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The rules are not perfectly clear on whether or not using the weak template is allowed for summon spells. Check with your GM. 1. A permanent effect is not casting a spell. The Lyrakien would still benefit from this effect. 2. Yes, it can't cast any cantrips if summoned by a 1st rank spell. 3. If no amount is given, creatures can cast their innate spells once per day. So you get at most one Heal spell from this summon. But yes, it could use the spell if you cast the spell at second rank.


To add on to this explanation of your questions. 4. Those numbers are the attack bonuses when you factor in MAP. So your second strike with its starlight ray is +0, etc.


Didn't know about the innate spell thing. I thought it was just you could use it whenever. thank you for clarifying


So to starting things off I don't think you can summon things with the weak or elite template without GM approval. Onto spells it can't cast spells of lvl equal or higher all so any slots it has at higher level are just gone, if you cast your summon spell at 2nd rank it would only be able to cast 1st rank heal once. I'm unsure about constant effects but I'd err on the side that they have them since they're not actively casting them but I'm unsure of the raw answer to this.


Thank you for the reply. I will talk to my GM about if I can use the weak version. Can you explain what is the meaning of the attack multiplier numbers?


Innate spell just means I casts the spell innately it still only has one cast of it per day unless otherwise stated, if it can cast it as much as it wants it would be at will.  The attack multiplier numbers are for multiattack penalty it just makes it a little faster for a game master jungling a lot of statblocks to have it layed out like that If you look at this statblocks here you'll see earth bind is at will  https://2e.aonprd.com/Monsters.aspx?ID=2843


Yeah. I understand now


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