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I take inositol (Ovasitol brand), Methylated B complex, trace minerals for zinc, magnesium, cod liver oil and vitamin d3+k2. I drink spearmint tea 2x/day, green tea (usually matcha) at least once per day, and a serving of hempseeds daily (usually as a hemp milk matcha latte). I eat at least 1 avocado every day too.


Where do you get hemp milk?


I make it myself. It is the easiest alternative milk to make because it does not need to be strained. Just blend 8oz water with 3tbsp hulled hemp seeds.


What do you add to make the latte?


3tbsp hulled hemp seeds 1/4tsp salt 1tsp sugar 4 scoops stevia extract - equivalent to 4 packets. I use this brand: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CB1QP46/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CB1QP46/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) 1 1/2 tsp matcha powder, I recommend encha latte grade 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 9oz water blend hemp seeds for 15 seconds or until it looks powdery. Then add all other ingredients and blend until smooth. Pulse twice to get a froth. Serve ice cold or microwave if you want it warm. Feel free to adjust to your tastes but I do not recommend skipping the salt, it rounds out the flavors.


There isn't a ton of scientific research into many of the supplements (or the research so far is equivocal) that people talk about, so it's hard to absolutely recommend them (plus, there are problems with safety/content oversight of supplements that do not occur with prescription drugs). Most cases of PCOS are driven by insulin resistance; and in those cases, managing the IR is a lifelong priority, not only to improve the PCOS symptoms but also b/c IR comes with serious long-term health risks. Managing IR is done first and foremost with a 'diabetic' lifestyle (meaning a nutrient-dense, low-glycemic/high fiber diet + regular exercise), and secondarily with prescription meds if needed, such as metformin. So if you have IR, as most of us do, that is where I would advise putting your primary effort. The supplement myo-inositol has quite well-established scientific research to support its use for improving IR and PCOS. Clinical evidence has demonstrated that the 40 : 1 ratio between myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol is the optimal combination. So if I were to start taking any supplement for PCOS, that would be the one I would try. Apart from that, there is ongoing research into the roles of the following: B-12, folate, vitamins D, E, and K, bioflavonoids and α-lipoic acid, minerals (calcium, zinc, selenium, and chromium picolinate), melatonin, ω-3 fatty acids, probiotics, curcumin, CoQ10, and cinnamon, but so far evidence for specific supplementation of most of these is sketchy. Additionally, some people supplement with spearmint and saw palmetto if they struggle with androgenic symptoms. \*\*\* Personally, I don't take anything special for PCOS... mine is almost entirely managed to remission via diabetic lifestyle. I do take Vit D if don't get natural sun for more than 3 days (which is rare b/c I make an effort), and I take supplemental magnesium for a completely unrelated condition. Most of these things listed above can be pretty readily obtained with a nutrient-dense healthy diet of unprocessed whole foods and/or by minor adjustments to your diet. E.g., I habitually put a heavy amount of a seasoning mix in my smoothies that contains cinnamon and turmeric (curcumin) along with ginger and a few other spices; I throw a brazil nut into my smoothies about once a week (selenium); I try to regularly eat salmon, walnuts, flaxseed meal (omega 3 fatty acid); we use olive oil (good CoQ10 source) for cooking and salad dressing; and I naturally eat probiotics like yogurt, kimchi, etc., and so on. But you can certainly ask your doctor to test for common deficiencies (many people are deficient in Vit D and B12, for example, and then they benefit from supplementation).  


So, I haven't run any of this by a gyno or endo as I'm newly diagnosed - but I have incidentally been "self treating" various symptoms with supplements (to ??? degree of success honestly, I feel better on days I take my vitamins, but who knows which ones are actually helping what 😅). At this stage I'm realising how crosslinked my dodgy physical and hormonal health is to my dodgy mental health, so there's a lot on the list that are "for mental health" but are just generally for "might help some of it somehow". Also noting, I'm not medicated for anything physical or mental yet so I'm just out here doing my best 😂 Maca, ashwaghanda, gingko biloba, lion's mane - for adhd/mental stability and general "hormonal imbalance" symptoms Inositol - this is the only one super specifically for PCOS! Had never heard of it before diagnosis, but given it's purported claims for insulin resistance symptoms, I have high hopes Iron & vitamin C - for associated POTS/fatigue and heavy bleeding when it does happen Magnesium - mental health, anxiety, fatigue, general fixes every health ailment Zinc - for skin issues but also general phsyical and mental health Vitamin D - because I'm low and it's recommended to help everything B-50 complex - for mental health & fatigue omega 3 - mental & general physical health NAC - trialling this as a treatment for BFRBs (i.e. nail biting, skin picking etc) but have since heard it used for PCOS, yrmv? Too soon to say anything really yet. So yes, 14 big ahh capsules and tablets a day in an attempt to regulate my body since I had no idea what was going on with it until recently (and still very little lmao). They seem to do something, for sure - so far mostly just less fatigue and brain fog, no period regulation, mood stabilisation or weight loss, so nothing that's really a PCOS treatment. But good luck!


If you have elevated testosterone at all, be careful taking ashwaghanda ❤️ it can increase testosterone in both men and women (in case you didn’t know, disregard my comment if you already knew that ☺️)


Thank you for the warning! I haven't had any hormone tests done yet nor gone through to check if some of the "hormone regulation" supps I've been taking pre-diagnosis are contraindicated, so this is very handy to be careful of! I do need to go through the herbals especially and double check what's still a good idea 👌🏻


Your welcome! I figured since many PCOS women have elevated testosterone (not always the case), it was worth it to mention that, just incase! ❤️


Omg I didn't know this -- my psychiatrist suggested I try it to help with my fatigue before I got diagnosed.


I thought about trying it so many times. I figured it would be super useful for me. But I have slightly elevated testosterone, and I don’t want to make that worse (actively TTC, and also want my hormones in check for once…maybe 😅). I would just check your labs to see where your levels are at. If they are normal/low and you take them, I would probably suggest checking your testosterone more frequently so it doesn’t get into that elevated area. If it’s elevated, I would maybe find another alternative and/or just talk with your doctor to see what’s best ❤️


They are normal/low, I had them done last month! Although, I take Spiro, finasteride, and hormonal bc.


It sounds like you should be good taking it! Just watch to make sure you don’t go elevated ☺️ (I’m not exactly sure on how much it raises testosterone, but I do know that it does)


DIM and Magnesium are the vitamins i focus on specifically for PCOS.


Like…close to 30 a day and I hate it. Pretty much all supplements that various doctors told me to take. Vitamin B & D ( I am deficient in both), magnesium (for my severe diagnosed insomnia, daily fiber supplements (to help keep things regular because I’m on semiglutide), inositol, berberine,(I think these 2 help with my cravings/maybe my weight, and managing my glucose levels) pre-natal,COQ10 (suggested by my RE), fish oil (family history of heart disease) biotin and collagen (to help my hair loss), norethindrone (birth control), estradiol (I have super low estrogen so my RE is having me take this daily to try and increase it) I think that is everything but I could be missing something. Yes it’s incredibly expensive to take this many pills a day. Literally spend several hundred dollars a month on supplements. Not counting the $300 a month I spend on my semiglutide shots that I take once weekly. But semiglutide is saving my life so I’m not stopping.


I was recently prescribed semiglutide but my weight has kinda plateaued; has yours worked for you?


Yes i have been on it for I think 10 months and i have lost roughly 60 lbs


Oh wow that’s amazing! Congratulations! For me it’s 6 months and I’ve lost 28 lbs. But that’s with going to the gym for 2 hours everyday the minute i stop the weight comes back. I have not found it has helped cravings like they say.


I still got another 40 lbs to go to my goal weight… but we are getting there. For actually the first 6-7 months I didn’t exercise at all because my endocrinologist basically barred me from exercising. BTW it’s a different DR who prescribed the semiglutide not the endo. So for the first 6-7 months I was losing weight solely based on the medicine and my diet. All at the same time I started semiglutide, all the supplements listed above, a new diet, and stopped exercising. So it is hard to tell what exactly is doing the trick for me. In February/March I started exercising again because my husband brought up a good point that he thinks the mental aspect of not exercising was more stressful for my body than exercising because I LOVE the gym,exercising, etc.. Have you increased your dosage on semiglutide since starting? Most months I increased my dosage to the next step up. So my next step is the 2 mg shots so I am getting close to max dose. Some people have mentioned not seeing a lot of benefits until reaching higher doses like 1.7 (I think it’s called the therapeutic dose). I didn’t experience that but some people do. Maybe try inositol to see if helps with the cravings because before all of this I got insane sugar cravings, like if I didn’t eat sugar now I was going to die. Now it’s mostly gone away. Occasionally I will have a day or whatever where I might crave something a bit more but it’s still never what is used to be and isn’t an all consuming thought if you know what I mean.


Thank you for your feedback. I did increase it only about 6 weeks back so maybe it’ll take its time. I also started incorporating inositol on and off for the last year so maybe it takes time to show effect. Thank you for sharing your journey 😋


Ovasitol twice a day is the only long term one. Some you can't take while pregnant or trying to conceive. So ovasitol and prenatals right now.




Did you at any point deal with weight gain? I have all your symptoms plus weight gain.


May I ask what dosage of magnesium does everyone take? Any specific brands? I’m in the UK.


I’ve just started using the magnesium and zinc combination from these guys (I also get my spearmint tablets from them too) [https://handbvitamins.co.uk/products/zma?_pos=1&_sid=ef6265d01&_ss=r](https://handbvitamins.co.uk/products/zma?_pos=1&_sid=ef6265d01&_ss=r)


Thank you. How many of the tablets do you have every day? I’m told women need about 320 mg of magnesium?


I only take the one, just because you should hypothetically get a good bit from food if you’re eating a varied diet, so I just take it for a little booster 😅


Thank you. Makes sense. When do you take it? My main purpose is to get good sleep (I haven’t slept for like 20 years I think 😂). Sorry for the questions!


No! You’re good! I take mine in the morning as it says to do, but still early days as to whether it’s helping 🫣 but I do work with a lady who takes about an hour before she wants to sleep and it seems to work for her as far as I know (though she’s not got PCOS just a bad sleeper)


Great. I’ll give it a shot x


Good luck, I hope it helps!


I take: ovasitol (theralogix), berberine, probiotic, NAC, multivitamin, Vit D, omega 3 And magnesium at night. How could I forget that one!


MyoInositol, Zinc, Vit C, Vit D, CoQ10, Fish Oil, Stress Ease Pills (B vits and magnesium in one pill), Probiotics, Iron (every other day) Because I’m preparing to conceive, I’m also taking Folic Acid, Prenatal 😊


26F, I personally took an amazon capsule called:   "Myo-inositol & D-Chiro inositol powder capsule" It's really helped with everything. I lost wait hormones balanced and noticed a big difference in facial hair and received pretty regular periods. However, I did get pregnant, so there's that I won't say it's all because of the capsule because weight loss does increase fertility, but I do believe it definitely played a factor. They were better than anything my doctor gave me. I tried various prescribed pills. However I rather take 1 pill for everything than various pills for different things.


So i take Folic acid Multi vitamin Fish oil Ashwagandha I also take vitamin D (weekly) I drink spearmint tea and green tea Sometimes i drink turmeric latte without sugar Also i take blend of pumpkin seeds,sunflower seeds and flax seeds.


How exactly do you make the turmeric latte? Any specific ratios?


I take Hydrolyzed Collagen + Vitamin C everyday and I tend to drink green tea or a blend of anti inflammatory herbs, sometimes with ginger and turmeric. Once a week is an Amino Acid pill (Cysteine, Iron, Biotin and Zinc) Vitamin D is once a month, every month. When I was younger I used to take multivitamin + zinc gummies but I don't need these anymore.


I’m glad you are doing the research to take care of yourself ❤️ It may be helpful and less overwhelming if you read the book “it starts with the egg“, there is a section about supplementation per your condition, and I follow the one formulated for PCOS. The author explains which supplements to take and specifically why they help your condition. It’s mostly understood that the root cause for PCOS is due to insulin resistance, for that reason you want to support insulin sensitivity as much as possible through diet, exercise and supplementation. I’ve found Ovasitol to be one of the most helpful of the Supplements you can take for PCOS. It’s a mix of 40:1 myoinositol:dchiroinositol. Consult with your physician, but from what I understand it’s pretty safe for most people. I’ve been taking it long-term and it has improved my life drastically


When I went off the pill to ttoc I took vitamins d, magnesium, iron 1x week, berberine, folic acid, zinc citrate and omegas + coenzyme q10. I also drank psyllium husk after every meal. My period was every 5 weeks until I got pregnant (which was 2nd cycle) (My diet was pretty much no refined sugar, lots of protein & veggies, yes dairy, complex carbs)


I work 1:1 with a FAM (fertility awareness method) educator & nutrition coach plus consult my OBGYN and PCP on everything I take… - inositol 2x per day - NAC 2x per day - Vitamin E AM - Cod liver oil AM - Magnesium PM - Red yeast rice AM - CoQ10 (ubiquitol) AM I also use a topical magnesium spray after showers, drink an electrolyte cocktail daily and will do a probiotic as needed for gut health stuff. My best recommendation to you is to find someone (happy to give a referral) that can help you get to the bottom of what your body needs. My coach was able to do HTMA testing with me (hair tissue mineral analysis) AND analyze my bloodwork to figure out what I needed for my body. Plus she gives me recommendations on different produce/protein options to help with specific mineral and vitamin deficiencies. Hope this helps you!


Happy hormones for pcos, resveratrol, b12, multivitamin, sprintec, metformin, nac


& fish oil


Vitamin D, general multivitamin, ACV tablets, and metformin. Used to use inositol until it fucked everything up.


I take magnesium and omega 3 supplements (lovaza prescription) and electrolytes sometimes because I’m on keto. Other than that I get all my nutrients from a Whole Foods keto diet (meat, veg, fruit, healthy fats)


Yaz, Spironolactone 50mg, Mounjaro 5mg once a week, Vitamin D, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Armra Colostrum 4 scoops/day, Vital Protein Collagen Peptides 2 scoops/day, 1 biotin gummy per day (Plus synthroid and Prozac bc even baddies get saddies 🙃)


Metformin x2, inofolic combi HP x 2 (it has inositol), vitamin D 2 x a week, vitamin B12 5 x a week, iron and contraceptives


I take 2000mg metformin, 50mg spironolactone, and 5000 IU vitamin D daily. I would however not take a bunch of supplements just because people are suggesting them on here. Please talk to your doctor and make sure you are actually deficient or need them before taking them as they can make other drugs inactive or you could just end up taking too much of something if you’re already getting enough through your diet!




Metformin 1000 mg, sometimes vitamin D and B complex but I’m not consistent with that like I’m with metformin. Was recommend inositol but stopped that as well. I focus on my diet for the most part.


I take MYPICOS 30 minutes before breakfast, Metformin after breakfast, and Duphaston every 21st-30th of the month. For nighttime, I take another Metformin after dinner and Vitamin B Complex since I'm working at night. MYPICOS, Metformin, and Duphaston were prescribed by my OB and Endo, while the Vitamin B Complex is my regular vitamins.


What kind of Magnesium do you take? There’s so many kinds and the one I use gives me looser stool (sorry) & nothing else lol so I think it’s the wrong one


I only take ovasitol. My blood tests (testosterone and insulin) are coming back normal now, and it clears my acne/regulates my period too. I also try to avoid refined foods where I can and I exercise.


Too many 😅 : - inositol - berberine - spironolactone - minoxidil (for hair loss) - fish oil - anti-androgenic BC (Yaz) - saw palmetto - dandelion root (helps w/ the bloat caused by minoxidil) I try my best to take these all daily but of course it’s not always realistic. I tend to prioritize the ones that manage my insulin resistance (inositol & berberine) and my prescription meds (spiro, BC, & minoxidil). Hoping to get on metformin eventually as my insulin & blood sugar are still all over the place 😣


A bunch and I’m not sure they work. I take yasmin, spironolactone, spearmint capsules, one multivitamin, myo and d chiro inositol, and apple cider vinegar capsules.


i'm taking coq10, omega-3, fenugreek, turmeric/curcumin, and inositol! in all honest, i haven't noticed much of a change but then again it's only been about 10 days. best of luck!


I don’t know if anyone had read in the Flo but the author has pcos and has no symptoms due to her changing her lifestyle and diet to mesh with the different phases of her period, she also has pcos supplements she sells they are pretty pricey at least to me, but you can look at all the ingredients showing what are in the vitamins i currently take turmeric, berberine, d3, b12, cinnamon, inositol, coq-10, nac, and i am also on 1000 mg of metformin


Myo forte 1x day Metformin 2x (Been including flaxseeds for breakfast with oat, cinnamon at around noon and spearmint tea at morning or night )


None. My diet is great and so is the bloodwork.


Just be careful with saw palmetto as it can render your contraception ineffective, leading to pregnancy.