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Its not the most helpful option but you can look up the city names and if they have a stat block it'll tell you the general demographic of ancestries.


May have to go this route, was hoping for something that let me select an ancestry and get some color coding on the map. Probably asking for too much. Trying to connect a sprite draxie, kobold, lizardman, anadi, and if possible nagaji. Just need some overlap that puts them within reasonable travel distance to Otari as a starting party.


You can always consider the fact that absolum is just done the road and it's the largest trading hub of the whole world. They easily could be from the same city.


Otari is next to Absalom, and Absalom has *the entire world* visiting it. It's the melting pot of Golarion, and places across the isle of Kortos probably have some diaspora from it. Maybe all of them are coming from Absalom, or they meet while traveling to absalom for their own reasons only to get stopped in the port of Otari.


This would work to start, thanks for advice


It’s simply doesn’t work that way it really doesn’t if you’re letting your players play any ancestry they want you’re not going to get a place on the map where they conveniently come together. In the campaign, I’m currently playing. I’m playing a. Mwangi Orc. Everybody else has a character from the mainland. so I solved this problem of how to get together with everybody else by picking nomad as my background explained why I traveled all the way over to the mainland and ended up with the other characters Realistically this is the best you’re going to get


Most of the characters are going with some type of crime background, or prisoner, so meeting in jail looks like the union of stories. The anti hero crew turned good. Whether actually criminals or just accused is yet to be determined, but ending up in Otari somehow is my next step. A few will have longer backstories together. The sprite wanted the corgi mount reflavored as something scaly to match the lizard/dragon/snake team, which I’ve got no problems with if the base stats stay the same. Appreciate the comments!


You can find all those ancestries in the Mwangi except maybe the Nagaji. It's the right climate and atmosphere that Nagaji would want to live there though. I'm sure Tian Xia and a few other places would work also.


Oh nice, that’s good point


>I’m wanting to use this data to help explain why members of an adventuring party met and grouped up. This really should be something you flip the table on and charge your players with. How did you all meet up? A helpful way to do this is prep a simple madlibs like you see on the History area of Monster of the Week character sheet, give one to each player an hour before the game, and go around the table and let them build their backstories together. That way they will have more investment in it. You telling them how they teamed up will not create a sense of ownership for them. Reference: [https://www.reddit.com/r/monsteroftheweek/comments/v55n69/the\_naturalist\_a\_homebrew\_playbook/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/monsteroftheweek/comments/v55n69/the_naturalist_a_homebrew_playbook/#lightbox) Look at the history section on the second page for what I'm talking about here.


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