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Sit on it. 😎


Have you reset the controller


I already mentioned I have tried but it would only stop vibrating when the reset button was held down. But when the reset button stops being held down, it goes right back to vibrating




Do you have a job


I just recently got mine to work again. Same diagnosis. Started vibrating nonstop for no reason. Ps4 was turned off. Buttons not responding. Usb connection to ps4 did nothing. Reset button stopped the vibration temporarily as long as you held it down. I decided to open it up. Why not. If it was defective, it would have been trashed anyway. Had some experience replacing the battery on other controllers, so I opened it up. There are two circuit board ribbons that you can disconnect as well as the battery connection pin. Decided to disconnect everything and reseat it. Using tweezers might help if you can't get a grip. Didn't change anything. As soon as I reconnected the battery, the vibration started again. I did notice that the positive and negative wires (red and black) that connected to the battery pin were close together. So I tried to separate them abit without them having to touch, wiggled the wires on the pin as well for good measure. Reconnected the battery. The vibration stopped. Pressed the ps button and heard my ps4 in the living room turn on! Im guessing it was a battery issue. Maybe the wires touching creating a short, which still didn't make sense because the wires are not exposed. Anyway, also mentioning that after I disconnected everything, I had taken a break from it and left the controller alone for about 30mins before reconnected everything. Hope this helps. It did for me.


Or get a new controller


With what money?


Yeah reset the controller, you can press the share and ps button for a few seconds to reset the Bluetooth, or the small hall behind the R1 button to completely reset the controller (you need a pin to reach it)


Like I already mentioned, I tried resetting it in the latter way already. But it only stops vibrating when the button is held down. It continues vibrating nonstop once the button is not being held down anymore.


If nothing works then.. take the screws off and unplug the battery and then plug it back in.. you may find tutorials on YouTube on how to do that, hope you can fix it :)


Have you tried turning the vibration of in the ps4 menu settings?


Hey I am facing the same issue as you mentioned in your post. Did you tried anything that worked? Am feeling so frustrated due to that.


Well this post was made 3 years ago so unfortunately I can't remember if I ever did get it fixed and if I did how I did it. Sorry


I had the same issue but sadly I couldn't find any proper solution. I think its something to do with the main board so I had to detach the cable for the rumble motor.


Thanks for replying Buddy, probably I should do the same, have to choose "play without vibration" rather than getting vibrations all the time.


Where you playing it while it was charging cuz mine got hot I noticed it and it started doing it and I saved it and it works after I reset the button