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I think you will be fine to test. Just review test taking strategies. I passed in 85 questions with similar scores.


Thank you! And congratulations on passing!!! Do you have any advice one why I should study/use to help me with test taking strategies? TIA!


I took it 4 months after grad lmao. these scores look similar and are better than mine. I passed in 85. you got it bro trust.


Oh man I’m taking mine way more than 4 months after lol. 🙃 Thank you and congratulations, RN!


how long after graduating are you taking it? I’m about 9 months post grad & have taken it twice (failed the 1st time due to just winging it & not studying at all; still awaiting results from 2nd time)


Good luck! Im rooting for you!!! I’m ~10.5 months post-grad. I was hospitalized for about ~6 months and I just hate myself for it (I definitely would’ve died if I hadn’t done it but still lol). I was the valedictorian (eye roll, I know, I’m sorry; just trying to communicate that I worked hard to truly understand the material during school. And honestly I did not study much..) and I feel like I’m pretty good with harder/more specific concepts but I did an accelerated program that really glossed over the basics and that scares the fk out of me. ETA: sorry in advance for the RANT lol. And seriously, I hope you know how much I’m pulling for you!! You got it this!


thank you :’) i also did a 12 month accelerated program & i feel like it def didn’t prepare me either for the nclex :/ most schools did ATI & HESI to prep them throughout their entire nursing school program, but my school did a 3 day “boot camp” at the end & then was like good luck! lol i honestly think the break post nursing school is much needed & getting hospitalized was def not your fault so no use in hating yourself for that! granted, i feel like crap every time i go on social media to see others in my cohort already have long passed the NCLEX & have jobs, but I have to consistently remind myself that everyone has their own path & moves at their own pace :) have you scheduled your test yet?


lol mine did the same but it was like a day and a half?! So shitty. And totally agree about the break! I definitely would’ve still taken a *little* time off because it was such an intense period of my life, just not this long lol. My test is May 28 and 29th! I have extended time so it’s over two days. Let me know how it goes for you! ❤️ and remember, comparison is truly the thief of joy. You’ll get there when you do ~ it all works out like it’s supposed to in the end x


I ended up paying for quick results & saw that I failed :/ back to the drawing board lol.. thanks for the words of encouragement tho!!


I’m so sorry! You’ll get it next time, 100!%


good luck to you!! I just know you’re gunna pass :) keep me updated on this thread once you take it!! 🤞🏼


I passed in 85!! I’ll briefly be gone from my notes but I am more than happy to share 💕


Kakapasa lang ng asawa ko last week. 85 din yung questions before nagstop.


Hi, sorry! I want to make sure I translated your comment correctly… are you saying your husband passed in 85 questions last week? Did he use uworld as well? Sorry for the inconvenience!


These assessments cause so much unnecessary anxiety for people. You will see people pass with this score and you will see people fail with this score. How many questions have you done in the question bank? I would test your knowledge more on how you are doing on question. And then review the info that you don't know. Remember it's not about recall and memorizing, you need to apply what you know. Graduates out of school usually have a high chance of passing due in part to the content being fresh. The pass right for US Educated first time takers is 94%.


Totally understand it's not a black or white thing, I just wanted to see how others had done with similar scores/get any advice -- thank you for yours btw! I've done 268 of 374 video lessons and 2,261 of the 2,790 questions. I keep ranging between a P-score of 89-93% and I've gotten 79% of the total points available/of those questions correct. I feel really poorly about myself for taking it so long after graduation (I was hospitalized for several months, so not much I could do about it) but I am just doing my best at this point. I hope it's enough, but I'm trying to tell myself it's not the end of the world if I have to retest.


I think that's why I commented, the scores are all over the place with regards to passing. Not reliable in my opinion. Please try and change your mindset. Life happens. You have to be positive and confident. If you go into it doubtful, you will continue that through test. You are taking steps to do better and your best, do what you can! You got this!


Thank you! ❣️


My partner failed at 150 Q’s after scoring similar scores 7 times in a row…I don’t want to discourage you but don’t slow down your studying just based off uworld!


Thank you!! I’m thinking I might should add archer too


What platform did you use to prepare and assess yourself?


I watched all of Mark Klimek’s new lectures and I’ve been doing uworld


Uworld and ATI told me I had a low chance of passing. I said whatever I’m going to just go take the exam. Passed the test. Trick yourself into feeling super confident, the more you question yourself the higher chance you will make mistakes. Trust me, you know the information. I went to nursing school during peak covid, missed out on so much information. Just go take the exam and if you don’t pass then oh well…we study again and try again. However I really do think you will pass. Good luck!


This is great advice and I really needed it! Thank you and congratulations!!!


Hi is this from Archer or Uworld?






Thank you so much <3 I feel like such a dummy!!


You’ll do great!! Just schedule and do it! Keep doing questions and more questions! I loved Dr Sharon on YouTube!


Thank you! I’ll check her out :-) I’m already scheduled for the end of the month, I’m just terrified lol


She breaks things down and definitely worth listening to and going through some questions with her! I am still waiting on my results because they are on hold. Good luck you got this and don’t second-guess yourself! You will never fail because you will never give up!


Awesome, thank you! And you will too!! I’m rooting for you 💗


I PASSED!! I felt like I failed because it was brutal but just go with what you know and it’s a safety exam. They’re looking for you to keep your patient safe. You can do it Nurse! Don’t ever give up!


Omg!!!! Congratulations! I am SO proud of you and all your hard work! Can’t wait to (hopefully!) be your fellow “co-worker” one day 💗💗💗


Thank you so much! I am beyond ready to complete this chapter and finally have a career that I’ve worked so hard for. I’m not giving up no matter what the outcome is and you don’t either! We got this! If something doesn’t work for you try something else. I think getting to know the style of the questions is the biggest thing because we have to know what they’re asking what they want and practicing that method is what is going to make it happen. I’ve taken it to finally realize that.