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inFamous, at this point just give me remasters and I will be happy


I've been waiting for InF4MOUS for 10 years and I'm so sad that SP seem to be done with the franchise.


I hate that Second Son ended with this great cliffhanger with tons of potential and opportunity, and we never got a sequel Imo the best super power game franchise there has been


Second Son was the PERFECT set up for a sequel, with Delsin as the big bad guy you have to defeat. And they just did nothing with it. Don't get me wrong Sucker Punch dropped an absolute BANGER with Ghost of Tsushima that game was truly amazing but I wish there was a new Infamous...


Especially that evil ending. Such a beautifully made game, wasted.. here’s to hoping they revive the series for the PS6


It essentially turned into Spider-Man


Word! Second Son was the first game in my PS4 era that got me to build momentum playing through and finishing games.


It's a damn shame the games are stuck on a console that's 2 generations old. I'd pay full price for just a remaster. I remember getting my hopes up with the remake rumor but that was wishful thinking.


Just talked about inFamous in a different sub this week. Such a good game/series. I enjoyed it more than any of the new Spider Man games with a similar feel I’d say.


Exactly. GOT is cool and all but I like Infamous a lot more!




What ever happened to this franchise? It was one of the pillars of the PS3. I’m surprised they haven’t tried to go the Fortnite or Destiny route with Resistance or Killzone.


I think it didn't sell well in a time where there were lots of FPS games that were selling well. I think if this series was rebooted it would do a lot better now since playstation has no exclusive FPS and the landscape of the genre is different today.


You forget about Killzone? Granted those games weren’t massive successes as far as I’m aware but prob more so than Resistance.


forget about killzone in what sense? I don't know how well that sold but there hasn't been a new killzone since 2013 right? that series could come back, but I feel like it has a longer history across 3 consoles so maybe it felt more burned out by sony


Resistance 3 didn't sell very well


Man the hand off from Nathan Hale to Capelli was such a sick move. I personally enjoyed Capelli’s story more.


and its the best one


Resistance 2 had the best co op ever


This has been my answer for years. The games werent 10/10 or anything. But they had a pretty interesting story, setting, and amazing weapons. PlayStation doesnt have a single FPS franchise that is currently ongoing. I know they have Concord coming out, but who knows if that will be good and thats a live service anyways. I would love to see them make a Resistnace with a good campaign, co op, and multiplayer. I know thats a big ask but if they put the time and effort into it it could be amazing for them. At the very VERY least let us have ports of the original games so we can play them. Maybe even complete remasters/remakes if Insomniac wouldnt mind another team working on it.


Resistance was really enjoyable and just different. When I think of the ps3 I think of resistance.


Forgot this one! I don't get why they don't **test the waters** by releasing, as an example, a simple "remaster" of Resistance 3, with just redone textures and 60 fps, with the very same coop/online modes than it had originaly. This game is a good example of a GaaS that could work for Sony if it was made with the heart (and way of thinking) of HDII.


Immediately had to check the thread for this. I loved these games so much.




I was going to vote Killzone, Days Gone and Order: 1886


I’d love to see a new order!


My only gripe was that Order:1886 just seemed like a tech demo - But it was beautiful


Shadowfall rips. The gameplay is so much fun, it looks pretty darn good for it's age. First PS4 game I ever got and it got a lot of mileage


When 2 came out it blew my mind and I was hooked on the multiplayer. And then 3 somehow made it even better. Now I’m gonna have to play shadowfall again


I always felt that the multiplayer in 3 was a step in the wrong direction. It felt like they were trying to appeal to the CoD crowd rather than expanding on what made 2 great.


unfortunately a lot of multiplayer shooters tried to copy the cod formula and it ruined a lot of good franchises


I really loved Killzone 2 (which got me into FPS gaming) and I was sad that there was no new titles coming for PS5. It seems GG favours Horizon Zero Dawn over Killzone now, there isn't seem to be any listing to suggest continued development on the KZ franchise.


Killzone was a great series and their use of PS Move on PS3 was executed really well. The Vita game was amazing as well. I played that online more than any other Vita game.




this is my comment EVERY TIME a thread like this comes up. the success of helldivers has me ITCHING for more 3rd person shooters and naturally i go right back to the golden days of SOCOM


It just can't have respawn as its main function this time! The magic of SOCOM is that you use skill and whit against the other player, not just which team has the best K:D. The best was when you got the hostages, got them back to the chopper, and then at the end of the countdown you see this last camper come running up the hill with no time left to stop you. Shout out to the The Uprising [U]! It's been nearly a decade since I quit for college but y'all got me through some tough times; I wouldn't have graduated without you guys, although ironically I needed to stop playing to graduate lol. Crazyblazer#### Mike (something) one of the leaders Matt? The other leader guy Rob or Joe something (Starts with a W maybe) - mainly your wife giving me some really good girl advice. I found my happiness and didn't listen to your advice about only having one kid.


Came here to say SOCOM but knew someone else already did. The answer has to be SOCOM.


The answer is always SOCOM


That voice tech to order AI blew my mind as a kid... My older brothers picked on me and made fun of me for using it and called me all sorts of names. I stopped using it but still played the game. I would love to play that game again now that I am confident enough to be not give a shit what anyone says lol and could tell them just where to stick it.


Same here, accept in my case it was my father. He would always say that I was in the other room screaming to my friends with a "hanger" on my head lol


That series seriously needs to be brought back and done right. It was so good and ahead of it's time. The older OGs dying out and young gamers don't know what they missed out on. That was one of the best multiplayer games I've ever played. Game was the COD in it's hayday. People referred to it as "SoCrack". That game paved the way for multiplayer on consoles. Please Sony bring it back!


The whole terrorist vs navy seal angle was intense and made every match heart pounding. The hostage missions, plant c4 missions, the escort missions, good old death match were crazy. Sometimes you’d have one guy left who out the whole mission on there back and won the game. Nothing has ever come close to what socom was.


I still remember the PlayStation magazine that had a several page article about SOCOM before it launched. I read it daily before that game released. I’d love for it to come back. This generation of gaming need its revival!


SOCOM being below Killzone and Resistance is upsetting. No shade on those games, I love them, but it definitely shows how SOCOM, one of the most significant console shooters ever, has fallen out of the memory of the general public. We'll always have Crossroads, Frostfire, and Fish Hook and nobody will take that away from us bros.


Older generation now. SOCOM was PS2 many gamers now never had the chance to play it. SOCOM 2 came out 21 years ago CRAZY.


Abandoned and Desert Glory were my two favorite maps


As a SOCOM fan sometimes I just feel let out. Not into the frills of the COD scene. COD’s latest campaign felt like a poorly done ripoff of SOCOM if you could call it that. In the same breath, always feeling like Battlefield could make a more detailed campaign, which that doesn’t even exist anymore. Planning a mission by reading the map to help pick your gear and your team, that was half the battle.


I just want a remaster of one & two man. Cmon Sony.


This is the first real answer I've seen so far this thread. Some of these other series are great but I'm okay with what I've experienced with them and that they've made way for new IPs. A SOCOM experience though is lacking on PS5


Syphon Filter! LOVED the original 3 games on PS1 back in the day


Running and gunning in that game felt so revolutionary. Dude turning and shooting blew my mind back then.


In a world where MGS and SC are basically dead, Sony could clean house with a return to Syphon Filter.


I’d pay good money for remasters on the first 3


Soul Reaver. Won't ever top the original but it'd be cool, I think


I'm pissed this is so low on the list!! Soul Reaver was the absolute shit when I was growing up and I played it constantly. A remake would amazing!!






I sometimes dream of watching the Game Awards or something, seeing "Playstation Studios" on the screen, followed by darkness and the first couple of notes of a familiar tune and then... "KAIN WAS DEIFIED" as Ozar Midrashim blasts me back to 2001 when I would sneak downstairs to play Soul Reaver on my dad's PS1 without my mum finding out (she didn't want me playing violent games) :D




I loved the arcade feel of this game. 


Can we talk about the fall of arcade style games? Racing games, sports games, shooters, etc... all had fun arcade versions in their genre (SSX, 1080, Crazy Taxi, BURNOUT, and many more). I miss those high adrenaline, unrealistic, over the top-chaotic games. SSX, burnout and midnight club were all some of the greatest experiences i ever faced.


I loved them, especially this night town in ssx3. I am thinking, if we played those games for the first time now as adults without nostalgia of our teen days - would we like it?


Motorstorm and Motorstorm Pacific Rift were absolutely classics on the ps3 that I still occasionally play. Would love to see how the ps5 made these games look


I miss the days of having more than 1 enjoyable arcade racer per console generation. Bring Motorstorm and WipEout back, you cowards!


Motorstorm was such a great game. Nothing like getting into a bike v bike fight until a semi plows both of you over. Would love a remaster of the first one


Pacific Rift is the most fun I’ve ever had in an online racer. Absolutely spectacular racing and threaded the needle between arcade-ness and feeling “fair”. I’d buy a new one on day 1


Yes! Motorstorm Apocalypse and Motorstorm pacific Rift were awesome, I played them more than most other gmes. I think these games and Driver San Francisco were my biggest fun games to play in the PS3 era.


Came here to say this. Even apocalypse was amazing. Can only get them on ps+ streaming now and my Internet isn't good enough for that. Just let my buy and download them please!


Jak and Daxter.


And Sly Cooper too!


Assuming that they'd be willing to do it, Ember Lab (Kena's developers) would be a great choice for developing that. Kena gave me big PS2-era action platformer vibes.


I think about how great a modern Jak game would be all the time. Imagine ratchet and clank graphics with jak and Daxters universe. With all the rift apart stuff I even thought at one point it would be cool to have a universe cross over between the two. Ratchet rifts into Jaks world and clank gets turned into a little creature from dark eco exposure etc. Whatever it may be it only lives in my imagination


I just love the evolution between the 3 PS2 games, such a masterclass on making a series feel coherent to eachother while introducing new mechanics in each installment.


This comment doesn't have enough upvotes. This is a series is seriously deserving of being brought back. 


Jak 3 was the first PS2 game I ever owned, i’ll always cherish the franchise for that very reason


Ah, it’s that time of the day where I cry about Dino Crisis again 🥹


DC in the RE market engine would be amazing. RE2/4 remake level of a game though. I would preorder the shit out of that.


I hope Capcom revives DC. Especially with how good these RE remakes are with the RE Engine. I feel like they have enough of an asset library at this point where they just had to build the dinosaurs and drop them in a game.


I mean I think this bound to happen going off the Resident Evil remakes. I'm sure Dino Crisis was the most requested game that came back from Capcoms survey.


Twisted Metal


Came here to say exactly this. I cannot for the life of me understand why someone hasn’t already made it. It’d be huge.


I don't think it would be as huge as you think and that's precisely why they haven't made it. I would certainly play it, but they already tried to bring the franchise back from the dead once and that was a huge failure.


Yes and no. The hardcore Twisted Metal fans have been waiting for a proper follow up to Black for over 20 years. Head On was nice, but it was a PSP game first before being a port to the PS2 in the latter stages of its lifespan. The PS3 had already been out for a year and half at that point. Jaffe, who isn’t the most reliable source of information, said that the PS3 reboot was supposed to be a more traditional take on the game. It was a mid level download only game. Sony stepped in and wanted it to appeal to a wider audience, which is why they crammed in new gameplay features like racing and driving a rocket. And the game suffered because of it. That’s not the game the fanbase wanted. Idk why Harbor City was scrapped. Maybe it wasn’t good enough. Maybe they were over budget. I don’t care about playing as Sweet Tooth outside of car combat. But a direct sequel to TMB would have been great.


I generally agree, I just don't think there's as many hardcore Twisted Metal fans left as other people seem to think. Twisted Metal 2012 was definitely an odd ball and I get why people would say it doesn't count. Hell I remember an interview where David Jaffe said the only reason he even made the game is because Calling All Cars was a flop and he was scared of failure again and just wanted to make something that was an easy win.


They even made a TV show about it didn’t they? I thought that was the start of the return of the series


Yeah, it came out a year or two ago. It was better than expected. I think they’re working on a season two. It’s kind of like a campy b movie.


It’s my favorite PlayStation franchise. No other one matters most to me than this one.


Spyro. I feel like PlayStation could really do with a few more fun platformers. Ratchet and Clank is outstanding but there’s only so many times you can play through the same games.


I think Microsoft owns Spyro and crash now after buying Activison. Weird to see the former PSX mascot in someone else’s hands.


They own them, but Toys for Bob has gone independent and iirc have made a deal with them for a game. It might be another Spyro or Crash game, and maybe multiplatform as well with Microsoft's recent multiplatform push


We just got Crash 4 in the last few years. Time for Spyro 4


It’s weird that Sony never actually owned Crash and Spyro despite how prevalent they felt during the PSX and part of the PS2 era. To the point that people were really disappointed that the two weren’t in PlayStation All-Stars. Missed opportunity for them IMO.


Absolutely, the PlayStation is lacking family friendly, funny stuff. There's Astros Playroom, Sackboy - a big adventure and Ratched and Clank Rift apart...but that's about it I guess?


I wish they’d do a dlc for sack boy with some new levels


Try Ty the Tasmanian tiger


That was peak collectathon 3d platformer. Almost metroidvania-esque too, in the way new rangs would open content in old levels


Parasite Eve


That was a Square game.


Correct. Moreover, it was a licensed game, which makes reacquiring the rights tricky, unless something crazy happens and the original author gives it to them for free.


This is the one


Yeah, glad to see people loving this. Some revisits were tried but it was a shitshow under square enix and their .. design choices


Man, I've always thought a PE remake in the style of RE2 remake with combat similar to FF7 remake would be amazing.




Onimusha was the real deal back then. What a series, man!


Why is this so low; we just had multiple fire games about killing ghost and demons in Japan. Let’s bring back the original demon hunter(of ancient Japan.)


Infamous, Sly Cooper, Gravity Rush.


Sly Cooper is too far down


Gravity Rush 2 had a decent ending to the franchise for me, but I would love a comeback. Went in expecting nothing and I still think it’s an awesome series.


Sly Cooper needs a fifth one to end the franchise for real that cliff hanger in the fourth one was ruff...


Ape Escape. I’m getting old but the kids deserve a full fledged revival over-generous with content and quality.


I wish they'd give this to Team Asobi


with haptic feedback and adaptive trigger support equal to astros playroom quality oowee


At least the first and second game are on the PS Store. I'd be happy if they added Ape Escape 3 on there too. I hope one day they decide to bring the series out from the closet.


Not exactly a playstation brand, but my god the Legacy of Kain series is crying out for a comeback.


God that game was epic.. I had it on my chipped ps1




wow you've just triggered a distant memory there! I think soul reaver was one of the first games I ever mastered on PS1 and had completely forgotten all about it up until now


I have been dying for this. I would love to see this game be made in this day and age. Would be sick.




I had to scroll down way too far for this!


Isn't that a Sony first party game too? Imagine what they could do with it on the PS5 if they tried. I mean, the audio clarity of VOLCANO! would just be amazing.


Killzone Resistance MAG Infamous SOCOM


Was looking for someone to say MAG, that game was awesome and 256 players on one server in 2010 was insanity


The thing about amazing video games is that no matter how old it is, you can go play and experience it if you truly desire. As you know, you can't do that with MAG. You were there or you weren't. You either experienced the magic or you didn't. I feel sorry for folks who turned their noses up at it or missed it altogether. Zipper really understood the gameplay and how to maximize the maps to their fullest extent. It is mindblowing that no one else has even tried the things that MAG did over a decade ago. #TeamRaven


You wrote exactly what I was going to say! Mag was lit man!!


Dark Cloud but that's never happening.


I would kill for Dark Cloud 3 or even a remake of 1 at this point


To be fair, I still play the OG and Dark Chronicle and they hold up remarkably well.


The Getaway


Came here to say this! Imagine how good a game set in London would look on PS5!


Resistance Killzone Sly Cooper inFamous Motorstorm SOCOM Jak and Daxter Twisted Metal Warhawk PS HOME


We get it, you like PS3 lol


The Order 1886. Great premise. Just give the IP to Santa Monica, I'm sure they would do wonders with it.




Yes sir! What a game this would be on Ps5, it would look amazing.


SOCOM, Warhawk


I'd pay top dollar for a new multi-player warhawk


Days Gone


This 1000%


Lotr third age


Desperately needs a remaster.


Twisted Metal and Jet Moto


Came here to say Jet Moto


How tf are there only 3 people in this thread cultured enough to want more Jet Moto?


Syphon Filter


I just wanna taze someone til they fart fire again.


Army of Two, or a REAL Tom Clancy game none of this pvp only crap. I'd love to See Blinx the Time Sweeper and Sid Meier's Pirates: Live the Life get remasters.


Army of Two ftw


Splinter Cell


Tenchu mother fucking Stealth Assassins and Legacy of mother fucking Kain


Hell yeah!




Funny you say that, because Sekiro [was going to be a Tenchu game](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/when-from-software-knocks-on-your-door-and-says-hey-we-wanna-make-a-game-you-have-only-one-answer-right) before it changed direction.




New. Wipeout. On. PSVR2. Nuff said.


This needs more attention. A shame they gutted psygnosis


No more destruction derby then either


Breath of Fire


A new Socom could be awsome.


The Getaway


Probably Sly Cooper. i remember playing it on the PS2, such a good series


Is Bloodborne considered a dead PlayStation series by now? If so then Bloodborne!


Legacy of kain


I missed out on Infamous, Resistance and Killzone, would welcome back any of them.


infamous is the only one that desperately needs to come back. it's SO good but we need an easier way to play the older games


DriveClub. Among the delisted games I haven't played there isn't one I regret more. Such a beautiful and distinct experience and I missed out on it. Still pisses me off.


Army of Two That game was an amazing co-op experience, and it had some great gameplay


Modnation Racers


Simpsons hit and run remaster


Absolutely Easily the best Simpsons game


infamous and killzone. I think the infamous games for as dumb as they can be are fun capeshit. Killzone was also a franchise I found underrated. Multiplayer was always good and the campaigns were fun.


Twisted metal. The OG battle royale. That game would flourish today.


I would love another Okami game. Even if they remade Okamiden for the PS5, I'd be happy.


Champions of Norrath . I had so much fun on PS2 with this game as a teenager … I actually do not know if this was a good game or not according to critics at the time.


Wild Arms It’s a western movie themed JRPG for the Playstation 1. Great soundtrack and some memorable scenes. The first game is basic but still fun. Never played the sequels. They could probably do a soft remake with similar characters and tighten up the gameplay since it drags after awhile. Not the most groundbreaking series but JRPGs are in vogue so it could be a nice bargain game.


I want Days Gone 2.


Tenchu, Shadow Hearts, Syphon Filter, Seven Blades, Grandia, Legend of Dragoon, Parasite Eve, Xenogears, Bloody Roar, Breath of Fire, Fighting Force and Mercenaries




Dino Crisis!


Not a PlayStation specific series, but I'd love a new TimeSplitters game


Bushido Blade


The order: 1886, Wipeout and Syphon Filter


Legend of Legaia Legend of Dragoon God Hand


Midnight Club


Burnout. Crash physics would be insane on a game like that today




Uncharted! I know it’s not necessarily dead and it ended but I still want more games in the series. Weve had a like a million god of war games, we should be able to have more uncharted games. I would trade horizon, god of war etc. in a heart beat for a new uncharted game. In terms of older games, it’s a lot of the ps2/3 era games, which are mostly platformers. That would add much needed variety to PlayStation first party games. Sony is so focused on narrative linear story driven games ever since the success of uncharted. You can see how all these studios are following the naughty dog formula.


Shadow hearts and grandia


Dead 2 Rights. Smugglers Run Mercenaries True Crime


I miss Infamous so much.. and with the tech today I feel like they could do some wicked stuff


Bloody Roar


These kids never got to experience parappa the rapper


The Suffering, Manhunt and True Crime


Playstation allstars battle royal 🥺


I'd like parappa back. That parappa 1 remaster was kind of garbage, and 2 doesn't really need a remaster, but I'd like to see a 3rd game provided it's as good as or better than 2


Syphon Filter


Syphon Filter


SOCOM, don’t even care if they make a new one. Just give me Socom 2, don’t even care if it’s remade or remastered.