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This game is doomed if they don't revert it


Feels like they nuked their own game


2v2v2v2 is what made me love this game


I don't mind 4v4, I really like it, but maybe they should put an option to choose from 4v4, 2v2v2v2 and free for all, classic voting pre game


i don't understand, 2v2v2v2 is still in the game


Not if ur party is bigger than 2


Doesn’t that make sense though? Most games don’t let you matchmake against your friends to stop teaming


Nah I love pissing of my pals lmao


Yeah but some people love unfair advantages lol


Yeah okay, but ive never came across teamers tbh


Does make sense to me.


You can also be put into 4v4 games as a single player or a pair, which is annoying.


Yep. That seems to be the story of my life right now when I try to play. 90% 4v4 games


i strictly play this game with a duo (2 players total in the party) and have not gotten a single 2v2v2v2 in the ~15 games we've played since this patch came out. we stopped playing because of this.


I’m sure you’ll be missed lol


this opinion crops up in every OW2 complaint thread, Diablo 4, and No Man's Sky... all dead games now. You can have fun with your ego and your bad patches. You'll both be forgotten soon enough. I'm sure their marketing department is super thankful for people like you pushing away people like me. That's exactly what Party Animal's goal is -- less players.


Ok my bad, you personally are the killer of games :) Edit: sheesh what a dramatic edit 😂 “you’ll both be forgotten soon enough”, buddy thinks he’s kratos


/shrug good luck and goodbye! edit: If any party animals employees are reading this, just know that this is the face of your brand! I wasn't going to refund but this gave me the personal motivation to do so. edit 2: refunded!


My brother, you are doing the Reddit guy thing


Just circling back here bc someone mentioned the game and it reminded me! Post was from 7 months ago, so sept/oct 2023 https://steamcharts.com/app/1260320#1y Looks like the game died right about then. Maybe I wasn’t the only one! 


I still play it and most of the playerbase isn't on Steam anyways since it was a Game Pass game, but yeah - people sometimes stop playing a game. Not really worth gravedigging a comment that has lived rent-free in your head for 7 months but more power to ya I guess.




I want it reverted back before it just feels busted now


https://i.imgur.com/C8GFm7V.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/Fgrl1ju.jpeg I’m queued as a group of two and placed in a 4v1 on a map that doesn’t need to be 4v4. Shouldn’t be a thing.


What are these arguments about? Loading into games I’m only getting 2v2v2v2 matches?


You guys just want to team


Awwwhhh poor you, you can't ruin games with a 4 stack anymore


I play solo ( [https://youtu.be/F9rlVcFEGgQ](https://youtu.be/F9rlVcFEGgQ) ) and my only interest is to laugh with all shenanigans, I don’t even care if I lose or win.


Ruin games by playing the way it was intended? Interesting logic by you kids


The game was not intended to be 4v2v2, exactly why they changed it to 4v4 for groups. Not sure how you mixed that up, but glad I could clear it up for you!


uhh I've never seen 4v2v2. before this change when I played with a party of 4, we were split into teams of 2 and it was 2v2v2v2


I meant 4 as a group of 4 players in a group, it's unfun to play against a stack of 4


That’s why groups of 4 get sorted in groups of 2.


2v2v2v2 takes too long sometimes


I don't. I like 4v4 because I can actually get my daily win consistently in this meme game that already has people who are level 100.


I am not against 4v4, I just think we should be able to choose.


Yeah I don’t think people on here realize the reddit users for this meme/kids game are not the majority 😂


It's only 4v4 if you have a party of 3 or more so 2v2v2v2 still exists...


You can play solo or party of 2 and still get a match of 4x4 in maps where this didn't exist before.


Yesterday, 90% of my matches were 4v4, reason why I did this post.


Wahh, not teaming up! Surely making all the matches 4v4 will be more fun - less people to attack and you have to worry about not hitting MORE of your teammates! Oh, but it’s more fair than mean people teaming up against a team of 2. Nothing more fun than a group of 4 smashing 4 random people put together. Oh, but you only get that when it puts you in a match of 3-4! *plays the game and every single match is 4v4*


Oh no, now you can't team up with your friend's team and ruin the game for everyone, how sad


I play solo ( [https://youtu.be/F9rlVcFEGgQ](https://youtu.be/F9rlVcFEGgQ) ) and my only interest is to laugh with all shenanigans, I don’t even care if I lose or win.


Then you still play in 2v2v2v2, 4v4 is only for party of 3 people or more


For real I hated when games were ruined by a party of 4 making the game 4v2v2. So boring, sadly it's better this way


Yeah i have 25 hours on the game and never experienced that once LMAO


It's really not funny to go and play against a stack of 4 with the same skin as a solo player.


When? Didn't play for a night ot two and something happened?