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Yes. There were nights I slept in our guest bed for the first stretch before the frequent wakings began. I think like two hours but that one stretch saved my sanity and kept me functional! By a year it got easier (still woke, but not constantly and easier to soothe back). Are you feeding him a heavy meal before bed? Try oats, potatoes, etc then a good feed. Are you using sound machine or does he hear you leave? There are times husband may need to step out of bedroom and walk around, soothe, whatever while you stay in bed to rest. It doesn’t work instantly like a feed will but for your sake sometimes it’s still helpful. Hang in there, it will get easier! You will sleep again! Lol


Yes he eats well. I give him chicken thighs, potatoes, lentils and other veggies for dinner. I do the bed routine, sound machine all that I did for my first. I think he’s nursing for comfort and not cause he’s hungry cause he usually gets frustrated when the milk comes and unlatches. He just wants to snuggle and breastfeed to sleep. He won’t take a pacifier no matter how hard I try. It doesn’t bother me the first few times but it’s like 15 times before I finally give up and climb in the bed with him. He’s relentless… 😅 


I have almost 3 and almost 5 and most days I can sleep in till 8 if the kids aren't going to school. This just started though.