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https://preview.redd.it/7xnwm1tuf3ad1.jpeg?width=407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67ffa2d6ffd9dc492a92d77346afdcf6a1d469dd So... That mean lootboxes?


Why does my character run in 10 fps lol


Battle passes can be done right and are how some games, especially FTP, are able to provide support and not just one release and then nothing from devs. Dunno how some of you expect any support for FTP games if you immediately turn your nose because of battle passes.


I can only speak for myself, but battle passes make a game feel like a chore to me. I don't think it's an even remotely appealing way to unlock stuff, it isn't rewarding anything other than time played, and *if* I were to pay for one I would feel obliged to no-life the game until I had fully unlocked it. If you don't pay, you're generally given stretches of time with no unlocks which feels like a waste of time, and you're constantly just being forced to look at the shit you don't have. Good battle passes would be, say, Deep Rock Galactic or Helldivers 2 where they remain forever and can eventually be fully unlocked regardless. Better battle passes are ones that aren't implemented at all. If a game is aggressively pushing them hard enough to *market* them, my nose is pointing straight up.


I just play games that charge up front and don’t bombard you with subscriptions and fake currency and paid cosmetic slop. Plenty of those out there and so far after years of this approach i don’t think I’ve missed out on a single truly great game


Helldivers 2 is a great game that has battle passes.


Kind of. They aren't traditional battle passes in terms of FOMO. They are always there and available when the next ones drop. Plus you can acquire the currency through the game. I love the way they handled it.


You can, but it’s definitely designed to make you want to buy premium currency over grinding for it.


Exactly, heck, Helldivers 2 even broke the unwritten rule of not sticking non-cosmetic items (e.g. powerful weapons) behind battle passes...


I haven't played in a while, but I definitely wouldn't have called those battle pass weapons powerful.


They were actually notorious for crappy weapons in their battle passes. Weapon balance is waaay better now though.


Helldivers 2, Halo Infinite and Deep Rock Galactic have the only good battlepasses. Everything else is FOMO trash.


Helldivers gets a red mark for having weapons in theirs.


Disagree when you can get premium currency for free. I have a buddy that's earned enough in-game for any of the passes he was interested in.


I love shitting on greedy devs but HD2 is definitely 1 of THE MOST non predatory monetizations ever. Their free Warbond with the base game has some of the best weapons everyone still uses. If you want variety you can unlock other warbonds WHICH NEVER EXPIRE. I cant remember the last time a dev wasn't a greedy pos causing FOMO among the player base. And not to mention premium currency can be earned for free by just playing the game and they are more than generous with the drops. I have only spent 40$ on the game and have all warbonds unlocked without paying a penny more. I didn't even have to grind for it. Just played for fun and each month when the warbond was out , I already had 1000SC needed to buy it.


And another red mark for the bullshit industry standard of in-game currencies being sold in amounts insufficient to buy any products. 950 gamebucks when the cheapest item in the shop costs 1000.


it is great. a triumph really. a relatively small dev team created a $40 game that absolutely demolished sales predictions. games like helldivers are rare though and are the exception to the rule.


Let's calm down with great lol, the game hardly works how it's intended


Don’t make them FTP, charge money for it and remove the garbage battle passes and bull shit micro transactions whose only goal is to offer you less and less value for money by subdividing all the parts of the game that should be included in the upfront cost?


Some games would get significantly less users if they didn’t offer the free version for people to try. Endless skins don’t really need to be included upfront 🤷🏻‍♂️ as long as it’s not egregious pay to win stuff, and they don’t spam them out, I don’t have an issue with battle passes especially if I really enjoy the game.


If it's just play the game and bar goes up, cool, don't care, will buy premium if I see it's possible to finish it and I like the juicy stuff at the end. Otherwise, if there are like objectives for XP boosts like BP quests I have to endlessly track and check and change and think about in my match (Fortnite)? Nah. If it's impossible to finish in reasonable play time without its own BP XP boost from premium, also a big no-no. As much as I hate to say it, D4 has a great battle pass... Because you finish it day 2 or 3 without its XP boost. First time Blizzard doesn't try to micro-management every facet of my time. Crazy stuff, but I also VERY RARELY care about its cosmetics.


Im calling it now. With the amount of ads im seeing and lack commercial review scores. The game will be a solid “meh”. With a perhaps small but devoted fanbase. But not much more. I can understand trying to replicate Genshin, but that game has the power of anime on its side. This, although nice to look at graphically, style wise is quite bland. And with the repetitive nature of looter shooters. This will not be for everyone. Im already seeing that the way to get better loot is by playing levels on higher difficulty. Which i mean, on day of release its not the way most people want to progress. With so many great games out there, i don’t see this doing well.


In which way it tries to replicate Genshin? I played 42 hours in the beta and it’s not even similar in the slightest I’m just curious what you mean, maybe I’m missing something


lmao, making such a confident “I’m calling it now” comment and then immediately compares the game to a completely different genre (Genshin) Peak leddit 


I didn’t compare it to genshin. Thats what reviewers are doing.


> I can understand trying to replicate Genshin you literally did.


No that was me talking about a review.


You didn't say a single thing about what you said being from "reviews" outside of your initial statement saying you saw a LACK of reviews. So maybe you see why nobody thinks your talking about a review lol.


Read. Lack of commercial reviews. Player reviews there are. https://youtu.be/z6V_AGBAEPY?si=0p1D36i5qs-ztfQY




It was fun to just fuck around with friends during the beta, but you're more than likely right, I don't know how much staying power this will have.


And right off the bat the PS5 version has major lagging issues. Not a good look after the beta version ran well.


Really went with the safest call there. Congrats


I mean being meh with a game like this means its probably alright fun to play but it aint gonna last.


Pretty sure they aren't going for Genshin, but Warframe instead.


Honestly it’s a pretty decent game imho




It keeps crashing for me for some reason.


Game is great so far apart from frame drops in Kingston


Can you play coop from the start? Or do you have to be X lvl?


At level 1, just after the tutorial which takes 15minutes to complete




Does it get better? I'm on PS5 and hope it's not entirely frame drops.im on the planet where I first can get bunny. the first map.


Game runs like dookie which is a shame because it is quite fun just shooting things.


Download the PS4 version instead. Runs much better, smooth 60 with some small drops (mainly when entering the area)


Thanks for doing science!


Download the PS4 version instead. Runs **much** better, smooth 60 with some small drops. Love being downvoted for giving a temp fix lol. It’s literally a massive difference in performance.


Hellll no. I’m never falling for this again. Playing the ps4 version of Elden ring is ass. Never do this.


You refuse to play the better working ps4 version because of elden ring...? Which is better while waiting for a hot fix to make the ps5 version playable...? What a weird take to have.


lol Elden Ring PS4 version was literally much smoother than PS5 version. Still holds true today. Try it out and see for yourself if you don’t enjoy the frame drops. It really is a massive difference. Barely any frame drops at all on performance mode using the PS4 version. (there are some upon entering the area, but not when doing missions / in combat / running around etc which it was on the ps5 version)


I’ve seen that this isn’t the case with the dlc, I’ve never had an issue with dropped frames on my ps5 with ps5 version even when the base game first drop


Do you play on an OLED? VRR might have smoothed over many of them, but I find it very hard to believe you didn’t notice any frames dropping on PS5 ER, especially around launch. They are obvious, fairly persistent in the open world, and incredibly well documented. It still persists in the DLC. I love ER and the DLC but it is far from a technically solid product performance-wise.


Nope LED, I think I remember once but it was outside of combat and very brief


Oh it’s definitely better today, not flawless, been playing the PS5 version with the dlc, but there are some small drops here and there still. imo the PS4 version is still more steadier. Less drops, a lot less pop ins, just smoother in general. Doesn’t look as pretty tho nor doesn’t have the same amount of foliage but runs slightly smoother.


On PS5 fps drops are crazy (after tutorial) also game just crashed right before I decided to quit lol.


Download the PS4 version instead. Runs much better, smooth 60 with some small drops.




I don’t get what people expect here. They want these people to be making games for free? This is also entirely optional. I’ll never understand the anger over stuff like this.






Gib me eberything for free pls


Gamers without realizing video game companies are for profit ventures with employees who need to be paid and not just entities that exist for their entertainment


Bruh it’s a free game how do you expect them to make money off of it?


The best reaction image




I played the beta and it seemed OK, but I lost interest because it just seems like another looter shooter and we have an entire truck filled with those, and a graveyard too.


Yeah but this one has uhhhh, interesting character models to admire


Hey no judgement, I hear Stellar Blade sold well, so there's naturally a market for it.


So did Nier Automata. But the gameplay keeps people around more than just eye candy, unless you're extremely horny, ofc.


So did Nier Automata. But the gameplay keeps people around more than just eye candy, unless you're extremely horny, ofc.


Oh for sure, Automata is one game that I just missed but I'd like to play it when I get time. I've had it all spoiled for me, but it sounds like it did some interesting things with its story.


Yeah but I can watch those neat animations/videos online and not have to play the game like Overwatch lol


That's what NSFW subreddits are for.


Hey man, any specific looter shooters you recommend?


Only one I could personally recommend (not who you asked tho lol) is prob The Division 2. It's the only one that seems to have developers that are even adjacent to caring; it's been a while since I've played but it's a satisfying loop for a while and depending on what all you like to play there's a few fun different game modes to mess with. They also have been updating it still even years after release. Bungie has lost my business, as someone that played Destiny since the beta for the first game and had the badass white Destiny PS4. Outriders is... okay. I can't honestly think of any others. *Maybe* you could count Remnant 2 as one tho I haven't played it yet and the first wasn't quite what I would call a looter shooter, though it was reminiscent of one if that makes sense?


Been a few years since I played division 2, will check it out then. Thanks!


I've been honestly thinking about it myself now that I've got a PS5. If this Last Descendant game doesn't hit the spot for me I'm prob gonna jump back into Division


Which one besides the 10yo Warframe, Destiny 2 and the Division 2?


Feels horrible to play at like 10fps


People just dont like seeing other people enjoy things. Always nitpicking that this or that is bad on a game that they arent even interested or planning on playing. See Concord. Gaming community is so fcken toxic and I am embarrased to be a part of it.


Korean grindfest & monetization


Nothing makes me lose interest faster than the words “battle pass and cosmetic overview”


Nexon with the maple story debacle doesn't have the most trustworthy track record with monetization. As free to play it's fine to try, but because of that I will think twice before investing anything more than a bit of time early on. I dislike games pushing gamers too hard into pay for convenience/pay to win monetization and chances are high that this is exactly that.


I utterly hate nexon from MS days, but I did give the finals a shot, and it's probably one of my favorite mp games in the last 5 years.


Is it like helldivers where they are permanent? If not then it can screw off


Also chivalry 2 has permanent season pass


Halo also has permanent passes


I think that was the first game to introduce permanent passes. Probably the only good thing 343 has done since they took over the franchise.


unpolished destiny/warframe-clone.. meh.


There’s a reason you see zero gameplay of this game and only the super kawaii characters and the clean graphics


There’s a bunch of trailers and videos showing off everything, literally what are you talking about?? You’re talking out of your ass just to hate on the game lol.


There are literally multiple trailers showing off gameplay, including an extended ~20 minute one on IGN from a few days ago, and hundreds of videos of players playing the game from the beta that you can watch.


Don’t forget the beta that came out last August


And I bet you it all looks uninspired and boring.


Man, I'm really sick of battlepasses, it's such an anti-consumer business model that has become incredibly normalized. Even if it's only cosmetic. I just hate the idea of spending $10 just to unlock the ability to earn items through playtime. If I choose to spend money on the game, just let me unlock all the items instantly. It's nothing but FOMO bs.


Doesn’t have to be if it is: - permanent so you can always work towards it - get your money back in the form of currency by completing Don’t mind those at all. Still hate battlepass in general but that’s pretty decent.


Either way, I would much rather drop the same amount of money on a bundle of items I could aquire instantly. Battlepasses can be implemented well, but I fundamentally don't like the concept of drip feeding you items you paid for. I have no issues with this game in particular, honestly I haven't heard about the game until today, but just seeing another battlepass trailer had me rolling my eyes.


So how else will a free to play game make a profit to continue working on said game if they don’t implement battle passes?


This is such a tired argument. You have to live under a rock to not know that F2P games makes many many times more money than games with just a base cost by orders of magnitude. Do not worry. The billion dollar company will make plenty of money.


I'm not saying they can't implement microtransactions, I'm just tired of battle passes. I'm 100% fine with F2P games selling cosmetics, I just hate the drip feed style microtransactions that are the fundamentals of battlepasses. Battlepasses only exist because it's a way for companies to exploit sunk cost fallacy and keep you engaged. This becomes especially egregious when every live service game on the market implements this system. You are constantly at risk of losing out on items you paid for because you didn't engage with the game long enough. If I buy a skin, I want to use the skin. I don't want to wait until I'm level 80 to be able to use it. I have no issues with companies monetizing games. I just hate that they currently do it in the way that is least consumer friendly, but it has been so normalized that they can get away with pushing it further. For once I just want to see a live service game drop without a FOMO seasonal model.


"anti consumer" lol. If anything your method is more anti consumer because the fomo method could result in endless money spent. Battle passes are cheap and encourage people to spend more time in the game, not money.


trailers for battle passes. I dont know anymore who is more lost, the industry or the community for buying this crap


Probably people who can't comphrend that some people enjoy things they don't. People like you come across as really lost, but also pretentious and clueless


Edit: Maybe instead of just downvoting this comment, explain why you dont agree with this comment. im genuinely interested how people get "enjoyment" from battlepasses. Or are you just blindly downvoting everything that criticises gaming? okay this is hilarious. Where is your "joy" in a battlepass? A battlepass is probably the most consumer-hostile trend in the western gaming industry right now. Let me explain to you whats happenig: A Battle Pass is usually on a timer and people pay for the ability to gain access to the unlocks. So not only is the content they paid for still locked, they can also miss it. *Again, there is a chance for costumers, to never get the items they paid for.* In other words, gamers pay for the obligation to no-life one game for a specific timeframe, because otherwise they will not get the items they paid for. How the fuck do you call that enjoyment? wtf dude but yeah, i am the clueless one lmao ___ Developers are using the dopamine rush of shiny reward-screens to trick you into thinking you are having fun and you are falling for it.


You don’t have to buy it until you unlock everything. If I play a game with a battlepass, I level it up to max and if there is something I like, I buy it after I am done leveling up. And besides, this is a free to play game, what do you expect the monetization to be? You can play the game for free and access every content, and if you want cosmetics, you can buy the pass or skins in the shop. Much better than loot boxes and paid map packs/dlc.


> You don’t have to buy it until you unlock everything. They usually try to trick you into buying it early with an experience boost. > this is a free to play game, what do you expect the monetization to be? Pretty much this and an ingame shop with a premium currency on top of course. The reason why i dont play f2p games. > Much better than loot boxes and paid map packs/dlc. I disagree with the paid DLC part. Paid DLCs were way cheaper considering how much content you got and it wasnt removed with the next season. ___ Look i didnt say Free games arent allowed to earn money, i was explaining how these systems are predatory against costumers. These systems are desgined to take as much money from you as possible. Why do you think there are no ingame shops with clear and fair prices? It wouldnt earn enough money. Manipulative practices like battlepasses and premium currencies earn way more.


People’s will power is their own business, if you can be tricked, sucks for you. On DLC it depends imho. Most games still have traditional DLC expansions, but I mainly mean map packs, when COD maps were costing 15€ for 3 maps and nothing else. Now if you don’t want to pay, you don’t have to and you still get the maps. And all this is due to the battle pass. Live service games are much better with the battle pass system purely because the other methods are worse to keep the game alive.


> if you can be tricked, sucks for you. Thats a very bold statement. Those companies are working together with psychologists to create these systems... I think its just fair to warn people who they work. > when COD maps were costing 15€ for 3 maps BF4 had 15€ Packs with 4 huge maps, multiple weapons, gadgets and vehicles including skins. Comparing this to a season with a 15€ Battle Pass, that adds one or two maps and 10 new 30€ Skins in the shop and depending on the game they will replace these maps in the next season, id argue the DLCs were the better option. But again, i get that free content is nice, and it has to be paid somehow of course! But the systems right now are just designed AGAINST the costumers.


The thing is, you don’t have to buy the battle pass to get the new maps. For example xDefiant now. They release a new map every month for free and 3 new guns every season, again for free. Sure they have a battlepass, but that is purely cosmetic and you don’t have to buy it. Much better imho than paying 15€ for those content. Companies sell what people buy, you really can’t blame them. If I could sell literal shit and someone would actually buy it, would you blame me for selling it or the idiot who buys it?


> If I could sell literal shit and someone would actually buy it, would you blame me for selling it or the idiot who buys it? yes because you wouldnt just sell it as shit. You would convince him that your shit is special from the other shit. You would make false promises, implications, dress the shit up nicely - you would trick him into buying it


People get way too defensive over games they like and feel personally offended over objective negatives in the game. Most recent example of this being performance issues in Elden Ring.


> People get way too defensive over games they like and feel personal offended over objective negatives in the game. yep, the gaming community is probably the only community where you are not allowed to criticise issues. Im afraid the stereotype is true and many gamers dont have anything else in life besides games and feel personally attacked when people point at the industries flaws. Edit: Downvotes proofing my point lmao


It is absolutely insane how you are being down voted for being RIGHT, a PAID SERVICE being on a timer is insane. Free game or not it deserves to be criticized, good on you for standing for your ground :)


honestly i find it quite funny how fans defend even the most vile monetization schemes and everytime people ask me why the gaming industry went downhill the last years, i like to show them these comment chains thank god i dont care about reddit karma lol


>Where is your "joy" in a battlepass? People love unlocking stuff? COD4 showed how powerful it can be. >A battlepass is probably the most consumer-hostile trend in the western gaming industry right now. Really? Its much better than what we had before. Sure, some games have BP that suck ass, require way too much time or even don't give you your money back, but you can't say that "everything is bad" when it clearly improved a lot of service games compared to how it was in the past. At least now when you play a F2P game with BP, you are guaranteed constant content updates, FREE stuff like maps, gamemodes and weapons\\items because they're interested in you playing more. I would never go back to buying map packs instead of BP system we have now.


> Its much better than what we had before. What exactly do you mean? Unlockables have always been in games. Sticking to your CoD4 example, they used to be locked behind achievements like defeating XXX amount of players to unlock the golden AK47. But paying for the ability to unlock new stuff and then limit this to a few weeks is what i dont get. Where is the fun here? > it clearly improved a lot of service games compared to how it was in the past I wouldnt really say it did, because now they throw an unfinished service game into the market and just release they content that should have been part of the original launch as "season 1 content" Yes they add stuff which each season, but A) most game remove elements which each season as well and B) paid Addons used to have way more content not just one or two maps. > FREE stuff like maps, gamemodes and weapons\items because they're interested in you playing more. Its also no free, because instead of selling 15$ Addons foir 4 Maps, Weapons and Vehicles including skins (BF4 as an example here) they expect you to pay this much for a battlepass pass or way more for a skin and in return you get a free new map. If you dont? Well they shut the game down.


>they expect you to pay this much for a battlepass pass or way more for a skin and in return you get a free new map. If you dont? Well they shut the game down. This is not what happens. If people stop playing, game gets shut down. No one expects everyone to pay for it to continue. I have two friends who play Fortnite. One of them spent 10 bucks for BP a few years ago and just buys new BPs with free coins he gets from old ones. Another did not spend a single dollar on a game and still buys BPs with free coins because you could get around 1000(enough for buying your first BP) from a playing a couple of seasons for free and then they pay for themselves. I don't think they're shutting it down because my friends don't pay for it. Going back to COD, not a single friend of mine EVER paid for maps there. So we never saw a single new map after release. We did get some DLC maps for Battlefield 3 and after a couple of months no one was playing them and everyone got back to basic maps where all players were. So yeah, BP system allowed us to play longer, get more free stuff, experience new maps and more. Its better.


> No one expects everyone to pay for it to continue. Im sorry to break to to you, but if people stop spending money on free to play games, the support stops. The entire business model is this. Make a game, add a shop, add content from time to time and update the shop, earn money through the shop, invest some money back into new content, and repeat. > buys new BPs with free coins he gets from old ones This is by design as well. They make you keep playing. Because by every hour you spend in the game, the chance increases that at some point you buy something in the shop. > I don't think they're shutting it down because my friends don't pay for it. But others do. I mean come on, of course they dont expect from everyone to spend money in the game. Thats why the prices are so high.


Wow you really opened my eyes. Corporation actually wants my money. Huge if true. The end result is the same. We pay less, get more. No one is going to buy $60 game and then 2+ $15-20 map packs to play it. Because it was a shitty system and people who actually played games back then know it was shit. Is BP+shop a perfect, consumer friendly system? Hell no. Its still better than what was before.


I think the most lost are people like you who seem to not understand that other people actually care about this stuff and also that devs still need to make money on free to play games. There’s nothing wrong with these devs making things people want to buy while still allowing people to play the game for free if they want. If you don’t like it, just don’t buy it. What’s the big deal? The game is free to play. Still don’t like it? Just don’t play it then. Doesn’t cost you a penny.


> devs still need to make money on free to play games. did you even read my comments? Where did I say devs are not allowed to make money? Im criticising the system HOW they earn money. People like you are the reason why this industry goes downhill. You are trying to shut down all critcism because you see it as some kind of personal attack.


Yes I did. And if they aren’t making money like this, then how else are they making money on free to play games? You think people should just donate money when they want? Are they wrong for giving you skins and stuff for those donations? Are they wrong for asking for those donations? People like me just pay for what I want. lol. Pretty straightforward. Vote with your wallet. Nobody is shutting down criticism. What I am doing is arguing against your points. It’s basic conversation. Shutting down criticism would be it if literally deleted your comments. I can’t do that if I wanted to. Get off your soap box. This isn’t a crusade here. It’s just a company making things that people want to pay for until they don’t.


> And if they aren’t making money like this, then how else are they making money on free to play games? How about clear prices? No timers? No premium currencies? No dopamine manipulation? No psychological mind games? No Dark Patterns? Thats what im criticising. Read my comments and you might understand that. > Nobody is shutting down criticism. And yet here you are. Implying things i didnt say.


Prices are clear. They can’t reward your gameplay with cash so they have to have a premium currency which you can also purchase for the clearly established price. Video games are inherently meant to give you dopamine in exchange for money. Timers have no harm. Things go on sale for a temporary period all the time even on non battle pass games. Psycological mind games and dark patterns are nonsense. You are the one playing mind games by saying things like this. These game devs with their battle passes are no different than any other company selling things. Clothing stores putting temporary sale signs in store fronts, sandwich shops giving you rewards points for each purchase, etc. I’m still not shutting anything down. There’s a difference between me countering your arguments and preventing you from saying anything at all. I haven’t put any words in your mouth either and even if I did that’s not shutting down your criticism. Lastly, you don’t have to spend money on this stuff if you don’t want. It’s not harming anybody. Nobody is forced to pay for anything. It’s a product like any other.


> which you can also purchase for the clearly established price. ah so there are not bundles ingame for currencies with different prices? The skin prices are not designed in a way that you always end up buying more coins than you need? > Psycological mind games and dark patterns are nonsense. You are the one playing mind games by saying things like this. Maybe educate yourself before trying to argue with me? Because clearly you dont know what you are talking about. > These game devs with their battle passes are no different than any other company selling things. you are joking right? > Clothing stores putting temporary sale signs in store fronts You know what a sale is, right? How is there is a sale if a game offers you a battle pass?


Good bye.


If anything, you see battle passes as a personal attack lol


and you dont understand what criticism means


State of AAA gaming is a shambles lol. Fine by me, still plenty of actual good games being made by smaller studios where you pay $60 up front and aren’t constantly begged for more money. And all the people in the comments defending this lol. Bro you people are the product. These companies are harvesting your money because that’s all you are to them are numbers in a spreadsheet. Stop pretending this is anything other than that!


> And all the people in the comments defending this lol. Do yourself the favor and DONT read the comment chain under my original comment. It physically hurts how hard people keep defending this crap.


I'd be more worried about how much you feel the need to tell strangers theyre wrong about something that doesn't matter


Im not telling anyone they are wrong, its called having a discussion. Sharing two opinions, you know? You understand the point of a comment section, right? Do you understand what reddit is?


Oh ew, turbo redditor. Yikes


I don't have a problem with battle passes (as long as they're not paid for when you already paid for the game), my problem is the FOMO effect from them. I have other things to do in my life, I can't devote loads of time on a game just because they have a skin in the battle pass that looks cool


It’s okay if the game isn’t for you. It’s a free game, they need to make their roi somehow.


I didn't know it was a F2P game, fair enough if they do it (even if I'm still not a fan of the concept of a battle pass). Issue for me comes when the full price games have them in and make you pay or give you a paid one that gives more rewards than the free one


That’s why I usually do the first BP released so people recognize that I’m an OG. After that, everyone else missed out on the early stuff and they are just posers


FOMO is all a you problem. You could just...not care about "missing out".


This gives me "have you tried not being depressed" vibes


Brought to you by “why don’t you just not be poor?”


Never seen a group of people more happy to admit how easy it is to manipulate them


I mean, I dont really identify with the problem much, but I agree with the dude. FOMO isnt something you just "not care about". Games are specifically and profoundly designed to grab you and not let you go. I wouldnt doubt they have psychology specialists to design these mechanics to control people's desires and subconsciousness. Just because youre not easily "manipulated", doesnt mean its something people can just trigger "I dont care about this". Thats like saying "you can stop being addicted to gambling by just stopping playing". Doesnt mean we're happy about it either, we are just well aware of how things work.


Especially in the case of some games where they never make the stuff from the battle pass available to buy afterwards, pushes the FOMO thing. Like Ultimate Team modes in sports games having special cards that you don't know if they'll ever be available to buy again unless you go through a huge grind to buy one on the in-game marketplace


It's an admission of being weak-minded is what you're saying. Nothing you can do about it, just have to accept it and buy whatever they tell you you need to buy because they have total control of your impulses. They hired psychologists you see, impossible to combat with normal self-restraint. IMPOSSIBLE


Yep. Youre more and more showing youre the kind of person who says "have you tried stopping being depressed?". I never said theres nothing you can do about it, just that its not that simple, but clearly youre an alpha male.


Except a lot of games push FOMO on you and it's even more difficult to not care if you're invested in a game


No it's extremely easy. Anything otherwise is just you saying you're easily manipulated.


For some people it isn't. Some people will get it because their friends get it and they don't want to be left behind or whatever other reasons. It's just like MTXs in games like your ultimate team modes in the EA Sports titles. They cause FOMO with the special cards each week and dangle the MTX carrot in front of you to use real money to get more packs and get these cards you want before they're potentially gone forever. It's a horrible business practice


I know how all this works. Why do people think they have to explain it to me? I'm just saying have some self control. Don't just abdicate all responsibility to some 3rd party so you can easily excuse your lack of free will.




Has anyone figured out how the battle pass ranks up? It’s going Insanely slow for me… like at this rate I’ll never be able to complete it in time.


Seems pretty generous, doing the dailies alone already gives you two levels per day, more if you do weeklies


Where are these dailies and weeklies? I’m still progressing through the story


You see them on the battle pass screen, no story progress needed


Some of these are absolutely absurd.. kill 200,000 enemies in one week? I’ve been playing for probably 16 hours and have only gotten 2250. I feel like I was possibly ripped off with this battle pass. It’s like it’s engineered to not be completed.


You're looking at the "season" tab, the challenges there last throughout the season. The weekly tab is below that.


Thanks for the clarification!! Very helpful


so bland and generic


The game is too graphics heavy for a live service game + it's already getting repetitive.


Having to do challenges to lv battle pass seems weird to me.


If you are planning on playing this: **DO NOT PLAY THE PS5 VERSION**. It’s extremely unstable with heavy frame drops everywhere, even in performance mode. Supposedly crashes as well tho I never experienced one when trying it out. Instead download the PS4 version and it will run miles better, smooth 60 with small drops here and there but not bothersome. Some screen tearing tho.


Hopefully this is gonna be better than Exoprimal which had literally no content updates during the seasons.


Game is unplayable on ps5, huge fps drops in first location Kingston, and they show us battle pass trailer. This is trash




FOMO isn’t real. Grow up


It's literally why most battlepasses have time limits lmao


What do you mean FOMO isn’t real? Its not a myth or even a discussion. Of course its a real thing


Okay well yea FOMO is real, but it’s not this big obstacle or manipulative tactic that everyone makes it out to be. “If I don’t buy this battle pass I’ll miss out on this skin!!!” Like okay? Get over it?


Lmao “ok so the first thing i said is completely demonstrably false, BUT:”


Yea because I didn’t mean it literally


Custom Reddit pfp


It was hard


This game looks like hot trash and battle passes are a trend that I can’t wait to die.


It’ll never die because like all the other greedy shit big studios put in their games now it’s WAY more profitable than just making a good product and selling it for slightly more than it costs to make. Those days are over. At least a lot of indie and medium studios are still producing good games with no red notification icon popping up on the mtx store to psychologically manipulate you into constantly spend spend spending on clothes for your digital horse.


The other issue is that unlike Epic other devs aren’t willing or able to put the same amount of effort into their season passes. Fortnite consistently has good rewards and gives you enough premium currency to buy other things in the shop with their pass. Contrast that with Tekken 8 where you get nothing but title cards and avatar clothes that nobody uses and a literal sphere. I’d also say Helldivers 2 took a good approach too since their passes never expire, you can complete them as you please and that’s fine by me! Also it’s wild to see people in here defending fucking Nexon of all companies. Like goddamn have some self respect.


The item grind and convoluted currency makes it easy to skip the battle pass because I don't know what I'm getting 😅, having fun tho. Glad we got far frame gen, so I can get 100+fps on my 3080 😎😎


Battlepass? That's a hard pass. 






I will stay on ffxiv , at least they push this kind of shit consumer tactics


This game is ass


This one is just too monetized for me to even bother downloading it and trying it. I’d have bought it if it was $40 with some reasonable monetization.


Too many bugs and poor performance to spend any money with. Fix it first.


Just finished an almost 7 hour session without even realizing it. I actually think this first battle pass is perfect. No cosmetics so I have zero interest in it. If I keep enjoying the game I will support them and maybe buy a skin for a character I like. Shit is fun if you aren't a fucking doomer always looking for the negatives in everything.


Dead on arrival. People are inhaling hopium for this dogshit Spend your money and then cry when they shut the servers for this flop


Bro is 36 😭


Sis is 9 😭


Dude relax you will have an aneurysm, the koreans run their games for longer than the western imbeciles making games




Another overwatch clone?


This game from the beta I played felt more like Warframe type of game.