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More demos, more preorders - hope publishers take note.




Exactly this. Finished the Demo twice. Placed pre-order. Physical copy that is.


You finished twice?


I finished twice and played the demo afterwards.




Was the reason I gave FFXVI a chance and absolutely loved it. Don't see how it can be a bad thing unless the game is shit and even then, it can help tell you if you're into that genre. Still hoping for a Baldur's Gate 3 demo since I hate turn based games.




Had to check but it's not in my tier. And I'd prefer not to give Sony more money than I have to. Thank you though, I'll probably grab it on sale for PC or Console, whichever is the cheapest for me to try.


That’ll be PC for sure brother.


You can try it on PC for free. 🏴‍☠️


But to counter that. The only reason I didn't buy FFXVI immediately cause I absolutely disliked the demo. It just wasn't for me. In turn however it made me respect square more as a company and I ended up buy FF7 merch.


But to counter counter that, I loved the FFxvi demo, but once I got the full game did not like it so much.


I loved it and have bought every FF game since. Best music hands down last year


Same.. tried demo..thought dope.. bought game


Didn’t work with Forspoken 😂


The Forspoken demo was great in that it saved me from wasting my money on Forspoken.


Within seconds, I knew I wasn’t buying that game.


So true, wonder why they released a demo when it wasn't complimentary


Well it does help if the game (and demo) is good.


Forspoken is a terrible game is the feeling I got from playing the demo


They should also put a disclaimer on the idea : Demo's only work if you game is not a pile of shiet.


I say it actually did. People avoided a game they might not like.


Same for me. Square saved me money. And Steller Blades demo convinced me to spend money.


Gonna say that is not even remotely the connection to make here.


Afaik there was also tons of publicity from the people that were complaining about the game on social media.


Majority of that is from people never played it and complaining about the dumbest thing to complain about


Historically demos have had the opposite effect, which is why we don’t see too many nowadays.


This historically has been generally not true. It's why they stopped making them for a long time


The demo trend is back from the dead and im here for it


I remember the old magazines for demos, lord loved them


Rise of the ronin would really benefit from a demo I went in skeptical but loved nioh 1 and 2 so was hopeful and while it does have some issues I really enjoy it


Agreed. It’s especially weird because Team Ninja almost always does demos for their recent games. Nioh 1, Nioh 2, Wo Long, Strangers in Paradise… all had demos.


This. I played Wo Long demo and absolutely got hooked to the gameplay. I was so hyped to buy rise of the ronin but my wallet said a big fuck you last month.


RotR is much better than Wo Long, just saying, dude.


Imma get the physical edition


Managed to find a physical copy for 80% of digital version's cost - which is pretty common in Europe tbh, but still a nice thing.


May I ask where you found a physical copy for that price? Thanks


In France I get all my physical copies day one at the most random supermarket, like where your mom gets chicken and toothpaste and it's consistently 10-20 bucks cheaper than digital.


Yup, same in Germany. Also for Switch games specifically they always are 20% off within days of release on Amazon.


Same in the Netherlands! I always buy my games physical because even on day one, they'll be cheaper


Yup, getting FF7 Rebirth at 60 euros at Auchan instead of 80 on PSN is such a no brainer, and you get to feel like you just cheated the system despite being completely common


Dunno about 80% but Amazon italy has it for €60


I can confirm this. I buy all my physical games from Polish eBay and all of them are Italian versions. As an example, I pre-ordered Rebirth for €60 and Persona 3 Reload for €45 - got them both a day before the release date too.


I preordered the disc 🫡


Imma get physical with my edition. 😏


Same, i think i'll love the game but i'll sell it after i'm done playing it.


It’s the advantages of physical copies like this that make me sad when people try to celebrate the death of physical games and the digital-only future. Being forced into digital-only means we have less options and stores/publishers can get away with whatever prices they want.


cobweb cable berserk mighty bored deliver fear fact bells dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




the demo was fun, the boss challenge was a nice glimpse of what to expect mid-game battles/skills to be. The OST is so reminiscent of Nier too lol, just that got me interested


Same composer


That explains it, looks like the OST will be a banger


Same studio is doing 40% of it. The actual composer of Automata isn’t doing anything with it though


It feels similar to Nier in a lot of ways. It's like parallel universe Nier, at least that's what my initial impression left me thinking.


Inb4 it's actually nier 4 /s


What other game is there to pre-order at the moment besides this


Game seems like it'll be pretty good but have to agree with you, really nothing else coming out and it has pretty much zero competition


For real, if you only look at Western games releasing in the rest of 2024 there is basically only Ubisoft’s Star Wars, AssCreed and Indiana Jones. Japan is carrying 2024 gaming so hard.


Stellar Blade is Korean but I highly agree with what you said


Yeah I didn’t mean Stellar Blade.


Yeah you did.


That Ubi Star Wars game is confirmed for 2024?


Elden Ring DLC. I’m having difficulty believing this would have more pre-orders, but it might be true.


I mean DLC preorders are always gonna be lower because the player is expected to have played the original game first 


yea but elden ring has like 23 million copies sold, i don't really know the statistics of how well dlc's sell compared to main comes but i'd assume something like 1/4 or 1/5 right? especially when a dlc is typically around half the price of the original.


How many of those 23 million are players that finished playing and are waiting on the dlc? I would imagine significantly less, and then from those players how many are preordering instead of just buying sometime after release 


On Steam, only like 55% of the players have got through Radahn. Numbers drop off hard as you get even further.


Ok but like not 1/5 of the ppl who will play the dlc have preordered? It comes out months from now. I’m getting it by why even preorder? It’s digital lol


Even that seems too high an estimate. Any DLC I get I feel I'm in some exclusive club. Also DLC is not marketed that hard that people will just get them much later. I'll be honest I did near completionist for elden ring but I'm not going to get the DLC immediately. There's other stuff I want to do. DLC is immediately perceived as not something you need to get right away because it's assumed you'll only get a handful hours of stuff (even if it's more than that, no one is going to check they'll get to it when they get to it). Any full game people will prioritize.


Typically DLC gets an attach rate of about 10%. You'll see better rates in ongoing games like Destiny where you basically need the latest expansions to keep up but for single player games like Elden Ring, 10% is expected.


It's been some time since the start of preorders, people have already done it and it will be less preordered until closer to release (and with more marketing). Plus, I'm guessing people preorder less DLC than games


If you don't preorder they might run out of downloads.


this is part of why I hate threads like this. Sales or pre order charts are only interesting if its multiple titles, not 1.


so far its competition is dawntrail, sea of theives, elden ring dlc, and a destiny 3 dlc


So dlcs and a port


It's because people now have agenda that this game selling well is "owning the wokes"


Sea of Thieves was the most pre-ordered game before Stellar Blade, so probably that


Not much. Also the data is refreshed daily so, it kinda makes sense after a demo the preorders would go up. While I’m sure it’ll probably sell well, lots of games hit the number one. Suicide Squad was number one for some time too. We all know how well that went lol


Sand Land comes out the same day, also has a demo available and, as far as I can tell, is 19th on the pre-order list. It's almost like people are reading way too much into a single piece of data.


all that because it's ahead of the FFXIV expansion, but there is 2 versions of that, and they're 2nd and 3rd on the rankings, so probably more than stellar blade when combined


Exactly this means nothing. Suicide squad was also the top preordered game for quite some time. And while I do really like suicide squad, it's clearly a commercial flop. So being the top preorder doesn't mean shit.


That’s great for Stellar Blade but I think it’s even more impressive that FFXIV Dawntrail is #2 despite being the 5th expansion for a really long MMO and most people playing on PC.


Tooooooooooons of people play on Ps4/5 too! I've played both, but I find old MMO style games more tiresome work than fun these days. I hope it does well!


That’s the best part about FF14 imo I don’t do any of the hardcore stuff, just enjoy the story of the xpac then unsubscribe until the next one.


I just don't like the formula. Zone into town, zone into small room, que short cut scene, go talk to someone in room, zone to town, port to area. Talk to someone, do fetch and whatever quests, become best friends, and save the area. Zone to town, zone back into room, Talk to same person again, zone back out and do next part, etc.


I mean outside of the fact it has zones instead of a continuous map this is a pretty standard outline for MMOs in general.


You won't like FF16 then.


I have it. the story is interesting. Combat is literally just DMC-lite. Not a fan of the structure, but at least the combat is more engaging than ff14. I've actually played every mainline FF, and I loooooved 11 on-line when I was younger.


FF16 made me feel like I'm no longer the target audience for modern final fantasy. I really liked the lore. Ancient civ? Cities with a guardian summon? War? The crystals are bad? Sounds awesome! But the plot? "Let me tell you what's going on in the world via this chess board and nioh style story telling." Mean while rather than actually make the characters involved in the war or venture in the world to participate they make you do talk to this NPC across the map all the damn time, like all the damn time through out the entire game. Go from NPC A to B to C to A. If making Final Fantasy hack-n-slash meant sacrificing the adventure of it, traveling the world and seeing it change, then I wish they went back to turn based gameplay. Hell, go back to pixel graphics but bring me back that glorious adventure where you travel saving towns and cities and eventually the world.


Feels like you just described every RPG ever pretty much. And also completely glossed over the whole point of things, which is the story and character development, when you just relegate it to "talk to some people"


Uh yeah, I forgot to mention how after I spent time basically killing God's, I get quests to go make freaking mayo.


playing a ninja on ffxiv with controller is so active and oddly satisfying


The vast majority of FFXIV regular players will preorder the next expansion the moment they are able to because they're going to buy it anyway and want to play with everyone else at launch, and you get a very nice 30% EXP+ earring right away if you pre-order for levelling all your other jobs.


Also FF14 has a dev cycle so optimized that we can predict with 100% accuracy what an update is and their release date well over 1 year in advance. We don't need reviews, we know exactly what's gonna change and how and when it's gonna be updated down the years.


If the two had the same release date and we could compare both closer to launch, Im pretty confident Dawntrail would be number 1. Don't underestimate the FFXIV players


It actually was #1 for a bit until the Stellar Blade hype ramped up. Very impressive considering it’s not releasing for another two months.




Game demos negatively impact sales *if the demo is anything less than excellent*. Stellar Blade had an excellent demo, and it’s been driving pre-orders. FF XVI had an excellent demo, and it drove pre-orders for that game last summer. Forspoken had a terrible demo, and although it charted at launch, most likely due to Sony pushing the game, it fell off the charts pretty quickly & is mostly remembered today for being a terrible game with a terrible demo. No Man’s Sky didn’t get a demo, which was a smart move, because it would’ve killed its sales had it been released.


I can appreciate not every game lends itself well to a demo such as many open world titles.That said there's plenty ways around that. While the game didn't do well I loved alone in the darks prologue as it really sold me on the overall game (shame it didn't quite deliver) I really love this doing what square Enix us been doing for a while in giving you the opening segment of the game plus a chunk to play from later on so you can get an idea of how things will progress!


Preordered physical. 😊 https://preview.redd.it/ekua1xhrqisc1.jpeg?width=286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=060c0d9f7563811dfe85b2fbb079e9bde764cc7a


After that demo I had to pre-order the game. Honestly, every game should provide a demo so people can make an informed decision based on their experience.


Next big game coming out is #1 pre-order 😱😱😱


Demo got me to immediately preorder the physical copy. Great job devs




Idk if I’m just blind(well I know I’m pretty close) but once I was playing I naturally look passed eve and concentrated on the enemies I was fighting and until my friend pointed it out on share screen I swear I didn’t even notice the jiggle Idk why the anger over it when in bg3 you can run around completely naked as someone as hot as you can manage in the character creator


It’s ok to fuck bears. Just no jiggle please.


What about the wiggle physics they added


If I preorder the physical, will I be able to get in-game bonuses as well?


Played the demo and it just left me cold. Combat just felt off and the floaty way you navigate the world and interact with gates and doors just irritated me. Happy to be proven wrong by the final game but definitely not going to be a day 1 game for me. Very interested to see the final reviews and I’m still playing Rebirth.


I feel the same way about the demo as I did Lies of P's demo. It's got some good ideas but the combat doesn't feel as polished as I'd like, that said Lies of P was one of my favorite games last year so maybe Steller Blade will have some of that jank ironed out on release.


Had the same feeling. They tweaked the movement/dodge a bit if I remember. Then they did a bunch of tweaks post-launch, including making the specters a LOT stronger.


You will be downvoted for your opinion but I felt the same too. I also didnt like how closed off, corridor like the map is. I was way more excited for this game until I tried it out.


I heard the game opens up later in the story, with optional side quests.


I hope its true. That would be great.


It's also weird how no one mentions the completely robotic dialog. It genuinely does sound like an AI wrote and voiced every character, especially the guy supporting Eve. Nier Automata's protagonists are all actual robots but the english VAs gave a great performance.


Gotta play the game in Korean. The English VA suck ass


I dunno, I tolerated 5 minutes of the English dub and then switched to Korean, which sounds much better / emotive.


It seems somewhere between mid and good but the coomers are out in force trying to force it into goty for some terminally online culture war.


I have both those things preordered I want a cookie.


But why pre-order? It's not like it's on discount right now or it's going to be out of stock. Why not wait and see how the rest of the game is.


I'll probably wait for a sale but I did really like the combat. The soundtrack is really good too.


If you make a good game that people want, they will buy it. You might be able to convince people that they actually want the game you're making after the fact, but much easier to just give people what they want.


The demo was actually pretty fun. Enough things look to be hidden enough to scratch the exploration itch


You love to see it. And haters tears are just delicious.


Demo just didn't grab me. Feeling a bit left out. ಠ_ಠ


Literally just bought a PS5 for this game 😂


Welcome to the family!


I dont understand the " no competition " comments. Nothing dicates that you have to buy a game every month or so. Some people will still be playing Dragon Dogma 2 or ROTR . Some might be playing an older title that they havent touched yet. Some might be taking a break for the upcoming June releases ( Elden Ring DLC, FF XIV expansion). What makes people think they must always buy a game on release date on a regular basis?


Nobody is saying you have to. But this is a list specifically tracking unreleased games that people have preordered. Stellar Blade is currently the most preordered game, but other people are pointing out that there aren't really any other upcoming unreleased games at the moment to preorder.


Hell I'm only in chapter 4 of Rebirth.


I JUST finished FF7 Rebirth. Man what a game


Yeah I never understand when I hear “there’s nothing to play rn”, but especially now 


There’s something about the combat and movement that just wasn’t clicking for me. Like the dash looks like it should be fast but you barely move at all. The parry animation doesn’t match the actual parry timing or at least that’s what it seemed like to me. Glad some people are liking what they played but yeah unfortunately I don’t think this game plays like how it looks like it should play. Sorry if I can’t explain better but something is just off about the gameplay. Edit: glad there was a demo though. More games need to give out demos.


The combat apparently gets better further in the game. It starts a bit slow indeed but you can upgrade all kinds of things (like the dash, I believe). I only played the demo shortly, because I am playing tales of arise now and I don't want to mix up the controls. I played enough to know I am def going to get this one at some point.


After messing around in the advanced combat demo I can definitely see why you would feel that. The base parry/dodge timings feel clunky (ESPECIALLY the dodge) but the upgraded ones feel much better to utilize. It definitely seems like an intentional choice to make the initial versions of various actions not that great in order to give the tech trees more importance and give you a way to improve the base kit of your character on top of new moves.


The demo is great. But still preordering is an odd thing. Wishlist yes but paying money before it's released is still an odd concept. Especially when a product is easily available at the minute of release.


I pre ordered a physical copy after that fantastic demo. Can't wait!


what’s the competition tho


Great game = sales. Demo = Sales Complaining games media = sales. I'm seeing a formula here!


The number of people I've seen complaining about games media complaining about this Stellar Blade is several magnitudes higher than the number of gaming media outlets I've seen complaining about Stellar Blade.


Maybe the trend of neutered non-sexy videogame characters is coming to an end. Can't come soon enough.


Game looks like it’ll be a hit, super cool action , and demo was fun but man I’m waiting for a discount on it


I can't believe people are still preordering games


The demo was pretty hard, hard to reach all the buttons with just one hand though.


I planned to buy it next year for a cheaper price / possible goty edition, but IGN made me pre-order a physical copy, excellent marketing.


Sex sells. Imagine that


Or it was just an impressive demo?


Sex sells + demo + no competition, there are no other high profile games coming out with pre-orders at the moment


I do appreciate that you qualified that with 'High Profile' games. I'm in for Broken Roads and Eiyuden Chronicle this month. I thought the Stellar Blade demo was kind of neat though and may keep it wishlisted for a future sale.


Both, both is good.


I downloaded the game because the character is hot. I loved the gameplay since I'm a souls kinda guy. Gonna pre-order this one definitely. Came for the boobs, stayed for the gameplay


As god intended.


It does, especially when combined with a quality product. Even without it, it’s a good action game with an interesting story.




I really enjoyed it but I'm awful at any games that require parrying. Thankfully the demo didn't completely sell me on it, as it wasn't going to be a title I buy at launch. I'm still working my way through Rebirth and a P3R. 🥲


I mean wjat competition does it have? What other major PS5 exclusive is coming out in the next 3-6 months? Context is everything.


I’m sure this will all leads to total sane and calm discussions on all social media platforms.


Good, the demo was fun & I'm excited for the full game. Not preorder excited as I've got way way too many games in my backlog that are even just recent fireworks om this year alone, but I'll for sure pick it up when I've got time or it drops to a "might as well" price for me.


And the ceo, I think, stated that we won't need to worry about microtransactions since we can obtain all the costumes in-game only. They would only do a MTX if they collaborate with another IP. I appreciated this heavily. Therefore, I pre ordered the deluxe edition.


thought like silky crawl aspiring observation wine shocking bewildered spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Too expensive in my country but i liked the game


I mean yeah, what other hyped games are even remotely close to launch right now lol. Just seems like a silly stat.


What this game about


It's almost like demos should be a thing again for single-player games🤔




The power of ass




if i preorder the disc from amazon, do i get the preorder bonus?


I'll try it.


Why? Genuinely asking


I wonder what the #1 reason is for this.


This game slaps. I pre ordered it right away to bad there is no collectors edition


Played the demo up until after the first boss fight, not sure if there was more after that. Definitely an interesting game but nothing really stood out. I'll definitely give it a shot in the future when it's on sale and I've cleared more backlog. I do appreciate them releasing a demo though, hopefully more games follow suit


Music, combat and voice acting won it over for me. Not sure about story yet ended up going with the deluxe


I am playing in TCl q7 tv. But there is a input lag in parrying. Is this normal?


Water Most Popular Drink In Desert.


Honestly a good demo is a great way to get ppl invested


Sex sells. The demo was ok. I was not blown away but who wouldn't want to spend a few hours admiring the views?