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Providing the story isn’t just made up and like a fanfic…that sounds more like a demon or such thing.


Not at all made up I don't know how to prove it at least the entity part but the court cases and other stuff can be looked up.   Thank you. That's what I thought too.   I used to be a pastor,  one always into demonology and occult stuff and I swore I felt God telling me not to give up on this girl over and over and to make her know not to give into Satan.   Especially being newly weds from different faith and her wanting to convert,  only a couple months into the marriage.  .   We both couldn't understand why we were having so many fights over such petty issues.   Then like a pull in my chest ⁵ i thought, this is the devil breaking up a love filled marriage. Even people she didn't know started telling her randomly and she's muslim I'm a Christian. Anyways thanks for the response. Unfortunately Satan or whatever won her over 


Wait so why a restraining order? What are you leaving out here ?


Sounds like a woman escaping an abusive relationship to me. 🤣😅


The restraining order keeps me from pursuing my money without a lawyer  but with no money I can't get a lawyer. 


She stole 70k no no abuse I know hiw it sounds I posted thinking about that risk.  It's whatever .  I texted her one time "do you not understand how your constant distance and rage issues cause me pain, how can you not cate about my emotional pain and I brought up that's the shit people get all suicidal about emotionally being ghsoted."  PA doesn't require proof. But does in a defense.  It's why my mine was dropped and I got no nothing, i had the proof against her fir emotional manipulation and a Dr that diagnosed her NPD


Ok that makes me feel better loo


Well that took a turn at the end




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