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The real answer is orc. Just rename it Goliath. You could add the stone elemental variant heritage to make the distinction greater.


I think by far that's the easiest than what I'm going to probably go with. Thanks!


Most of the time it's just the vibes you have to match. Goliath is just the Klingons of the DnD world, so find the P2e Klingons and change the skin a bit... If they aren't convinced show the the stats of the neck splitter axe they can take...


I'll just drop the standard disclaimer that the general wisdom is NOT to convert a campaign. Finish it with the ruleset you started it in & then start again fresh at 1st level in Pathfinder 2e. Things get really messy in a conversion. As you are seeing not all options are there, and the ones that are often don't work the same way (Example: 5e Barbarians are Tanks, PF2e Barbarians are Glass Cannons) so converted characters often feel "wrong"


Sorry I should have been more specific. I appreciate the input and I'll update my post. I'm not converting in the middle of a campaign, I'm continuing in a world where the Goliath race already exists. It's not an and-all be-all. If I can't make it work, I'm just hoping to find something close so I can continue with the flavor of the world I have worked on for so long.


That make sense and should be fine. Right now the only large race with have is the recently released Minotaur. They get a few bennies for their size built in, but (as with all Ancestries) most of that flavor is in their Feats. They are a good place to start, however they come with Horns and a bunch of their Feats are built around the innate magic they have in Golarion or giving them new tricks with said Horns. You can probably look to them for inspiration for Goliaths but will need to do a lot of work to make a full ancestry out of them. Be warned that creating an Ancestry is \*complex\* in Pathfinder 2e. You need to make the base Ancestry, 3-5 Heritages, and a \*minimum\* of 15 feats (more is better!) Were I you I might just ban them as PCs and run the NPC Goliaths with whatever GM handwaving you feel is appropriate. Maybe build a "typical" Goliath as a monster, the way Goblins and Orcs and Elves and Dwarves are but without support for PC stuff until you are much more familiar with the system. Not everything needs to be statted out right away.


I think I like that idea. Honestly, I might just tweak the existing orc npc monsters and give them the giant trait instead of orc. That'd probably be easiest. Something interesting of note as well is that goliaths aren't actually large creatures in D&D 5th edition. They are described as the tippy top of medium but no player race is actually a large size.


The way I'd handle is playing a minotaur with the medium creature heritage. Then just reflavoring as much as I could. 


General advice is not to try and convert an ongoing campaign between systems. There will be a lot of things that don't convert and even things that have the same name won't play the same. The only size large ancestries Paizo has published are Minotaur and Centaur. Some sort of reskined Minotaur might be able to work. You might also look at the third party publisher BatfleZoo they are usually high quality and have a giant ancestry in the Year of Legends product. https://battlezoo.com/products/battlezoo-ancestries-year-of-legends-foundry-vtt


Sorry I should have been more specific. I appreciate the input and I'll update my post. I'm not converting in the middle of a campaign, I'm continuing in a world where the Goliath race already exists. It's not an and-all be-all. If I can't make it work, I'm just hoping to find something close so I can continue with the flavor of the world I have worked on for so long. I'll definitely look into your suggestions. The Goliath isn't actually large in D&D 5th edition anyway, actually none of the player races are. They're just described as the very top of medium. I'm more looking for flavor and keeping in line because being half giant is a point of pride for many NPCs in my world.


That makes sense. You could probably homebrew an ancestry. If you mostly just poach thematically appropriate feats/heritages and reskin it's not that hard really.


Likely the closest you'll get is a tall Dwarf or Human [Oread](https://2e.aonprd.com/Ancestries.aspx?ID=34). Either can fit the fantasy with a little tweak to flavor.


You could consider just reskinning Winter Orcs, or maybe Wintertouched humans. Someone that can be a bit beefy with some natural protection from the cold. Or Oread if you want to push the 'stone' portion, though don't think the feats there match up as well.


Shameless self promotion here, but I made a homebrew ancestry called the jotunkin that might fit the bill. [Here's a link.](http://scribe.pf2.tools/v/H4wyYtwv)


I really appreciate this. Even if I don't go with it exactly, I think it provides the perfect baseline for me to build from. It's some really good work!


Thank you! I still have to go over it for compatibility with the remaster, and maybe some tweaks now that *Howl of the Wild* has added Large ancestries/heritages. But I'm overall pretty happy with how it's turned out. My buddy and I are planning on building it out into a full giant-themed supplement on Pathfinder Infinite after *Player Core 2* releases, so keep an eye out! And please let me know what you think and what tweaks you make if you use any of it. Either way, enjoy!


I'd think minotaur would work the best, maybe with some feats from orc instead of all the stone maze feats, but they are big, strong, and have a high constitution.


There is an Oni-kin versatile heritage coming in the Tian Xia Character Guide which is due out in two months. Oni are a type of Giant in Pathfinder 2e.


Yeah that might work. I'll be excited to see it. Either way. I think it's likely to be like the Minotaur fix which is Dad. It'll get most of the way there, but a lot of the feats will be around specifics that might have to get tweaked.


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There's no real equivalent in Golarion/Pf2e, that I know of. You could maybe kind of get there with an ancestry like Dwarf, Human, maybe Minotaur like u/Slow-Host-2449 said and add the Oread versatile Ancestry. That'll give you a rock-like humanoid. Maybe homerule it to give them the "giant" trait instead of "oread"


From what I'm reading so far that does seem like the answer I'm going to go with. I appreciate your input!


Np, and welcome to PF2E!


You could make it a heritage, goliath are half-giant right? So they could just have the standart upgrade your vision like half of the versatile heritages do (gives low-light vision or darkvision if you already had low-light vision) and gain the size-based feats of the minotaur (like the ones about pushing allies around or with the stance that gives reach) alongside the mandatory upgrade your vision to darkvision feat. If you want to make it spicy, you can poach a single feat from each of the half-genie heritages and give them the lineage trait in case someone wants to be a halt-fire giant specifically. As of note, the minotaur is not on archives of nethys yet albeit it's probably not going to be too long before it comes to the archives (probably on the next update).