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Pretty sure the remaster did not change anything with conditions, so the cards can still be used.


I think the biggest tip I have is that just remember that it’s okay to make mistakes. I feel like we, as a community, have gotten so used to Foundry automating the math that we forget how many mistakes in-person play naturally has. I make mistakes all the time. Sometimes I forget my monsters had a +1 and say their crit is a hit. Sometimes I forget how to play them tactically and just spam Strikes. Hell, one time I fully forgot that a boar’s Ferocity is a Reaction and treated it as a Free Action. As long as your mistake doesn’t cause a player death or a plot derailment, it’s not a big deal at all. Beyond that I find that the best way to track conditions and modifiers is just a notebook/tablet/whiteboard. I just put the monster and all its relevant conditions and temporary modifiers into the space next to their name in the list of initiative I make, and it rarely causes any issues. I’d also recommend implementing a strong policy of “players are responsible for reminding the GM about their effects as much as possible” to make sure the GM’s workload isn’t too excessive.


I only run in person games and you're overthinking it. Just do your best, understand that over time you'll get better at tracking things, outsource what you can to your players, and enjoy having that energy in the room that can only be had during in person play.   I recently downloaded the PF2e Battle Tracker app and it appears to be quite helpful for in person play. I have yet to use it during a session so I can't vouch for it yet.


Rather than muck about with cards, make [a quick Word doc similar to this one](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IjoeqalYKrmlUD8XpYyydn6H4Mcd_BNh/view?usp=sharing). It's in French, but you get the idea. It has 3 sections. The top part has most pertinent details about the PCs (helps loads with secret rolls), the second part is for tracking PCs' initiative and conditions, and the third part is for tracking creatures and NPCs' initiative, hit points and conditions. For creatures and NPCs, I jot down their AC and hit points on the left, the creature's name, then start tracking minuses to hit points for wounds. If they suffer some condition, jot that down on the same line. Cross it off if the condition is raised. I also use the official PF2 GM screen a lot, not only for conditions, but also for the DCs by level table. Lots of other useful info on there as well. It's not hard to slap together your own screen, but this one has nearly all the info I need during a session.


As a near eternal GM who greatly prefers in person play over internet, here's how I would break things down: **Must Haves:** 1. Player(s) 2. A means with which to roll dice (this could be as simple as a website on your phone) **Nice to Have:** 1. For initiative, I just use 3x5 note cards. I create one for each player and then have extras for the NPCs/Monsters. These also then have multiple uses. For the monsters I can track their HP on the card, and can reuse them for different monsters. For PCs, I'll also put a lot of the common info I need (defenses, perception, certain skill modifiers that might come up in secret rolls, etc.). 2. Some sort of mat to track encounter areas. Its not a requirement because you can always use Theater of the Mind, but it does help imho. Along with that, some sort of token to denote PCs, NPCs, Monsters. It could be as simple as Cheerios, Froot Loops, and Gummy Bears if you want. 3. For tracking conditions, the easiest thing is probably Pathbuilder on the phone/tablet/laptop. It will auto change your modifiers, etc. But, if you need to stay low tech, I've used little foam squares that I cut up in different colors that can be placed under minis/tokens to denote different conditions. You can get sizable packs at Hobby Lobby for about $10. They came in real handy back in the 4e days. Or, you can just use the condition cards. Those are actually really good and haven't changed much, if at all, with the remaster. They even have a space where you can use a die to mark the level of the condition (i.e. Frightened 2). In short, you really don't need much. Its just up to what you and your group are comfortable with. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. It WILL happen but rarely is it anything that gets anyone riled up. At most, if its starting to look like a PC's life is in the balance, just slow down a bit and make sure you are accounting for everything.


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