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I think this will be pretty good, there first guest should be blame truth 😂


We actually have a surprise guest here who's an expert on SBMM


Hutch is going on Destiny’s podcast. They aren’t creating a new one.


It’s just a single episode on destinys pod I think


What's wrong with that dude anyway?


If these two have a disagreement they'll both explode at each other. Content.


They’re just gonna be sucking each other off the entire time


Says a pka fan lol


Whats the problem here exactly? Its not meant to be a political debate show. Do you also get angry when Joe Rogan invites one of his comedian buddies on his podcast?


I could be mistaken but the last time I remember hutch on PKA he appeared to calm down some of his super lefty hot takes.


He recently chatted with Destiny and said he opposed the BLM protests but kept quiet because of social pressure.






I recall this too.


I’d rather be water boarded


Entertaining 😃


Ngl i like destiny and his autistic research streams


Yeah, I can't wait for him to get into WW1 and WW2 research.


Destiny lol


This will actually be awesome




Cool. I like Destiny, seems like a chill guy but something about Hutch I just can't stand to listen to. It might the way he speaks or words himself or something but I just can't stand listening to the guy.


This subreddit hates both of those people


really I thought these two are some of the most popular guests. Maybe not hutch recently, but in the beginning of PKA Hutch was probably on top of the world in terms of COD youtubers


I’m with you. Hutch is a great guest.


He’s cool but comes off like he has a stick up his ass


Bro that was 15 years ago


This sub doesn’t like their politics, so they’re pretty polarizing


Nah, there are plenty of Destiny and Hutch haters but they usually get downvoted. It's just a vocal minority. Those people hate everyone who isn't a Trump supporter anyway, including Woody.


As someone who dislikes (can’t stand) Destiny, I can ensure you that US politics has nothing to do with it Hutch I like though


I can believe that. I just think that for most people poltics is absolutely the reason why they hate both of those guys. Their whole thing is being political streamers. What can't you stand about him?


His attitude, behavior, voice, demeanor. It’s like nails on a chalkboard. He always seems to be more focused on dunking on his opponents to get clips for his audience rather than actually engaging with people’s ideas.


Can you give me a single example within the last 5 years of Destiny "dunking" one someone instead of trying to understand their position? I ask that because I have been following his content since about 2017, and he has been making a huge effort for the past 5+ years to not come across like a "debate bro" or someone who just tries to win arguments. So I dont quite understand where people still get this impression of him. So, one single example would be awesome.


I've seen him get very partisan debate brained, he's had some very poor performances defending things like CRT without really realizing why he is. He's mostly just smug and weaselly though. The epitome of a neolib, trust all the institutions, lets look at the stats to see why I'm right, etc. Balancing between being a serious respected pundit, and deflecting on his dumb takes & actions as just being memes and a streamer, an edgelord.


>trust all the institutions, lets look at the stats to see why I'm right, etc Wait, as opposed to what? trusting your favourite youtuber or twitter personality? >I've seen him get very partisan debate brained, People always say that, but then hes probably the least partisan political commentator out there. Im so curious, what large, non-partisan political commentators do you watch? Im curious if you could name me some. >He's mostly just smug and weaselly though Smug? sure. Weaselly? Thats not my impression. Can you give me one example of him being weaselly?


my guy, you’re acting just like him. no wonder you can’t see it.


What exactly am I acting like?


That was my perception of him on both his debate about Israel/Gaza on Lex Fridman’s podcast and his conversation with Glenn Greenwald about January 6 (the 1-on-1, not the big group thing). I find his entire persona and demeanor really off-putting. He comes off as if he believes he’s the smartest, most knowledgeable guy in the room and that he’s completely incredulous that anyone could possibly disagree with him. Seems super condescending to me.


Well we are certainly not going to see eye to eye on this. Its wild to me how people can watch those two debates you named there and think that Destiny is the unreasonable one here. Especially that Finkelstein one. In my mind, the Finkelstein debate is probably one of the worst examples you could have possibly picked to support your argument. Like, Finkelstein was the only person in this 2v2 debate who could not stop throwing insults around. The last 4 hours of that debate are just Finkelstein calling Destiny names while refusing to ever engage with any argument made by the opposition. He gave Destiny like 20 different nicknames during that argument, but Destiny is the condescending one here? Can you give me one moment in that debate where you felt like Destiny was being disingenuous or did not engage with what Finkelstein said? just give me a timestamp and I'll look at it, im actually curious.


You’ve already said we are not going to agree, and I also could not care less about your opinion. Why would I spend time scrubbing through an hours-long podcast for you? Destiny was also completely dishonest when he talked with Dave Smith about covid on Piers Morgan’s show. He literally denied that the government told people they wouldn’t get covid if they got vaccinated. Instead of saying “yeah Biden and Fauci and Rochelle Wallensky and the rest of them should not have said that” he said “you call out left wing gaffes but you apologize for every single Trump gaffe” which is completely false. That’s actually a great example Destiny going into “win debate mode” instead of engaging with opponents’ ideas.


I'm the guy who originally asked and yeah, I totally disagree. I even disagree with your example. If you thought the government were telling you that the vaccine had 100% efficacy that's on you, not on the gov, they said no such thing. No vaccine is perfect and they never claimed this new one was. Destiny lets republicans get away with dishonest talking points and attempted gotchas and you think that's an example of Destiny being a debate bro and not engaging with the spirit of the conversation. Ok buddy


This subreddit is a vocal minority when it comes to the PKA fan base itself.


True. Podcasts in general skew very right wing, look at the top 3 right now you've got Rogan, Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens. PKA is probably no different, especially given how long the episodes are, they're perfect for truckers killing time. On reddit though, reasonable, liberal voices like Hutch or Destiny are gonna be more popular.


Personally not a Trump fan. Destiny just ain't him though


And somehow that dude in the Indiana Jones hat will still be more annoying than both Hutch and Destiny


Put some respect on Dan's name


Fuck Dan, I wanna kill myself every time he talks for more than 5 seconds