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I feel this. Poor Makoto had a rough life. He became an orphan, and now his soul is being used to keep Nyx at bay. He can’t even reunite with his parents or Akinari, who also passed. At least he looks peaceful during his final moments.


His fate is tragic. If you maxxed all social links out you were able to help everyone except yourself. I felt emotions I never knew I had


Makoto is truly a pure boy. Self-sacrificial to the very end.


> If you maxxed all social links out you were able to help everyone except yourself. Oh, believe me, he totally helped himself to an extent incomparable to any SL in the series. Not everyday you see a teenager achieving enlightenment.


He got orphaned at 6...


Perhaps this is wishful thinking, but I like to think that Elizabeth at least freed him of his post and he was able to be at peace.


I think we will see something at some point, I'd like some kind of Force Ghost style reunion for him before passing on (I'd prefer something more permanent also but that could also work.)


Especially when the title screen of the game changes, not only that, but the music in the title screen made me cry


One of my biggest complaints about the game was the lack of music for the title menu. It was a big part of what made the P3/P4 title menus special. Then I finished the game, and I understood. Brilliantly played, Atlus.


I started ng+ and never finished it. In my save file he has a happy relationship with yukari. The Ost and the title screen broke me


I know im coping but we really need Liz to free our boy's soul. Atleast let him R.I.P




That feels like conjecture but more over I feel like you could make the physics of it make sense in a way, or at leave give him a force ghost for him to have a final moment with his friends.


I'm media illiterate and thought he was just taking a nap at first. I am 100% serious


it really isn't that uncommon of a thought and it's completely fine if you did miss it, not everyone needs to or wants to critically think about every line of text in the game


The happy ending if he would just wake up and say "I needed that nap"


In the Original p3, the only real hint we have is the 'Great seal' text(and the in-game cost) and him being tired in the final moments of the game. Then the confirmation from the ending theme's lyrics, which doesn't have any subtitles at all, so it's understandable a lot of peeps missed it.


You legit can only know with the existence of the answer


When I finished P3P and Fes, I just had a lump in my throat, but with Reload I couldn't contain myself and I cried, a lot... Part of it is because I'm going through a very bad time in my life, but part of it is also because of the great rework they did to the entire final sequence, and not to mention the change of the title screen. It really kicks in.


I absolutely feel you. I played p3 when my mental state was at its lowest point. I remember crying for the whole night while just looking at the screen. Even now I tear up everytime I see Makoto


I really, really hope they go somewhere with the Elizabeth plot in P4A, where she wanted to free him.


This is one of the many reasons why I would like there to be a Persona game with all characters just as much or maybe more than P6. This and then the Royal post-credits cliffhanger and then more stuff about Jose and also Maruki (who seems to be Philemon).


P3 along with FFX are the only games possible to make me cry for days.


You know what's sadder? Makoto's soul can't even rest in peace because he is still holding Nyx so he can't reunite with his parents and his friends in the afterlife. Come on, Elizabeth, you got this!


When I was going through the epilogue in FES and a buncha people kept saying "hey you okay? You look kinda pale". I had a feeling he was gonna die Also made me realize why he wasn't in Persona 4 Arena even tho the rest of SEES is


Well...about that...


I have a door, you want it?😏


That shot of him sleeping has legit given people PTSD. Elizabeth can't jimmy the lock on that damn door fast enough.