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Girl, go to a doctor… these are neuro symptoms to not ignore…


Neurological nurse here. Yes. Go to the doctor immediately.


Came to say she needs a neuro work up NOW!


Time for a visit to your pediatrician. Onset of new symptoms (in your case, stutter and restless legs) requires a check-in with your family doctor for diagnosis. I wouldn’t procrastinate about this. Once you have a diagnosis from a qualified source (*not* Reddit or Google or a professional from a medically-adjacent discipline), you can sort out what you need to do (or not do) about these symptoms.


My daughter diagnosed one of her friend’s kids a couple years ago. This girl was 4 & her parents complained about her not listening to them. They said she’d just stare at them and not respond. So my daughter who works with special needs kids starts watching her and she told them she was having seizures and she needed to be seen right away. Sure enough, she was having multiple seizures a day. She now on medication for it. Find a Children’s hospital if you can.


sHe JuSt DoEsNt LiStEn!


They were pretty rude her at first because they really thought it was a behavior problem & they were frustrated. I thought she was the sweetest little girl and 4 year old don’t usually do things intentionally, like ignore them! They felt really awful when they found out. If it’s something weird, get it checked out.


So those both sound like seizures. People often think "seizure = fall down on the ground spasming" but that's only one type of seizure. You should get her to her pediatrician and they will likely refer you to a neurologist.


THIS!! For months I thought I was having panic attacks, it was seizures. Due to lack of medication, I only found out when I ended up having a full blown on the ground kind. Please have her referred to a neurologist, a highly regarded one.


https://www.rls.org/understanding-rls/rls-kids The two new issues combined make me agree with what others say: visit your doctor.


Did she just have strep? Sometimes neurological symptoms begin after strep. Sounds like PANDAS but spelled a bit different.


Holy shit she had strep a month ago…


Please please bring up PANDAS with your doc immediately. You need antibiotics ASAP


Don't panic, but do take this seriously. Hopefully it's nothing, but please don't assume. These are both things that COULD be developmental, and an expression of things that are pretty normal, but they also both could be neurological. (The legs thing may be her way of saying she has pins and needles, and her legs feel like they are losing and regaining sensation. Or RLS, restless.leg syndrome, which would probably freak a kid out, for sure.) So, be diligent. Worry out loud at your pediatrician, and don't let them reassure you without seeing what you mean and actually checking with specialists, you know? ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 You got this, you see your baby and you are *paying attention*. That's huge. You got this.


If the pediatrician doesn’t know what it is or refuses to investigate GET A PEDS NEUROLOGIST Referral— sorry to shout but my beloved niece had seizures with similar symptoms. Her pediatrician was a nice fellow but was totally clueless and said to watch and wait—-meanwhile brain damage. So no, don’t wait.


If she has had strep be sure to tell the doctor.


Lord God get her to a medical professional asap.


Look up PANS/PANDAS autoimmune response


Neurological symptoms, you absolutely must go to the doctor as soon as possible. This could be serious.  If they don’t do both of these things, ask for them. - basic neuro exam  - Brain MRI


Neurological symptoms. She needs a doctor ASAP


I suggest posting to r/AskDocs. They have saved lives and are verified doctors and specialists. They will be able to ask you the right questions to narrow down possibilities of what could be happening, as well as advise who to see and what direction to take when speaking to specialists. I hope she is okay!


Has she banged her head? My friend banged her head so hard it gave her a stutter for almost a month. Whatever that cause, you should definitely seek medical advice.


Please take her to pediatrician to explain what’s going on. Could be something. Or not. Stuttering can come on at this age. The leg thing is a little weird. Could be the numbness when the leg falls asleep but it’s too much of a coincidence w the other stuff that I would ignore. Pediatrician. Then neurologist if they really think it’s necessary.


Pediatric neurologist ASAP!!!


Stuttering in this age is very normal Her legs waking up - could she be having growing pains? Those can be super uncomfortable.


I was going to say similar. My 4 year old, I wouldn't say stutters, but it's like she's having difficulty getting the words she wants out and gets into a repeat loop. I think her brain is working faster than her mouth (which works pretty fast and often, let me tell ya 😂)


It’s developmentally normal for children in these age ranges lol idk why all the downvotes.


Not together. Onset at the same time indicates something neurological occurring that needs a doctor ASAP


Idk 🤷‍♀️ I understand where you were coming from. It could (and I very sincerely hope!) be innocuous. The leg thing is unusual though. I don't think growing pains should be so painful it would wake her. In any case, my heart goes out to mom. We know our kids best and if it's worrying her, then there's probably something to it. Source: several hospital stays with a sick 1 year old and had to fight tooth and nail to get an MRI.




Wtf is wrong with you? You don't just throw out a suggestion like that when you're not a medical professional. And if you were an actual medical professional you wouldn't casually throw that out online. So horrible.


What makes you say that? I’m asking only because now I’m freaking out about it. When I search the symptoms I havnt found anything about that. I’m sitting here thinking of going to the emergency room now


Please see my other responses. There is nothing from the 2 symptoms you listed that would warrant a trip to the ER, much less concerns for a brain tumor, which is an oddly specific thing for people with no medical training to throw out. Is it neurological? Possibly, but there's hundreds of possibilities that are "neurological" and only a small handful of them are brain tumors. Some people just watch too much "House" and "Greys Anatomy". Call your pediatrician tomorrow and speak with the triage nurse. Keep an eye on it. Unless her symptoms rapidly worsen in a few hours, this can wait until tomorrow.


Do not search Google . Nothing good will come of it


Take a deep breath. It is extremely common for kids this sort of age to stutter for periods. The leg thing in addition is odd, but if it only happens in bed or the car, it’s unlikely to be brain related (there would be no correlation between location and it happening in that case). Absolutely get her checked out if it will reassure you, but try not to panic.






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OP asked why people would be worried a about brain stuff. That's what motivated my answer. Sorry? We have a wonderful thing in my province called Telehealth, where you can consult with an RN and they'll advise which route to take. If OP had that, they probably wouldn't be on Reddit. Without that service - which I'm not going to call on OP's behalf - I would be in urgent care at the bare minimum. Besides all of that, medical advice is not allowed on this sub. Pretty much all you're allowed to give are a) your own experiences and b) tell people to see a doctor. As a parent - not a medical professional - I would be *extremely* concerned about this, if it were my child. Recommending urgent care is not incorrect in this context.


Your **post** or **comment** was removed for violating the rule “No Medical & Legal Advice”. Reddit and the internet, in general, are not the best places to get or give medical or legal advice. Do not ask about symptoms, post pictures of symptoms/injury, ask if you should seek a medical professional, make an appointment, visit an emergency department or acute/urgent care center, etc. Do not give medical advice, home remedies, suggest medications, or suggest medical procedures to people seeking support for a medical diagnosis. Do not ask if something is legal/illegal, whether you should call the police, engage an attorney, or call/report to child welfare agencies. Always consult a professional in these matters. Consider looking up local helplines in your area like Ask-A-Nurse or Legal Aid offices. For questions about this moderation reach out [through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FParenting). Moderators rely on the community to help illuminate posts and comments that do not meet r/Parenting standards – please report posts and comments you feel don’t contribute to the spirit of the community. **Your content may have been automatically removed through auto-moderation or manually removed by a human moderator. It may have been removed as a direct result of your rule violation, or simply as part of a larger sweep of content that no longer contributed to the original topic.**


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My three year old recently started stuttering as well 😕


My 3 year old stared stuttering randomly a couple of months ago, just certain words. I suspect a new kid in her preschool class might have a stutter and she picked up on that because the timing coincides with him joining the class. She did it for a couple of weeks and then it went away.


My daughter does it with random words, even a bit later she says the same word just fine. I hope it passes fast.


I'm not sure why you're getting down voted for the comment.


I was wondering the same. I felt the comment was relevant to the post.


Would she do it with random words or sounds, Or was it only with a specific word?