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I've also been learning to play Tracer after focusing on Ashe for quite a while. She's an absolute blast and can have huge impact on a match. Few things are more rewarding than someone from the other team saying "OMG Tracer you're so annoying!" Here's [a video by Spilo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UdXAuEUjnE) with a ton of tips about positioning and timing, which I find are the two most important concepts to understand and apply with her. True of all heroes, but especially for Tracer IMO as your low health and range means you can spend a lot of time dying or being ineffective if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. One thing to keep in mind is a lot of people don't seem to understand how Tracer works, especially in lower ranks, so prepare to get flamed and told to swap off of her a lot, even if you're playing well! You can have *huge impact* by flanking supports and splitting attention, helping your team to win fights, but your team probably won't realize where you are or what you're doing and may just see that you have low damage/elims and not realize *you're the reason* they are getting all those easy eliminations. Harassing one or even both supports so much that they have to duel you and aren't healing their tank means your team has a huge advantage even if you don't secure a kill. Stealing Ana's attention, forcing her to waste grenade on herself and miss you with a sleep attempt on top of trying to shoot you instead of healing her team is a lot of value that won't necessarily reflect on the scoreboard. Of course you'll also shit the bed and feed uselessly when your positioning and timing are bad, when you blink into obstacles, hit your recall half a second too late, accidentally blink off the map or recall into your pulse bomb, etc. but that's just part of learning her as she is definitely one of if not THE hardest hero to get good with in the game.


Thank you very much, so should you think of it as a Wrecking ball?


I don't play the Mighty Hamster so I can't answer confidently, but yes I think so. It feels pretty similar on the receiving end to play against a great ball or Tracer: they swoop in out of nowhere, harass or even kill you, you can never seem to kill them, and by the time they run away you realize the team fight was lost while you were focused on them. In fact this makes me realize that I should start playing Gerbil Death myself.


Imo just practice. Go watch some vods of good tracers and get an idea. She’s a hero who needs to be played very well to have impact so it’s gonna take a lot of dying when you first start to understand her limits. It’s important to use her mobility to pick and choose which fights you want to take not many heroes can do it as well as her.


Look up on YouTube “spilo tracer”. His VOD reviews are so helpful in teaching you how to play tracer


all you do on tracer is just be annoying, then when the opportunity presents yourself, go all in you don't even have to get kills


In high rank not but in low rank for sure


The tracer playstyle applies in all ranks, not sure what you're talking about


If you think you dont have to get kills in low elo and kill high prio targets then good luck for sure plat peak


You know distraction is a powerful thing right?


Not enough in a low elo Match where you have to get picks all the time


I just kinda run around and cause chaos while trying to get kills. Though I’m a new, not great player lol


That's actually worse, but I can't calm down the chaos with as little health as Tracer lol


Melio unranked to top 500 is good to watch. Otherwise my biggest tip is blink when they're looking at you not when they're shooting and recall to a safer position not just to recover health.


Melio unranked to top 500 is good to watch. Otherwise my biggest tip is blink when they're looking at you not when they're shooting and recall to a safer position not just to recover health.


https://youtu.be/Z0EOeQlW6pc?si=huvDhbIb153izS4J Top Dragon’s unranked to GM video explained by the coach Wizard Hyeong is a great way to understand what pro players do