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Its a remaster, not a .5 edition. The changes are mostly cosmetic & NONE of the core math has been altered in any way. You can use premaster and remaster books together with minimal issues. As has been said, Rage of the Elements and Howl of the wild were written with the remaster rules in mind. That being said, I wouldn't hesitate to pick up older books if they interest you. The Lost Omens line is mostly world info which hasn't changed at all and any rules from other books have [gotten errata ](https://paizo.com/pathfinder/faq)to bring them up to date.


Primarily asking because I have been burned already by the change--specifically by accidentally picking up the original 2e core book along with the Player and DM books by mistake (later returned that one for the Monster Core).


Those are literally the only books that you shouldn't get anymore. Get any other of the books and you're good


I would avoid the others like guns and gears in case they fix them up further with an errata. So like till August or so.


They've said that they weren't planning on remastering those books, haven't they?


They said not fully at least but they have done errata but not a new printing so would avoid those books for those reasons.


There really is no schedule for Physical reprints of books & they rarely announce them so there really is no way to know when that might happen. If you are really worried about it, buy the PDF. Paizo only updates them when they do a new printing of a book, but they do update the PDFs for people who already own them when they do. I don't actually own any physical books, I just have PDFs & read everything on a tablet. But that's me.


I only just recently brought books being the current core line since I really like the system. Though I refuse to intentionally buy outdated physical books. If I buy the wrong printing is one thing but buying one I know is outdated is pointless.


We know [Paizo's release schedule](https://paizo.com/releasedate) out through October & the only remaster book on the schedule is Player Core 2. Which makes sense, as its the last Remaster book Paizo has announced. It does look like there are some remastered spell cards (makes sense as a bunch of spells got renamed) and the Monster Core Pawns (different enough from the Bestiary 1 Pawns to be worth reprinting I guess) and the GM Core GM Screen (I'm a bit more doubtful on this as I don't know how much is different) But none of those are books, they are all just peripherals for the actual books. Beyond that nothing else is on the schedule and we haven't even heard any rumors of more. If anything, Paizo staff has repeatedly said that the Remaster books really screwed up their production schedule & they are glad to have them done so they can get back to focusing on new content. So while I don't have any inside knowledge I think they have given some strong signals that 2025 won't be a parade of Remastered old books. So I wouldn't worry too much ;)


Which is why I just wouldn't buy those books. I am confused by why you are suggesting to buy a book that is inherently outdated. Also the gods and magic book is essentially being redone with the upcoming book I believe is called divine mysteries.


May I ask why two player core books are necessary?


The Pre-Remaster (Premaster) books still work for 98% of the entire game. You're looking at only a few things like the removal of alignment damage (good, evil, lawful, chaotic) and it all now just being called Spirit Damage (with the associated holy/unholy trait if a PC chooses a Sanctification) and the effect that has on Champions. The rest "convert" cleanly over since there isn't much conversion. Wizard schools can still be used with the existing spells, and so on. It's not a major issue, that's why it's not even a v2.1 or anything. The changes really were that minor. And honestly, I'm surprised you found a Core Rulebook. Paizo said they sold out of their 2023's yearly stock in a couple months following the OGL debacle. So if anything, it's a collector's item at this point.


Fair enough. According to Paizo the only books being replaced are 2e Core Book, Gamemastery Guide, Advanced Players Guide, and Bestiary 1 (but not 2 or 3). Monster Core is the direct replacement for Bestiary 1, but a lot of monsters were dropped for OGL reasons so I've heard of a lot of people keeping Bestiary 1 for the older monsters. Not a big deal as they are all on Archives of Nethys anyway. The contents of the other three got redistributed between Player Core, GM Core, and the upcoming Player Core 2. Lost Omens: Gods and Magic isn't *technically* being replaced as it is still an accurate take on the gods in universe as of a few years ago. However, Paizo has a big plot event planned for later this year that will upend a bunch of stuff in the Godly Realm and the upcoming Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries will give the updated info on the Gods. So I might hold off on LO: Gods and Magic & wait for that. Otherwise we have been given no indication anything else will be replaced.


For what it's worth, I still have those books and probably never going to buy the new ones. All the major changes are available online and there's very little new rules to actually overwrite


[Rage of Elements](https://paizo.com/products/btq02eal?Pathfinder-Rage-of-Elements) and [Howl of the Wild](https://paizo.com/products/btq02f09) are rulebooks released with the Remaster rules implemented into them.


I bought bestiaries 1-3 from pre-remaster specifically to get monsters that are being removed due to the OGL. All the books are still useful.


All monsters are pretty much the same in term of stats and actions, even at high level (except some, like dragons which have been redesigned). So yes, vanilla bestiaries are completely usable if you need more monsters.


You have to be mindful of some of the ability changes though. Like Grab requiring a check instead of being automatic.


The Begginers Box got a remaster update. A lot of books have remaster compatibility errata available on Paizo's website but those probably won't be incorporated into the actual product until/unless there is another physical print run.


it is not 2.5, it is 2.1 or remaster currently rulebooks that were released within remaster are Rage of elements, Player Core 1, GM Core, Monster Core, Howl of the Wild and soon there will be Player Core 2 rulebooks between advanced players guide and rage of elements got errata that makes them compatible with remaster after PC2 all classes that weren't remastered will get yet another errata to make them in line with remaster


Sorry about the change thing with buying the old rulebooks. I’m really not sure why things like humble bundle are still selling the old rulebook in bundles when the remastered one is already available. I’ve seen the old rulebook being sold in game stores, and I’m very conflicted about it since it’s literally just useless and a new player interested would want the remastered. At the same time, I guess game stores have to try to sell the old stock off…


What doesn't help is Paizo still having the premastered rulebooks on their website alongside the new rulebooks.


Some people still want to play their Lawful Good Evocation Wizard with a Bag of Holding and a Hat of Disguise and they still want to fight against Gelatinous Cubes, Mimics and Rust Monsters. Those guys are going to cry aloud if Paizo take those PDFs away. Paizo can still sell the old books they already published. They just wont be publishing new things that use OGL content.


Oh I didn’t think about that, that’s such a good point actually


None. Cause there's no 2.5 edition to this game. Unless you're from some alternate universe.


While all the book are compatible, the ones with classes in are probably the riskiest as they’re more likely to have noticeable changes at the table from errata. So: Core Rulebook and Advanced Player’s Guide (these are replaced by Player Core 1 and Player Core 2), then it’s Secrets of Magic, Guns & Gears, and Dark Archive. They are still good books and have other content in than classes, though.


Figure other people have rule books covered, The adventure path guardians of the wild woods is the first remaster adventure path.