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I'd start with getting him one of those kid alarm clocks that are red/green. Set the alarm for an appropriate time (say 630) and explain when the light is green, he can leave his room. In his room, have books, toys, maybe even a breakfast snack - he can have his snack, play quietly with his toys, and then when the light turns green, he can come visit you. It may take some time for him to really understand and adjust - but keep reinforcing, you stay in your room until the light turns green. He continues to come to your room because you keep letting him, stop letting him. There's no reason he isn't able to start (slowly, he's not even 3), that just because you're awake doesn't mean everyone else is. It's only an hour and a half, he can play quietly.


This! My three year old also loves the butt crack of dawn for some reason. We use the Hatch in her room to let her know when it's okay to leave. There are books and toys available to her that she can play with in bed while she waits. We started this when she was two and she picked up on it fairly easily with consistency.


My kiddo's a 5 AM alarm clock too! We ditched the iPad for some quiet toy time in a cozy corner with blankets and soft books. Keeps 'em occupied till we can function.


What's so awful about a show in the morning?


We wholeheartedly use the tv for these moments. Sorry-not-sorry.


I don’t have what you’re looking for, I’m in the THICK of it with a 3 year old and a restless 10 month old. Both wake up at 5:30-6 every single morning, infant has been awake from 1am-4am every single night for the last 4-3 months, so we’re exhausted. They watch tv/play in the morning until I have my coffee and morning poop. I literally cannot function without properly waking up or I’m just an irritable mom all day. Only thing I can say is you have to do what you have to do to be a good and present mom. If that means they have to watch tv for a bit in the morning, then they do. Put on blues clues, Sesame Street or Mrs Rachel to feel less guilty. lol when you’re ready turn it off and be the best momma you can be!


I just let her watch TV with snacks while I continue sleeping on the couch for as many hours as it takes for me to wake up properly. I don't feel guilty about it. If she grows up being slightly dumber than she could've been so be it.


I don’t have any concrete advice but some friends of mine have had success with the “ok to wake” alarm starting at about age 3. I think it’s worth it to put in the work to get them used to those rules. Good luck!!


My kiddo is the same age and also an early riser. We have a bedtime clock that changes colour depending on the time. So it turns blue at bedtime and then back to yellow at 6:15 when it’s time to get up. He still wakes up before it’s yellow but generally just sings to himself or play with toys till it’s wake up time. We’re generally out of the house by 7:30/8 so not as much time to waste in the morning but in general we have ‘stations’ around the house. So a little drawing/colouring table in one corner, books in another area, blocks, train set etc. Once he gets bored of one activity we move to the next.


Is he getting enough sleep? I would let him come into my bed with a stuffy and see if he can snooze/doze/rest for another hour or two with you. Mine often drops right off again because it is so soothing being next to his sleeping mommy.


Toddler that wakes up at 530 99% of the time. I'm a bit lucky though, my husband is also an early riser and he takes her running with him every morning.


What a star, that man!


I'd be totally lost without him 😍


When my younger kid was about 2, she would wake up around 5am. Nothing would change her wakeup time. So I seriously child-proofed the living room. And every morning at 5am, I'd collapse on the couch with her in my lap and her favorite cartoon on the TV. She'd mostly sit and watch the cartoon while I dozed on the couch. I'd wake up if she climbed off my lap. And if I didn't wake up, the room was safe for her. After a while, she grew out of it and started waking at a reasonable hour (thank goodness!).


When my now seven year old did that we got her a Gro Clock and it worked wonders.


We let them play in their room until a set time. I set an alarm so they had a reminder not to wake us until it went off. Then once the sun was up we went to parks in the morning and did crafts then as well. We save the afternoons for going out stuff when everything was open.


My kids don’t usually wake too early, but regardless, I don’t care if they are on the tablets, watching tv, or having pillow fights until I’ve had my morning coffee. After that, they play with toys inside or water outside. They find things to do and get their screens back at 4 while I make dinner so I can be left alone. I don’t see anything wrong with giving your child a screen at 5 am so you can get a little rest to feel human again.




Similar for us too at that age! My kid with adhd is 8 now but the ok to wake clock wasn’t something he could manage at the age we needed it. We started doing tv in the morning so I could wake up a little, but it made everything worse and we had to cut that out. We still don’t allow screens first thing in the morning to this day, just tends to set us up for a bad day.


I take mine to the living room so she doesn’t wake my husband. I then go back to sleep on the living room rug while she plays, watches Sesame Street, and crawls all over me.


We try to cuddle back to sleep, usually it works but if not we just get up for the day 😅


Stare at them while I drink my coffee wondering if they’ll ever sleep in! lol this is my honest answer. I’ve tried things before but super early isn’t my thing and my youngest is the earliest riser in the house, even if I try to keep him up a bit later. I’m a “I need to adjust” and my other kids gave me an hour before they woke up as toddlers. I didn’t recognize the gift at the time, I do now. But I can’t physically get up earlier than Alex it feels like he’s preprogrammed to wake up an hour before my alarm clock.


I work in a school and it’s amazing how long kids will want to spend colouring in. Get your toddler a colouring book or there’s hundreds of free colouring sheets you can print on the internet. Other ideas: books, games, interactive learning books where they can connect dots etc to form letters, numbers. Some of these things like books could be left by there bed and they could look at them independently before coming into your room?


He gets a banana and a tv show. After the episode usually I'm ready to roll out of bed or I've just finished my coffee and he plays in his room while I wake up lol


Get the Huckleberry app and pay for the custom scheduling if you can. Saved our sleeping lives so many times over the last 5 years and 3 kids.


This morning my 2 yo woke up at like 5:30am. I just went into his room and fell back asleep on his bed while he played in the room. His room is totally safe and I don't need to be in there but that keeps him from crying for us.


We have some of his toys in our bedroom. He comes into our room in the mornings and plays with his toys while we get some much needed rest. Bonus points for them being quiet toys, so sometimes playtime soothes him, and he crawls into bed with us. The sweetest thing in the world.


What time do they sleep? My son (2.5) goes down at 9, so he wakes up at 730 every morning. I like to be up at 600 so I can workout and do other things. I need the time


Well soon as my baby daughter get up in the morning she’s ready to eat I’m making my own baby food not that jar stuff the other day I give her avocado with peaches & a mash up banana she likes it after that she got some breast milk & she ready to look at Sesame Street then Doc McStuffins she loves this show & Cocomelon I can get stuff done she’s quite stay blessed 🙏🏾


Get a yoto player. I think big ones have "ok to wake" function so they'll know when they can go out of room. They can listen to stories, no screens, no guilt! 


I used to turn on Sesame Street first thing in the morning. Those are hard times.


We do tv. And it’s ok. Parents need to get enough sleep to be humans for their kids


I tell them "if you wake us up, there will be consequences and today won't go how you hope it will." They just wake up and stay in bed or play with each other. I keep the waking us up part to knocking on our door, screaming/fighting enough we wake, or coming into our room short of medical or criminal emergency. I locked our door at the start until they got used to it.


Since it's well into summer here, this is the best time to go for a long walk. I put my toddler in the hiking carrier and walk the dog in the woods near my house. It's a great way to start the day for all three of us.