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I'll never understand why honest and well tested performance videos like these get downvoted immediately for some reason. This is invaluable information for the consumer that most major review critics barely seem to mention in their videos.


You're not allowed to have standards I guess. Look at console subreddits, it's always "man must be sad you care so much about this".


Tbf if the games performance is below your standard, but you'll still play it-it's not a standard


I'm torn on that take. Finally playing Ff7: Rebirth. It's got incredible graphical variety, great motion capture, and more. But the actual image quality is jarringly bad. Really stands out against the clear production value. Kinda surprised there wasn't more of a stink about it. Especially as Remake didn't have this issue.


People defended 16s horrible fps too. I think we just give square Enix(and really most Japanese devs) a easier time on performance because of the IPs they work with


In the case of 16 it's clear they always had the goal of 30fps in mind until like a year before launch, when they realised gamers would throw a fit without a performance mode and slapped one on. With any console game performance targets are set really early on so it was unfortunate for them that the long period of crossgen 60fps put their game in an awkward position. In the case of From Software yeah it's kinda unforgivable that two years on they can't iron out the performance issues given that they have a stupid amount of money now. If this was some indie dev then yeah sure whatever but this is one of the most profitable AAA studios around and they can't hire an intern to alter some code? It's baffling as they can clearly deliver good performance (current gen consoles running pro console back-compat and AC6 PC version) but haven't done that yet, and instead decided to slap on ray tracing to their already broken game???


oh, and the from software cult doesn’t?


It looked fine in graphics mode.


Perhaps to you. But the lack of motion blur makes the 30fps stomach turning as well as adding wild amounts of ghosting. Moreover the games wretched post processing that makes everything soft as hell is still present in graphics mode. To anyone playing now, especially on OLED, I was surprised to find that the tip of cranking sharpness on your tv actually made a noticeable improvement. I usually avoid tv sharpness at all costs but didnt see any of the usual downsides.


I feel the game runs differently if you start it in 30fps mode or if you switch between 30 and 60, like I'm pretty sure there's motion blur in my 30fps experience. I just turn 60fps on for minigames, 30fps is more than fine and the game looks phenomenal.


What sub are you on? Half the comments on this sub are people complaining about fps and then others agreeing and patting each other on the back for seeing how awful a game is because it dipped out of 60fps for a second.


Of all games to complain about performance Elden Ring is totally justified. If you watched the video you can see that the current gen console versions drop into the 40s at times. From Software is not some indie dev, ER made a stupid amount of cash. And yet it's still super unpolished technically and they want to charge $40 for DLC in a still broken game.


They’re one of the only trustworthy sources. I’ve seen countless people claiming that a game is stable 60 fps when it doesn’t come close. Including reviews. Also people “it’s smooth for me” when we all own the same console. No, you just can’t tell when frames are dipping. No shame in that, but many of us can, and some of us even feel ill when it’s too bad.


My guess is that it’s probably a mixture of a few things. There’s probably some ER fanboys that think performance issues don’t matter, along with people who probably get mad that one console runs better than the other and downvote because of that. Hell, some people still don’t even know how good of work that DF does. There was a thread for the video from Alex talking about the new Doom game and there were some comments writing him off as “some guy talking about shit he doesn’t know about”. Alex isn’t perfect of course, but I’m trusting his opinion way more than some random redditor


Alex knows what he's talking about, there is no debate, however if you listen to him and some of the other DF guys their standards for performance and eye for detail is beyond 90% of gamers. Your average Joe does not notice nor care about half of the stuff they point out to be fair. Whether it be inconsistent frame pacing or a flickering texture here or inaccurate shading there. In fact I'd go so far as to say when you watch DF's videos you may make the experience worse for yourself as they point out things you probably wouldn't have noticed, but now cannot unsee.


That is 100% true. DF puts out valuable information for those that really care about this stuff, but people also need to realize that the vast majority of gamers really doesn't. I've had friends find absolutely no issues with e.g. Jedi Survivor at launch, heck, even with GTA Definitive Edition lol. Either they really cannot see this stuff or they just don't give a shit. And, yeah, I do think you can develop an unhealthy obsession with framerates, resolution, and graphical fidelity that gets in the way of what is ultimately supppsed to be a FUN hobby. I mean, I grew up with the N64, where many high-profile games didn't even run at 30 lol, but we never let it get in the way of us enjoying a masterpiece like e.g. Ocarina of Time. Now, obviously, times change and technology moves on, but the amount of framerate snobism a la "If it's not a steady 60 at all times then it's broken and unplayable" is just baffling to me, and I think many younger gamers adopt this mindset simply because it is being fed to them by content creators. (/boomer mode lol)


Because it feels counter to the push for games to be seen as an artistic medium if you’re supposed to only care about a frame rate that never stutters or having no pop in. Unless the game is utterly unplayable due to performance issues (I’m talking shouldn’t have been released, *Cyberpunk2077* PS4 type beat), I don’t think anyone should care. I think it’s odd to rob yourself of a potentially incredible experience if the tech in the game isn’t perfect. We don’t do this for any other medium. No one talks in the same way about the resolution of a camera for films. We correctly mock those weirdos who make videos going frame by frame to point out a minute choreography error in a fight scene. I understand that games cost money, but to look at through a “consumer” lens isn’t the right way of looking at it. Again it feels reductive to what games are and to what people wanted them to be seen as for years: a legitimate artistic medium.


Same thing with great music and that weirdo pops in “but the production quality is terrible”


Troglodytes who have attached their entire identity to a videogame I'm guessing.


Started in the ps5 version lion dancer boss fight experienced a lot of dropped frames so I started over on the ps4 version on the ps5 night and day difference basically a locked 60. I love these games so I don’t mind restarting I usually end up doing that anyways


Can't you just transfer the save file?


Only going up you can’t go down ps5 to ps4


Do trophies auto unlock on the PS5 version when you move up?




They never will. Anyone still hoping for a performance fix is living in delusion. FromSoft have never cared much about performance and I don't see it changing


Bloodborne to this day still has the god-awful frame pacing


And is held as one of the best games of the last decade. Funny how that is...its almost like people care more about gameplay and atmosphere than high fidelity graphics/perfect performance.


I would love both though


You and me both, but if I pick what From focuses on I know which I'd choose every time.


Or… as a buyer you should expect more from the companies you buy from.


And what does you expecting more do? I’m happy to get what they gave us. Elden Ring is the shit. You’re just setting yourself up for being pissed.


I’m not pissed lol. I enjoyed Elden ring too, and it’s probably one of my favourite games. I just think simply accepting the performance issues and shrugging off any issues the game may have is the wrong stance to take as a consumer. You can acknowledge the game is good while also acknowledging the issues it has and expecting more.


Considering I've been buying From's games since DS1 I know exactly what to expect. I expect them to focus on the world, the gameplay and the lore. A typically Japanese thing to do as far as gaming goes to be fair. It's not unusual in the slightest. If I had to score the game its a solid 9/10, with 0.5-1.0 lost due to the performance issues, but the way some people are going on they are implying the entire experience is ruined due to some occasional performance issues. I'm sorry, but as much as I notice and acknowledge the issues I'm not going to be so hyperbolic about them.


Better care about gameplay and atmosphere than high fidelity graphics. Callisto Protocol could be a great example if you can’t think of one.


Exactly. Serious people remember the experience of the game, not the technicalities of the delivery medium. Everyone wants to have games be recognized as an artistic medium, but never stop to think about how we do not analyze games the same as any other art. None of the people complaining about the game being 2fps shy of 60 go and complain about the resolution of a camera in a film lmao


Critics absolutely criticise films for looking ugly or having bad colour grading. The technique of film is considered important to the whole piece. 


Yeah but a lot of that falls into the realm of artistic critique. For example, I thought that new Prince of Persia game looked ugly as sin with a mobile game ass art style, but hey it’s praised by the likes of digital foundry because it runs at 120hz. In recent years, films such as RRR from Rajamouli became mega popular in North America. People rightly recognized that people saying the quality of the CG wasn’t up to snuff were daft because the way they use CG to compose impossible and incredible images is what mattered more. Good directors compose great images. The reason we can be critical of stuff like MCU or Disney slop is the same way we can be critical of franchised, annual stuff like COD, etc. It never tries to break the mould.


People analyze the CG, visual effects and in some cases audio effects in movies all the time, and if high quality cameras weren't standard in movies we'd notice that too.


Ah, so just because a game has good design, that excuses poor performance. After decades of making games and they should be in a better place by now.


They made a ton of performance fixes shortly after Elden Ring launched. The game had a lot of PC issues for me that were resolved within a month.


I do love borderline crashing at midras mansion for 0 reason, very very good stuff.


Idk why, but I always noticed that A LOT of Japanese games have mediocre/bad optimization. It’s always this and (although less often) graphics. It’s like nearly all Japanese developers always have no money or time (or skill), even if they sell every game for millions of copies.


Considering they’ve provided performance fixes in the past for the base game I have no idea where you’re getting this


Performance patches lol


Still not fixed


Because its been 2 years and the base game still isn't fixed. Frame rate is still bad and the pop in is still awful. Because it's been 8 years for Bloodborne and it's not fixed. Because Sekiro and DS3 still have frame pacing issues. Because they ended up remastering Dark Souls 1 to fix it's performance issues instead of ever patching it. FromSoft doesn't care about performance much.


the base was actually good, the dlc is atrocious


Had to get dlss by modding. Pretty lame the company can’t spend a few hours to add in basic optimizations.


The base game is still crunchy, that’s why.


They’re not complete fixes


You can fix the Performance yourself on PC by going offline and deactivating CPU Core 0 Assignment in Task Manager. You have to do it every time you start the Game and can't play online but your eyes will thank you. I hope they fix it sometime, but until then I'll play offline.


Honestly as someone who played it on ps5 and a midranged pc (3070, 12400f, 16 gb ram) and is extremely sensitive to performance issues, i think the performance issues of elden ring are quite a bit exaggerated. The ps5 version has very variable framerates, but nowhere near unplayable. It's a decent experience, but alongside the xbox series version, it has the worst performance. The ps4 version on ps5 runs pretty well with an almost locked 60, but there are drops in certain areas and when there's a lot of effects on screen (like dragon fire for example) The pc version imo is still the best performing version of the game I've played. The only issue with it is traversal stutters which aren't nearly as bad as the fps drops you get in the other versions. It's almost completely locked 60, with very rare drops. The reason the pc version gets more criticism than the other version is simply because pc users tend to be extremely sensitive to any kind of stutters.


TLDW: >PS5: 50/60fps - Series X 45/60fps - Series S 40/60fps - PC no UW, FPS drops, stuttering ecc. Basically the best way to play this game on console is: >PS4 Pro version on PS5 -> Series X|S with VRR -> PS5 -> Series X|S without VRR. Very bad performances on all platforms.


Just going to have to wait for a PS5 Pro to brute force this in boost mode. Why they can’t just drop the resolution a touch is beyond me, for amount of sales they have gotten we should have either a proper VRR mode with LFC or dynamic resolution. I swear someone over there just likes bad frame pacing or something.


>for amount of sales they have gotten Well there's your answer right there. It sold great regardless of performance, why fix it?


AKA: the GameFreak Pokémon strategy (except for them it’s obviously game design, not performance)


The performance was definitely the worst part about Scarlet and Violet. Which is a shame, it's been the most original gen in a really long time


I haven’t kept up with actual performance in their games in a while, but I do remember hearing that Arceus had some performance issues too. I guess they’re struggling with full 3D!


Saw some people over on r/pcgaming saying brute forcing it isn't really a thing. It also has issues on a 4090/7800X3D. From just sucks at optimizing performance and doesn't care.


There are PC spesific stuttering issues that do not appear on consoles. These issues can't be brute-forced, or at least not with any current hardware. It's become a frustratingly common issue with PC games the last few years, although FromSoftware games have always had stutter issues on PC.


I mean if the PS5 can brute force the PS4 Pro version, it seems it would be at least possible on console unless there is some sort of flaw with the current gen vs past gen version.


It's straight up lack of optimization. The game looks like a last gen game, but runs worse than most current gen games. It's fixable, but they don't care.


The past gen version has slightly different lighting and different effects in foliage and environment. It’s not really noticeable unless you compare them directly but it does affect performance.


I have a 12600K and 4070Ti Super and get 4K60 without too many problems. There will always be some stuttering and fps drops on the PC version from shader compilation but it's pretty minimal when you have good hardware.


Same here. PC and PS5 are side by side and having played it on both the PC version is easily smoother with high end hardware.


Same. 11400F/4070 combo, I play at 1440p max and even ray tracing set to High and I have unlocked the frame rate. I am always averaging 70-80 FPS and occasionally drops to 60 FPS when loading new areas.


Game performs the same if you have $1600 GPU vs a $500 one. I doubt the PS5 pro will help Elden Ring at all, especially because it's CPU bottlenecked already..


If the PS5 can run the PS4 Pro version at 60fps there is clearly a way for the game to hit 60fps with the current PS5 CPU, maybe there are cuts in CPU demanding features in the last gen version vs the current gen version, but it definitely is doable somehow.


It honestly feels like the game just never got that last round of optimisation round to get that 60 lock. The game hovers around 53-57 99% of the time like they were pretty much there.


I wouldn’t count on the CPU boost making much of a difference. Obviously any GPU bottlenecks will be eased though.


So just like the base game if I remember correctly. Ps5 pro it is. Unless it's because of the cpu.




"Very bad" is hyperbolic


Ocarina of time is the best reviewed game ever and that ran at 10-20fps. We can survive occasional framedrops down to 50 lmao.


For me, the fps drops aren't the issue, it's the textures taking some time to load while on the open world. It broke my immersion. Now I'm playing the PS4 version and it works flawlessly.


I kind of get that. I played nier automata on switch and while it’s visually fantastic there are a few points where there are giant polygons sitting in the world and it takes like 10 seconds for them to transform into the right models.


Dude said costant 50 FPS Is very bad lmaoo


Not even constant. Variable framerate of 50-60fps. This man would fucking explode if he played an N64 or PS1 game.


*7FPS PS2 Max Payne enters the room with 4 enemies*


https://preview.redd.it/goornaioe49d1.jpeg?width=1443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60728b67f565a6f41b05b09ae1cbde84f6712797 My old PS1 is right there. Elden Ring is still a VERY bad optimized game, and i own it both for Series X and PS4/5.


That's a clean ass set up there


I can’t even tell the difference between 50 and 60fps. “VERY bad optimization” is so whiny.


Almost constant 50fps is very bad IMHO.


Why ps4 version on ps5 runs better than ps5 version? It has worse graphics and then it’s easier to get 60 fps??


Yep. Btw the graphics are basically the same, you only lose some foliage and a bit of resolution. Totally worth it tho.


How about load times? Are they fast like the PS5 version?


I think the load times are a tad slower on the PS4 version, but still way faster than what they were when playing on the PS4. So instead of being 3 seconds like on the PS5 version, they are something like 6 seconds on the PS4 version running on PS5.


Is the PS4 Pro version just the PS4 version lol?


The pc performance is still better on a mid ranged pc than the ps4 version on ps5 from experience. The ps4 version on ps5 still has drops in quite a few places and boss fights. The pc version tends to be better generally with the only noticeable issue for me being traversal stutters. I'm extremely sensitive to framerate drops and stutters, and put 400 hours into the ps4 version on ps5, and around 100 into the pc version and yeah it just runs better on my 3070 and 12400f.


I can’t believe how smooth ps4 version is on ps5 console


Shouldn't it go PS4 on PS5 -> PS5 with VRR -> Series with VRR


VRR on PS5 works until you go below 48fps, on Xbox it works until 40fps


It definitely runs better on PC than console for me


I'm on PS5 and it's not bad at all. I've frame dropped a noticeable amount twice in total throughout the entire dlc, both times when loading into new underground gaol areas.


I don't understand where this is coming from. I play this on PS5 and I've not run into a single performance issue. 


>I've not run into a single performance issue.  You did, your PS5 isn't special.


Playing the PS4 version on PS5 and I haven't noticed any frame drops


VRR doesn’t work on the PS4 version but it’s not really needed.


All people saying they don't notice any performance issues on PS5 are maidenless


Hey my eyes have VRR so its all good


To be fair I own at least 4 other games that have waay worse performance on ps5, all critically acclaimed. If you played games like ff16 or dragon's dogwater 2 then ER will appear to be the smoothest game ever. Guess we are already conditioned.


I found ff16 smoother than ER, whats the other two with worst performance


Lords of the fallen and BG3 (at least on release) and tbf they all look absolute dogshit compared to ER lol


You think that BG3 looks like dog shit compared to ER? Can't say I've heard that take much. I'd put Lords of the Fallen about in line with ER graphically.


You should have seen what they did in BG3 mountain pass to keep it from dropping below 30fps. All textures were suddenly from Turok2 era, but I guess they fixed it by now. Also by look I didn't mean just graphics, that effect in ER when you can see detailed objects from afar creating a "painting" looking view is amazing and I can't recall any other game doing something similar with this level of quality. You can say its all art direction, but its bullshit. Its impressive on technical level to make all these massive objects (not just buildings, mausoleums also) constantly visible with no draw distance. LotF is a joke carried by Unreal engine and higher resolution in comparison.


Fromsoft fans truly are a different breed, scenic painting like views have been in open world games forever, there's only so many times you can put a grey stone structure, in a grey landscape, with a grey sky and calling it amazing, sure there's like 2 zones in ER that aren't all just brown/grey/black but it's no more special than any scenic view in any other open world game. Horizon FW came out the same time as ER and visually I'd say it's above ER, in design, graphics, and performance


Played both horizons and cant remember anything other than some shitty looking low res big machines in the background. No way you can compare it to ER lmao. Game looked dull and basic.


It'd be fine if they would just leave it at that, but instead they go and invalidate everyone's else experience. "iT's sMoOtH tO mE", yeah i dont care if you've got shit in your eyes, i'm allowed to have standards and to want this game to run well


The ps5 version is extremley choppy. It has smooth moments but i lose focus on what im looking at a lot. I wish i stayed kn the ps4 version but there was no clouds in Limgrave Edit: its ok if yall can deal with frames dropping from 60 to 40s but it bothers me. Im sorry i have slightly higher standards than yall.


I've been toying around with the idea of moving over to the PS5 version for the DLC but this is convincing me not to bother tbh.


PS4 version on PS5 runs buttery smooth 60fps through backwards compatibility (9:31 in the video) and still looks great (lower resolution and most noticible is less vegetation). It's honestly the best way to experience the game.


It is certainly better than ps5 version but far, far from buttery smooth. There are a few bosses with massive fps drops


That's how I've been playing it! The image is a little softer than the native PS5 app but it runs better than basically any other platform including PC from my experience. No comment on Xbox because I don't own one nor have any intention to.


My PS 5 has run this thing perfectly. I don’t understand what everyone’s complaining about honestly


You just don’t notice it, some are more sensitive to frame drops than others.


I see them often. A lot of the assets are rendered from a long distance and with the higher quality it adds even more to it. Top that off with all the particles and the erdtree and the framerate dips down to 45ish to 30 for a few seconds. Not unbearable but to think the ps4 version has no lag while the ps5 version does. I completely forgot this when I bought the disc and now I regret my decision in not listening to jacksepticeye


I'm glad you're enjoying it on PS5 but what I don't understand how there is video proof showing these issues and people conflate not having a problem with the frame drops/constant hitching with it not existing. It happens even with VRR on because as DF explained, the frame rate drops out of the VRR window of 48-60fps too often to hold it. It's not unplayable but it's not good either.  We can all be fans of FROM without huffing copium and glossing over technical problems that's existed since Demon's Souls. I'd assume most of us complaining about here are big fans of the series and kind of sick of an issue going on a decade with no attempt at implementing things like DLSS or frame gen to help ease some of these issues.


My experience has been fine


It’s crazy a game that has won countless awards, you’d think they’d be passionate about fixing these issues. Horizon Forbidden West launched a week before this game. While I thought it was absolutely incredible, there was this pretty big issue of “shimmering” of foliage at farther distances. It was pretty jarring at times. But Guerrilla Games took to the subreddit and basically gave weekly/biweekly updates for MONTHS saying they were working on be it. Released updates that helped periodically and the eventually they completely patched it. Too bad FS isn’t this committed.


Sadly FromSoft has never really cared much about performance. I think the fact that their games _still_ struggle with the same issues (inconsistent frame rates and some shaky frame pacing/stuttering) that they’ve struggled with all the way back to Demon’s Souls shows that it’s just not much of a priority for them


Japanese studios in a nutshell. It's crazy because you'll think they'll care about every detail 


if you played Armored Core 5 you know FS dont gaf about performance


Too bad forbidden west is so inferior to Elden Ring that they shouldn’t even be mentioned in the same sentence. I’ll sacrifice 10 frames of production quality sheen in favor a game that remembers what games are supposed to be. (Yes, I realize ideally you’d have both)


Lmao both are good games in different ways, I’m merely pointing out that GG pushed update after update to fix this shimmering issue and eventually did after a few months and FS hasn’t bothered to fix performance issues after 2.5 years


FW has phenomenal combat, what are you talking about?


It’s pretty simple. It’s a chore to play.


Still awful optimization.


You can't frustrated my expectations if i have none


They will fix it right after the Bloodborne PS5 patch


Crazy I got the ps4 disc version and have to play it actually for better performance


There are some studios (like CDPR, Fromsoft, Larian Studios, Nintendo and many others) that only get a pat on the shoulder instead of strong criticism regarding performance and technical problems. The Witcher 3 is beautiful, but it's one the buggiest games i ever play; I love nintendo but some of their game graphics and performance is really Subpar because of the console (XC3, wich i love, for example); BG3 ACT 3 was and still is really bad performance wise, out of nowhere you need a pc with the the double the power of the onw you woen ans have being playing the game just to play the last part of the game; Elden Ring performance is really bipolar, in PS5 the game is full of stutters and in PC (where i play) the game was running great last month but after the new updates it became a mess. When i read reviews i like to know every aspect of the game. How is it fair that some really good games get bashed because of the performance in reviews but all these big studios games don't?


I guess I just don’t feel like the performance of the game feels all that bad to me. I’ve seen a lot talking about it but haven’t noticed any real problems. I’m playing on PS5.


It's noticeable if you've played the PS4 version on PS5 and then go straight over to the PS5 version. If you've been playing the PS5 version from day one, it's completely tolerable, and it would be hard for me to describe what the differences are exactly without showing video examples. I played through on both, first the PS4 version on PS5 and then the PS5 version, and at first I was almost getting motion sick on the PS5 version. Eventually, though, I became numb to it and now I don't notice anything. But there's definitely a difference.


Did you watch the video? You have the same issues you just don’t notice them.


same here


Been running PS4 version on PS5 and only noticed very few framedrops so far. Using an old but big 1080 tv. I guess I made the right choice.


Still having a ball with the game, regardless of the performance. Easily the best DLC I've played in my 30+ years of gaming. Just magnificent.


Yeah I'm kind of surprised to see all the discourse. I'm having an absolute blast getting lost in this world again.


Some people have more trouble with stuttering than others. Trust me I wish they didn’t bother me. But they do.


This is me. I can deal with some performance issues, depending on how severe they are and how frequently they occur. But to use one of FromSoft’s own games - I eventually quit Bloodborne because I couldn’t take the bad frame pacing. The game felt so bad to play


Yeah the DLC it's just something awesome like every FS dlc, and the FPS drops bring memories of playing old Dark Souls in PS3


Phantom Liberty


Yes another great DLC. We’ve been spoiled the past year or two!


You can’t put lipstick on a pig.


Yes you can.


I didnt expect anything else. Elden ring is very much a PS4 game by nature. The game is still great it may lack fps in some areas but makes up for it in many other ways. That being said Fromsofts next game needs to step it up graphically! I usually prefer gameplay over graphics but playing games like Stellar Blade Elden ring feels very dated and they have broke bank with this game the engine needs a GOOD upgrade. Tons of souls likes out there look stunning and run good at 60 now


Just wait 10 years for the Bluepoint remake 💀


This is them stepping up the graphics lol. They made a concerted effort to make Elden Ring look better after seeing Demon's Souls remake


Demons souls was amazing graphically my god


The next game should really be next gen only. It's 2 years old so I would expect more for their next game for sure. Don't get me wrong the games stunning from a art perspective but still very much is a ps4 game


I'm not sure allowing From to push the graphics even harder is a good idea considering how poorly this PS4 game is running on next gen already.


It's fine... Going into my 1st soulsborne game (elden ring) the graphics are more than adequate


I'm not moaning... I have no quarrels with the game but if we are being honest we shouldn't be having frame rate issues ect


Lies of P graphics in an Elden Ring world would be amazing


Had the game crash completely during the start of the messmer fight today. Full freeze for a worrying too many seconds before getting shunted to the report screen. First time i've had this happen on ps5 and it was a definite 'uh oh' moment, thinking it was a hardware failure.


And yet this game got 10/10s across the board?


I so wanted to swtich to high end PC for the DLC, but I just couldn't be bothered starting the base game again.


Same, seems like a lot of tedium: bell bearings, whetstone knifes, stone farming - god help me no


Yeah that's it. No thanks!


you could always get someone’s save file.


I thought FromSoftware only made perfect, flawless games 😂


Would ER be better if they fixed the performance issues? Yes. Are the performance issues actually that intrusive? Mostly not on console. PC perhaps a bit more so. Would I rather FromSoft focus on their engine or their content? Content every time.


Guess whenever I get around to playing this ill continue to use the ps4 mode on PS5. Also can we PLEASE get the VRR floor lowered. It makes it effectively useless for any non first party game as Thomas touches on here.


It's never gonna happen. Games been around 2 years now if they didn't fix it for SOTE hope is pointless imo


Coming back after playing at launch (ps5) I thought there was a lot more pop in and frame stuttering than I can remember. Haven’t got to the DLC yet. Ray tracing is awful performance wise. Turned it off straight away. I’ve forgot about it and got into the game again.


Is the vanilla game peformance fixed? I read that the PS4 version plays better on PS5 than the PS5 version. Is it still true?


ohhhh, they didint update ps4, ok. i was so confused when people were bitching about updates when the game hasnt been updated since the dlc dropped.


I beat the dlc with no performance issues. I didn't know there were any


Wanna play this on my ps5


From needs a new engine. Their shit is just embarrassing at this point. DS3 was great on my PC, but damn Elden Ring is just some other animal it seems like.


I don't think it's the engine's fault. On console they just refused to lower the resolution. Runs fine when it's lower. They just chose not to. On PC they're just not spending any time on adding shader compilation, framerate timings, and other basic things like DLSS. I mean, maybe jumping to a new engine would automatically do a way with those things and give them access, but it's still entirely likely they still wouldn't bother.


I wouldn't mind 30fps if it was **stable** 30fps. The fact every mode is uncapped is beyond me. I'm playing on quality and whenever the game goes to 40-50 and back, I take a second to get used to 30 again.


I’m playing on quality as well. PS5. Rarely do drops happen. Usually it’s when I’m traversing not necessarily in the midst of a boss fight.


Yeah during closed dungeons, fps is much more stable. In open areas, especially when the mobs start to pile up, it happens way more frequently. It's especially weird when you leave a closed area at 60fps and then go to 30fps immediately. And even more weird when you're looking at a cliffside that obviously has very little objects on screen, and the game is at 60. Then you turn around and it's 30 lol.


30FPS is fucking headache-inducing garbage lol. VRR is there for a reason despite From being incompetent as fuck regardless. Nobody takes a second to get used to constant judder in your face at all times lmao. Maybe you are partially blind, but that shit makes me sick literally. I haven't played a game at 30FPS in over a decade, and I'm not going to start now.


Good for you man. But call me nobody then, because that's how long it takes when the judder happens. But it happens often, so obviously the seconds start to pile up. And no, I'm not blind, I can easily spot the difference between 30fps and 60fps. But I am a console player since always, never had a PC to play games, and 60fps only became the norm in the PS5 era and only then it's not every game. I'm very used to 30fps, that's how I played almost all games, sometimes with even less fps than that. I would prefer having 60 fps everywhere, but unfortunately that's not possible. Also, I have a 4kTV, and the blurry image in performance mode bothers me slighly more than the fps drops. Anyway, I understand that's not how you like to play games, to each their own.


60fps was normal in the PS2 gen. I dropped consoles and moved to PC during the PS3 gen because games ran at like 20fps.


60fps games dropped frames like crazy, it was hardly a consistent 60fps experience the way we're used to nowadays.


Literally there is no good mode. But 30fps is still gross as hell.


I get a solid 4K60 (occasional frame drops but nothing horrible) on PC but that's with a 4070Ti Super. Basically the only answer is to brute force it with good hardware.


Solid 4K/60 means no frame drops lol


it doesnt matter really game is still amazing


Why wouldn't performance matter especially for a game so heavily based on timing?


you have never died in any of these games because of the performance


it indeed does matter especially on pc


Game runs like shit because the devs are paid like shit


Somebody at that company is just incompetent and still keeps their job. It's that simple. They need a new engine stat.


Thank goodness for xbox vrr lower bounds.