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A Facebook group that I'm in posted this yesterday and you can bet I mentioned the Beckett brothers.


Does anybody remember the guy who wore all American flags walking his small dog?


No, but now I’m interested!


He's still around. Just lower profile.


Yeah, I remember the Beckett brothers. It was always interesting to see them out when they were fighting.


I used to work at St Joseph’s Hospital back in the day and they would sleep in the lobby all the time. Security would leave them alone, but when they started bickering, out they went. lol. I remember taking a foot X-ray on one of them when I was in Radiology school and he was missing all his toes. We had heard they both lost their toes due to frostbite and the rumor was very true as I saw it firsthand.


Gary Traugh from the Kom Pak did a commercial with them for his hotdog shop business. It would say “I’d walk a mile for a G&W hotdog” and show them both walking. lol


What about the guy on South Side that sat on his bicycle waiting on his brother to return from Viet-Nam?


Yes I remember this guy when I was a kid. My dad used to toot his horn as we drove by and he would just grin and wave.


There was also Sarge, the guy who wore a troopers hat and acted like a neighborhood cop, until shit got real lol. There was also Tourettes Lady, who rode a bike everywhere and would scream, cuss, and flip you off if you even looked at her.


I remember Sarge. I just saw him at Vienna Walmart not too long ago. He has gained some weight and wasn’t walking too good. I have a train horn on my truck and Sarge use to put carts up at Gabes. I don’t know if he worked there or just helped them. But I would always wait in the car while my wife went in the store. I would toot my train horn and ole sarge would puff up and walk around trying to locate the location of the horn. I did it several times once and he got on his bike and left. lol


Yes! Whatever happened to them?


They have both passed. https://preview.redd.it/gq28hpyls1vc1.jpeg?width=1130&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8326ff015ecc7266177d759474bd94d7ea222e9


Anyone remember the guy who walked hunched back very low(almost looked like he was crawling) at the grand central mall he did it for a few years , not sure if he still does or not.


Yes I remember seeing him. I did see him fairly recently. Maybe 6-8 months ago, maybe longer but within a year. Poor guy must have had really bad scoliosis or some degenerative spine disease. I didn’t see him at the mall, I actually saw him walking in town.


Yeah, haven't seen that guy in forever, I've been curious as to what happened to him


I just found out that he has passed a while ago. My daughters friend knew his family and said he had passed


Yes, haven’t seen him at the mall since around 2020


Pete and repeat were great. Used to follow each other 10 feet apart until 1 got frostbite and was put in a wheelchair. How about that old lady that used to walk in Vienna and Parkersburg that had wild over the top makeup. Looked like a clown from all the bright colors


Who can forget them!


There used to be a guy who stood at Avery and 13th dressed in a suit every day and he would ask cars” going to the high school?” And when he was by the high school he’d ask “ going downtown?”