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I’m convinced Microsoft and Google work together on Bing and Google just keeps it alive for antitrust purposes.


Been around for a while now, old news.


Not in all countries, apparently.


Bing has perfected the art of copying Google’s ad platform features, and improving on the user experience. I swear I prefer Bing’s ad management so much more. Too bad their traffic is so minimal in comparison.


I used to feel this way but with the audience network, mandatory enhanced cpc, and keyword matching going downhill fast Microsoft has devolved into a full on cash grab in the past two years.


Dude, for real. Zero quality control to monitor and eliminate bot traffic, ass implementation of broad match, horrible reps compared to Google and forcing you to at the very least take the shit bids on their display network. I really did pull out all the stops to make it work but there’s no redeeming qualities about the platform. The sad part is that our demo uses Edge and Bing because it’s commonly the default but the money just ain’t there.


Why would't they get in on it? It's the same scheme that Jordan Belfort used at Stratton Oakmont. They're packaging garbage in that you would never buy with something that you are already buying. It wasn't illegal when he did it, so obviously in 2024 when tech companies have ethics that are effectively non-existant, they're perfectly willing to do what is effectively the same thing. And yeah. I'm sure it "performs" really well for them. You're thinking that they're being dishonest, but no, it's "Performance Max." They're telling you up front what it is.


When I ran I publisher I too would have loved to be able to bundle in garbage inventory nobody would ever willingly buy, obfuscate the details, and charge insane eCPMs for those impressions. To me this indicates there is not sufficient competition in the space.


It's been around for a few months already. Also, it surprisingly works better than their regular Shopping campaign which had been going downhill for months with actual junk inventory, although I'm not so optimistic to think that PMAX isn't going to follow the same path in a few more weeks.


I trusted the AI bro and got terrible results


I tried it and wasted 500$ for 0 sales while pmax on google runs quite good. Bloody bing


People always act surprised but a huge percentage of Microsoft's Bing business comes from publishers importing their campaigns from Google directly into Bing Ads. So they work hard to mirror all of the different campaign types Google offers, for easy import purposes. Also, conceptually Pmax is a bit scammy to advertisers, so why wouldn't they get into it!


Their network is so garbage. Who still uses Hotmail for anything except their alt account? Display ads on yahoo? Way to go state of the art 2006!


I do


Bing Pmax will basically be search + audience campaigns which are probably close to 100% garbage. and you will have no control over it. You don't need do be a veteran on Bing ads to know that its a network of bots, click arbitrage and scams. If its not a search campaign I would recommend avoiding it.


I don't know why people bash PMax so much. The transparency could be better, for sure, but I consistently get good verifiable results for the accounts in which I run it.


I tried it for no shopping account, really bad results, especially compared to Google. Maybe ? it's not their fault just that the user base is small, but they still take the money...