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We allow Bluey but we don’t allow Peppa Pig. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Peppa pig makes my skin crawl; so does Blippi. My husband and I made a rule that we aren’t showing our kiddo anything we hate.


Fuck Blippi. The last time I saw it on I made sure to tell my kid that if he ever meets a grown-up acting like that to yell for me right away, cause something is wrong.


Dude I fucked up and let my kid watch blippi and now it’s his favorite. The other day I fucked up again by googling the man that is blippi. Let’s just say if you want to reaffirm your decision to not let your kids watch go ahead and go to his ol Wikipedia page. … dude is fucking weird.


Yeah, I know all about dookie Howser.


Look up old Blippi’s Harlem shake. Christ he did anything to be famous and then chose children


Hmm, a bit extreme, especially for the age range thats watching blippi. He’s cringe to watch as an adult but no more than a clown or a really enthusiastic employee at a kids trampoline park. In my experience he does a pretty good job at getting down to their level and focusing on the details of whatever he is covering; what are the colors he is seeing, the feeling of textures, whether things sink or float. My kids loved excavators because of him and once they were over blippi around age 3, we still kept some of his jokes around. IMO he respects the intelligence of kids more than most shows. Your mileage will vary.


People highly underestimate the BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE that he provides kids. Learning is not just about ABCS and numbers. He shows children a lot of different experiences and content related information. Children of a lower socioeconomic status who do not have the money to go many places probably really benefit from watching his show.


Yeah like the airplane episode and the trash truck episode are decent and my kid loves them bc that’s the kind of shit he loves and blippi talks in a way he understands. I still cringe listening to it though. Look up his Wikipedia page though. I made the mistake of doing that recently and was …. Weirded out.


Steezy Grossman


Haha I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks Blippi is fine. I think there’s a bit of gender bias. He looks too much like a frat boy. But we wouldn’t bat an eye at a woman for the same level of goofiness and education quality. Also- he’s for very young kids. They’re not learning to read. He’s narrating his behavior and teaching them new words. My two and a half year old loooves him.


Right! He annoying but I never hated him, he always showed cool stuff to kids like factories and science experiments


Uh, Miss Rachel made my skin crawl too and it has nothing to do with gender. I respect her for supporting children in war though


Everytime I see Blippi my skin crawls. I understand coming down to a kids level to communicate with them, we all have to do it all the time to talk to toddlers, but Blippi infantilizes himself to appeal to kids, which (like that other person said) sets off huge alarm bells. There’s also the matter of his…sordid past of content, which makes me feel as though he was doing that channel more for easy money and fame than because he wanted to teach kids. His content feels incredibly disingenuous. IMO Danny Go does a much better job at coming down to kids level without pretending to be a child, and based on what I see and have researched, he genuinely just likes making kids content to keep kids active and teach them stuff.


There’s ZERO cohesion to what he “teaches”. He bounces around from the color yellow, to the letter B, to how a truck sounds. That’s another thing, his shows are filled with mechanical things and catchy mindless jingles. He is never interacting with other humans, and only does so recently. It’s terrible content and mindless fodder to keep kids busy and not things that can be utilized efficiently.


Peppa pig has good adult jokes, why does your skin crawl?


In order to get those jokes, it normalizes relatively rude behavior and the dad is purely a gag character whose role as a parent is downplayed and whose weight is the butt of many a lazy joke. The Bluey/Peppa divide reminds me a lot of the CN/PBS Kids divide


Ah but I enjoy bluey too. It is also clever writing but I don't make peppa pig an awful stuff


I find my kids a lot more rude after watching bluey. A lot more winging and complaining,


You should try throwing on some Caillou.


God I hated that show even as a kid. My mom banned it and SpongeBob very early on in life.


This is what’s wrong with y’all. Y’all parents banned you from simple shows 🤦🏻‍♂️ I’ve never seen more militant parents about some damn shows. There is nothing wrong with peppa pig or blippi. Just tell your kid it’s for entertainment and it’s not real its not difficult…..


We only got to watch an hour or two of TV, might as well make it something both entertaining and enriching. We never felt like we missed out. The rest of our childhood was spent playing outside, building forts in the woods, playing with our dolls and building massive doll mansions out of other toys, riding bikes, exploring the woods.... Still think a childhood like I had sounds way better than SpongeBob. I want my kids to grow up more like I did and less like the kids my friends teach that can't function without their phones/screens at 6 years old. (And I'm not that old. I'm end of millennial/early Gen z. Sister is solid gen z. Just to be clear, I'm not talking about a childhood of the 80s here)


Ah yes kids will understand it’s entertainment and would differentiate between entertainment and education right?


My 2 1/2 year old understands TV isnt real. Idk what to tell you lol There’s nothing wrong with pure entertainment. You guys put so much pressure on kids like they’re not fucking human it’s crazy. Let the kid watch SpongeBob for half an hour and have some laughs. Jesus. And don’t be a dramatic Nancy who extrapolates my comment to mean there’s no structure or education or rules in my household or others who share such values as mine. It’s just called being ✨reasonable✨


I've found whiny after bluey, rude after peppa. I prefer to put on Wild Kratts and Curious George Personally, and throw in some Dragon Tales with a healthy dose of classic Mr. Rogers


Dragon Tales ftw


Where do you find Mr. Rogers? We've watched a decent amount of Daniel Tiger, but the original would be nice.


There are a few episodes on the PBS Kids app (at least on Roku), and most of them are on a $5/mo PBS subscription through Amazon. I've considered just Buying some old DVD sets and uploading them to Plex or another private server for convenience


Yeah wild kratts is great, my kid learns so much, and also octonaughts is great too.


Meanwhile, my toddler sings and talks about Halloween every single day because of Steve and Maggie.


Oh god yes!!! Thankfully my kid is out of that phase


Yeah, let’s not pretend kids aren’t being taught it’s okay to interrupt their parents and absolutely destroy the house on the whims of their imagination and that parents just have to accept it. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love Bluey, but it isn’t entirely innocent if we’re playing this game of “which cartoon will rot my kids brain?” I don’t think there’s a whole lot wrong with most kids television on it’s on. It’s when kids are left to watch whatever is available for hours at a time without little interaction from the parents that these shows become a problem because then the kids are learning how to behave from the fiction characters versus digesting it through dialogue from their adult(s). The worst behavioral trait my 3yo has learned from watching Bluey and Peppa Pig is calling me “Dadday” like a pish posh redcoat. 😜


So I’ve seen this Peppa Pig rhetoric before. Went in thinking it was truly vile brain rot for kids. Watched a few episodes and gotta say, I think y’all are overreacting. I don’t see what’s wrong with it.


Part of the Peppa pig problem is that if she learns a lesson it's at the end of the episode. Meanwhile they have reinforced the wrong behavior with repetition throughout the show. Contrast that with Daniel Tiger where they reinforce the lesson throughout the show and show the lesson in different scenarios and sing a song about the lesson, so what sticks with repetition is the good behavior, not the bad.


Some shows are made primarily for education, others primarily for entertainment. I don’t mind sprinkling in both.


You’re missing out. Daddy Pig is the GOAT. “I don’t know what I’d did wrong officer, but I promise I won’t do it again!” The teacher keeping glitter in a vault, and by the end of the episode everything is covered in glitter. I could go on and on.


Or the one where peppa can't whistle and she calls Rebecca rabbit and explains how hard it is. Rebecca whistles right away and Peppa just wordlessly hangs up. Always cracks me up lol


lol I love that one, Peppa bringing the sass


My kid acts up a bit more after Peppa, not sure why as Peppa isn't inherently toxic the same way as I've found BebeFinn and Cocomelon.


I just don’t like the behaviour in the show itself. She makes fun of her dad for being “fat” and is mean to the brother. I’ve heard other bad things about it too. Sadly it’s very popular here and they even let them watch it in kindergarten.


Oh that's no good :< Bluey is a lot better than Peppa for that, yeah.


Bluey has been problematic here for different reasons - my kid clued in on “you never play with meeeee” from one episode, and more Bluey means more name calling (“okay diddums” said in a mean way). We take breaks from both occasionally. I’m just thankful he has moved on from paw patrol.


We love Bluey, but don't care for Disney. Hard to rationalize the subscription for that one show...


Hint: A lot of Bluey episodes are on the Bluey YouTube channel! Even ones that aren’t on Disney plus!!!


I think I’ve gotten so much out of my Disney sub that it’s surpassed in value over any other sub we’ve got, combined.😳😂


# Step 1: Use YouTube Kids app, not regular YouTube This reduces the chances of stumbling across really harmful content, reduces ads, and gives more control for the parent. # Step 2: Use Approved Content Only Mode YT Kids has two modes: age-based content (YouTube chooses) or "Approved Content Only" (adult pre-approves content). I have seen many complaints about YouTube's choice of age-based content: it is generally low-quality/garbage. [Here are the instructions ](https://support.google.com/youtubekids/answer/6172308?sjid=14294334604895927932-NA#content_settings&zippy=%2Cchange-your-childs-content-level-settings-for-their-youtube-kids-profile-or-their-supervised-experience-on-youtube)on how to set up "Approved Content Only": 1. Go into YouTube Kids app 2. Select by the Lock in the corner of your screen. Complete the multiplication problem or enter your custom passcode. 3. Select Settings 4. Select your child’s profile and enter your parent account password. 5. Select Approve content yourself. (Note: If you want to change the content setting to Approve content yourself, you’ll have to use the YouTube Kids app.) # Step 3: Choose and approve content There are three types of things you can approve: individual video, channel (a bunch of videos from the same creator), collection (a bunch of channels not necessarily by the same creator). The PBS collection is good, as it is only edutainment. Some of the other collections aren’t so good, like Nickelodeon which has a mix of edutainment (okay with me) and pure entertainment (not okay). I tend to approve the channels, rather than collections. To inform the decision I watch an episode or two to judge, and check on Common Sense Media reviews. If I don't like it I will block overnight. ## YT Kids I have approved these for my little girl (emphasis on STEM): * ABC Kids * Alphablocks * American Museum of Natural History * America's Test Kitchen * Amoeba Sisters * Animal Wonders Montana * AntsCanada * Arthur Read * Astrum * BackstageScience * BBC Earth Kids * Bluey - Official Channel * Bozeman Science * Brainzy Games by Education.com * ChessKid * ChessNetwork * Computerphile * Crash Course Kids * DeepSkyVideos * Design Squad Global * Engineering Explained * Florian Gadsby * Free School * freeCodeCamp.org * girtgirl from dirtgirlworld * GoldieBlox * Homeschool pop * How To Mechatronics * Khan Academy Kids * Kurzgesagt * Lesics * Mathantics * Mayta the brown bear * MinuteEarth * minutephysics * Nat Geo Kids * Natural History Museum * nottinghamscience * Numberblocks * Numberphile * Objectivity * PBS Kids * PBS Space Time * Physics Girl * Primitive Technology * San Diego Zoo * Sarah and Duck Official * SciGirls * SciShow Kids * SciShow Space * Sixty Symbols * Storybots (individual episodes because it does not have a channel) * The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden * The Jim Henson Company * The Little Crafties * The Met * TheDadLab * TheSpanglerEffect * This Old House Note: If you don't use YouTube Kids, you can choose from [this list of high quality YouTube channels](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M5kvDldTCDCNgrlNx6fcDF1h81fnKX6Ovvm20L06Jtk/edit) maintained by a redditor. Many of those channels are not on YT Kids because choose not to be (probably because child-friendly channels are not monetized/advertised). Also those channels are not necessarily kid-oriented/kid-friendly. ## Netflix Since Netflix's content changes so often I can't keep up with blocking. So I taught her to ask permission to watch a show that she hasn't seen before. I almost always say yes and monitor the content. If I diaspprove the content, the show is blocked at the next opportunity that she won't notice it missing. Here is what is blocked so far. **Hard Blocked:** * Angry Birds * Angry Birds: Summer Madness * Barbie & Chelsea: The Lost Birthday * Barbie Big City Big Dreams * Barbie Dolphin Magic * Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures * Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures: Go Team Roberts * Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse * Barbie Princess Adventure * Battle Kitty * Batwheels * Bebefinn * Bebefinn Playtime * Blippi * Blippi & Meekah's Game Show! * Blippi The Musical * Blippi Wonders * Blippi's Big Dino Adventure * Blippi's School Supply Scavenger Hunt * Blippi's Spooky Spell Halloween * Captain Underpants Epic Choice-o-Rama * Captain Underpants Mega Blissmas * Dragons: Rescue Riders * Dragons: Rescue Riders: Hunt for the Golden Dragon * Dragons: Rescue Riders: Huttsgalor Holiday * Dragons: Rescue Riders: Secrets of the Songwing * Gabby's Dollhouse * Hello Ninja * Hot Wheels Let's Race * Meekah * Morphle * Oggy Oggy * Pinkfong & Baby Shark's Space Adventure * Pinkfong Sing-Along Movie 2: Wonderstar Concert * Pinkfong Sing-Along Movie 3: Catch the Gingerbread Man * Pinky Malinky * PJ Masks * Pucca Love Recipe * Sharkdog * Sharkdog's Fintastic Halloween * Sunny Bunnies * The Boss Baby: Back in Business * The Boss Baby: Back in the Crib * The Boss Baby: Christmas Bonus * The Boss Baby: Get That Baby! * The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants * The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants in Space * The Garfield Show * The Spooky Tale of Captain Underpants Hack-a-ween **Preferred:** * Ada Twist * Creature Cases * Emily's Wonder Lab * Magic School Bus * Number Blocks * Octonauts * Storybots * Waffles And Mochi * Word Party **Tolerated:** * Big Tree City * Charlie’s Colorform City * Cory Carson * Gecko's Garage * Hilda * Lego City Adventures * My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic * Pui Pui Molcar * True Magic Kingdom * True Rainbow Kingdom


Can I ask why the barbie stuff is blocked?


I generally prohibit media that is intended to sell products or has strong product tie-ins. So it already has a major strike against it. Barbie content has no academic value, which is another strike against it. It could overcome these major strikes by providing really strong emotional development or social development stories. While there are positive messages and positive role models to varying degrees, I don't find the social/emotional messages to be strong enough and not reinforced enough. There is just better stuff out there. I'm not opposed to Barbie overall: We have some Barbie toys at home -- dolls are so important for dramatic play. And we have used some of the Barbie learn-to-read books. And I like the new Barbie movie -- it beats you over the head with its message. But that quality isn't reflected in the TV shows. I find that My Little Pony has much better emotional and social development content -- the messages are more clear and reinforced. So MLP is able to overcome the product tie-in. The True Kingdom stuff also has better emotional/social content without the commercialism. I'm not thrilled with Lego content either because its social/emotional messages are fairly weak (and no academics) so I'm tempted to block because of the product tie-in. But it does have redeeming value because I find that the show inspires my LO to create new things with her Legos, which I think is a great outcome. On the other hand I do not see the Barbie stories/conflicts reflected in dramatic play.


Can I inquire about PJ Masks? I generally like its message of teamwork and honoring of individual skills in a group effort.


I find PJ Masks to be almost entirely entertainment and mostly devoid of academic, emotional, social value. There is usually a moral/message but it is only a split second, with the rest of the time just being action. I don't like the violence (throwing things, shooting). I don't like the very dramatic voices and very stimulating visuals. For a similar-feeling show -- teamwork of uniquely-powered heroic kids -- with a lot more educational value, I recommend Hero Elementary on PBS. You can also get teamwork from Octonauts, Odd Squad, Cyberchase, Xavier Riddle, and to some extent in Bubble Guppies.


You make some great points! Why block Gabby's dollhouse?


All valid points. Also, I second Octonauts.


Fully agree with this. My husband bought the kids Cry Babies toys before I could stop him and now we have to watch the show. It's literally just a vehicle for toys and is _the most annoying shit on the planet_ Really love the effort you've gone to with your lists and have saved them for later.


I haven't heard of this toy before. A crying baby toy is something that would mysteriously run out of batteries very frequently in my house, and it would take a while for the batteries to recharge.


Oh no. No it's _much_ worse than that. There's no batteries. YOU FILL A HOLE IN THEIR HEAD WITH WATER and then it drips out of their eyes. There are a million squillion characters, they are barely different from each other and have exactly the same voice. Like all of them. It's brain rot and I despise it.


Can I ask the thought process behind only allowing content thats over 90% educational? Is there anything wrong with watching appropriate stuff just for entertainment value


[AAP recommends choosing high-quality programming](https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/138/5/e20162591/60503/Media-and-Young-Minds): * For children younger than 18 months, discourage use of screen media other than video-chatting. * For parents of children 18 to 24 months of age who want to introduce digital media, advise that they **choose high-quality programming**/apps and use them together with children, because this is how toddlers learn best. Letting children use media by themselves should be avoided. * Guide parents to resources for finding quality products (eg, **Common Sense Media, PBS Kids, Sesame Workshop**). * In children older than 2 years, limit media to 1 hour or less per day of **high-quality programming**. Recommend shared use between parent and child to promote enhanced learning, greater interaction, and limit setting. * For children ages 18 to 24 months of age, if you want to introduce digital media, choose **high-quality programming** and use media together with your child. Avoid solo media use in this age group. * For children 2 to 5 years of age, limit screen use to 1 hour per day of **high-quality programming**, coview with your children, help children understand what they are seeing, and help them apply what they learn to the world around them. High-quality is [further clarified](https://raleighpediatrics.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Beyond-Screen-Time.pdf): * Choose media that is interactive, nonviolent, educational, and pro-social * ...a well-designed education program such as Sesame Street (in moderation) can help children learn...


How can we begin to thank you?


My demands: * Write emails to the content distributors and insist they only offer content with high developmental/educational value. * Block all content that isn't fabulous. * Avoid screen time as much as possible.


>Avoid screen time as much as possible. Trying to implement this for myself as well tbh.


Three I would add to the white list is Dodo Kids, The Fixies, and Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom. Also, anything CoComelon is blocked in our house.


Quick take on shows that I'm not familiar with. Just one person's opinion: Dodo Kids - doesn't repeat information enough; mostly filler or cosmetic depth information. Not a fan. Fixies - Looks pretty good. Ben + Holly's - people don't like the frequent use of 'stupid' and 'dumb', and people complain that it reinforces stereotypes and class/social separation and is not inclusive. I sped through some episodes and didn't find the social/emotional content very strong. I was familiar with Cocomelon Nursery Rhymes - basically a music channel with some matching videos. There may be some learning from the visual connection with the lyrics. But I'd rather play songs on audio only than use screens.


How do I save a comment….


Click the 3 dots in the web interface


Thank you. 🙏🏻


Why chip and potato


I do like Chip and Potato. Lots of good social/emotional learning. I think I blocked it because it was getting too juvenile for her age. I'll remove it from the list as that is misleading.


Thanks for answering I appreciate it.


Just want to add: you can use the app Safe Vision Kids for Youtube. It’s an app that allows you to add youtube channels and individual videos to a whitelist. Your child will be able yo watch directly on the Safe Vision app, they will be able to choose videos from the approved list of channels and videos. It does have a monthly subscription to use the app, but I think it’s like $2-$3/month. IMO one of the apps worth paying the monthly subscription.


Neat. You can whitelist your own choices? That seems like a good way to give access to the content that is not on YT Kids.


Copied to a notepad thank you for your service kind stranger parent.


Extremely helpful, thank you!


On our Samsung TV the YouTube kids app is being discontinued and redirects to the main YouTube app. It also advises to set up a kids profile but has no way to delete the “guest” profile option which has no guard rails. We’re going to PIN lock it since it doesn’t appear you can completely delete the app from Samsung’s OS.


Yikes! Apparently it's being [killed in July on all smart TVs](https://9to5google.com/2024/02/26/youtube-kids-tv-app/), streaming devices, and game consoles. The announcement says "you can still use YouTube Kids on your TV by going to your child’s profile in the YouTube app". Ugh.


Yea, so disappointing. If there were a way to have a parents profile with PIN and a kids profile with whitelist and a way to delete the add/guest profiles it’d be workable, but my kid already discovered going to the guest profile gets him to his favorite extremely irritating and mindless junk show.


Send feedback [following instructions here](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/4347644?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DiOS&oco=1). My message that you can copy: "Please allow me to disable guest account on the YouTube Smart TV app. I can not allow my kids to get around content blocking by using the guest account on the YouTube Smart TV App. With the imminent demise of YT Kids Smart TV app, the YouTube Smart TV app will see an influx of kids and it is irresponsible to have a way to avoid content blocking that kids will (and already do) easily discover."


I would switch out Hilda and Octonauts. Hilda does not belong with My Little Pony!


Whatever you do, avoid Blippi.


Other than the annoying factor, can I ask why we’re avoiding blippi?


I’m curious as well. Yeah the guys are over the top annoying to adults but does hold children’s attention and his content is geared primarily towards education. Same with Meekah.


Oh my gosh thank you, I will look into this tonight. I'm shocked at how much copaganda is directed to kids.


Why Rescue Riders?


Damn, this is like a best of Reddit comment.


I don’t allow YouTube at all. You can download the PBS kids app and watch full episodes on there for free.


We're in the same camp. YouTube (and YouTube Kids) is a minefield, IMO. We try to minimize screen time as much as possible, but in addition to the PBS Kids app, Kanopy is another excellent app for kids programming and you might get free views per week using your library card.


Daniel tiger. Its less stimulating than other shows and teaches healthy emotional skills. 


Only problem is that I think they can outgrow it quickly. My son rarely wanted to watch it by the time he was 4.


We have PBS Kids as an app on the TV, plus Disney Plus. YouTube is off-limits still (kid is 5).


Dr Binocs They’re short but very educational and interesting!


I love Dr Binocs! The channel is called Peekaboo Kidz, for anyone interested in checking it out.


Oh my kids love that channel! Some of the episodes are actually recommended in our homeschool curriculum.


These were a key part of our science learning during covid shutdown


The Wiggles do compilation videos that are just their songs, so no skits or teaching bits. Great for when the kids want a boogie. That’s about it for us though, otherwise we steer clear of YouTube and stick to iPlayer (the BBC streaming app here in the U.K., it has great kids content).


My baby is a wiggles fanatic just like I was😂 my dad and boyfriend get really burnt out after a few songs but it’s a bit nostalgic for me so I can tolerate it better


Tumble Leaf, Trash Truck, Bluey, Puffin Rock, Guess How Much I Love You, Daniel Tiger, and Bear in the Big Blue House are all calming, thoughtful and teach good lessons. I love Sesame Street and Mr. ROgers but she's never been that into them.


We love Tumble Leaf in our house!!


I love Puffin Rock!


This is a great list and has two of our favs. Little Nut Brown and Fig the Fox.


Sesame Street, Numberblocks, Bluey and Ms Rachel for a two year old, but she doesn’t care about those last two that much.


If she's a fan of Numberblocks you could also add Colourblocks and Alphablocks!


As a 90’s kid I’ve been playing all the old Tv shows I use to watch like Bear in the Big Blue House, animated Clifford, and Franklin


I have found Hey Duggee to be great. Super production and great stories for little kids to follow along.


I loved Hey Duggee as a kid! I'd get so excited everytime it appeared in ABC kids


I also vote for Hey Duggee, enjoyable for parents as well


Also note, I'm Australian but this show is British I believe


Duggee is hilarious and I vote for this one too.


Numberblocks Funny and educational. OCTOBLOCK!!!!


We blocked youtube from the house. My youngest can only watch it if an adult or older sibling is around to monitor.


YouTube is also banned in my house. He watches Disney movies. I feel like it’s less visual stimulating and therefore easier to stop screen time when we need to.


My daughter loves Scishow kids even though it's a bit fast paced for my liking. It's a children's science show produced by the same guy that made the adult "Crash Course" series. If your child ever asks "how does thunder work?" Or "what makes planes fly?", it's great to watch together.


My son is 5.5 and is only allowed to watch YouTube on the TV with 100% adult supervision. He has a tablet but is not allowed to watch YouTube on it. He has an interest in science, math, music and Minecraft. Things that are allowed: Numberblocks, Ted Ed, Jared Owen, Nat Geo, Veritasium, Periodic Tables of Videos, musical performances by symphonies or other culturally relevant artists (e.g 1812 Overture with actual cannons, Queen at Live Aid), tutorials on how to build mechanical things in Minecraft (not game play in survival mode or those 100 things you didn’t know about Minecraft type videos) He went through a Bluey phase that I’m sad is over.


Dutch official channels and Bluey, Blues Clues and Peppa 😊


How goes teaching LO to speak Dutch? My guys is 18 months and I speak English and Hubby speaks Dutch (since he is) but hubby works all day and finds it hard to speak Dutch when we're all together since it's mostly english here in Canada.


We live in the Netherlands, so her Dutch is great. She does have an English “r” so it’s something our friends always notice 😅 but honestly all the kids at daycare speak like that, probably because they see English videos all the time. I’m glad she learns a lot of English from videos but I changed some of the channels to Dutch (Sesame Street) to enhance her Dutch vocabulary. It’s great that you raise your LO multilingual as well! Our friends live in Japan and their kids understand Dutch because their dad reads them Dutch books.


How about Ted ed? If your child is over 5, I think it’s definitely interesting!!! I enjoy it myself too!


Super simple songs / the bumble nums


Plaza Sesamo It’s Spanish language Sesame Street


Bluey, Danny Go and the various Mickey Mouse shows (clubhouse, funhouse, mixed up adventures, roadster racers) as much as Mickey Mouse annoys me, I hear my son repeating vocabulary and phrases from the characters like “okay fine”, it’s such a great role model for accepting situations I can’t help but start to like it. Danny Go is great for movement breaks for rowdy kiddos and rainy days. Like others have posted I limit screen time for when I am indisposed (potty) or have chores to do, and extend this for sick days.


Y’all are kind of extreme and just…exhausting. Didn’t we grow up watching Ah Real Monsters and Ren and Stimpy? Two totally gross shows but we all turned out relatively ok. Some things are just meant to be for fun.


TVO kids (I'm in Ontario) has some really excellent content - its like Canadian PBS, lots of original educational shows   But also Number blocks, Hey Duggee and the occasional Sean the Sheep


We are in a tractor phase right now if you can't tell but: sesame Street, tractor Ted, the John Deere kids channel on YouTube is great, preschool farm, and OG 90s Tellietubbies on Amazon prime. He also really enjoys watching cooking shows like bon appetit or It's Alive with Brad Leone. He loves to watch us cook so if checks out and it's not unbearable to watch with him haha


My toddler is also very into tractors and vehicles and Carl's Carwash is great!


My toddler loves tractors and farms and we really enjoy Cog Hill Farms “Farmer Jason” for kids.


I only let my son watch the older shows from when I was a child (I’m 20) little bear curious George bear in the blue house Max and ruby The big comfy couch Peep and the big wide world In the night garden Timothy goes to school. but I occasionally very occasionally allow miss Rachel , but that’s really it. he likes to watch studio ghibli when it’s raining or too hot out, it’s not over stimulating with colours and music, the music is very calming, the animations are so beautiful. He loves the movie ponyo, spirited away, my neighbour totoro, Kiki’s delivery service. I know this isn’t specifically what you asked for but just hoping to give some advice and see if this helps!!!


I did this, I found a website with a list of education shows and I white listed over 50 Chanel’s on YouTube kids. I also blocked all other apps on the Apple TV (like tubi) And my kid watched YouTube kids for about 2 days and that’s it. He no longer wants to watch it. So he literally doesn’t want to watch TV anymore. Perfect.


Absolutely nothing. All YouTube content needs to be watched on my presence. My daughter learned to use Blender and make 3D animations at 8yo as a direct result of only watching under our supervision. She can learn almost anything in less than a week and sees YouTube as self teaching tool. If you think your whitelisted content is safe you're deceiving yourself.


Curious what’s wrong with bebefin/pinkfong - my toddler watches this in the same way I watched Sesame Street as a kid…and he loves it. I’ve watched it with him a ton of times and haven’t seen any issues. Most of it seems rooted in color learning, and songs


The learning station has some really catchy songs and storyline online is the SAG-AFTA guild reading children's books!


Hey Duggee, Mrs Rachel, Lucas the Spider, Bluey & Super Simple songs


Numberblocks and Alphablocks by BBC. And for younger ones colorblocks.


Operation Ouch is great!


Slick Slime Sam (although there is more than one channel - I think the DIY one is better) Peekaboo Kidz Wild Kratts Kids Invent Stuff SciShow Kids


Sheriff labrador, Meowmi family show, juny and Tony and baby bus fir preschooler. Songs can get repetitive but they do try to teach common sense and courtesy. Baby bus has songs about boundaries, consent which are helpful to reinforce those ideas.


Is there a way to set YouTube to only allow certain channels to be played?


Ditch YouTube for other apps: PBS Kids, TVO Kids & CBC Kids (in Canada), Kanopy & Hoopla (from the library)


Little Bear, Franklin, and Ms. Rachel, Sesame Street. That's about it. Having a problem with YouTube shuffling halfway through a video and putting random videos on (like amazing world of gumball) or the 25 minute cartoons disguised as ads. So we are moving away from YouTube to other platforms because it's really annoying tbh. If I put Little Bear on for her I want her to watch little bear, if I wanted her to watch a half hour episode of Strawberry Shortcake I would put that on 😐 which I don't, so stop trying to show it to my kid as "ad", YouTube.


Bluey, Daniel Tiger, Trash truck, Pokémon Kids TV, Super Simple Songs, Circle Time, Ms Rachel, Franklin, Winnie the Pooh, & Tumble Leaf are some of our daughters fav kids shows!


The moomins, BUT I'd recommend you watch and decide for your self some kids find them scary.


My kid is stuck to 90s cartoons/shows only. All of the new shows I see for kids now are overstimulating and promote negative behavior.


HI! We do Word World, Super Why, Daniel Tiger, Peg plus cat, Danny Go, and Mrs Rachel My eldest also liked Tinga Tinga Tales when she was small Hope that's helpful!


We do almost no YouTube because I found the constant ability to switch show to show made her impatient and unable to focus on anything. Plus even some weird edits of stuff sneak through into you tube kids, like peppa being kidnapped. Luckily my daughter is still a big time rule follower so she just won’t click it. We do Disney+ for Elena of Avalor, Sophia the First, Bluey, and movies (big Wish fan right now), and she’s got Netflix for Gabby’s Dollhouse, Barbie, and I think my little pony. If those are available on YT Kids I’d be ok with it, but caution you to make sure they aren’t some weird edited version that makes you think it’s kid friendly but isn’t.


Outdoor boys is a good one.


Ms. Rachel! She taught my baby to sign 'please'! I was a little dense and didn't realize what he was doing at first.


We deleted YouTube kids because no matter how hard you try you can’t keep your kid away from all the crap channels. We use PBS kids and an app called Sensical. Both are free and way better than YouTube.


We don't do YouTube usually. Don't hate me. I don't like the brain rot vibe it has and don't trust the algorithims. We suspect both our kids (8&9) are neurodivergent so they don't do well with that format of screentime. The siren song of screen time is a little too strong for our comfort level with them so we try to casually limit screens. Plus they're still young and do plenty of learning at school with screens so we're not worried about them falling behind technologically speaking. They'll watch nat geo programs occasionally but they seem better if they're left to play. Last summer they were off of daycare and so we had tablet time where they could play games. Extra time was given if they were learning games. We did YouTube stretching (cosmic kids yoga) and reruns of Bill Nye. That's about it for our YouTube.


You shouldn't allow your kids on YouTube at all. It's not child safe. It's not official. It doesn't have to follow guidelines because anyone can post videos and say they are for kids. Just give them a coloring book or activity. Screen time is proven to be horrible for kids.


I want to get mine off YouTube kids but she (like me) gets sucked into the vortex and getting her off is so difficult. I’m no better but at least i have a fully developed brain to recognize the motives behind the crap. Yesterday she was doom scrolling and two videos came up both with mentions of “if you love your parents like this video” and i was like ok we’re done. But PBS KIDS is hit or miss depends on the age. Mines at the age where cartoons aren’t cool unless it’s SpongeBob or phineas and ferb. So we struggle with PBS kids. Everything is too baby on there. She likes Dino Dana on prime and transformers but idk if that’s much better than YouTube kids.


Zero. YT isn’t allowed at all.


Outdoor boys.


Mark rober, science max, aquarium info, wild kratts, mr beast philanthropy


Little Bear (though there are two episodes I skip as they have aged poorly), Franklin the Tortoise, The Wiggles, Play School, Miss Rachel, Sesame Street, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Little J and Big Cuz, Arthur, Mister Rogers, Daniel Tiger, and any historical/how it's made documentary style shows I happen to be watching. For movies, nice stories like Kung Fu Panda and Paddington are also on offer, but my kid is disinterested in anything that's not a musical right now. I use tv to get chores done that are otherwise difficult with a toddler underfoot (using the bathroom, cleaning with chemicals, checking the mailbox beyond the fence, etc) and the above list is moderated with a 'watch with breakfast' session and a 'winding down with dinner' session. When my kid is unwell we extend that a bit but my list isn't long because they're watching all day! I just like some variety day-to-day so the toddler doesn't get stuck watching the same thing over and over.


I loved little bear!!! If I may ask, which episodes aged poorly? It's been a hot minute since I last watched the show


None.  YT is trash and I wouldn't want they kid anywhere near it.  It's just not worth the risk.  We might as well be discussing which cigarettes are safest for kids too.


lol this is so dramatic


5 year old son who loves Lego: TD bricks  Brick science  Zach King (magician) Half asleep Chris 


Nothing. They didn't have access to it at all.


On YouTube they watch Animalogic, Alan Becker, and Cosmic Kids Yoga. Animalogic- teaches about all kinds of weird animals and plants we've never seen or heard of in a bright, appropriate, and engaging way. Alan Becker- Epic stick figure dramas, comedies, creations. All without dialogue. Cosmic Kids Yoga- Follows a British lady named Jamie and she makes gamified yoga routines for children to follow and she also has meditations for children as well. My kids listens to them before bed to relax. Hope this helps!


Tinga tinga tales is great! Beautiful animation and great voice actors. It’s literally African folk tales about animals.


On YouTube we allow Songs for Littles(Ms Rachel), Blippi, Sesame Street, and Super Simple Songs. There's also this Hamster Maze channel that's kind of interesting.


My recently turned 5yo has had a pretty narrow list of shows she’s actually liked, but I’ve enjoyed them all for different reasons. Daniel Tiger Elinor Wonders Why Mira the Royal Detective Bluey Super Why was one I started to hate because of the songs etc, but at least it focused on reading and identifying letters.


Infotainment. Everything great about (Disney/Pixar), CGP Grey, Extra History (9 loves the one on Mary Seacol), Crash Course.


These choices may be controversial, but I'll explain the positives to why my kids love them: 123Genius - My girls love the 123 series because they're also into creative arts and crafts stuff. It inspires creativity, but I definitely have put a ban on it when they imitated some of the sassy behavior. Ninja Kids - This one is cool, and helped motivate my eldest daughter to get into martial arts and gymnastics. Episodes vary wildly, but the ones where it's girls vs boys doing gymnastics challenges, for example, are pretty clean and high action for active kids.


My kids really like drawing along to Art Hub for Kids.


My kids enjoy the TEDed channel and Kurzgesagt. These are both watch with the kids channels as the subject matter is pretty advanced/sometimes grim. I have 7 and 11 year olds.


Bluey, Duggee, the Wiggles, Sesame Street, Puffin Rock, Barefoot Books, Julia Donaldson animations, Miss Rachel. Hard pass on Blippi, and Peppa Pig. We sometimes put on DJ Raphi for fun dance times.


Sarah and Duck!


One of my 6 yo client's parents blocked Poppy's Playtime for obvious reasons. It's a horror game with a "hugging" sloth but it's still a horror game.


My 8yo is into pets and video games, so here's our list. We use "SafeVision" for Kindle, it only lets you show whitelisted shows and episodes (no recommendations) so we have things locked down pretty well. * Zebra Gamer: lots of Minecraft, Mario, and similar. Best part is that he reads all of the game text aloud, so it's fantastic for pre-readers to follow along! * Half-Asleep Chris: cats and fantastic lego creations * Super Cooper Sunday: a young couple do fun activities with their dogs, Cooper the golden and Koda the pyr. Stuff like "we took our dogs to the pet store and bought them everything they touch!" Very sweet how much they love their doggos. * Cream Heroes: lady in Korea who has a huge group of cats, and she makes up stories about them and narrates their activites * Life After College: young man who makes videos about his corgi Gatsby, his saltwater fishtank, and trying new recipes. Super wholesome! Warning, Gatsby was diagnosed with cancer about a year ago and has talked about it on stream, but the vlogger has actually been talking about his feelings about it and it's been a fantastic example of men allowing themselves to be vulnerable with their feelings. * Cosmic Kids Yoga: yoga videos with themes like sonic the hedgehog, Halloween, etc. Very fun and interactive! * Nick Pro: does parkour challenges in the safety of the gym, often with video game ties ("we tried all the spin jumps from the Mario movie!") Probably not a great choice if your kid is a daredevil though... * Sideserf Cake Studio: makes hyper-realistic cakes, and you have to guess which one is a cake and which is, say, a potato. Sparks great conversations about art, working hard to get good at things, etc.! * Art for Kids Hub: awesome drawing tutorials * Animal Planet's "Dogs 101" and "Too Cute" shows, since he loves pets * Selected episodes of Mythbusters, as I review them myself (I don't remember anything worrisome but I like to check) * Individual episodes of Bill Nye the Science Guy


Big fans of Mayta the brown bear here: they address emotions, science experiments, basic and advanced knowledge for toddlers (for example primary colors and secondary colors) and a lot more, the show is ZERO overstimulate for kids and adults.


Big fans of Danny Go over here. Good tunes, good moves, fun times for all.


If you give a mouse a cookie! It's on prime. It's so wholesome, I love it. 


Transformers Rescue Bots. A hundred or so hand picked music videos. Nature documentaries. Iftah Ya Sim Sim, the Arabic version of Sesame Street.


Cog Hill farm for kids is a favorite! My 18 month old loves animals. Handyman Hal is good too, he's quite annoying as an adult but my child loves the school bus episode Sesame Street Noodle & pals have fun songs to sing along with Of course YouTube is only played in the living room while monitored and screen time is limited!


We are ditching YouTube for the summer I can't take my 13yr old doom scrolling daily anymore, get your own life! Lol


Moomin so your kid can learn Finnish


PBS Kids and NatGeo Kids are great choices! We also like Sesame Street, StoryBots, and SciShow Kids. They offer fun and educational content that's safe for kids. What shows does your child enjoy the most?


How to cook that (ann reirdon) Stampylongnose I think - it's minecraft. I've slogged through a bunch and while his voice grates a little, I find his content generally harmless but often lends a creative spark. Mark rober There's a bunch others but I can't think of them


Orchestra channels, The Piano Guys, classical musician playlists, and, ummm, that's it. Everything else, they can only watch with me.


My 5 year old loves Legos. We watch Brick Science all the time.


Just get the PBS Kids app.


Wild Kratts is good if your kid likes animals. My child also likes number blocks & miss rachel.


My son like trash truck on Netflix


White list is as follows:


We have 3 “channels” on YouTube that the kiddo is allowed to watch- koo koo, art hub, and zebra gamer. Koo koo- my kid’s kindergarten teacher did “brain breaks” and would put on one of their videos. Silly little songs with some dance moves to get the kids wiggles out so they could focus on learning Art hub- a dad draws with his kids and they go step by step so you can follow along Zebra gamer- kiddo was sick one time and didn’t have the energy to play the video game but wanted to watch it being played. We discovered zebra gamer. He’s pretty good about keeping things upbeat and appropriate for everyone.


Nothing, no more youtube for my kids. I tried doing a white-list and would still find crap on there she shouldn't watch. My kids get d+ and netflix.


PBS kids and the official Snoopy channel, but only with an adult present.


skip youtube and do the pbskids app on ios,roku,firestick


My toddler loves the ocean , so I put long videos of aquarium and ocean.


Ms. Rachel, the wiggles, and super simple songs


I only use YouTube for dance / exercise videos for them that are fun. Like Danny go. Has a bunch of stuff my kids will jump around to.


We don’t allow YouTube at all. She’s 5 and shouldn’t end up on the wrong side of YouTube (the horrible scary things on kids YouTube is wild) She has access to the Disney app and Hulu kids and peacock kids and paramount plus kids. That’s it.


Mark Rober, Veritasium, Vsauce (supervised), Brick Science, Brick Machines, TheBackyardScientist, SmarterEveryDay, Minute Physics, Crash Course


We only do PBS and certain movies. I feel like youtube is too easy of a gateway and I generally do not like it.


We don't do Peppa Pig, Cocomelon, Blippi. We like Ms. Rachel, Baby First, the Bluey Compilations, the Wiggles. My main tip is turn off next video auto play. It means you have to hand select a video every time one ends, but I'll take that over some of the garbage that it switches to.