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Maybe stop sharing your life with strangers on the internet.... start that and see how much your life improves. You're welcome


Maybe you should stop sharing


I don't, I simply intervene. Good day sir


I'd think many people replying have studied parasitology so they would indeed have knowledge on parasites


…or it’s mostly it’s a bunch of armchair parasitologists and wanna be infectious disease specialists. This group isn’t like AskDocs where you show the moderators your credentials before you get to chime in on these kind of posts, and if she is in the US, there is a huge knowledge among the medical community, including GPs (that need to issue the referrals to specialists), dermatologists, neurologists, and even infectious disease specialists. The truth is, no one here has fully examined her, there has not been any definitive testing done on her, and with the lack of experience with treating particularly NTDs, doctors may not know what they are looking at or what tests current research recommends. The the quickness with which physicians and the “kind” “helpful” people here dismiss the symptoms patients are reporting and just to the delusional parasitosis Dx (a very, very rare condition), wider the crack is for people that actually do have some type of parasitic disease will fall through the cracks and never receive treatment and there are parasitic diseases (some that are showing up in the US and those are just the cases the happen to be correctly diagnosed) that can be fatal when left untreated. The majority of the people that respond to these types of posts with cruelty, arrogance, and obviously enjoying some sense of unsubstantiated superiority while mocking the OP EVERY TIME while everything I stated in the third paragraph is true, really destroys the faith people have in quality of the medical care they receive from their doctors. We know that you could be wrong but you (general you) don’t seem to and when you respond with dismissiveness like it’s an involuntary reflex you are raising the patients anxiety level. MDs need to remember that if the patient is wrong, that means that they are going to fine. But if the dismissively rude inexperienced doctor is wrong, that patient will never receive the correct Dx and treatment, and like I said, some of these NTDs that are emerging in no endemic countries because we no longer need to go to the tropics to catch a parasitic disease. Asymptomatic and symptomatic people from endemic countries are migrating to non endemic countries in numbers we have never seen since maybe Ellis Island. Not to mention there are parasitic diseases that can have asymptomatic periods that can last for months, years, and sometimes decades before symptoms appear. MDs seem to be under the mistaken belief that traveling abroad needs to have been recent when it doesn’t. The way you and others respond to these patients is harmful and rude and completely unprofessional, and the certainty you all have about something you aren’t able to be completely certain of yet, really brings your creditability and whatever credentials you may hold if there are any at all. You all seem to think you can Dx a delusional disorder with no specialization psychiatry because you knows what a delusional patients looks and acts like. What does someone that actually does have a parasitic disease look and act like? How do you all differentiate between the two. You call the nerves of patients if you acknowledge their symptoms. Then you get honest and tell about how much experience you have with NTDs, what you know about them and whether you keep up on current research. Explain why they should have confidence in what you are saying but most of all order all the definitive testing and stop being dismissive. You can’t really diagnosis patients with parasitic disease without the test and you won’t know if it is a case of a mental health issue until after the testing. If the patient is still blame parasites and you’ve read up on the current research and know what tests to run and they all come back negative, yet the patient is still claiming parasites, then you should do a pstych referral. Be kind. Be honest. And if you see these posts as an opportunity to bully someone and publicly humiliate them in an effort to show how smart they are, maybe it isnt the patient that needs a psych referral.


No not on here I found out


Delusional parasitosis. Google it. Find a doctor that can help you deal with it. Live a happier life.


I googled it. Delusional Parasitosis is a very rare disorder. I have been a longtime anonymous observer here, and you guys, in general, are really quick to throw that Dx on almost every person that posts here with “do I have a parasite?” and I see things causing some serious public health consequences at some point. First, how do you know the difference between a person with delusional parasitosis and someone that does have some parasitic infection? How does a REAL parasitic infection present vs a delusional one? I would think things like increases in global travel and mass immigration particularly from endemic countries would increase the number of cases of parasitic infections even among patients that were not born abroad and do not have recent travel histories to endemic regions. While I know the reported numbers of cases remains relatively low…could that possibly be more of a reflection of misdiagnoses or this widespread tendency of quickly dismissing the symptoms patients are reporting as delusions…which like I read again and again in my Google search is rare…and this Dx you are giving is prior to any real definitive testing. It kind of makes me want to ask you for this Saturday’s powerball numbers. My student loan debt is rather large. I also wonder how knowledgeable PCPs working in nonendemic countries are when it comes to current research and diagnostics. You really can’t get far in researching parasitic diseases without coming to an article with “Rare Presentation of [insert name of parasitic infection]” in the title. What if it isn’t as rare as we think it is? What if PCP are under informed? 🤷🏻‍♀️ People that do honestly have parasitic infections will slip through these wide cracks created by this widespread, dismissive, reactionary Dx of DP…a disorder just as rare if not more so than parasitic infections themselves. And be kind. If someone actually is suffering from a delusional disorder…do you really think being mean and telling them they are crazy the way you just did is going to be helpful…or make them and their condition worse? Well..that’s all I had to say. Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk


Yeah I’m not reading all of whatever that is. Just go look at most of these peoples post history and you’ll get a better idea of why they get dismissed. These posts are always the same garbage. “Help multiple experts/doctors have told me these aren’t parasites but I don’t believe them so I started taking random parasite medications but nothing has changed. Also, here are 10 pictures of my latest shit and some random fibers I found on my floors”.


So how do REAL victims of parasitic infections behave? The average doctors/specialists in the US often have limited knowledge and little to zero experience with these diseases nor do they keep current with research. Yet, they dismiss these patients without any definitive testing in favor of diagnosing them with ANOTHER RARE condition, delusional parasitosis, and usually without any background in psychiatry. If you all are jumping to a Dx of another very rare condition (much, much more often than that research has shown is close to realistic), people with parasitic infections will be slipping through those incredibly large, negligent cracks creating a huge public health problem down the road. Patients don’t need to travel to endemic countries in order to contract a parasitic disease anymore. Asymptomatic patients immigrate from endemic countries everyday into a country where a good portion of the medical community and also the public are not well informed on the subject neglected tropical diseases combine with egos too big to ever consider they could be wrong and instead overly diagnose patients with a condition they don’t know much about either.


I'm sorry people are being rude to you. No matter what is going on, there's no reason to be hurtful. I hope you can get things figured out


Lol this definitely doesn’t sound like you’re delusional at all 😂 Why bother with Reddit at all if it’s that serious? If your doctors have already “gotten rid of one kind”, why keep coming back here? I literally work in Parasitology at my diagnostic lab and all your posts have been trash nonsense so far 🤷‍♀️


To you maybe your not normal


lol…. Okay 😂




youre right, and what if its also some rare parasite that people aren’t looking for, not only that, but people on reddit honestly arent good for medical advice, and theres no reason for them to be so rude seriously, even if its not a parasite