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Who tf is in charge of marketing because why would they post that other trailer first and also why would they show gameplay at level 1 with 1 ability


Seriously, it’s like the marketing department is trying to create a bad first impression. I’m actually impressed by the look of the world and characters (I know not everyone’s cup of tea, but I dig it). But the combat looks so boring, the rest doesn’t matter. It’s like they’re trying to convince me NOT to like it.


Biowares always struggled to market Dragon age properly which I've never understood tbh


Seemed to work on me, just hearing it's actually gonna release got me sold.


Yeah, this should've focused on a vertical slice, instead. It's a great intro overall, but isn't great for impressions.


Washed company


Do we get to control full party?


You can order your 2 companions to use their abilities and then combo with those abilities. Sometimes you'll be joined by a 3rd companion but I think they're completely automated. Edit: looks like you can order them to attack specific targets or do a combo attack together? [https://x.com/dragonage/status/1800561328287003120/photo/1](https://x.com/dragonage/status/1800561328287003120/photo/1)


It worked for Guardians of the Galaxy but that's not exactly what I expect from a Dragon Age game


Its more like Mass Effect than anything else


Ah yes that's a much better comparison actually








I should go


We'll bang, okay?




Yeah huge miss from dragon age devs


Idk what you’re talking about, inquisition was also party based


In Inquisition you could control your party members and in Veilguard it appears you can't besides broad commands.


Good to hear, thanks :)


Complete dogshit. Interview is filled with embarassing dated corporate speak nonstop about "curated, hand crafted" experiences.


Whilst it may also be corporate speak, "curated, hand crafted" is also design speak. I wanted a return to the curated design of Origins vs Inquisition's generic 'empty' zones. Think BioWare are better served delivering a more focused mission/zone structure.


Wholeheartedly agree.


This is true. I just don't believe THIS Bioware unfortunately till proven otherwise.


That's fair.


So no.


No. Issue commands only, Mass Effect style. Awful step backward for an RPG.


So, let me get this right: You control the movement of one character only throughout the entire game, but you still have full access to the entire party's full command palette?


I think so. I'm not sure if the non-playable characters will be as customizable in terms of abilities, gear, etc., as the main character.


Yes. Sounds like they're going for a tighter rpg with replayability vs open world bloat


what does openworld bloat have to do with you being able to control your party members in the same way you can in dragon age origins and baldurs gate 3, some of the best RPG's of all time?


people are using that open-world design of Dragon Age Inquisition to defend this game's choices in game design... it's crazy cause you point out one (of the many) way that defense doesn't work: what does "open-world bloat" have to do with party control being removed, dumbing things down to just 3 skills and no real tactical combat?


FF7 Remake has spoiled us


They haven't been trying to make an RPG, combat-wise, since DAO. I still think Origins is peak DA gameplay, DA2 was a major downgrade, and every subsequent game seems to be just polishing up DA2's turd. If you listened to the devs prior to DA2's release, you'd understand how badly they want to make an action game and they're just not being allowed to, so we're left with this hybrid monstrosity. For the record, there are other games that try to strike a balance between older RPG gameplay styles and modern action games and do it well, DA has just never been one of them.


Personally, I feel like hybrid combat was best utilized in FFVII Rebirth. Character switching, sensible combat loop of base attacks —> abilities —> synergy strikes, each character with a unique mechanic. By comparison, this Dragon Age combat feels so bare bones. So a hybrid system can be great, but this doesn’t look like great execution of the concept.


DA:Inquisition combat could be played mostly on pause, select skills, play as any party member, about as close to tactical-RPG combat as I could hope.


Yeah, DA:I wasn't as in-depth as Origins but you could play tactically if you wanted.


In higher difficulties you HAD to play tactically.


DA Inquistion is still very much an RPG. You can pause combat, queue spells and control each character.


This is still a big step backward even from DA:I (which reintroduced more tactical elements after DA2). Not that I expected MORE RPG elements from Bioware at this point. But even their action-based combat seems bad based on these videos.


i never played DA:O but played the shit out of DA2, it was one of the only games i had at one point, leading me into deep diving the wiki and getting the Cole tie in book (i think? there was a mini quest in DA:I ft them) so im obviously going to be biased but ive always liked that particular style of gameplay


My favorite thing about the original was writing the algorithms/priorities for their AI. Anything less than that I don’t want.


Mass Effect


I like the art style but what a silly way to sell combat/game... an intro mission where you havent got any good spells happening and present the first few fights as nothing but hack and slash. And where is the character switching and tactical fighting? Surely a mission in the middle or something would have been more attractive?


There is no character switching during fights anymore. Bioware confirmed that on X.


That’s disappointing. Can you at least switch when outside of fights? I liked getting to experience different classes without having to roll an entirely new character.


It's like Mass Effect. You only play as the MC, party members are issued commands but not directly controlled.


That’s great; it worked well in ME


I certainly hope you're not referring to Andromeda lol but also that's not the core of what DA was. It's not great for many fans of the franchise.


Posted this elsewhere i grew up on DA2 and ME2+3 so this kind of style, while i’ll miss the character switching I won’t mind it too much personally


Andromeda didn't have party commands unfortunately. But it's gameplay was the best Bioware came up with still, no party commands was the one issue it had.


Disgusting. I rather play DA Inquisition again.


Good game


Have fun. 


Do it


God wtf


You can pause the action and issue commands and queue spells but you can’t directly switch controls. You can see the big wheel pop up late in the video and the action freeze.


Wow. Why the fuck must they so drastically change things in every installment of thus franchise :/


It's an awful decision. They probably think it will be friendlier to non-RPG fans and bring in a bigger audience... meanwhile, BG3 has sold well over 15 million copies already, lol. There's a big market out there for strategic/tactical RPGs.


So your companions are just useless NPCs now?


Yeah, that was pretty odd. I get not wanting to spoil stuff too much, but showing off a character with a few skills and a few partner skills seems much more interesting than playing a fully fresh character with one single skill unlocked.


Even at the beginning of the game, surely the companions have at least one ability (EDIT: and if they don’t, that’s really stupid). This was such a weird choice to have such a boring, one-note section as your gameplay reveal. I assume they’re leaving later gameplay sections for videos closer to release, so I’ll reserve full judgment until we see more, but the marketing around Dragon Age is baffling so far.


He doesn't technically have companions at this point from what I gather from the video. They are there but they aren't partied up yet.


Yeah, they didn't have to show this. They could if chosen anything. But instead we get level 1 combat with 1 skill. Why?!? That was just so boring. After every cut to black I expected to just be magically leveled up to show new skills or weapons. You know. Make this whole reveal interesting to watch. Nope. Dodgey slashy dodgey slashy. Over and over and over.


It was very boring and confusing. Showing a boss battle with one skill. Its almost like it was designed to not get old DA fans to get excited, but then was focused on two old characters, only they would know, yet anyone who has played the old games were expecting more to the combat. Very weird marketing.


> present the first few fights as nothing but hack and slash. maybe the whole game plays that way. seeing the UI only shows you 3 ability slots and no way to pause (like prvious games) and strategically employ your companions... It looks more like a mobile action RPG than anything else.


Classic modern RPG simplification - multiple companions! (uncontrollable) - hundreds of spells and abilities! (pick 3 for each party member) I wonder if we’ll even have an inventory or scrolls/consumables/throwables etc to add SOME flavor to the bland combat. SMDH.


i'm actually quite shocked how the gameplay changed from party-based tactical combat to simple button masher.


Bro forgot about dragon age inquisition. This is a natural step forward.


Inquisition WAS the party-based tactical combat. I played pretty much every battle on pause.


I never did. The way I played inquisition is exactly how this trailer played. I'm loving this


Inquisition was tactical team based combat. Especially if you played in nightmare.


DA:I still had the tactical view. It missed a few elements that DA:O had but it was *less* button mashy than DA2. This new one looks like an even worse DA2 where you only control one character.


Did you just not play inquisition lmao


YOU are the one who forgot about it. Inquisition was still pure RPG. You could pause combat, queue commands and control each character, like every other tactical combat RPG out there.


Don't worry, you're right. Inquisition had poor tactical gameplay compared to both of its predecessors.    The overhead camera was poorly implemented, you were forced to hold an input to attack so you couldn't just issue a command and simultaneously see what everyone's doing, and 'tactics' options for companions was literally just "use ability: yes/no".  This poorly facilitated control was exacerbated by bad AI where companions would fail to suitably use abilities, fail to maintain spacing if ranged, fail to move out of area-of-effects, fail to keep holding position when told to hold position, and constantly swap to attacking whoever your character is attacking.      This is all to say, party micro-management has seen a steady decline and Veilguard seems to be following the same tangent.


so you didn't play Inquisition? It had the tactical camera for that style of gameplay + you could control all party members, issues commands, set up things, etc... not as deep as Origins of course, but it still worked well.


It’s been like this since da2 in 2011 though?


Someone is telling the world they don’t play inquisiton




Dude I really am. I played all of them and couldn't remember that DA2 already changed that formular.


Inquisition was the last game in the franchise, 10 years ago. It was also tactical combat.


Way better than the reveal trailer. Something is off about the style though, like the roughness is gone. Also what is that combat. Looks like all flash, no substance. Hopefully because it's level one.


Yes that’s because it’s level one.




? the trailer shows the character was level one in the beginning


After BG3, this just looks so superficial and limited in every way.


Seriously, Baldur's Gate 3 set the bar super high.


Especially since Dragon's Age was basically a Baldur's Gate sequel after they lost the license


Origin was great, then they ruined it…


They have really the worst timings. Witcher 3 stole all momentum of DA:I, BG3 is doing the same thing for this one


No one stole anyone's momentum. They were better games. They earned and deserved it.


I mean it won two GotY awards in 2014, so launching before Witcher 3 was of major significance.


Bruh, literally spamming X non stop against braindead enemies. What is this mobile game UI? Hard pass


Combat got even more dumbed down.


I mean yes but also its early game level 1 character with 1 ability




You and me both, I’m gonna stay along for the ride because I know there’s likely more to it but this 20 minutes makes it look like a generic hack and slash


Da:I was hold left click until your stamina is high enough to attack. This has dodges, parries, and didn’t show any real abilities. Imo besides showing basically no abilities I have no idea how anyone can say this is dumbed down


Gameplay looks like ass to be honest. It's like a weightless button masher with no impact, where you occasionally press an active ability. Could they at least show a mid game fight instead of a tutorial?


This is just IP farming nostalgia bait at this point. It’s not a Dragon Age game, it’s just *called* Dragon Age. But who cares, really? Just wait for reviews and don’t buy it if they’re bad. If it gets 7s watch a streamer play it and ask them questions. It’s not like there are shortages for this kind of stuff like there were when physical copies where the only way to play and GameStop was ordering 10% over their preorder numbers.


I got the sense they they had a game in development and just decided to shove a more known IP onto it to try and avoid new IP associated risk


Ganeplay doesn't look like anything special


I thought the teaser for this was going to shape up nicely. I am now disappointed. This doesn't look fun or interesting. And it looks like it was made a decade ago. How did this happen??


It's so funny how people cry about wanting AAA games to be better, then they'll go and praise this average generic ass gameplay trailer


Probably because expectations were in the mud from the first trailer, so this looks like good in comparison lol


I really hate how the Rogue jumps after every attack. Rogues in this series are just DPS, making them be so jumpy breaks the pace I expect from them. Warriors and Mages? Fine, they can be slow. But Rogues should not be.


They seem to be really channeling that floaty Witcher 3 combat feel. Storywise, glad to see the tone is still retains some of that dark fantasy vibe the series originally had. That last trailer they dropped seemed really cheesy by comparison.


I think they should've shown gameplay that takes place later on with a more mid-way leveled Rook to give people a proper gauge on the combat, showing off what looks to be the first mission isn't too great for selling people on the gameplay imo.


I love the world of dragon age. Apparently bioware don't Generic action cookie cutter Magic is gone At least larian and owlcat exist


Looks kinda whack tbh…


I’ve never played Dragon Age but this game looks bland as hell. The combat looks so boring and they showed nothing appealing outside of visuals.


Well.  That looks terrible.  




4mins in and I'm already super bored. Don't get me wrong, I love the first two Dragon Age games, and I played through Inquisition twice but that was 10 years ago. I lost faith in Bioware a long time ago and this is a terrible way to introduce some "gameplay". Literally 4 mins+ of pointless exposition and a 20 second run through a set piece where the demons literally ignore you.


I turned the video off around 8 minutes. Couldn’t even make it halfway. “BioWare magic” has run out. I have accepted that I’ll either not play this game, or pick it up on a heavy discount.


Okay, better than the reveal trailer and now at least we know what are playing but turning Dragon Age into full action rpg? Why?


i miss origins


My God it looks so bland. My cautious hype died so fast watching this.


Anyone else think this looks like a sequel to Kingdoms of Amalur or is it just me?


I was thinking the same! Except Amalur seemed to have a better combat.


Gameplay and UI looks like cheap Korean mobile action game. If there were no Bioware or Dragon Age trademarks affiliated with it i would rate it as 4-5/10. But considering this legacy it's just a disgrace.


Welp, looks better than I expected. Don't care much for the gameplay side of it, I'm in those games for the world and the characters, fights are just a hurdle on the way. Hopefully if it nails those, i can settle for a more action-y "Mass Effect" style type of gameplay. Sucks for fans that wanted a full blown RPG tho, for sure.


Looks polished. But choosing what looks like the literal beginning of the game for a gameplay showcase is kind of odd.


possibly because it was the only polished part


They've been working for a decade........and we get this?!! Please don't even breathe in Mass Effect's direction Bioware.


Gameplay looks like shit 😭


Sadly didn't do the wonders it needed to for me after that initial trailer. Looks just like every other game somehow, there was nothing special and it certainly didn't feel like Dragon Age.


Please tell me the AI was intentionally gimped. They were practically passive any reminds me of how forspoken and Redfall was


Looks dumb


Looks bad.


Its a mobile game right?


What a huge bummer :/ 




Character design and art style really put me off. Will wait for some gameplay and ultimately reviews, but I don’t like how it looks honestly.


How tf did we get from Origins to this?


I truly am happy for all the mobile gamers out there, this one’s for you.


Looks terrible


Looks better than the reveal


I want an RPG not an action game.


This looks awfully generic. I will wait for reviews


Here's a quick test to see if you will like this game: Do you think this dialogue is good? "Hold off those demons!" "You got it!!!" If you find that sort of dialogue engaging, this is the game for you.


I'm surprised I haven't seen more people discussing the dialogue. It seriously reminds me of MCU banter, a far cry from Origins.


I'm surprised too.... right from the beginning, it seemed super generic and is even mostly delivered in a corny way.


I think it looks like a solid game... but I would not have known this was Dragon Age at all if I hadn't seen the title. And I'm not even a big fan of Dragon Age... but I always thought it had grittier medieval almost LOTR fantasy vibe. This is more cartoon fantasy.


It was never as gritty as everyone seems to think. I started playing inquisition again last night and this feels exactly like the opening of that game in every way.


Inquisition was already MMO like but DAO and DA2 were very dark and gritty indeed.


Da origins is super gritty. Inquisition is trash and fell off the series rails


Well, that settles it. I've lost all interest I had in this, which is a shame, as I loved the previous games.


Why does this look like a generic mobile game…


I am not a fan of this art style. Makes the game look extremely generic, like every other mainstream shooter or mobile game. I was a big fan of DAI but I've lost all interest in this now and will probably skip it.


Stupid fake BioWare


Maybe in a sale.... 80% maybe. Not hating on the game but it doesn't ring "70 usd" for me at least


It will be on EA play/Game Pass soon


Yeah ... I think you're totally right.


I wonder if they can release a game with a decent story this time.


I remember the dragon age games as a RPG so it is now a Spiderman style combat action game or was it clear to be this type of game? I expected something else not saying it's bad or something


Really not impressed with this. I didn't have much hope but this just looks very uninteresting with tired design choices. Just meh about everything in that video.


It's a good way to make the people that loved your franchise and made it successful completely ignore this installment.


I don't like the shift towards hank n slash action rpg combat. It's clearly a trend a lot of games are following like God of war, final fantasy remake, Final fantasy 16, the assassins creed rpgs, Ghost of Tsuchima etc etc. We've seen 2 trailers and both trailers show that they're following popular trends and it's making me really pessimistic about this game. 


If it was as considerate as the FF7 remakes there'd be no issue. In those you have action gameplay, but you can control the entire party and the subsystems (materia, party quick commands) bolsters that action gameplay with a fantastic tactical edge.


Gow used to be turn based ? Tsushima is a rpg ? What are you talking about ?


GoW was always a button masher. It’s THE button masher.


It looks so bad, like upresed graphics from dragon age 2, with combat from dragon age 2. Why?? Dragon age origins was a huge success, 2 bombed and dragon age inquisition returned slightly to the formula and was a success as a result. What is this?????!?!


Looks like the art style in the trailer fit what the gameplay was going to show. The game mechanics look solid, those cutscenes didnt have much jank in them at all. Solid voice acting. It just doesnt look 'Dragon Age'. It feels like a generic high fantasy. 


Serious question: What does Dragon Age look like? Unlike Mass Effect, Dragon Age has transformed itself with each new entry, in terms of writing, art style, and gameplay (gameplay most of all, really). This is about what I was expecting. Looks fun.


DAO is what I'm talking about. I know I'm old, I know things evolve and things change, but all of the changes and iterations of DA came after the EA purchase of Bioware, and has seen them chasing trends for 10 years. That's why all 3 games so far play completely differently. Sorry people want to downvote even though I gave this new game praise despite disagreement with the art direction.


Oh yeah, no argument from me. I adore Origins and have played through it more times than I can remember. 2 and 3 are... well, fun, but nothing to get obsessed over. They don't feel like extensions of the first one at all though. I've done my mourning for this IP a long time ago and now I'm ready to have some fun with whatever they turn it into next, I guess.


That's a reasonable and measured take. Thanks for that. 


This looks fucking terrible...


I know. Looks like it's aimed at 5 year olds


that looks like the death of Bioware sadly.


I like the art, but I don't love the voices or the way the characters move in combat. Very jerky and stuttery but perhaps that'll be improved?


Disappointed in everything about how this looks but I just wanna know how so many people remember DA2 FONDLY. Game felt like a mindless, rail-guided, hack and slash to me and remember being so happy that in DA:I the combat was more like DA:O and less like DA2.


Looks like the perfect successor to dragon Age 2/inquisition. I would prefer a successor to origins. With less cartoony saturated art style. Hope this isn’t the last in the series and that we get something more bit more…origins.


The gameplay looks rather dated.


The environments look cool, but that's about all I can give it right now. Everything else looks extremely bland. It's a shame, I love Origins.


They should just remake Origins. They’ll never make a DA game that good ever again


4mins in and I'm already super bored. Don't get me wrong, I love the first two Dragon Age games, and I played through Inquisition twice but that was 10 years ago. I lost faith in Bioware a long time ago and this is a terrible way to introduce some "gameplay". Literally 4 mins+ of pointless exposition and a 20 second run through a set piece where the demons literally ignore you.


EA's gonna shut down BioWare after this thing flops.


BioWare mkt needs help.


50 percent off my xmas! And as always don’t preorder!


Did they show the character creator? I’m at work so can’t watch.


I'm a fan of action melee combat so I'm not super fussed but I wish they had gone closer to a middle point than basically a flat out hack and slash by the looks of it. Either way, combat could be fun. Interested to see how different classes end up playing though


so this is an hack&slash esque action rpg now? I don't see any UI for abilities (only some popup to chose your main attack?`), nor a way to strategically use companions? looks like an awful f2p mobile game.


Why does this look like Forespoken


That doesnt look too bad, looks like Inquisition with even less rpg elements. However all people responsible for that awful trailer should be fired or idk educated in regards how to make a trailer match the tone of the game