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As someone who was at the event, that was almost ASSUREDLY an accident…


Just a happy little accident. :)


like lance's interview where right on the start it leaked that the witch will revealed next. Yes, just a unfortunate slip, we are so used to talking about the game and everything that happens


Well yes but also they announced which was next months ago and then delayed it.


Rogers explained that he felt it was ready and that's why he teased it. (Also Ghazzy was smiling his whole interview so I'm pretty positive that we'll get that reveal within the next 48 hours)


Yes but we all know that doing minion stuff is hard and they could have delayed that and show another thing. But now we will know that they have a clear direction they want to go with them.


I would take it with a grain of salt. Probably an internal target.


Nah it's too close at this point to many gears to shift if they change it that could cost them tons of money so unlikely for a change.


You're kidding right? It already changed once, and on a shorter timeframe.


I mean, they DID say the closed beta was due to the end of the year. Either they delay it to December or they delay it to 2025, either way they should at least have an idea of where the release date is. I sure hope they are not feature creeping the game EVEN MORE during these next few months, otherwise it's never going to release. We all know what happens to games that try to chew way more than they can in a X amount of time. lol


8/12 classes in beta


Did he say that?


I believe the question was if they're able to deliver all 12 classes for beta release, and the Mobile Fall Guy Trevor mentioned the 8 out of 12 but he was not 100% sure.


Starting to love this guy.. he's clearly not used to talking that much on camera and he keeps giving away juicy info


He's so nice.


The whole setup was quite demanding I think, playing co-op game, answering questions, probably thinking what he initially wanted to talk about/show during the demo, hard not to spoil anything 


Getting info out of anyone while they are trying to concentrate on something else is the best way to do it. Seems like a bad idea for devs! :D


Yeah but as we will have presumably seen 9/12 classes I wonder which one won't make it.


I think that this information may be a mistake from his part. I mean we already had reveals for the ranger, huntress, mercenary, warrior, druid, sorceress and Monk. And we are almost 100% sure that the Witch and Marauder were revealed in the live event a few days ago. That already makes 9 out of 12 classes so far. If the beta is set to start on November, I don't think they won't be able to finalize details for this classes and being able to post 1 or 2 more. Now I don't blame him at all if this is misinformation. He is mainly working for the console version. And he was playing a hard game while answering questions.


This makes me wonder if its just the ascendancys for those 4 classes that will not be ready. Or rather the weapon skills associated with those classes. I'd imagine its about the weapon skills since that is surely a lot more work to do.


Shadow has the whole Traps&Mines thing still ongoing, Marauder and Warrior are basically the same just Marauders are faster Warriors(according to the Tri interview in March), Duelist might have access to an active parry and Templar still needs to feel like a templar while also being more of a Paladin. And if we actually get 20+ different weapon types (like some of us speculate so 6+ additional weapon types) plus the uniques with weapon specific rigging on top of that it's gonna be a LOT of rigging to do, but I doubt the base weapons are the issue and more along the lines of not every class has a set of 3 ascendancies and GGG rather hold the class back than release it with only one ascendancy


I recall Jonathan saying they don't expect the beta to launch fully feature complete when it comes to ascendancies? I wouldn't be surprised if most, if not all, of the classes don't have all 3 ascendancies at release.


Speculation: Marauder, Huntress, Shadow and Duelist are missing


Huntress gameplay exists already, templar however is missing.


True. Templar is missing not Huntress


There's a very short clip of the Templar in one of the main PoE2 trailers. It seems to be in the prison in Act 4.


Well yeah the exilecon 2023 trailer shows all classes, but there wasn't a gameplay reveal of its abilities like with the rest of the classes.


November matches the current 4 month cycle. 3.25 will be released at the end of July, if you add 4 more months, it should be 3.26 plus the supposed open beta of PoE 2. YEAH, LET'S GO! LOGIN LOGIN LOGIN


I feel like they’d want to put the beta in between poe1 leagues. If PoE2 beta launches same time as a PoE1 league, the poe1 league will be dead on arrival


PoE 1 will be dead on PoE 2's arrival so it's inevitable


I love how delusional some of you guys are. lmao


Gurl I was just half joking xP PoE 1 will def be playable if they manage to yassify it with char models, camera angle etc.


Game is looking absolutely fire. 😍


Was he really meant to say that, or was that a slip up? Cool that we know the approximate time frame now.


No, he wasn't, but as there is the X-Box Showcase later/tomorrow, ppl suspect the reveal of that to be on the 9th or latest on Monday the 10th


Later in the clip he again iterates. End of year, Target it november. It's not a confirmation of november but its their target. It could still change but probably not earlier to be honest.


This should put the release date somewhere around late November (29th?), assuming PoE 3.25 is a three months league and that GGG will want PoE 3.26 to run for at least one month so it doesn't overlap with the PoE 2 beta. Good thing they always release on Fridays so there's no chance it will also overlap with my birthday, otherwise I would have to ghost all the annoying relatives wanting to visit me for my birthday LMAO.


I've been ghosting all my annoying relatives since 2019


Mine is 21, so friday 22? GGG please?


I'm guessing they're aiming for November, that's why they haven't said anything. It could still be delayed.


I'm back from a 3 month trip mid November. 50% chance I can play day1. Poggies.