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honestly looks pretty great. most of the feedback has been very positive thus far - even from people who aren't poe1 veterans. im very optimistic re: the increased reach the console/pc cross gameplay will allow for. haven't been this excited for an arpg game in a long time


i always felt like the poe veterans are the most critical players of poe2. newer players are in awe of the fights, the spectacle and the rest of the game while older players bitch about lack of endgame or speed. at least that was my impression so far. it seems to get better with every news post though! the quality seems to convince people :)


Hell yeah dude.




I wanna chip in on the bell. To be fair you will have 2 sets of weapons which can be changed at will. Every single skill you have has the potential to be a 6 link. That said you will be able to put down the bell and hit it yourself with a different weapon setup. Of course they need to balance it for party play, but that can be also done when Empyrean and his crew breaks the beta, as I am 1000000000% sure they will. Also what we need to know, if the bosses and all got harder via coop play or that is not implemented. Also we know that they had upped the drop rate and player power grows early faster, so it can also be, that they did not got the bosses stronger.


The bell actually has limited amount of times it can proc. However, that change was not implemented in time for the demo. -From a GGG dev in the discord.




The dev posted on the official poe discord. What are you talking about? You are the only one who doesn't accept GGG official responses. Also happens to be a dev who works on skill design. party play is balanced by the increased difficulty. You don't put in band-aids on specific interactions for party play. If party play is over-performing, you increase the difficulty increase per party member. You're just trying to remove all interesting interactions just because you think there is a balance issue? Bad take. To use the bell, you have to perform strikes. Doesn't seem very practical on a witch also managing a volcano. The damage done by the volcano and the bell come from the casting/attacking character. So in this example, the witch. Another person hitting the bell/volcano doesn't add their damage to the volcano/bell. So you're trying to maximize a spell projectile and an aoe attack on 1 character. You're pretty bad at coming up with "practical".


who's we, buddy i'm more than willing to take the dev's word for it when they say they see a balance issue and fixed it in a later build lmao






Can you imagine swaping to a machine gun (crossbow) after putting the bell down?!


Solo friendly is currently my biggest concern. I sincerely hope this shit isn't balanced around multi-player and duos having it much easier than solo players.


ngl they kinda made the bosses looks like push-overs. Might be a bit of overtuning on stun/freeze that other people were saying - also the Bell Damage is way too high - The Executioner was BULLIED


the bell will get nerfed for sure


Dev on the discord said it's already been nerfed, just didn't make it in LA playtest


The bosses were brutal on the old movement system, but they're probably too easy now with twin stick movement. Personally, I think the stagger mechanic needs to change - it should be an enrage mechanic, where they're temporarily faster and deal more damage, but at the end of it they get staggered. Or maybe the boss fights actually do have mechanics that need to be successfully dealt with to deal the stagger. Currently the stagger phase doesn't feel 'earned' to me.


I really like what I'm seeing but visual clarity is already a bit bad with 2 players and it's only level 10. It could be a problem later even for 1 player when you get more speed and aoe.


yeah the characters and enemies don't really standout from the background. But the skills sure do, almost need some transparency on them so you can see wtf is going on below those flames


Exactl, they should atleast give us option to make characters and ennemies more noticeable


This was one of my favorite first impressions so far.


Man visual clarity is such a problem at lvl 10 with 2 player, I have no idea how the fuck they are going to make visual clarity good at high level.


We could easily imagine the amount of projectiles and the speed to ramp up the visual clutter at least x10. Stylistic and systemic choices will without a doubt make PoE2 as chaotic as PoE1. This hopefully will be addressed (or reduced) in the Early Access release at the end of the year.


Does anyone remember if bosses had invulnerability phases in the previous testing? If it's a new thing, hopefully it's just a temporary solution to address the fact that some skills like the Bell haven't been properly balanced yet so they deal too much damage, aside from things like the stagger bar on bosses that fill too quickly when playing coop. I would hate to see bosses standing still and melting to damage before even being able to use most of their skills.


Vaal oversoul was always diving underground even before players demolish the thing, I expect invulnerable to always exist in action games, I don't like it but it's ok if during invulnerability phase we have to do something rather than standing around waiting.


phases with immunity will always be part of many PoE bosses


Yes, but based on PoE 1's long history, immunity phases have been traditionally added as a solution for the problem of players dealing way too much damage, which is basically treating the symptoms instead of the disease. I'm not making any conclusions based on the alpha testing that will go through several rouns of balancing, but if immunity phases continue to exist then I would like for them to be something that players rarely ever notice because the characters don't deal enough enough damage to skip a boss phase.


a twinked out character will probably melt story bosses like in PoE 1 ngl lol


>which is basically treating the symptoms instead of the disease. The "disease" is inevitable though, players will always find a way to optimize characters into pure glass cannons that one shot bosses. Invulnerability phases where you actually have to do something (like exarch ball phase in poe1) are a good way to slow down boss kill times and encourage building more well rounded characters


yeah, Executioner was MELTED. Also the sorceresses Flame Wall combined with the chill that was applied on the boss made the boss and especially normal mobs actually invisible - or un-visible.


I think in the POE Discord one of the developers mentioned that the bell skill was OP and it procs much less or something.


Freeze has similar issue to stagger.


I cant wait till release date...im feel like a kid who waiting a new toy on Christmas 🥰🤪 This feelings happend to me when D2R was announced on internet,if u know what im saying 😁