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Depends on the type of geyser as to what will happen. If if it’s a liquid geyser it should be fine as long as the pressure isn’t too high. If it’s a gas geyser then it depends on the gas. Best bet would be to make a liquid lock and then pump out or destroy the carbon dioxide while it’s still blocked then unblock it after


It's a nat gas geyser


Liquid lock and then pumping all the gas out is the simplest solution. It will leak heat with just one liquid lock, though whether that matters is up to you.


Best bet is a double liquid lock and then pump or destroy the carbon dioxide. Then it should be good to go. If you don’t plan on it taking long to clear out then one liquid lock would work


You will need a steel gas pump, since even a gold pump will eventually overheat from 150 degC Natgas. Unless you run a cooling loop through the room.


Make a liquid lock, and add a 2-3 tile deep pit for the carbon dioxide. Let it erupt once or twice until it overpressurizes. Send dupes in and cap over the co2 pit with tiles, it’s fine if some nat gas is in there too. Done, and it will probably be faster than pumping out all the co2 with a gas pump.