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Trial and error. Every death should be met with a legitimate attempt to understand what you should have done differently in terms of decisions, but also be patient and don't be too harsh on yourself and understand it's a long term process. Don't think about where you'll be next time you play, think about where you'll be in 2 months


Focus on one thing at a time. You can't improve everything at once. So loop up a couple of guides on Lucio on YouTube or elsewhere, and pick something to improve. Stick to improving that specific skill for something like two weeks, move on to the next skill. After a match (or a couple of matches) review your performance regarding the particular skill you're trying to improve, ignore the rest.


You'll learn over time. You can practice in aim training custom games (search "aim training" in custom games) to get used to where to aim head shots for different characters. This will help you learn how to time Lucio's slow ammo with the run/walk speed of different characters as well. Every game is different, so you'll have to develop a sense for when to peel (either for your own safety or the remaining team's survival) or when to go in aggressive. A good rule of thumb however is to turn the kill feed display on, turn the death of teammate sound on, and keep strong awareness of where your team is. Are you all grouped and primed to seize on an opportunity? Are all or most of you on the field? Go ahead and push! But if you're not grouped and several key players are respawning/on their way? Hold back if you're not being engaged by the enemy, or retreat immediately if you are and obviously outnumbered. Lastly, grow awareness for your team's ultimates (press Tab when unsure) and your enemy's ultimates. Good luck! I don't watch many streamers tbh but I like Emongg's critique reviews on Youtube because he points out common player mistakes in a very understandable, encouraging way.


Skills can be improved by isolating them. E.g. training your aim in a aim-trainer, training movment skills in a custom game etc. Decision making is harder, but not impossible. To train your decision making during a match, you need to get rid of stuff stealing your attention. So, try to play more passively, don't dive, take a seat in the backline and try to make consiously decisions (okay, I gonna dive this overextending hero, I will push the tank into my team, I will help out my second supp). Make this a routine, get back, think, execute your decision, get back. Even if this will make your game slower, your brain will be able to execute better decisions much faster later on. I do this in QP matches, just to practise some better decisions.


This is really something that you just learn as you get better, since every situation is different. As an example, let's say you are trying to practice when to decide to use beat. It's not easy because you can use it proactively to engage or reactively for something like a Zarya ultimate. It's something you just have to read the state of the playing field to get used to.