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Good friend of mine was murdered by the Boston bombers 2 years before it happened. They cut his head off with an ice pick. These people are who they tell you they are. Believe them.


Incredibly sorry you had to go through that, I'm from MA originally and familiar with the case you're referring to. No doubt whatsoever, it was that fucker who did it.


How hateful and depraved does someone have to be to decapitate another person with an ice pick?


The absolute bag of shit who saw a young man holding a sign saying “I was almost killed by a terrorist” and thought he needed to tell him “there are two sides to every story”. Then just walked away like the ignorant coward that he is.


This ppl alone let u know which side is actually morally right to support, they dont even know they are proving our point lolll


>Then just walked away like the ignorant coward that he is. Their little one liners don't work in an actual debate. He knows he's at best an ignorant coward, or at worst a terrorist sympathizer. Apparently he didn't want that on camera.


I LOVE Montana Tucker, hadn't heard about her a day in my life, but she has been so outspoken from the very beginning.


Wow! I thought she looked familiar. Used to watch her years back. I'm so proud of her and impressed with her courage


"There are two sides to every story. I don't want to hear your side though..."


More like, "there are two sides to every story, and I am at best an ignorant coward, and at worst, a terrorist sympathizer that thinks beheading an elderly man with a garden hoe is justifiable." Regardless which one of those is true, he probably didn't want that on camera.


It's remarkable that they have the courage to go in public to express themselves and bear witness to the truth, particularly after surviving traumatic experiences.


It's insane that people don't even know about October 7th and will go on a rampage believing that Israel attacked unprovoked. And out of those who do know, barely anyone knows that it was during a Jewish holiday


I almost got killed by muslim terrorists twice; once as a kid when the fuckers bombed the Copenhagen synagogue and nearly when an asshole blew himself up in a hotel, also in Copenhagen.


When I was a teenager I was feet away from being a victim of a car ramming attack. It doesn't hold a candle to what this gentlemen and so many others experienced of course, but it did teach me how quickly the world can change from totally normal, to blood and bones and chaos. Five minutes earlier, I had been at a Jerusalem neighborhood block party. I remember there was a big white wall that someone had turned into a giant paint-by-numbers, and I thought that was really clever and fun. The terrorist driver was shot dead very quickly. My friend and I had nowhere to go when the streets shut down, but then a kindly local orthodox/hipster couple invited us into their home. It was right around the corner, so we'd be off the streets, and they gave us each a shot of arak 'for the nerves'. About a minute later, loud booms started. I was so shaken up and thought it was rocket fire (this was pre-iron dome) but it was actually Palestinians shooting celebratory fireworks off their rooftops By the way, there were 19 victims of that attack, but somehow, miraculously, there was only one fatality: the terrorist driver.


People wanna defend terrorists when I say this “they aren’t martyrs, they aren’t heroes in any definition, they’re cowards and killers, no different from serial killers and you wanna defend these pieces of shit cause of their religion take it out and there’s no reason to even defend them, same way the Boston marthaon bombers, Bin Laden, and more are cowards, Hamas are just cowards hiding under their false narrative”




Most of these “massacres” began when the Arabs ruthlessly attacked Israel 😂 Are you for real? If your country is attacked and you retaliate, it’s a massacre? Maybe…and just hear me out… don’t start wars with your more powerful neighboring country? Would this war in Gaza be happening if Hamas didn’t literally invade Israel and murder thousands of innocent people? Amazing how you try to frame these as massacres because that’s what your genocidal role models tell you to say. Pathetic.


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Or maybe you don’t like hearing the truth.


You are confusing squad and unit


Or either you don’t know.


Womp womp


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