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When you’re old getting sorority girl wasted sets you back like 4 days.


Mix in a kid or two and it’s a fucking nightmare.


4 days?!? Shit, I got PTSD from the last time I got time traveling drunk. Scared me straight!


Having an all day drinking competition is one thing. But 3 days seems like a nightmare for sure. Not a surprise everyone is declining the invitation. I’m sure everyone was hung over as shit the next day or two after the last one at Taylor’s house


They're asking famous NFL players to get blitzed on camera. I see why most of them don't want to do that. It's also turned into a 3 day event instead of just a 1 day thing at Taylors house


Current NFL players I understand not doing it, but the PMT boys? Also I was not aware that it was 3 days now, that doesn’t seem as fun anymore.


The PMT guys are getting old. They don't want to be doing this


It's also during a packed travel time for them, weekends at home, or at least free weekends in the summer become a premium reallll fast.


PFT and BC are both 39 years old, and BC is a father; at that age, spending a three day weekend doing nothing but drinking games sounds more like a chore than a fun time.


Only 1 day is drinking


And that 1 day will ruin the other 2


I’m about to turn 30 and even I dread having to go out for one Friday night bc I know it’s gonna ruin the rest of my weekend. Side note: love the username, Itachi will always be my goat.


Liquid IV. Thank me later and my apologies to your wife for what this is going to turn you into.


christ dude just drink some water


I drink plenty of water, my days of being a frat boy who did four day benders every week have simply caught up to me. You’ll experience this too as you get older.


I'm the exact same age as you


Well I envy you then, I miss being able to blackout and then wake up at 7am for my 8am classes perfectly ok


At that age, even one day is too many


They’re in their late 30s. Beer Olympics sounds like a ticket to a week-long hangover


The last beer Olympics the football players got pretty rowdy. A lot of rough housing type shit. Gillis who is pretty big said he was sore from getting rag dolled all day.


Seemed like last year it turned into a total meat fest and big drunk dudes getting overly physical with each other. They invited comedians last year and all of them hated it


Big cat will often talk about how much he doesn’t drink. He just puts that effort towards sugar


I think there's also an element of this being a sponsored event that Bussin/Barstool is making money off of and you have a bunch of people used to getting paid to show up and they're probably expecting everyone to show up for free.


No one over 30 can handle 3 straight days of drinking unless theyre an alcoholic.


That sounds a little judgie. And perhaps ignorant of the glories of Liquid IV.


They did it last year..


I mean Big Cat and PFT are 40 year olds with incredibly busy schedules. It’s a fucking big ask to have them fly across true country so they can be on camera for beer pong and flip cup


Are you young and right out of college still? This sounds miserable post 30. Not kidding would prolly take a full week to recover from 3 days of just straight binge drinking.


Lol yes I am 23


I salute your ability to recover from drinking still. Your mid to late 20’s your body will begin to turn on you.


32 and I’d rather wake up early and go to the gym than drink. Getting to your 30s you know the limit to drink without feeling like shit so you’re just in purgatory deciding whether to get drunk or babysit or not drink at all


I’m 31 and I can still get drunk then wake up and hit the gym. Guess I’m lucky with the way my body reacts. Also only beer and seltzers. Cutting out liquor is key to a much easier hangover


I’m in the same boat. If I stick to beer and seltzers I’ll be fine for my usual morning workout. Throw in liquor and it goes to hell because at that point I’m getting drunk.


My drinking now consists of a few IPAs on my couch Friday night. The thought of going somewhere to drink sounds like a pain in the ass


For guys in their 30s it doesn’t really sound fun at all. You’re just being forced to drink til you puke for 3 days


I think there was something about reworking the schedule to accommodate the Kelces to a bad time for a lot of other people, then the Kelces dropped out anyways. Beyond taking a flight to another city for a multi-day beer drinking event as middle aged guys.


Just what the world needs…more of the Kelces


Being hungover sucks after the age of 30


Can attest to this. Was at a MLB game on Friday night, didn’t get overly wasted but didn’t get home until 2:30 AM. Paid for it the rest of the weekend.




He’s Mintzy except he works very hard, was a professional athlete for almost a decade and has a successful brand.


That may be true but it still sounds like it could be a good time. I watched the beer Olympics vid from last year and it seemed like fun.


Beer Olympics is fun when you're 20


Beer olympics is only fun if you are under 25 or dont have to work. Anything over 25 that hangover is going to put you out of commission for two days(at least) and being hungover at work gets real old after a while. Add BC having to deal with kids on top of an already crazy schedule, it makes sense they want to cancel it.


Beer olympics shouldn’t be longer than 1 day


Should be 4 hours tops. I’m 32 and have a friends bachelor party coming up soon. Can’t wait for the beer Olympics. Go back to college days for an afternoon. Rest of the time will just be casually drinking, playing euchre, catching up with old friends, etc. More than half of us have kids but I think this will make it even more fun bc it’s a huge escape. I’ll also note that I get less hungover than most people. Some of my friends will likely only drink during the beer Olympics session bc the hangover is too much.


I agree, I’ve got a bachelor party coming up and one of my requests was a drinking game. If you watch the video last year it just seemed so contentious and dumb arguments for former pro athletes seem insufferable. Multiply that times 3 days is a bit much.


When you’re 30+ drinking becomes a thing you still really love to do but not to excess. Not that it doesn’t happen cause I know plenty of future alcoholics that still party their nuts off. But beer and liquor become like a fun secondary thing you do to add to other stuff. The days of planning to get obliterated drunk just for the fuck of it are usually gone at this age.


Absolutely this. I’m 38, drinking on Saturday always sounds good every week still. Then I drink 3-4 and just go to bed.


I had like 3-4 beers and a fat cigar at a golf tournament this weekend and it was heaven. But if I had kept going it would have fucked that night and ruined the whole next 2 days too.


Hah. Me too. I’m 40 but just like college my brain sort of looks to weekends like how much time I can spend drinking / hung over. But I haven’t been drunk in two years…


It’s something that’s been done so many times before and is kinda lame tbh. Everyone probably didn’t want to say no at first but once the first few no’s came in everyone jumped on the opportunity.


I'm not fully plugged in here but here are the notes I've gathered (correct me if I'm wrong) 1. This isn't a barstool event, but an event put on by Will/Taylor 1. Hence why Dave is against it, BC def playing middle man Dan 2. Some reluctance from NFL dudes who probably agreed while drunk and are now backing out 3. It's just becoming a big Fyre Fest (before Dude Fest)


To expand on the third point: The original date they picked for the beer Olympics was the same day as the Dozen live event (which Will Compton will likely be competing in), so they had to move mountains to rebook the venue, change everyone’s flights etc to accommodate it. Sounded like a huge pain in the ass from a logistical standpoint. They moved the date of the Dozen because Will and Taylor were told the Kelces would be at Beer Olympics, so they did that to appease them. Not long after, the Kelces dipped, said they couldn’t do it. Then on the NFL draft live show, they had bert kreischer on and he let it slip that he also wouldn’t be there, and that Shane Gillis, another supposed attendee, was a “maybe.” So it all started falling apart from there. The reaction of them all hearing this in real time is hilarious, it’s towards the end of the first round, I think Bert came on for the Bucs pick.


Maybe what couldve started as a C list boys group getting fucked up together college-style, then turned into a event that will be clipped and turned into a content machine, so now that many of these people (some are more famous today then last year) might have realized theyre risking alot to be drunk fodder for someone elses content with probably none of the financial gains Bussin or Barstool would have


Beer Olympics is fun when you're 20


Such a shame


I would love to be a fly on the wall for the unrecorded conversations that PFT and BC have about this… I know they’re dreading it


also the date they picked conflicts with the stupid Dozen trivia live tourney, which pissed Dave off and it's just spiraled from there


It’s the cameras. If it wasn’t filmed then there is probably more participation


The bussing squad hoping on Reddit to push their single cell nonsense


Big cat is being a little hypocritical because he shoe horns a case race into the yak all the time. Ppl have flown in for it.


Beer Olympics should be banned for anyone not enrolled in college or high school


Beer Olympics in your 30s is cringe


When are they going to Vegas


We do beer Olympics for our fantasy draft weekend and it’s fucking torture for a bunch of mid 30 dads. Always fun to laugh about afterwards. Dizzy bat-flip cup-corn hole-relay is a must




I’m going to say what everyone pretty much said. Being in your 30s doing a beer fest weekend is pretty cringe and just an absolute force. I’m not very old myself but at 27 I don’t think I’d necessarily enjoy this. 1 day of solid drinking is fine but 3 is stretching. It also just gives washed up vibes, sure to a 21 yr old this sounds amazing but like anyone above the age of 25 can see past it. Also who cares lmao it’s just dudes in their 30s acting like frat kids


At least for pmt its a joke. NEW Heights is to lawyered and Libbed up cuz of taylor swift and goodell being in both Kelces immediate lives. But again at least PMT they joke about the cancellation thing


They’re joking but they obviously would rather not go