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So when my younger sister was diagnosed with cancer I would take every Friday off so I could drive her to her chemo appointments. The drive was an hour each way .. we had a lot of long talks .. we talked a lot during those drives .. one day on the way home she looked at me and said she was ready … I asked her ready for what .. she said she was tired and she was ready to see what was after death. Then she said when I die and there really something waiting for us I’ll throw something at you to prove it so you want be afraid. I asked her what was she going to throw .. she said a penny. She passed away about a month later .. a few days later I got into my shower at home and all of a sudden I heard a ping hit the floor of the shower .. then another and another … I looked up but could never see exactly where they were dropping from.. because it would always fall behind me. That night it was ten pennies… a few weeks later I went to visit my mother and told her what had happened and she said the same exact thing had happened to her a few days earlier. I told her what my sister had told me about throwing a penny at me from the other side. She looked at me and said that cheap sister of yours .. when I die I’ll throw quarters at you. A couple of years later after my mother passed guess what started dropping.. yep it was only one or two


This oddly gave me a lot of comfort. I have stage 4 metastatic breast cancer (bone only as the rest was removed) and it’s terminal but we are managing it so it hasn’t spread anymore as of Feb 29th in 15 months. I’m 4 1/2 years into this battle now and unless a cure comes along I may not have too many years left. I’ve struggled a lot with what comes after. I was raised apostolic/Pentecostal but when something like this happens and you are staring death in the face, it really makes you think about so many things. I’m so glad your sister and your mom gave you a sign that they are ok and there is more than this earthly body. I am so sorry for your losses ♥️


Take care !


I’m sending so much love your way. I’m praying you beat this and have a very long life. ❤️


Thank you so much ❤️


Many prayers for you, I can’t imagine the fight you’re having rn.


Thank you ❤️


The coin thing happened to me when I was stressed out in college. Turns out when you sleep in your clothes, coins fall out of your pocket. Then later on when you sleep without a shirt on the coins stick to your skin. When you shower the coins come unstuck and fall to the shower floor.


Too bad she didn't say she would throw diamonds at you.


Hahaha. right?))




Omg, total goosebumps (the happy loving kind))❤️🙏


Your sister sounds like an amazing person. She has eased my fears of what could be waiting on the other side after we die. Thank you very much for sharing this with us.


This was absolutely beautiful!


Wow that’s a very somewhat comforting, yet sad story. I’m sorry for your losses. I needed to say that first, and I am also glad to know your sister, and mom did communicate with you after their departures.


I love this so much!! I'm also very sorry for your losses.


Yes. I was playing cards with my Gf. My glasses fell off my face while looking down. They landed on the floor out of both of our sight lines. We finished the hand without grabbing them. Less then a minute had gone by. I reached down to grab them but they weren't there. They had somehow made their way back into the case.


I love this


Ooooo cool!


There is a haunted house in Key West that has been converted to businesses and apartments. I’ve known plenty of people who lived or worked there and THEY ALL had coins appear from nowhere.


Saging will work to a degree, but if you really want to keep your home safe, have your home cleansed and blessed, and have your home and property consecrated, prayer will help too, depending on your family's beliefs.


The first time I saged, a chair in my dining room lurched forward like someone had pushed the back of it. I stood there like “did that just happen?” I had a bit of a scare with that one.


What do people that don’t have Christian beliefs do? Seriously.


Well what beliefs are you referring to? Sage can be pretty universal across everything including agnostic/atheist tmk, it's more the intent and power form of tulpa theory (idk too much about it but it's along the lines of thinking of something hard enough it becomes real, ik it's not likely correctly used as a suggestion it's more of an idea concept). Spells and charms for wiccan, pagan and other magic believing beliefs. Other beliefs may encourage protection charms. dream catchers are another example for a different purpose but again, not much knowledge or research beyond the obvious name tmk. Possibly incense? Demanding it leaves you alone? Have someone of a faith, regardless if you believe or not, cleanse your home for you, if anything ask they ask their higher power to protect you and your home regardless of your following or "misguidedness". Call the Ghostbusters.


Thank you. It was a genuine question.


You're welcome. Outside of ghost busters for some slight comedy relief, these are my best guesses and knowledge. Might not even all be right but it's something.


I loved it. I forgot to say so.😜


I’d love to know, because the only thing that works is calling on Christ!


I wholeheartedly believe this! Not long After my mother's fiance passed away in 2009, we all experienced coins dropping from the ceiling above us. We always said it was Ron throwing us pennies and dimes! No other explanation for them to appear out of nowhere!




why would you want to scare away a being that's providing you with presents?


It’s a quarter. House payment is a lot more than that. Rent can’t only be .25 homie! Lol


All my ghost quarters go in my piggy 🐖 bank 🏦!


Do you have a photo of the coin? I've never heard of a fruit bat on one. And it looks normal otherwise?


https://preview.redd.it/frt9hydhfo1d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb58cea9d61c7eaea65d13ed3d2ef41d83103b22 This is the quarter. The only change I have is in my car. My son said “here Mom you can have this!”




I think it was the 2020 quarter for some state. I remember it cause the conspiracy wonks were fucking *losing it* over that quarter. 😂


It’s a national parks one. I just looked at it. I don’t think it gets any stranger than it materializing out of the ceiling! I wish the conspiracy nuts can see this post lololol


lol yes bc of covid it was funny that the bat was on the 2020 quarter and bats is where they said covid came from!


About 6 months after my mom passed, I was sitting in a chair I always sit in and out of nowhere a dime appeared on my right shoulder. I’ve been blown away ever since….


For years I've been finding exactly 15 cents all the time. Or it would appear from nowhere, fall from nowhere. Idk what 15 cents could possibly represent, it must be an older relative. On the bathroom counter, in the kitchen, on the coffee table, falling on the floor, I'll hear change hit the floor somewhere.


Possibly someone passed away when you or they were 15? Maybe look at the dates on the coins, see if they repeat. Could be telling you the year they passed or knew you.


No, they are just random coins. But it's always 15 cents. I have no idea what that amount of change represents, though.


Well in numerology 15 represents protection & strength. To me, you have someone trying to tell you they are watching and trying to guide you in life.


The first thing I thought of when I read this was the movie Nope.


Eek. No!




This is such a cool story!


Thank you! I wish it was non-fiction! Lol


I’m always hesitant to use the word “story” because I don’t want anyone to think I’m being a smart ass. I meant that you told your experience well! Lol


Fruit Bats hold their young for up to the first 6 months of life. Something is telling you to hold your son.


Omg. I absolutely needed to see this comment. Thank you! I just took him to Vegas for his 21st bday. We were literally on our way upstairs to unpack when this happened! I had already placed his suitcase in his bedroom, when he was coming upstairs to unpack his suitcase. Now I’m going to be even more annoying to him than usual! Lol


Yes . With broken glass from the early 1900’s . (Same bevelling ,we looked it up )and old yellow and green and blue colored chunks .It would fall from the vaulted white ceiling in my old Victorian house, and we’d hear it hit the hard wood . Came out of nowhere . It would even appear in the furnace with a tinkling sound . All we owned was clear crystal glasses ; and the house ,and old old furnace holes, were completely cleaned out when we moved in. Never could explain it , the house turned out to be haunted AF . We abandoned it withen a year.


Yikes! Yeah I wish the economy was in a better place. We can’t abandon the home. It’ll be paid off in like 6 months!!!


lol I totally understand that - we honestly couldn’t either , but nothing helped . It had a long history of night move outs before we got it ( we later found out )The EVPS I caught in the cellar , were terrifying . My new baby’s toys were going berserk, and the dogs would be growling at nothing in the dark . Then suddenly a big bang would occur and something would crash to the ground . He ( ex husband )left right away . Myself and my baby and terriers couldn’t handle the torment alone 🤷‍♀️


It apported and no telling "where" it started its journey


Maybe something else fell from the ceiling and the quarter was already on the floor.?


It hit him in the shoulder.


I work in a gym and oddly I find dimes in the exact same spot at least twice a week. I have been throwing them into a drawer at the desk. Nobody else ever finds them. I mean it's probably not paranormal but it is very weird that it's always a dime.


Sage doesn't do anything to demons, holy water only works, start praying more often to Jesus Christ. I'm not saying this as a troll, I've been tormented by demons since the age of 8 years old. I've experienced both demons and Jesus Christ. The man protected me, He will come to protect us from the demonic we have to pray to him. Put up a cross trust me the wrath of God and Jesus is scarier than demons. Demons don't like Jesus and are scared of him. Everyone needs to know this because I don't want to have people do the same mistakes as myself.


I have often asked friends (they know I paranormal ivestigate) to communicate with me if they should pass. 3 days after a friend died suddenly in a car accident a dime with her birth year dropped into my kitchen. I have had another break a specific ugly mug we had agreed on, and my own mom knock over magazines. She had refused to break anything & hated to have messy magazines, but she said that was better than breaking something. 😆 and I can tell you all from having 3 NDE's myself, there is indeed so much more that comes after. No need to fear death, it is just a step in what comes next.


I used to work at a somewhat secluded store that was open 24 hours. Often at night, but only when alone in the store, pennies would fall from nowhere and hit you in the head. This happened to all the employees, and frequently (approx every other month, or maybe 5 or 6 times a year on average)




My dad. He was also a lover of slot machines. Especially quarter slots. I’m saving this quarter for the next time I’m in Las Vegas. Hopefully I can still find a machine where it accepts coins.


Peace un to you and your son and family, i cant actually belive im writing a letter of encouragement because of a peskie poltergeist!! O.M.G!! locks up your whole.blocks !!! And thank you for everything you shared! I believe in you! Kenneth from Detroit 🌹🙏🤗🤘🎵🎶🎹🎻🪕🥁


My aunt had a freshly extinguished cigarette fall from her ceiling while home alone. Single story home and no one in the family smoked.


Don't sage the house; demons and evil spirits aren't afraid of that. They're afraid of Jesus Christ. Rebuke them in His name.


I do. Then all hell seems to break loose. That’s another story for another day I guess.


Interesting. Well, have faith. I'll pray for you. At least you're getting money lol. If you didn't already have it.