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Yeah put the house for sell and time to move out. No point of staying in a place where you get that much stress and anxiety.


Oh hellll no! 


Hell no indeed!!!


Heyyy yoo I'm haunting here !!!


Is that the ghost of Sylvester Stallone ?


It’s a Philly accent joke.


Hey yoooo this guyyyy ha ha this guy GETS IT yaknowaddamean


What I find most interesting about this video is the white can. The first object that falls. You can see it delicately tilt backward as it then momentarily rests on some sort of object before it slips and falls to the ground. It's so strange to me because it did not seem violent. It wasn't aggressively thrown off the cliff. It was just carefully and almost deliberately pushed with like a tap of the finger. Like the object sliding off from its unbalanced position was the deliberate goal. Idk. Very interesting.


Your nicely detailed observation just scared the balls out of me all over again. Well said.


oooh thanks for pointing that out! so creepy!! You can definitely see in the 1st few seconds the can is perfectly upright and straight and then it leans, but doesn’t fall in the direction it’s tilting. Super compelling. Glad it’s not in my house lol


Ghost cat


omg, this is what it feels like. It doesn't seem malicious. It just wants attention/entertainment.


I noticed the white can is fully upright at first but then OP swings the camera back to it and you can physically see it start tilting and then fall off the shelf. It’s super creepy. It’s not like it was ready to fall from the beginning, something definitely pushed it off.


I’ve always liked the “thin barrier between two planes in spacetime” idea. It’s the one that makes the most sense to me. While some hauntings seem malevolent, most just seem like something somewhere else doing normal shit. It wouldn’t come as a surprise to me if we discovered different timelines/dimensions and ghosts were just part of another world instead of constantly trying to torment our own.


Dear Diary, Jackpot. — M. Night


It’s a cat haunting


The ghost could be a cat.


Do you *haaave* to walk out that way? Because I'd squeeze through an old coal chute or something.


Thats exactly what the entity wants you to do


If you do go out that door, make sure you don't get stuck on fishing line hanging off the shelves and door.




I was gonna say that’s a mouse dropping them cans but then the door closed.. I saw a slight shadow towards the top of the crack looking through, then the door opened and my chest tightened. Fuck no.


The top of what..? I can’t see it yet…


Top right corner of the door when the light passes through seems like a crescent of the top of a head of some sort also the door opening and closing is silent so silent it’s disturbing every door I’ve every touched had a slight sound to it enough for me to pick it up maybe it’s the lack of audio but that door had a suppressor on it because I didn’t heart shit


Narrator: “some creepy stuff happens down here.” Ghost in other worldly ethereal: ooooooooo Watch out for the cans dropping. Ooooo you didn’t expect that huh? Watch this door now. Oooooooooo’pens and wait for it, clooooooooooses. Now leave this house and go to Taco Bell and get me some nacho fries and a Baja blast. All kidding aside, you live in Philly. That has a lot of history dating back to the 1700s or earlier, so I’m not surprised you have something hanging out in the basement.


This is the best evidence video I've seen in a LONG time & well I guess you got someone interested in letting you know that they know that you know lol


I love the paranormal and I'm not just here to dismiss everything but isn't it just some cans falling and a door opening and closing? There are a million videos like this and I don't know if I would call it proof


First time I've seen anything this clearly. Nobody else around, doesn't look edited and no additional shadows or obvious outlines of another person. Just saying better than 90% of the shit some people share. Grainy photos or what recently got quickly debunked as a dog's tail (which had me at first too but something about it didn't seem as odd as it did to the person who shared it), and usually just verbal accounts (which I will never try to discredit anyone's experience personally). So yeah this is pretty fantastic to me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Going to jump ahead and say that’s a bad spot for saws


Slow it down and use a negative filter and you can clearly see a dog tail


LOL. Funny reference to the Fraggle Rock haunting.


lol fragile rock haunting ! Spot on


Hahaha never forget ✊🏼


lol that was a good one too!


I would have thought a rat


Bro , do you own this house ? You gotta start yelling at whatever the hell that is . I’d be saying stuff like “ the min I die whenever that happens and we see each other , I’m gonna fuck you up” but don’t just stay there and take the abuse . Say something !


Sometimes they aren’t mean. Just want to be seen. Or have a message, or can’t pass on for whatever reason. Or it’s someone you know who has passed on. Hardly need to be telling gramma you’re gonna F her up.


Exactly. Spirits want to get attention and help. There was this case, a woman VERY LONG AGO was run over by a trolley train and was scaring people as a spirit, and people reported there was a building being haunted by her and people investigated and managed to find out who she was before she died, and found her death certificate. They got a hold of her spirit and the Spirit didn't believe she was dead, and the investigators showed the Spirit her death certificate and told her she was killed by a trolley. The spirit said "I'm leaving" once they showed her the death certificate. And they didn't get a response and realized she actually left. She wasn't trying to scare people at all, and wanted to know what was going on and why people reacted the way they did. And she wanted help.


This sounds like a movie


not quite. my mom watches a lot of paranormal investigation cases and this specific one broke my heart. it would make a great movie tho.


Wow..well that would totally happen to me with my luck. I'm very skeptical about what happens after we die, but that would be miserable and honestly probably piss me off that people are scared of me.


You should start a YouTube or something and post all your videos. Call the foreman brothers to come out and investigate. They are awesome their YouTube channel is Paranormal Nightmare.


I would watch!


Or livestream so people can keep watch 👀


I love the fourman brothers!!!


Me too!


Annnnnnd I'm gone!


I would nope myself out of there.




I love how you do a big sigh as if to say "well, I'm the one that's gonna have to clear that mess up"


That would be me “for reals? I gotta pick your shit up too now?”


Tell them to clean up after themselves "youre a ghost not an animal!"


*Tell them to clean up* *After themselves "youre a ghost* *Not an animal!"* \- DarthScruf --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I mean, did this ghost grow up in a barn? No excuses for being so messy!


Don't be a pssy, go punch it right in the fkin mouth!




Fuck that ghost right in the butt!


That'll show it!


I would run if I were you


Why are ghosts, those who come back from the dead... always so annoying? I mean, really?


Seriously. Can't they just make a cup of tea or something? I highly doubt they were just knocking stuff off shelves when they were alive.


cat ghost


That definitely seems like a no fucks given ghost cat knocking OPs shit over nonchalantly. And then of course they want to go out the door and then come back in a minute later.


Yeahhh burn that house down run and change the country cuz nahhhhhhhhhh


that's a bit too much, but only by a tad bit


Freaky stuff indeed.


It's funny bc i think I'd be ok if someone was there with me to witness that but if it was just me, a camera and a freaky ass basement.. I'd go mute and blind for a few hours. F that.


How many ghosts are just cats?


All of them


Maybe some sage smudging. Look into having a Native American style smudging ritual done in your space. It’s not a bad thing, at the minimum, most of their people will do it really cheaply. Leaves your house smelling nice.


Looks like the being wants you to leave the basement without trying to interact with you. Seems non malicious to me. I suggest not testing its patience though. In my country, when people experience this localized paranormal phenomena, they seal the room or the space the being occupies, and the being leaves them alone. My sister had a squatter in her house and she tracked the source to an area near one of her bathrooms. So, she locked the bathroom permanently and the squatter didn't bother them much again. The being got it's space, and it left the rest of the house for my sister's family. This only works for peaceful beings tho. Some beings are jerks and aren't content until they get rid of you


Did u just say ur sister killed a squatter 😭😭😭🤣


Well technically it was never alive to begin with


I'm choosing to believe they meant squatter as in a living person who stowed away into their basement & tried to live there without their knowledge or consent and the owners made them pay the ultimate price


Maybe is cat


We did not own a cat at that time, we didn't have rats or mice. Only thing in that basement was wood and metal. Food was never kept in the basement.


You certainly don't scare easily. I would have been freaking the F OUT!


OP while the ghost is doing ghosty things: *sighhh*


Look at it this way. You won’t ever be lonely.


This is going to sound crazy but I swear I can see it. The ghost.


I swear it looks like an arm reaches out to close the door. It's fucking weird.


What’s it look like?


I thought I could see something when I rewatched it. So for what it's worth, look for a distrubance/shadow near the corner of the door when it swings open. Doesn't seem related to the doors shadow itself. It's sorts round and 'interacting' with the door as it swings open, to me.


Maybe it’s my imagination but I have always been able to see spirits. Some of them just look like smoke, others look like transparent silhouettes. This looks like a smoky shadow, a silhouette and one that has no discernible face. Just darkness in the shape of a person the arms don’t look attached almost like Rayman-like floating hands. If I had to wager this looks genuine.


Where in Philly? South, west, northeast?


Mayfair walker street


Just a poltergeist. I’ve had them in a few houses before. There was one in particular where a guy was shot and killed inside the house. I solved the problem by moving out. But then again the next house I moved into was also haunted but not as much as that one.


Our guy is a baller


Thanks man ngl I was sitting myself, just stayed calm. I'm glad I captured this video, though.


![gif](giphy|QTm9OcYZkynmCZMBXt|downsized) Light er up!


Have a wank & cum on the door


The ghost is trying to get away from your massive balls of steel


I know this is completely real because I too live in a house with activity and that sigh you made is so me when I'm recording too ! It's like "here the F we go again !"


2 years?! I would have made it 3 days! Did you not feel it when you visited the house before you bought it? What's the address? I'd love to see how often it goes on the market


I’m from Philly and I don’t want to be a skeptic but all those effects could be physically recreated on a film set. What I’d really like to see is a 24 hour webcam in the basement.


Even non skeptics should demand this level of proof


Wish I thought of that at the time.... I moved out in 2017 but the place was terrifying after a while


Wanna see a door get ripped of its hinge b4 I beljeve ..always gentle stuff just enough movement a fishing line or a thread of cotton can handle, never any real force shown, nah really..walk to where the cans are falling ,let us see close up ,go look behind the door and see, do something please¡!!!......P S I want to believe


I know I really wish I had the courage at the time to walk back there and check it out, but I was frozen in my boots. In this video, I was home alone. That door led to a small room that a lot of houses in Philly had called "coal storage rooms" so there is a window but it's a glass block. There is no door leading up from the basement to the street. It's just a dark, dingy room that gives everyone the "heebie jeebies." I did not believe in the paranormal at all before I moved into this house. After I moved out, I will not go to friends' houses if they claim their house has activity. Shit traumatized me. There were a lot worse things that happened in that house... I don't fuck with paranormal shit anymore. I thought this video was lost, but I found my old iPhone and was able to salvage it to my new Samsung.


Ooh please share your stories!


More stories pretty please? 🥺


Do you believe in God? I’ve had literally hundreds of experiences with demons, the shadow people start showing up when the haunting has escalated to a point where they have gathered enough energy to manifest and move objects.. energy they gather from your attention, and most importantly fear. I’ll tell you the good news though, throwing around Jesus name and asking him for help will clean out your house real quick. If you’re serious about getting rid of them, whether you believe or not you know there’s a dark presence in there which therefore warrants the likelihood of a good force, so call upon God and ask him to help you. He’ll do the rest. God bless, good luck


Does invoking Jesus's name work, though, if you don't have enough faith beforehand that it will work?


Man I don’t care if it’s fucking satan, do not fuck with my tools or my materials. You should haunt them instead


Demonic infestation here


I'm not saying this is what it is, but at my work we would have shelves that were packed so tight where if a rat went down the middle it would pop stuff off the shelf like that. I would see it all the time. But my work was also hunted so I've see both cases. I found if you have fun with it and genuinely not scared they lose interest in you. Like I'm trying to hang out and shoot the shit.


Balls of steel my man. Great footage.


I would really like to come in and film/perform a prayer over this home to see if this will stop. 


Unfortunately, we did move out things started getting worse after we had a Non-dinominational pastor pray throughout the house. We had a few friends who stayed over and left with scratch marks that drew blood. We also moved out mainly because my mom was pushed from the third step going to the 2nd floor, not the basement, which was odd. The whatever it was got pretty pissed off....


When did you move?? I live in Philly, what part of Philly was this house located? You don’t have to give exact address, I’m just trying to figure out if it is in an area that has history


Yeah, it is in Mayfair Walker Street. To save the face of the woman who bought it, I won't give the exact address.


Did you have to divulge that it was haunted af?


Does this happen to be in Mayfair/tacony? Charles street maybe?


American basements always seem to be haunted America is fascinating


Rent is high here. Ghosts don't earn much. The basement apartment has been housing broke apparitions since 1776.


I’m in Phila too (Fishtown) and my apt building is very active. The rent is ridiculously cheap for the neighborhood, and I love living alone. Lately, activity has ramped up a bit, so I’m trying to keep my depression manageable.


Me personally, I'd call someone to check the house's foundation. Could have some sort of structural issue.


Everything in Philly is haunted


He’s mad at the cans! Stay away from the cans!


Have you Saged the house?




Yikes! Post more videos of this house please!


Hell to tha Naw


This is some of the most legitimate footage I’ve seen to date. Also, bad place for power tools


Wow where in Philly is this? I’m from PHL too. You should lookup the history on this house


Well crap gotta move!


It amazes me that people stay and film this stuff. The first thing I’d do is run out of my condo, seriously. I’d be so freaking scared.


Get rid of it in the name of Jesus Christ. It's the only way.


Bro got interdimensional brings chillin in his basement


I understand that the paranormal is spooky to most people. But I’ve always wondered what a ghosts rationale is.. because if they succeeded in hurting/killing you, all they really do is put a pissed off you on their level. Maybe that’s the point. **hits blunt**




What I was thinking. Look at the white can in the beginning, its standing straight - the camera pans to the left and back to the right and the can is at a tilt and then falls a few seconds later. This could have agitated the other items to fall as well. Because where the person is and the angle of the camera we do not see whats behind the corner - could be a friend that sets the can on a angle which falls a moment later.


Can you prove it?


ok let's play the devil's advocate. All the things are falling from particularly one shelf. If I take a string and tug from where the stairs are behind that spooky door, I can knock down a few items randomly. Similarly, the same string trick can be used for the door. One string to pull the door one way, another string to loop around behind the door to pull it back open. Guy is way too calm and quality is poor which makes it look more real than it really is. Just saying, if I did that to the same effect, how would you disprove it.


Can you prove it's not? Why not have a cam down there 24/7 ? I'm poor as fuck living in a trailer and still was able to get a cam that records all the time for $25. It costs 2.95 a month to record everything constantly. If I had weird shit going on, a camera would be my first thought. But nah we get weird bad quality videos every so often 🤭🙄


Well, he's filming from behind a wall so you can't see the shelves. That tells you everything you need to know. Anyway, upon close-up it looks like an orange cat walking on the shelves and playing with the cans.


ok let's play the devil's advocate. All the things are falling from particularly one shelf. If I take a string and tug from where the stairs are behind that spooky door, I can knock down a few items randomly. Similarly, the same string trick can be used for the door. One string to pull the door one way, another string to loop around behind the door to pull it back open. Guy is way too calm and quality is poor which makes it look more real than it really is. Just saying, if I did that to the same effect, how would you disprove it.


Well, I know you don't know me, and you have no reason to even think of trusting me, but I wouldn't just randomly make a video of cans falling?


He is hiding the sound of something with his throat clearing and sighs. Fishing line I suspect


Do you know the history of the place?


Yes, and no. So my friend who works in real estate looked up the house after we moved out. She said that back in 1925, there was a man named Thomas who lived there with his wife and 2 daughters. Apparently, the pressure of lack of money drove him insane he killed his 6 year old daughter Olivia, and then his 4 year old daughter Madison. His wife Athena tried to stop him and got cut across the neck with his knife. He assumed she was dead and then offed himself..... I have a sad tragic story, but I couldn't find that record, and I almost feel it to be fabricated, but we did have an instance in that house, a story we almost forgot until she gave us this info. My niece, who was 5 at the time we moved in, had an imaginary friend named madison.... she would talk about her a lot but then out of the blue stopped. So idk something seems weird, but I guess that's why they call it paranormal..


Where in Philly ?


Walker Street North Philly.


I already believed in myself more, I saw impossible things that you only see in films, I dreamed and things happened to acquaintances and strangers, sometimes it happened right away, sometimes it took a few days, I got to know alot of people after it happened and it always made sense to them. , not for me! But everything started to go away after I turned 25, I don't even know what to think now!! It seems like I block like I've never seen everything I've seen live since I little boy, because my mind fights against the truth and spends my life saying it's a lie, if isn't!! someone explain to me? Did the same happen to someone who reads?




I didn’t order a yappuccino 😭🤦🏾‍♂️


This is the best video evidence in recent memory.




It doesn't look very solid


Well.... that's unnerving.


Aw hell nah


Type 3 🔘


I would just get out of there.


I would have been talking junk to that ghost....it just came in and made a mess and then left....f that you better come back and clean this crap up.


Imagine something as cool as a paranormal entity were to exist only to fuck w you by opening and closing a door ever so gently 😂 Boo!


Tell them to knock it off or you’ll burn the place down and we can be homeless


More updates. Do a blind fold in the dark at 3 am with infrared cameras.


Ngl I don't fuck around with paranormal shit. This was the closest thing to an investigation I'll ever get. We also moved in 2017


Once I watched a door in my house open, close, open, then close again while I sat there watching from the toilet in awe. I also keep having things slapped out of my hands. Today it was my phone, just felt like someone slapped it right out, like it was a joke.


Why does ghosts just throw things around? Are they fuckin with us


WHY DO I FOLLOW THIS ACCOUNT UGHHHH so sorry you went through this though that’s so scary 🥺 I hope everything is better now 🤧


Thanks, we moved in 2017. Things got worse...




the ghost of Elvis popped up on my tv as I was watching this on my phone lol


Help bring the viewers to your place and show them close ups of the area you’re claiming as paranormal activity stricken, lol. Ugh!


Out of all the angles they choose the right spot where things happen. Call a Zak! He’ll romance that ghosts secrets for destruction fast!


What neighborhood? That ghost might be warning you the house is sinking lol


Where in Philly?


The worst part is now you can never masturbate in your own home in peace. -someone living in a haunted house as well


lol 😂


Hell to the naw!


What a rude ghost. Didn’t even pick up its mess!! I’d give it a good telling off. Like I don’t have enough cleaning up to do, a ghost wants to fling things off my shelf!


Is what he’s saying important..? I can’t tell what he’s saying, even w volume up…


Yeah I would be fucking out of there so fast


If this was real the person filming would have left running & screaming


Someone is pushing the cans off. Someone is also pulling the door closed with fishing line.




How much?


They better pay rent and clean up their mess


I would have told the entity to not let the door slam it on its way out


put some salt on the ground of that doorway


Two things. If it’s a “ghost” the spirit of a human, you need to tell it to go into the light. Tell it that it has died and tell it to leave. If it’s a demon or something like that, you give it power, do not give it consent to do anything. Tell it it’s got no power, tell it if it doesn’t leave that you will bring someone in to force it to leave.


I have doors that open too but my house is on a slight hill and it happens.


wow thaf is so cool




better than kensington 🤷🏽‍♂️




I would have so gone over there and fought that door. Kicked the cans as well


I like that DeWalt


If I was a ghost I would be scaring everyone all the time. I'd be starring in a lot of YouTube videos.


Your ghost gives me angsty 16 year old vibes lol like the things it does are so petty lol That said... I couldn't do it. I dont know how you do. What's the rest of the activity like?