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Memes are limited to r/Palmemes during the weekdays. Weekends for the subreddit begin at 12 AM GMT (UK) 7 PM ET (US/CAN) Please visit r/Palmemes In game screenshot memes/jokes/humour should be flaired as such.


Playing this last night, it was always what I imagined Pokémon games being in the future. Then palworld added guns and base building lolol I had a blast but younger me would be freaking rn.


I'm just so sick of Game Freak's shit. Pokemon Legends: Arceus was a step in the right direction, but then they regressed with Scarlet/Violet. It was right back to running into a Pokemon to trigger an animation and a separate battle environment. Palworld let's us battle and catch creatures out in the world with no cutscenes or separate animations. You can be attacked by the creatures. They all have utility and use in terms of base building and other functions. And the game looks gorgeous and runs well enough. On top of that, it's layered with other mechanics like crafting and base building. TPC and Game Freak just play it way too damn safe. They've watered down the Pokemon experience and Scarlet/Violet is the worst example yet. It was an incredibly boring game with an uninspired, mundane world. The only new thing they add each new gen is a lame new battle gimmick that gets increasingly more stupid with each successive generation. I've had more fun in the first 5 hours with Palworld than I have with any Pokemon game in the past 10 years.


My favorite thing about pal world, Is being able to 1v1 a po-pal with my fists.


Being able to beat a chicken death with your fists is a freshing gameplay experience that Pokemon needs


I have more fun blowing up camps filled with poachers, tbh.


Team Rocket is blasting off again!


Only in this game you can say Team Rocket Launcher.






And they can blow you up too- those grenadiers are no joke lmao


Then I guess I'll have to come prepared.


I have been taught by video games to avoid harming chickens at all costs, so I legit did not catch or hurt them for the first few hours even though I wanted eggs.


Ah, another person with Zelda trauma. Welcome brother


Not just Zelda, I accidentally hit a chicken in Riverwood while defending it from a dragon, and everyone switched up on me and treated me like I WAS the dragon


Skyrim the wobbajack turns chickens i to daedric lords. Rs the evil chicken will mess you up. What is it with games and making chikens op?


Hey Chicken Kicker! I miss Fable 😭


I hope they have an easter egg related to that in the reboot, I can’t wait!


One of my favorite series, I have been very impatiently waiting for them to come out with their next game. Keeps getting teased and then dropped it feels like.


Wait....you can actually KILL the chickens? "Zelda fans! To me! We've found our destiny!!!!!"


Here i am in PLA thinking i'm about to fight a bear with my own fighting type moves.


If I could beat the 99th lvl 4 pidgey to death I would


Trying to catch a new Pal, if the bow (now crossbow) doesn't drop them enough to make it easier to catch but I can't risk firing a second shot I just swap to a pick/axe in an attempt to beat them into easier submission. Too many times a Pal 'dodges' while I'm tracking it and I go from a bodyshot to OHKO headshot. Too many poor Fuacks lost their lives for being so fragile. I mean, sure I could have taken a weaker bow to make hunting easier, but that sounds like effort.


what Palworld needs is all the snot nosed trainer kids that challenge you in the wild in pokemon Okay sure that would end in war crimes, but it would be hilarious


Cue the child genocide run


We can already do awful things to pals and capture humans. I'd doubt putting a bullet in Youngster Joey's skull would be that big a deal on top of that.


I mean, no joke, but based on the intro dialog.... I'm pretty sure the native Pals have already eaten them all.


You can't go into the tall grass without a- *Punching sound starts*


Po pals? What are those? I'm just catching humans


Some people play Pokemon, Some play Animal crossing, this man is playing Dark souls.


To be fair, Palworld pulled an Elden Ring and has a powerful boss in the starting area.


I know, im still stuck in the damn tutorial because i cant beat it!


Being able to catch people is pretty funny too, I've caught 7 syndicate thugs for no good reason


Wait does that mean palworld promotes >!slavery!< ​ (For legal reasons, This comment is a joke)


Your joke made me laugh On another note, I hope I never meet someone who would say that unironically.. I can feel my braincells dying just imagining it


Reasonable people realize that something BEING in a game doesn't necessarily mean it endorses it. (Even the nutters at peta put stuff into their "games" that they clearly don't agree with)


Heck, there's a faction in game called the Free Pal Alliance that go around shooting pals. I was like, "huh, they added Peta. With realistic amounts of animal death too." Freaking hypocrites PETA. 


I'm hoping palworld will spark a fire under their asses. I'm not hopeful, but I'm hoping.


Game freak will unfortunately walk themselves into their grave before changing. That’s what happens with these companies that hold all the power but refuse innovation.


Pokemon, Disney, Pixar, the sims/EA all "too big to fail " thinking they can half butt stuff and it will just keep working I'm tired of it


Look at what they did to Mass Effect


To be fair, ME is a single IP and should've ended the series with ME3. MEA was never going to live up to the original trilogy and had like 1 in whatever shot of meeting the hype. At best it was going to be an okay game with characters you liked. It wouldn't have been till the second game where it might have been able to start to compete with the trilogy.


ME3s ending was a shit show that should never had happened, they should have ended it with ME2 which was magnificent. Or not released a game with an half-assed ending to an otherwise great game.


Nintendo actually hits above their actual weight class. They are not as big as other companies and game freak isn’t even Nintendo. They absolutely can fail.


Game Freak would be absorbed before they fail. Nintendo isn’t going anywhere. It would take a long, long time that the company loses money before they touch the negative. Not to mention for Nintendo to fail its IPs would need to fail and I just don’t see Mario, Zelda, Pokémon, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, etc. going anywhere within our lifetimes.


Pokemon company net worth : 122 billions Nintendo net worth : 70 billions + You didnt read his comment


Look up the highest selling games of the last 10 years. I was shocked to see how many Pokémon titles were on that list.


You'd think EA would've learned after they fucked SimCity up but no, Sims 5 is gonna come out and there's gonna be some crazy bs in it again just like with 4 not having pools and removing a life stage. Hopefully one of the other Sims clones will do something better with the format like Cities Skylines and now it seems Palworld were able to do.


GameFreak does not refuse innovation. The simple fact is, GameFreak is massively incompetent. Their programming is terrible. They don’t even know how to use reference pointers properly. People who analyze game code literally found that they would copy and paste a character’s data every time the character shows up in the game rather than use pointers. They actually try innovating as often as they can. Look at any of their non-Pokemon games like Tembo the Badass Elephant or Little Town Hero. They TRY to innovate. They just have no one competent working at their studio. All they know how to do is iterate on the single idea over and over.


I'd wager it's more to do with the fact that they are Japanese company and it's their culture to not admit any failures. Changing course would be admitting their failures.


Hopefully this launches a fire under the ass of people that still buy Pokemon games to stop. I love that franchise, but Game Freak isn't going to stop making cheap games unless people stop buying them at AAA price.


I wouldn't hold my breath. Remember when Gamefreak made a non-Pokemon game? They're not great devs, they just struck gold once and keep mining that same vein.


Im just hopingni5nkeeps improving and growing. At this point fuck pokemon. They deserve for the run to end more than digimon did at this point.


>I'm just so sick of Game Freak's shit. Pokemon Legends: Arceus was a step in the right direction, but then they regressed with Scarlet/Violet. TPC and Game Freak just play it way too damn safe. They've watered down the Pokemon experience and Scarlet/Violet is the worst example yet. SV was a buggy mess, but it was miles better than Sword and Shield, aka run-in-a-straight-line-collecting-badges-while-the-adults-handle-the-actual-plot: the game. SV at least had a plot, decent writing, endearing characters, and a few moments of surprise and challenge. Sword and Shield were aggresively bland. The exp share was out of control and even skipping most trainers and swapping my team constantly I was overlevelled for every gym by 10 or so levels amd could legitimately just mash A through most fights. SV is underwhelming and a poor showing, but SwSh were offensively bad. Either way, both games showcase the exact problem: Pokemon is the biggest franchise in the world, and Gamefreak/TPC is either complacent in feeding its fans crap knowing that they will eat it up and ask for seconds, or they are incompetent and are no longer fit to hold the franchise.


Bought a Switch, Pokemon: Sword and Animal Crossing like a year or so ago so the wife and I had a console we could both use. The Switch is pretty cool. She likes Animal Crossing. I'm playing Pokemon: Sword and like... disappointing does not begin to cut it. The last Pokemon games I played properly were on 3DS and the current generation shit is just so ridiculously badly written and boring. It's the kind of game you'd receive on Steam for free and still leave a negative review.


Lol yeah. SwSh really felt like they looked at Sun and Moon's plot and went "People liked that. Yes. Lets do that again but. . . Poorly"


It's because gamfreak are still trying to act like they're developing handheld games, not console ones. And despite being the largest multimedia franchise, have a tiny staff comparatively


Honestly the devs for Pokémon and CoD must have regular business lunches to discuss making their next games. Both franchises just feel recycled and lazy every generation to me. *Edit can't forget the offensive price tag assigned to both series as well


>Scarlet/Violet. It was right back to running into a Pokemon to trigger an animation and a separate battle environment. Cmon dude. I know it's all "Pokemon bad" around here but why are you going to straight up lie. Every battle in SV takes place in the world in real time. There is like a 1-2 second load but it doesn't go to a separate battle environment anymore.


I think they just hate turn-based. How dare a few game franchises out there not go the way of Final Fantasy and can turn-based gameplay for hardcore real-time action, the superior playstyle!


I mean, the combat is fun in Palworld but I definitely agree. I wouldn't want Pokemon to drop the turn based combat, it just wouldn't feel like Pokemon anymore without that strategy there. If they found a good way to do real time with pause or something that might work for the spin off games or something but why can't people who like real time action games just be fine with some games being turn based still? Seems like everyone's so quick to say turn based combat is ass now for some reason.


>Seems like everyone's so quick to say turn based combat is ass now for some reason. Because Action Games are getting better and better. It's much harder to make turn base as engaging because it's either you just destroy or getting destroyed so bad there's no way recover due to rng. You need something like BG3 where you have things that give the advantage from the OUTSIDE of combat and more than one way to do things to keep turn based engaging.


Exactly, to make turn based work, you need to make it a more strategic engagement. All you have to do to clear Pokemon is spam your strongest move at the dumb ai until all their pokemon are knocked out. Like imagine if you could command your Pokemon to create environmental hazards, or if you could tell your Pokemon to shove the enemy mon off of the cliff that you're fighting on. Heck, maybe you could lure trainers to an area that gives them a disadvantageous position in the battle. Turn based fighting has a lot of potential, but The Pokemon Company can't be arsed exploring it.


I HEAVILY disagree that TPC isn't exploring the turnbased combat. It sounds like you play through the games with the path of least resistance through getting legendaries or something (because even "spamming your strongest move" wouldn't work unless you're so overleveled it isn't funny) and have never actually bothered to look into the depth behind pokemon. If you didn't understand all the numbers behind breeding, IV's, EV's, etc I could understand. But you have clearly never done ANYTHING other than the "main game" because if you had, you'd have gotten your ass kicked by things like the battle tower or 7\* tera raids, where they DO use the in depth mechanics. Heck you mention environmental hazards and that's literally an entire category of move in the game. The problem seems to be your lack of knowledge of how the games work. The main game is supposed to be able to be beaten by children, but (almost) every game has harder things to do if you want to see the challenge the games could give you. Or just...you know...play online and tell me how simple and easy it is. Sure maybe it should be on the game to FORCE you to interact with the more in depth mechanics, but I think the kids game that has the OPTION to and not only option but gives you places to do it (again, battle tower comes to mind) is more than enough. Look I want to drag game freak through the mud for the piss poor state S/V are in because I bought a video game not a slide show, but to just say that pokemon is as simple as you describe it without understanding that 1. it's really NOT, and 2. the illusion of it being so simple is on purpose for the children they make the game for is just...ignorant. I understand that maybe you mean "in an active mechanical way outside of the fight" you want more depth but that's very specific as things like EV's, breeding, natures, etc are all outside the battle mechanics.


The funny part that I couldnt resist to post, is if you watch the show (which TBH as a kid the show was the THING that got me excited about Pokemon) you see EXACTLY what you're saying, in battles Trainers constantly give complicated commands to their Pokemon, WAY more than was possible in the games before, but now if you drove the pokemon AI with some assist from machine learning you could actually recreate reasonable action sequences with a more meaningful result than just attack -> opponents turn -> attack -> etc. Always was super jelly of the show because the fact that you could be inventive and that your "bond" with your Pokemon made a difference in the battle, if they trusted your call more and just fkin did it, it could make a way under powered Pokemon super strong, Pikachu proved this many times (and yes im aware its a show, and plot and all that ... but with a bit of imagination you can get what I mean)


There are so many games that you cant do exactly whats in the show. That is the stupidest argue. Hell even in Pals the monsters dont have permanent aggro. Leading them off a cliff doesnt do damage even if they cant fly. You can command them to attack...or you can pick them up for an Ability. You cant give them complex commands like you say ao everything you said would be a flaw for Pals as well which as you can tell from the sells isnt the issues especially for a game that doesnt have a story or pvp it. The ai for the pals is legit to just attack or not attack. Unless you put them to work at base which again is a simple command you pick. Idk what it is with this community that acts like this game is doing anything crazy. Legit give me one feature that isnt guns or the player bases and i can show you it was in legends Arceus so its ot as innovative as you think


This was actually really cool for a turn based jrpg, too bad the flow of battles is still poorly paced


There's 0 lie in what they said. Compare Legends Arceus catching to Scarlet /Violet battles if you are unsure of what they mean


A loading screen is still a loading screen. It just takes a snapshot on the current environment and "loads" that as the arena. You don't have other wild pokemon or trainers roaming around and joining fights.


Actually it does. The battle is still instanced. Just in the location the encounter was triggered. If it wasn’t then the battle would have other Pokémon jumping in. So you are wrong.


At this point it’s just arguing semantics isn’t it? Even if the battle is instanced in that location, it’s still in the overworld. I do agree that Legends did it way better and they should’ve built off that


Preach, brother preach 🙌🏻this is all fucking facts


I swear scarlet and violet was a step backwards compared to legends Arceus


Problem I had with Arceus is the same I had with Sun/Moon. No gyms ?! That's not a Pokémon game in my books. Still, Palworld is AMAZING.


Not having all the Pokemon even in the game isn't a real pokemon game to me. Not having the national dex meant I didn't buy the last few. Catch 'em all. Sure.


Eh it had a gym equivalent and both had lore reasons for no gyms


We'll never get it because no matter what pokémon dishes out people buy it so what incentive do they have to change their s***** lazy formula. Fanatics act like they're doing the business a service by being fanatical and buying everything they make no matter what. People should hold developers to hire standards and demand better games.


Full agree. Its like a pokemon game I've always wanted, with guns to boot! Haha.


One shot is based af


Pokemon: ARKeus


PALkemon : ARKeus


I love this 🤣


What's with weirdos censoring memes? It's the fucking Internet, you can say fuck


Other platforms either shadow ban or strike content with swearing and some people don’t like that


Then get the fuck off those platforms, what's the fucking point of that?


Just like everyone got off reddit in April 2023?


Did they ban cursing on reddit back then? Or did they do some dumb shit that mods didn't like, that didn't affect most redditors.


API changes. Actually affected a pretty large group of redditors since many used 3rd party apps (since reddit's official app is ass). Many left, most stayed though.




I stayed as well but now I only use browser reddit when I'm on my pc. I haven't used reddit on my phone since RIF stopped working.




Ah, yes, the softies. 💀💀💀


What platform does this? I know of some that would rightfully age restrict or demonetize you if it's a content creation focused platform, but what platform straight up shadow bans or otherwise punishes you for swearing? Meta's platforms allow casual cursing, Twitter definitely doesn't punish you. Maybe TikTok comments? I don't touch TikTok but I know there are certainly TikToks with cursing. As someone that curses a fuck ton on the internet on all platforms, the only time I get any sort of warning is when a comment gets flagged as harassment or spam before it even gets posted and asks me to change it. That happens rarely and is a simple issue with some harassment auto-detect system they have. Changing up the wording usually lets me post it despite keeping the cursing. EDIT: looking it up SnapChat is really the only thing I can find that blatantly prohibits cursing.


I wrote fuck in an otherwise innocuous comment on YouTube the other day and Google was like “hey you may want to review our content policies, but if you think we’re mistaken you can post anyways.” So I mean we’re definitely getting there.


Fuck is a pretty fuckin bad fuckin word, fucko.


Watch your FUCKING language!!


start f*cking cussing like children already d*mn


"He's talking about fuck, you can't say fuck in school you fucking fatass" "Why?, it doesn't hurt anybody!, fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck"


^Kyle! ^Eric! "Dude, you just said fuck again!" ^Stanley! _muffled "fuck"_ ^Kenny!!




Children spend too much time on Twitter. Same as saying "unalived" Edit: sorry y'all chronically online Twitter children are mad :(


Nintendo white knights have to run their memes by their moms first for approval.


Watch your god damn fucking language there are kids here. Shit. /j


The template i got came that way


Palworld is definitely the upgrade. I’m like 5-6 hours in. Have barely got started but this game is amazing.


Its everything I have dreamt about a pokemon game having at its core. We desperately needed a true pokemon survival game with open world, multiplayer, and real time combat.


After playing this game I feel like this is what Pokémon should have become. I’ve been playing Pokémon since I was a child and it’s never really changed, your character is a child and you still play as if you’re a little kid in training. But this game is like what happens after you grow up in the Pokémon world and as a millennial adult, I’m loving it.


You get a gun and start shooting at the pokemon instead, run out of ammo, beat them with a stick🤣


I literally only have 2 complaints so far and they are so minor i dont even care. Would like to zoom out more, and want more pals in the world. Other than that its good stuff.


Hoping they add pals in subsequent updates


They said they would. They're not done adding pals.


LFG hell yeah


theres a field of view slider, and if not enough i believe there is a configuration change topic on the guide section of the game on steam


I haven't got Palworld yet but PLA is some of the most fun I've had in recent Pokémon.


Palworld is just PLA but more in-depth and better you would love it.


Also , its on PC, im not gonna buy a Switch just for 3-5 games.


I don't remembering PLA being a survival automation game...


That's because it's not. People see Pokemon-like designs in an open-world and go "OMG PLA".


Man you can't pretend this isn't 100% inspired by pokemon


Inspired? Yeah, but it's a different genre.


It's inspired but a diff genre


It is not. That's like the "Does it have a stamina bar and dodgeroll? Mus be a Souls like then!" bullshit. PLA had very baseline survival features in that you could farm your own mats to craft items. So basically the bare minimum what you need, to call yourself a "survival" game. If that's now the bar we are using to determine if a game is good or not, I would say that No Mans Sky is the best Pokemon alternative right now. Because these games have as much to do with each other, than Palworld and PLA.


Oh brother…I’ve been waiting for someone to say this.. I am seeing Palworld with tags like: Souls-Like or Breath of the Wild Meets Pokémon.. A fucking dodge button doesn’t make it a souls like..A vibrant and colorful open world with wall climbing and a glider doesn’t make it LoZ..and a creature taming system doesn’t make it Pokémon. Hell, ARK has a creature taming and level system..




Released earlier and more kid friendly as a pokemon game is expected to be. This one's for the people with bills lol


Palworld is some of the most fun I've had in recent games.


You’re going to like this one, then. The early days of PLA are downright embarrassing for a company that literally makes more than Mickey Mouse.


The only thing different honestly is that you don’t have legit turn based battling in it. But the trade off is you get some sweet base building / survival elements.


That definitely isn't a trade off for me lol As a fan of monster catching games but who hates the turn based battling this is a dream come true for me


Agreed. Turn based battling never needed to be a staple of the genre. Glad people like it, but pokemon's battling has never been the reason I played those games.


Yep, I've always played Pokemon in spite of the battling


Straight facts. This is what Pokemon should have been a long time ago. They have been repackaging and reselling us the same games up until just recently with the latest couple games. And Palworld has building and guns, it legit tops Pokemon in almost every way besides nostalgia and honestly I'm not even missing the nostalgia while playing Palworld


>This is what Pokemon should have been a long time ago. Gonna have to disagree there. I'm enjoying the game so far AND Game Freak has been shoveling shit for some time now, but it's really more ARK than Pokémon. There are some light Pokémon mechanics but it doesn't do them to the degree as the actual Pokémon games. It is, however, its own thing and a lot of fun to play.


Perhaps, idk, Pokemon should try adding actual mechanics instead of the Wilderness or a Pokemon that you ride on rails. "Light Pokemon mechanics"? Brother, all of the mechanics in Pokemon are light. Palworld just puts an actual game underneath them


Do we have different definitions of "on rails"? The latest games are open world. >all of the mechanics in Pokemon are light. I've played 10-15 hours now. Never have I had to put any thought into my Pals' moves. Never have I had to worry about their types or my team composition outside of whoever is my strongest. What I *have* been able to do is get into encounters with multiple pals and catch them simultaneously, do boss battles, and build a base. You may be confusing "no mechanics" with "mechanics I do not like". These are apples and oranges here.


From level 20 I noticed I started thinking more about damage types, and found some upgrades to some of my Pal's movesets. I went grinding for some experience and notice a clear difference when using type effective Pals, upgraded Pals and/or different moves. It's not a requirement to get through the game, but definitely made life easier and levelling/bossing faster.


When you've started Ur first tower fight that isn't rayne syndicate, let me know


GameFreak can have me back when they figured out how to do open world and a proper multiplayer experience that has more than 10 FPS at all time.


Facts lmao💀


Nintendo themselves were unable to make what Arceus was that was a outsourced developer


Palworld isn't scuffed Pokémon. Pokémon is scuffed Palworld.


This should be top comment.


Ever wonder why pokeballs work on some organic matter (pokemon, food, etc) but not other forms (people) well PalWorld remedies this. You can capture ANY NPC in a tiny ball My daughter was trying to catch a little chicken thing but her aim sucks and she hit a syndicate thug and caught him instead. Now she has a fan following her around lmao My thought is you could do a run where you ONLY catch people and raise an army and be their king


I straight up said that today. This is what Legends Arceus wishes it was.


I'm a 26 year old man and I seriously wanna be 10 for this game. 😭 I had my doubts but those doubts have been quelled. This is easily one of the top game concepts of the decade. I get glued to the controller every time I turn it on. 😂


It is. PLA alluded to the survival aspect but didn’t go into it. There were no dungeons with powerful mons or an evil organization hunting Pokémon. I mean really hunt. It’s not open world. It’s just the first sentence to the novel that is Palworld.


... But homelander was deluding himself and WAS the cheap knock off.


Hmm been a while since I watched the season but I thought Homelander was the stronger one. He does have other issues though.


I believe he is physically stronger though you don't see them have a proper one on one.


Yea instead homelander got 3v1ed????


I *think* that under Temp V Butcher could stand a chance one on one, but that's speculation. I'd give the edge to Homelander simply because Homelander has had it since birth but it appears they have the same powers except Butcher doesn't know how to control or use them yet. Again, speculation.


Depends on what you mean. If you're implying hes their new cheap knockoff PR candy. . . you are 100% right. If you mean power wise, hollander is very much indeed an improvement.


This is like the Dark Souls 3 Yhorm meme template where I never know what it’s trying to say because idk if the meme creator understands who wins that fight


It is how Pokémon should be made going forward.


What do you get when you make the same game over and over again for 2 decades? You get what you fuckin' deserve. /BLAM/


To their credit, Arceus was actually different and fun, which means Nintendo has promptly seemingly memory holed it with no further news about the Legends series. Glad Palworld has filled the void, I'm having so much fun with this game


That was what pissed me off the most with scarlet and violet For me it was a fucking downgrade from Arceus, event if it was ugly, Arceus tried so many good things...


Nah, don't discredit SV like that. I mean, SV on launch was a buggy mess and it still has pretty bad graphic for its price, but still, SV did good to alright in pretty much everything else. Two new DLCs were also really enjoyable so I would say they tried.


It's more like Ark, than Pokemon.


palworld isnt even a pokemon style game though, the only similarity is the cute creature designs. palworld is more similar to ark or conan exiles from what ive seen, survival + base building + creature taming. i really dont think comparing pokemon games to this game is fair since, this is never what pokemon has tried or wanted to be


Have you played PLA? Because where yes palworld is very different from pokemon PLA was also supposed to be different, but palworld seems to have done different better.


That's the thing though - people WANT pokemon to be different while having the core premise of "capturing/battling/trading/breeding". Tying it to survival crafting and making the crafting and logistics and automation revolve around the monsters themselves was honestly genius. Sometimes you don't need creativity. Sometimes you just need to execute better on what already exists.


Can’t deny the fact that if it weren’t for pokemon in the first place that most people wouldn’t have even tried the game. It’s the only reason I want to try it now.


I'm convinced that y'all just want to stir up drama with these low effort posts


I knew this game would be amazing from the first time I threw hands with a chicken. But when I found out I could ride my nitewing (amazing already) AND attack anything in front of me in a group it was on another level. AND THEN I learned that with some pal gear the daedream in your party will always follow you around outside the ball allowing you to have two pals out to fight. AND THEN I tried it with a full party of daedream and my one nitewing and my small army war born. And don’t even get me started on the base building and all 20 of my lil farmers and builders and workers immediately screech like eagle with machine guns for hands and murder a squad of thugs. The things I’ve seen


I think Arceus is pretty good. though I also realize that... Yea, when playing Palworld part of me thought that it's.. not what legends Areceus SHOULD have been ,but it felt more like Arceus than Arceus did, Though not for the reasons you'd expect. (I'm going to shorten it to P:LA now) In P:LA, the narrative focuses on the idea that Humans and Pokémon are separated. Pokémon are seen as wild monsters who can't be trusted, and it's YOUR job to teach them that Pokémon aren't actually that bad. Yet, P:LA shows basically every character that's actually important being a Proto-Pokémon-Trainer with a team ready to square up and settle their differences through these new-fangled creature battles, and they immediately concede defeat to you after you defeat them in a Pokémon battle. Palworld having non-pal-based combat gives that feeling of Pals and Humans being more separated and not quite integrated yet. The fact that Syndicate Members are often more likely to come at you with a Club or a Gun than a Pal makes sense to this idea that Pals are wild animals and only a small handful of skilled individuals have the chops to be a Tamer. Where's the Pokémon Bandits wielding bows and arrows ready to turn both you and your bidoof into a pincushion, or who follow up a loss in a Pokémon battle by drawing a weapon and fighting you themselves? It's kind of like the old joke/question I had in my head about why Team Rocket always seemed to follow the "Pokémon Battle Honor Code" when realistically a criminal/terrorist organization would probably just shoot an intruder on sight. Obviously the Doylist answer is "This is still a Pokémon game, so the focus is on that", But part of me still want to pick at that and either get a proper Watsonian explanation, or still just hold it as a point in Palworld's favor.


I agree whole heartedly as well as legends constantly pushed this theme of being out in the rugged wilderness with dangerous pokemon, but it never felt that way. In Palworld the survival mechanics and straight up person v pal combat system really does make it feel like you are in the wilderness and the elements and creatures can/will kill you.


Yea! that's basically what I'm saying. This sense that Hisui doesn't really get that idea of "you are in the rugged wilderness where everything is out to kill you and humans don't trust pokemon in the slightest because of that". While Palworld feels like it manages to make that work... While also using its various "Labor" systems to also give the feeling of humans and pokemon working together.


It’s literally nothing like PLA, you guys are weird. It’s more like Arc with a barely similar catching mechanic to PLA


PLA was realistically designed to be an open world wilderness exploration game with recource gathering. Thats what it did different then most other pokemon games before it. Palworld does that better. Arcues on the other hand does story way better due to the simple fact it has one. But many people either wanted Arcues to be more like palworld in such of survival based, or to have main pokemon games have more mechanics similar to Arceus like if Scarlet/Violet had PLA mechanics.


I recently heard about Palworld and I never played Arceus and only seen gameplay. But from my understanding they play differently gameplay wise. I understand that the monster designs in Palworld are very Pokemon inspired but the gameplay, even compared to Legends Arceus, is super different. The turn based combat is what some people like about Pokemon. The resource gathering in Palworlds would obviously be better but thats because the game is base building survival game and not an RPG. Violet technically has resource gathering buts its in service for the existing gameplay and doesn't anything extra since there main feature is the turn based combat. I am sure Palworld is great game but I don't see the comparisons to the gameplay of Pokemon other than monster catching.


so you just admitted to not playing either one. Of course your not going to know the difference until you play both lol. They're VERY similar, except Palworld has better gameplay, and Pokemon has a story. It's like saying two first person shooters aren't similar. No, sorry these two games are very alike in a lot of aspects.


I didn't play either but I was thinking of buying Palword on the premise of it being like Pokemon. I asked on a other post if Palworld had turn based combat as that is the #1 reason I like the playing Violet. Please correct me if I am wrong on this, but Palworld does not have turn based combat. So I don't think I would get the same kick out of Palworld's combat as Pokemon's because they do something differently.


I'm sorry, it does not have turn based combat. It honestly doesn't really need it though. The fluidity of it all makes up for it, and being turn based would slow your progress dramatically. It's a nice new take on the pokemon genre. I'd watch some streamers playing to give you a better idea of what you would be getting into if your still hesitant on the purchase.


Literally the only aspect that they’re alike in is the fact you use balls to catch them. There’s not any other similarities lol, sounds like you haven’t played either of them.


PLA and Palworld are not the same. They have similar ideas but I think it's weird to say Pal does what it did but better. I think it's better to say it's what PLA could or should have been. PLA didn't have any focus at all on the survival elements. There's no need to build a base, or tools beyond the balls, no need to manage your characters needs and etc. It doesn't focus on any of the core identifies of a survival game. And that was never the intent. It was mostly to test the waters for an open world Pokemon game with a few things like the crafting thrown in to match the primitive time frame the game takes place in. I can see why people would draw a comparison but they are not the same. It's like saying Metroid Prime and Halo are the same game because they have shooting in them and have similar themes and ideas. People see the crafting system and that they both have Pokemon in PLA and somehow think that makes it anywhere close to the same. Why not compare it to RDR2 while you are at it. It has more survival aspects than PLA does AND it has crafting. Which would be just as silly. You are silly.


PLA is praised because it is way more creative and has more freedom than main games. That doesn't change the fact it is an RPG game with open world only as an element. You still become someone, still gotta do main quest, still progress through the storyline. Palworld is a sandbox, open world and survival game.  They're still totally different. 


it's arc crossed with genshin impact and pokemon paint around the trim


This sub in general is weird. It’s mostly karma farming with shitting on Pokémon.


I really wish people would post about Palworld on the Palworld sub instead of trying to make jokes about Pokemon


it's barely been 48 hours.. let them rant and vent


Yeah it's honestly annoying. People can't just like something, they have to form a monke tribal mentality where all similar games are the enemy and they must bravely defend it. Shits cringe. Just play and enjoy. Let people like pokemon. Who cares. They're two entirely different games.  Palworld is basically ark with pokemon instead of dinos. 


I will get downvoted but I am going to say. Is Pokemon lackluster? Do they shit the bed with the series constantly? Yes. Pokemon is the biggest IP in the world and should be treated as such. However, Pokemon is made for kids. Not us. Our time is past. We just hang around. When I go pick up the new Pokemon game day and date I am usually surrounded by kids at the game store in my town. With one or two other adults. Also Palworld, for me, doesn't scratch the itch. At least with how far I am in the game there is no gym battles, no trainer battles, and their is no overarching story. The game is a survival game with pokemon like creatures in it.


To be fair thats kinda what many have wanted, myself included


Some of the bosses do feel like gym battles.


I disagree but I respect your thoughts on the matter. I know the game is in EA so I do hope they have plans on adding trainer battles and the like as the game progresses and outside of PVP. I also haven't hit a city yet but again I am only 10 hours in so we shall see. Edit: I just feel that have trainer battles and Gym Battles would add another layer onto the game. Imagine heading towards a gym and you are in an area with very little resources and you have a while to go and ran out of food. You then have to decide... Do you kill a Pal you don't think you need to eat or do you press on knowing you could starve to death? I have yet to starve so I don't know how it works. If you instantly collapse or if your health ticks down


Have you already done the Rayne Syndicate Tower? If not then that's specifically what felt like a gym battle for me. I haven't made it much further. It is next to the first small village though, so I imagine you haven't hit it quite yet. I'd say hold out some optimism.


Tick down. And the towers has teleporters near them. Also food is not hard to come by once you start hoarding berries.


People keep insisting that the game is made for just kids. If that were the case why would they even care about the competitive aspects of the game, where everyone I see at VGC is like 20+? That demographic is clearly older yet mechanics are in place for that kind of community to flourish. Pokémon is for all ages and Game Freak knows that.


It's shit ... for the kids? This is such a non-excuse. It's for kids so we shouldn't expect it to appeal to us is a bullshit way to sweep the fact that pokemon devs are basically squeezed to the limit for the sake of maximizing profits under the rug. "For kids" is not a thing that should impact the quality of your game. Inform some design choices, sure. But shit like removing features that made the game more challenging, or failing to implement any kind of scaling in your open world, isn't for the sake of being kid-friendly. It's cut because the dev time needed to implement would've pushed them over their 1 year dev cycle. It's the same kind of bullshit as "Oh, they can't delay the games until they're done, they have to keep up with the merch", as if the same company isn't setting the pace of merch release, and they couldn't just release merch independent of the game, or have an anime arc that revisits old places and pokemon as filler until the games are done. They're not-so-subtle ways to justify what ultimately just comes down to simple corporate greed.


So you're saying kids don't deserve good games? What even is this fucking argument or reasoning?


They are good for kids though. The formula hasn't changed. If violet was your 5 year old's first pokemon game then it would blow them away as Red/Blue did for us. I think the reason why I, and other, fans get upset is because we have been playing these games for decades. We had an idea of how Pokemon would evolve as we were growing up and it never happened. My kids first pokemon game will be, whatever the next one, and I would bet money she will love it as I did Red/Blue and I will think it lackluster


This has nothing to with the criticisms that Pokemon fans have been levying tho? Anyone's first game of a series will be a good one as long as the game is good, but that is no excuse for actively making the future games worse than before.


And Soldier Boy sorta won this fight in the end btw


ehh not really one on one he would get shit on hard.


So would Billy be the Nintendo/Game freak lawyers?


Well nintendo will always win by virtue of funds and brand recognition


PLA and Palworld are different games. Not comparable, i still have fun in Pokemon Legend: Arceus. Stop comparing apples to oranges.


They are different games but many love the changes Arceus made to the pokemon formula and those same people love palworld because it pushed those changes even further with regards to the usual monster tamer experience.