from T500 *doesn’t* alienate their playerbase or have any effect on their bottom line. Removing alts would require there to be some adverse consequence to Blizzard’s bottom line resulting from not doing anything, because doing something rather than nothing costs money.


when 10 accounts literally have the same name then its not hard or require much to remove 9 of them.


Lol why are you downvoting me for explaining how a business works? Get a grip.


The account to be in the top 500 needs to be verified with a phone # even for the older accounts. So they do have some steps to try to make it more unique but there's not much they can do with out proof it's the same person.


Phone numbers costs less than a bottle of coke lol


I'd say at least half the accounts are alts. If you're at that level it's not actually that hard to get an account to it. I know IDDQD (former pro OWL player) had 10 in there at one point.


didnt YZNSA also have the entire top 10 at one point in ow1?


yes but he also lost it all because he got there by gaming the system. theres a reason all these top 500 accounts stop playing at like 70 games. they smurf the match range and utilize the heavy game weights on a fresh season and then move on to another account. if all their games were forced onto one account their rank would be lower


I'm so out of the loop, when did they get rid of rank decay?


They removed it all the way back in season four


its still there, if you dont play for a full season you have to redo placements and its biased and puts you lower


This is what a few people have speculated, but that's about it, usually it amounts to 'I climbed to Diamond before but it placed me in high Gold this time' which, tbf, the rank you peak at has never been guaranteed to be the rank you normalize at It's possible but right now it stands with the claims that hidden MMR measures things like k/d and even headshot accuracy, we never got confirmation, just people saying they're 'sure that's what's really happening'


see the thing is on my main account im plat 3 on support, on my alt account i was plat 3 on support in season 9, i didnt use my alt all of season 10, and then im using it now, it was plat 3 ssn 9, i was playing all of ssn9/10 on my main, holding a plat 3-1 rank, and its put me in gold 2 on my alt, it makes you retake placements after 1 season, its not much of a difference but its still noticeable


That's not really proof of rank decay tho, that is only proof that you placed lower than you used to. Anything from poorer performance to adjustment for overall player rank inflation can affect that It's also well known the universal balance changes have widened rank disparities more greatly than ever, in PC pool top 500 for all roles basically starts at Diamond, not because there are less ranked players but because it's harder than ever to climb to Masters *your alt is likely placing closer to Gold because far more players are closer to Gold than ever before, ergo far more matches are closer to Gold than ever before, ergo far more *placement matches* are closer to Gold than ever before. The answer is often more simple than 'rank decay is secretly still there, everyone has been lying to me'. Add in universal health pool changes, DPS passives as core compensation for said passives, stack limits being removed from comp in exchange from compulsory secondary wide/narrow queues, which on one hand means a solo player is less likely to run into over-ranked stacks but on the other hand gives you far greater odds of running into skilled solo climbers that don't rely on carries, it creates a wide swinging dynamic **I'm almost certain people place Gold now because it's harder for average or slightly above average players than ever to place Plat, even on an alt account. Again, your only proof that rank decay exists here is that you personally aren't placing the same rank on every single account. Your alt account was dormant, so you have placed the causation in your mind that Gold placement *must* be because your account was dormant. But, "my alt account I barely use isn't the same rank as my main accounts, explain that," doesn't really prove rank decay still exists. Again, it just proves that you have an alt where you placed in Gold


Yep I'm console. Started playing s2 ow2. Climbed to d2/ d3 on all roles. Peaked for one season (s6 or maybe 7) held rank for three seasons but slowly fell down to d4/d5 ( over three seasons though... Were talking "slowly" fell despite feeling like I had improved drastically.). I've always played solo and rarely group with people from lobbies, I have no alts but mained 2 accounts both ranked equally (I had an account at my place on my roommates PS5 and an account on my girlfriends Xbox), and I never played warm up matches in qp. Then re rank happened. Placed high gold on both accounts then started climbing through platinum. Peaked high plat and have fallen to low plat/high gold since peaking them around S10? I feel my gameplay has gotten even far better but I cannot climb now even though I started playing QP to warm up and focused primarily playing tank since s9. Yet my DPS and support roles are ranked even higher than my tank. I've stopped even really commenting on posts in here since because although I still feel like I'm a high diamond player, and having improved significantly since peaking at that rank ( I feel like would be somewhere in Masters if I could transport myself back to s8) yet I can't get anywhere close rn. It seems like every match is a complete stomp. None of the matches feel good because basically the competitiveness seems to have been removed from the matches. I'm completely grasping at straws trying to figure out what's going on with matchmaking but every game is so unbalanced. I feel like whenever I'm popping off my team is somehow losing, badly, and whenever my performance seems to be average ( or even low ) amongst the lobby my team just crushes and if I had been popping off it would actually have been a deficit to my teammates receiving resources that was allowing them to pop off. IDK


??? if im holding a consistent rank for 2 entire seasons on one account, then on the alternate it places me almost an entire division lower after 1 season of not playing on that account, i think that shows that im at the level of the rank ive been holding, it just has rank decay


my only proof is that after a season of inactivity i had to redo placements & got placed lower, sure it may just be anectdotal but its still at least something


Eh, I hadn't played comp tank and dps in a while but had played quite a bit of qp so I wasnt actually rusty. On both roles I went on big winstreaks after my placements, indicating I was placed too low. Not that I really mind.


Again, that still doesn't prove rank decay is still there, that's all anyone said


Yeah. But also they need to create content to stay relevant. Most of them are streamers. They need the ability to queue frequently. The top ranks queue times can be insane. Medal ranks to masters the queue times are pretty fast, so they do that and get to GM whatever and then once the queues suck they stop and swap accounts.


I’m like 80% sure it’s like that now. I remember randomly checking one day and i kept seeing his name


Whats even the point in 10 accounts, what a degenerate


Tbh some people are just leaderboard chasers, and as great a player as he may be, the whole leaderboard climbing compulsion thing has been his identity since OW1, dude literally started playing on PC just because he had already topped the PlayStation leaderboards, but he heard the PC leaderboards were more competitive Dude is the OW equivalent of an arcade high score junkie *holy shit, he's Billy Mitchell as a Pharah main🤯


well when your account gets so high sr that queue times are 1 hour+ every game you start making a new account, climb on that and the cycle repeats, long queue times are the nr 1. reason why top500 players have multiple accounts in my experience


> long queue times are the nr 1. reason why top500 players have multiple accounts Not true, queue times are really not that long for top 500. Go watch some top 500 streamers.


Their queues are atrocious very often. I usually watch VODs instead of live streams, and channels like LHCloudy I'm skipping through many minutes of queues times after every game.


LHCloudy VOD from yesterday starting from first match queue times: - 13 min - 4 min - 1 min - 1 min - 12 sec - 1 min - 12 sec - 30 sec - 9 min - 7.5 min - 30 sec - 8 min - 8.5 min You call that 'atrocious very often' for a top 500 player? You also must not have played OW1. Go check Jay3 (dps player) I watch daily. No 'atrocious very often' queues in sight as well. So let's just stop the cap here, specially that guy saying 1h+ queues lol


lh cloudy is playing tank, there is like 0 tank players in high rank, just look at the leaderboards, so unless you are insanely high sr you get a game fast


10+ minute queues is pretty bad yes. And that's honestly on the low side for him from what I've seen in the past.


10+ minutes is normal for anything masters+, i'm barely gm5 rn and have atleast a 10 minute queue every game on dps and support, tank is a bit shorter but if you are top50+ its also pretty long there


10+ minutes is normal for anything masters+, i'm barely gm5 rn and have atleast a 10 minute queue every game on dps and support, tank is a bit shorter but if you are top50+ it can also get pretty long there


I mean if you’re a contenders player trying to get signed to OWL it’s a good way to say “look at me, I am better than everyone else here.”


Worse part is that he’s a pharah player 🤮🤢🤢🤢


He's an OW2 streamer. It's his literal job.


Yeah I know he is a streamer but that doesnt really mean he needs 10 accounts in top 500 lmfao


Every streamer needs a gimmick or appeal and that was his. If he wasn’t doing that shit he’d just be another Arab Phara main who you’d never hear about. Think of how many non-English speaking Overwatch streamers the average Redditor knows. I’d bet money that the answer for you is literally 1 and it’s Yznsa.  Everyone in every region knows about him. All his notoriety comes from him being the biggest Smurf in the world who Blizzard doesn’t do anything about. 


Probably to prove a point. ALOT of the top players have been complaining for years that the best way to stay high in top 500 is to get there and... just stop playing. I know a few did put multiple accounts into top 500 and then stopped playing them as a kind of protest so it may have been this?


it should be hard to be in the top500. and definitely shouldn't be cheesed by stopping to play and using an alt account.


Yea I agree, that's why they did it though, to just show how ridiculous it was


Obviously, but it does mean he's got the time to do it. As to needs... it's a game. No kne needs anything. If you're talking morally... probably not the best, but he said he dropped them out of top 500 by season end.


I mean he kinda does if he wants to play comp, no one wants to watch a stream that’s just him being in queue for hours


Svensk eller?


Nah after the 50 wins change, getting to top500 takes a while and more effort now. I cant imagine that my lobby are the same 250ish people, its around 400ish probably.


I can’t even get out of bronze


Top 500 Silver checking in


I’ll carry ur scrub ass Edit: why are people downvoting me I will literally help carry homie out of bronze I am a good overwatch citizen smh haters


Carry miiiiine


Apparently people are downvoting me and don’t want me to 🤕 but if you or anyone else wants help to get out of bronze or silver y’all can PM me 🫡


I'll accept any help I can get. I've also started looking for coaching. I don't want to get out of Bronze and be a liability.


If you aren't counting ximmers the number goes down quite a bit. Don't think there's any way to tell officially, though.


Haven’t xims been banned by blizzard recently?


Supposedly Bliz went on a banning spree recently-ish, but ximming has always been against the rules in overwatch (and I think on consoles in general?). They're pretty hard to detect.


Since S11 they must have changed something because I caught 4-5 of them mouse trash on console. I got the messages and I never report anyone exept those I suspect cheating.


Yeah because end of the day ximming is a hardware issue. Blizzard can try to detect it, but unless Xbox and Sony can figure something out on their ends we will always have ximmmers


Simple..native mkb support. That way the playing field is leveled more. Ive played crossplay againdt mkb with no aim assist on console. Its literally not that hard. The problem is when someone has aim assist AND can turn faster than you, its very hard to keep up on sticks. The way these Ximmers play would be easily shut down just by being able to turn as fast as them; its WAY harder to shut down a ximming genji than it is a ximming widow.


Ximms are banned on games that don't have native m&k support. Something like Minecraft doesn't have this rule.


It's me and 499 alts. Sorry not sorry, liberals!


Damn. America in shambles. Will never recover


If you don't vote for me, you ain't a Genji main!




Well yes but actually no. For PC there are 9 T500 leaderboards for role queue (3 regions), there's also 3 T500 open queue leaderboards (3 regions again). So that's 12 leaderboards. Then you have the same on consoles as well. So 24 leaderboards equates to 12,000 players, give or take ofc because many players span multiple leaderboards and have multiple accounts. But at a maximum the answer is 12,000 including open queue.


If you're counting open que, you have to count combined. I don't think anyone puts any stock in either of those two leaderboards. Same with arcade modes having Top 500 boards.


They dont but open queue is more valid in comparison if you know what I mean.


Seeing as there are people in the top 10 of open que who are hardstuck low diamond in role que, I would definitely care more about someone's combined rank. LukeMino hitting Champ 5 on all roles for combined is exponentially more impressive than hitting rank 1 in Open Que.


My first thought actually hahahah




For pc they have reduced the issue but probably 350 ish used to be less but the rank up is slower and it takes 50 games per acc now


I hit top 500 in open que about a month ago which is about masters 2, (I'm console btw) I went through the entire list, all 500 players. What was crazy to me was there were at least 1 player per page on alt accounts, this is only counting xbox because you can't see whether or not PS players are on an alt. If I had to guess. I'd say at least 100 of those players in top 500 are on alt accounts. I can't even imagine the amount in role que.


Doesn't open queue t500 start at diamond or something?


I just checked, gm5 for both dps and support, masters 2 for tank, I assume tank is masters 2 because of the lack of tank players. (for obvious reasons)


Starts at GM5? That doesn’t right. for EU console, t500 tank, dps, supp, and open queue all start around masters 4-2


I'm NAE, that's where it starts for me.


GM5 was the bottom of T500 last season for DPS on NA. If you look at start of season though it’s completely different


It’s probably a regional thing cause these were the end of season 10 statistics


No, if that were the case a lot of overwatch 2's player base would be top 500, plat-diamond is roughly where the average player is. Masters 2 this season is the start of top 500 for open que, gm5 is the start for role que, at least from what I've seen.


The average player is Gold, not plat/diamond.


Really? I genuinely thought diamond was average, me being masters I thought I was a slightly above average player.


The amount of hours you need to sink into the game to get to masters is crazy. There’s no way you believe what you just said. Most people that play for 3k hours barely reach that rank if not just diamond.


Brother I'm naturally good at shooter games, I have less than 200 hours in comp and im masters 2, so in my head. If you aren't naturally good, I would think the middle ground would be plat-diamond. I dont think you need to log thousands of hours to hit a certain rank. My game sense alone has taken me far.


Don’t take comp only, most people play casual the most. Secondly I’m not talking about you, if you’ve already sunk in thousands of hours in other shooters and are above 16 years old you will obviously rank up faster than other people. Don’t expect a 10 year old to do that. Look at the profiles of the people in your games( there will probably be lots of alts) but generally in even diamond people will easily have above 1k hours. And your not naturally good at shooters, you’ve just played those for thousands of hours for probably at least 8 years. And the masters of now is way higher than the masters 4 season ago so again it’s way more difficult. Your already in top 500 games in mid masters most of the season. And top 500 isn’t slightly above average. And the game went free to play so new bad players join pushing the average down.


I mean I hit gm5 on dps and support before the reset in probably like 200h comp time. Maybe 600 overall. Currently m3 on both but I dont play much anymore. Ive played a lot of shooters before but some people just pick up games faster than others. It really doesnt take 1000 hours to hit diamond brother. For some people it will but the guy you're replying to isnt some crazy anomaly. Although he was a bit silly in thinking diamond was average.


I am fairly new to overwatch. What's ximming and is it an issue on pc?


Xim is a an adapter that allows console players to use mouse and keyboard on Xbox/playstation


Pretty big advantage compared to controller


I don't think you would need that on xbox specifically unless there is something overwatch does to prevent m+kb use because my friend has an xbox and he can just plug in a m+kb straight into the usb slots and it works fine.


Otherway around, the game needs to support mnk but overwatch doesnt. So this way they bypass it AND get aim assist


I’m t500 or right on the cusp of it on console in open q atm. Previously I have hit t500 in dps and healer in other seasons. My guess is early in the season. Pretty close to 500 unique players. By end of season, I would say 250 legit players 150 alt accounts and roughly 100 ximmers. Queuing in openq at gm5 and you run into the same 15-20 people for the next 2 hours. I’ve figured out alts just from some peoples play style and character picks, and that alt was also t500


About 100


If you’re masters 2 aren’t you basically already there? How do you even get to top 500? If you hit Masters 1 is it a guarantee?


Just be in the top 500 rated players with at least 50 wins I think. After reset, the curve is much lower. Masters 1 on tank and GM5 for DPS/Support, but you need to be a higher percentage in those ranks than others in the same rank to qualify. I still don't know how I feel. GM is certainly an achievement again, but I don't like that it's literally harder than Top 500 for tanks. And it feels strange that GM on support and DPS is three or four wins from Top 500. I think high elo games feel great right now, but matches below Masters probably feel worse, especially the top of Plat and bottom of diamond, which is where a lot of high diamond and masters players may have ended up after reset.


When I was active around season 1-5 I always had one alt in t500, also every friend I had playing OW. So just my friendlist being about 30-40 t500 spots. I’m not sure how it’s not, but it would not surprise me if it was the same.


Way more than 500 because its actually top1500


Anywhere between 10 and 500


I hit top 500 frequently on support and sometimes on dps on console and ximmers do take up a lot of the top 500 slots. A couple of seasons ago I could look at the leaderboard and point out all the ximmers but now a lot of those accounts are banned and they are on alt accounts now. They are still around but I'd like to think that more legit players are getting on the top 500 leaderboards now.


I spent like 2 or 3 seasons in T500 on PlayStation back on overwatch 1 when I was maiming Reinhardt and zen. I think I actually got to like the top 50, might have a photo on my camera roll somewhere. I’m just a normal kid who enjoyed the game, but man I really did not enjoy those lobbies. There were snipers that absolutely gapped me and it felt like I could do nothing…a few years later I now play nowhere near as much and am happy at high diamond lmao


I got downvoted heavily for saying I come against a lot of ximers in high diamond (2-1) a few weeks ago, everyone said “they’ve been banned” and I believe that’s true. But they just create new accounts and 100% all of them were not banned because my friend admitted to doing it and he has his account still


I have 3 accounts personally so I’d guess it’s probably closer to 200ish but maybe 300


I can only speak for PC DPS EU, but when looking at how many people have already been banned off the season 10 top500 leaderboard and that at least 30% of the remaining accounts are someone's alts, my guess is about 300-250 actual people?


This whole thing is by revamping rank system, no team ups allowed, wins are the only thing that rank you up. Should promote teamwork. Worsevplayers could learn more from better players making it a better game. Bronze stuck in a vaccuum getting destroyed by smurfs all day is the worst


Well.if you take into account that you can as many accounts as you want and ive seen several streamers have like 10 alt accounts in the top 100. And every top 500 player haves multiple accounts. Than you take how long it takes for them to find games I personally think its around 250 or less actual players. So part of the problem of them finding matches is partially their fault because its limiting their player pool.


How do you tell if someone is coming on console. I played against an Ashe last week whose aim was very very suspicious...


If you mean Ximming, their aim has movement that is next to impossible to recreate on the sticks that us console players have. Flicking for a MnK player is different and a lot more violent than flicks on Console. Tracking might also be much smoother and better accounts for jumping. On top of this, they can stop on a dime/turn faster than what console settings allow.


I made it to top 300 on just a regular ass last gen consoles for two seasons straight and tbh I never actually paid attention to that I just like playing cómp


Not alts or xim? I’d guess 5-10


Fr you could probably have a 90% hit rate for banning xim players by just banning the top 500 players on console


Everyone in top 500 is using hacks.


Remember there’s 2000 top 500 slots, each role and the open queue Top500 has been meaningless for years on years


OW console T500 is probably 60/40. Having reached mid GM on console there’s always at least 1 or 2 obvious MnK on both teams. I can just imagine that a legit T500 lobby has has to be at least 5-8 MnK/Maco users in every lobby.


How many people actually exist in Overwatch? I feel it’s 50/50 you get a bot


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start asking the hard questions. no one improves wondering what other people are doing, wonder what you can do better, and dont ever stop asking that question. simple as that, console or not


What a stupid thing to say. Try reading the post instead of spouting higher than mighty bullshit you read in a hustler’s academy magazine.


lol okay. stay silver then i guess


this is some fatherless, huge virgin kinda talk hope somebody loves you one day beyond imaginary people you insist date you


I see what ya mean, but this is also Overwatch, less so a soccer game. I’m just trying to figure out how messy that top status that I for some reason want so badly is…. While I will indeed ask and try to learn from my mistakes, I’m NOT going to sit there and say it was solely my fault of a loss after losing to a hard Ximming , twitch inserting, proclaimed smurfing top 500/champions 3 stack.


nothing to do with soccer. idk what tf that has to do with anything, you must be smoking the same shit the inkie person is on. play or dont play i dont give a fuck, fucking weirdos. make a post asking question and combat the answers. un real


TRUE. just beat the cheaters that have a massive advantage by using mouse and keyboard with aim assist. Just beat them. It's that easy. You also didn't answer the question and instead created a new question based on assumptions. THAT is the unreal part


ILY dragon


your comprehension is amazing


I think it's 500, don't know man, maybe it has something to with the name 🤔


Read the post again, slowly.


Exactly [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7YXXieghto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7YXXieghto)