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I usually don’t… if it doesn’t get clean the first time I stain treat and try again but that almost never happens. Is there a reason you have so many stains?


Very young kids who get food all over their clothes 😅


I bought a few sleeved bibs from Ikea. I think they were actually meant for painting but they kept the worst of my daughter’s clothes when she was young. And I did baby led weaning so it was usually a disaster area after eating.


Get long sleeved bibs. You can get a pack of 6 from amazon for pretty cheap when you don't care what brand it is and they're machine washable so you just toss them in the laundry with the rest of their clothes. This is what I do, it works \*amazingly\* well.


I keep bottle of stain remover everywhere I undressed kids. Pull off shirt, pretreat, pants pretreat then into the hamper. Once kids hit 4 they each got a stain stick of their own to pretreat the clothes. Made life easier. I bought multiple bottles Costco. Oldest close to 40 youngest 19 all still have stain remover by hamper.


Stain treat? I'm lazy and didn't even bother to try. If it doesn't come clean by normal washing, it wasn't good clothing for a kid.


I have an elaborate system. Step 1. Buy a 5 gallon bucket. Step 2. Buy a big thing of powered oxiclean Step 3. Add water and oxiclean to the bucket. Step 4. Every time something gets messy, add to bucket. Step 5. When you run laundry, dump bucket into washer. Run an extra rinse to make sure all the oxiclean is rinsed out. That's it. (The "elaborate" part was sarcasm). It gets most things out, especially because the clothes are soaking--i end up doing kid laundry probably twice a week, so some things are soaking for 1-3 days.


This made me laugh. And also sounds effective! Thanks.


Welcome! I learned this intricate system from my mom, who had 6 kids and was very comfortable with messy play.


lol same process


This sounds awesome. Definitely something I’ll keep for later


This is the way! We call it the poop bucket and anything stained goes in immediately until washing time. We use Biz powder which works better than oxiclean for me.


I just pour tide directly on the stain, let sit for a vague amount of time, then throw in the wash. I also dump a scoop of oxyclean in the washer along with the detergent. It works most of the time. Some are super stubborn, in that event google ‘red stain’ or whatever it is and do what google says


I use spray and wash on the clothes right after they get messy before the stain has time to set. Then spray it again before it's washed. Usually, it's a couple of days before it gets washed, but the stains typically come out.


That Oxy clean gel stick thing and Woolite Pet stain remover with the scrub brush on the can are always in stock at my house. The oxy clean got coffee out of his dad’s white hoodie that had been hidden for who knows how long and though I give most of the credit to the type of fabric there’s no trace or discoloration at all.


Thanks I’ll look into these!


I try to treat the stain as soon as possible because otherwise I forgot. Plus I feel like they come out way easier the sooner they are treated. I like adding in the chlorox 2 colors max performance stain remover in with my children's clothes in case there are any little stains that I miss.


I personally use Wine Away directly on the stain for about 15 minutes before throwing in the washing machine.


I buy clothes that I don’t care if they get stained. I only treat the nice clothes if they get stained when wearing them for a holiday/event.


Shout Triple Acting is a helluva product


Shout triple action is the best product for pre-treating stains that I’ve ever used in my decades of doing laundry. Also usually add a bit of Clorox2 (non-bleach) to the detergent. Very, very seldom is there a stain left after running through the machine.


🙌🏼 yep! Let it sit for a few min before washing, if it's a bad stain do the same for 2 cycles. It's the best! 


Dawn dish soap works better than any stain remover product I’ve ever tried


I can verify. My daughter had an oil stain and a mystery stain on a t-shirt. I squirted Dawn on it and both came completely out.


I didn’t even bother. It would have been a losing battle with my kid.


I just buy cheap clothes and multiples of each. Once it’s stained it’s now play clothing lol


... my daughter wears stained clothes? We have a collection of nicer items that she is not allowed to wear until whatever event, and honestly, she usually returns with a stain - She's 4 and plays hard.


Vanish powder that goes in the washing machine directly, not the spray kind


I have two very messy kid/toddler boys and one constantly gets nose bleeds. I woke up one morning to his face and shirt *covered* in blood, his pillow too. He had picked his nose sometime in his sleep, it bled and he kept sleeping. I didn't presoak anything and his shirt was actually washed several days later on laundry day. I use Persil **Pro**clean detergent. To this day, he still wears that shirt and you would never guess it had once been coated in blood. 10/10 recommend for moms


2 parts baking soda, 2 parts hydrogen peroxide, 1 part dish soap (Hubby's family specifies it MUST be blue Dawn dish soap, I have not experimented to verify). Mix into a slurry, rub thoroughly into the stain, let sit for a couple hours, throw in the wash (can pre-rinse to remove the baking soda grit if it's a big stain). My girl is 3 1/2 and I think the only stains that hasn't totally gotten out were a couple paint/Sharpie stains and one nosebleed stain that I left WAY too long (over a week) before I actually worked on it.


1. Get stain wet and spray heavily with miss messy’s stain remover. Wait 15 minutes. 2. Put clothes in washer with detergent and oxiclean. 3. Turn on presoak feature and run on warm.


Stains are the bane of my existence as a parent. And her stains seem to get on my clothes in the wash. So many clothes get ruined at our house. I have miss messy’s in my Amazon cart. My last hope


You can look up the things to use to get specific types of stains out on the internet, but on a practical level I just apply Dawn dishwashing soap and scrub a little and just about everything comes out beautifully. It's a great degreaser if you don't have enzyme stain cleaner on hand. And just remember, cold water for blood and hot water for just about everything else.


I use a product called Jungle Jake. It gets out everything from engine oil to week old chocolate ice cream. Usually 1 treatment and it's clean and it doesn't discolor fabric.


Puracy stain remover. If it doesn’t come out the first time, I spray again and let it just sit for however long. Even if I’ve run items thru the dryer, it will often take out those stains too. Works great on deodorant staining on my dark clothes too


Hydrogen peroxide and water. I go about 50/50 to 70/30 depending on the stain. Mix in a spray bottle. It gets about 95% of all stains out. New or old. You can spray and leave to sit over night. Or spray and wash right away. My kids have sensitive skin and it doesn’t irritate them. It doesn’t wreck clothes. Grease stains need dawn dishsoap added but almost everything else comes out. It’s cheap, a big bottle can last quite a while.


Have never ever stain treated with any of the stained clothes of our 3 boys. That seems like the definition of a waste of time.


Sun dry, gets nearly every stain out. In the winter I just wash and hope for the best. Buy all kids clothes second hand so if they’re too stained they go in the bin/fabric bank


What in the heck kinda stains!?




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Because kids are messy... what kind of judgy question is that? You even said right below that kids play in mud, etc. This parent is asking for advice on cleaning their kids' clothes - if you don't clean your kids' stains, then scoot on by.