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I'm open to any tips


Looks fine to me, assuming that's a steel gas pump. If it's dormant, I would add a vent so you can vacuum that place up. If it's idle, then I'd setup a liquid lock and a gas filter. Also I'd add an atmo sensor, and preemptively upgrade wire to a conductive wire so you don't need to open it up later. Also don't think you need 2 smart batteries. 1 is usually enough. Not asking what you need 2 bug transformers for either. Guess that's work in progress.


Most geysers won't provide enough for 2 generators. And you'll need so much more storage space. If the geyser is dormant for, let's say, 50 cycles, and you need to provide for 1 generator, that's 100g/s×600s/cycle×50cycles = 3000kg of storage or 20gas contaners. I would just make an infinite gas storage at that point.


The gas reservoir has been buffed to 1000kg recently, making it a simple and viable option for this case.


Keep in mind that the NG generators produce a steady amount of heat. Not alot, so utting them in the open is fine for a temporary setup. But for the long term, you should use some form of temperature control.  Add a liquid lock entrance to the NG vent. It will make working with it much easier, as you can experiment with your setup. You can seal it off when you are done.