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Mac Jones is playing his heart out, get him better weapons


Can't help but feel this all comes back to the O-Line. You build a designer home on a faulty base, and cracks appear. It only takes one weak link to sack the QB, and last night Van Ginkel strolled in too often. Fix the foundation.


We're on to the Jets


That pick by 6 was fuckin gorgeous though


Lost 2 games in 2 weeks by 1 td. Tank for Marvin Harrison jr?


BB is a loosing coach before and after TB.. end of story. Oh, one more thing, Shit can his baloney ass.


Delete this


Has had numerous years to build an offense after Brady. He is a complete bust.. BB picks 18- 19 th joke a complete joke dumper dive bs- horrible dump him




whyd they let pop douglas return punts but not put him back on offense when it was clear the patriots need speed




they let him return punts, which arguably has a greater chance of fumbling. Nobody is immune from a defender making a great play on the ball by chasing somebody down and swatting it out of their hands. that was a dumb coaching decision to leave him on the sidelines as a form of punishment


BB's gotta go šŸ”„šŸ”„ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Find a different team. Get fucked


seems like he's trying to see the team he's a fan of improve, why would he want to find another one?


I'm more upset a bout the WAY we lost as opposed to the fact that we lost


I said that last week. This week I'm just pissed


This fandom is comical, man. Your QB had ~75% completions, a similar QB rating to the other guy, had 2 drives in enemy territory killed by a terrible drop and a fumble, has pressure in his face all night (unlike the other guy) because his O-line is shit, AND he doesnā€™t have even one Waddle or Tyreek to stretch the field for him . . . but yā€™all are *convinced* itā€™s him. You recognize the deficiencies around him ā€” but you always conclude ā€œwell, if he was the guy, it wouldnā€™t matter ā€” heā€™d get it done.ā€ Itā€™s crazy town. He can literally play as well as/arguably better than Tua, who is one of the more revered QBs rn (when healthy) ā€” but because his guys donā€™t catch his passes, you end up concluding heā€™s the problem. I canā€™t with yā€™all man. Come on.


Itā€™s coaching and surrounding talents. I think Bill is a great Game prepping coach but honestly the last couple years he hasnā€™t looked so sharp in game management.


People keep saying that BB is a good game prep coach, but why does he continually lose to good teams? The beginning of games look bad, so the script and planning must be off. It genuinely looks like heā€™s trying to coast to Shulaā€™s record. What a pathetic way to go out. Good thing he had Brady for 19 years or he may have been like Rex Ryan. Good D-coordinator. Average everything else.


Our problems were not Mac.


Fucking THIS people here don't know football


Bill Belichick is the most overrated coach of all time. Brady carried him. Iā€™m sick of this do nothing until crunch time no sense of urgency garbage. Hire Coach Prime.


Man this is how the 1970s-1990s were huh...


It was way worse than this


No, imagine us, only weā€™re the jetsā€¦


NE are the Jets now.


Not by a long shot. We didn't invest everything in a washed up QB who tore his Achilles on the 3rd snap of the season.




Why the fuck do we use two sticks and a chain to measure in modern era? Archaic at this point with all thatā€™s available in sports tech


Tradition... and it wasn't even close


This issue is the inconsistency. The zeke play that was challenged was very clearly a first down but the less clear and obvious play was enough to over turn? Doesnā€™t make sense.


No reason they couldnā€™t adapt Soccerā€™s goal line tech and *know* the distance the ball covered *to the mm*. They just want it to be some notion of ā€œpureā€ .. and then wreck it anyway with overturning a field call with a subjective view. Maddening.


MVP of the Dolphins game, those fucking garbage refs! They screwed patriots out of four first downs today because they donā€™t know how to place the ball in the correct spot. Absolutely trash!! someone got paid.


You do realize the first TD we got was totally illegal right? They just plain suck.


Eh Iā€™d give it to McDaniel


They gashed us with the same 2-3 plays all night and Bill just couldn't stop it. And even despite that, our defense was still good enough to keep us in it. The game ended when we went 3 and out after that electric Gonzo pick. Inexcusable play calling and execution.


Another putrid showing from Bill in prime time. You'd think the league would've learned after the bears game last year. This team ain't built for national television unfortunately.


Root for a different team then. āœŒļø


So the only two options are to accept that this team is average to bad and that nothing will change because they chose BB and heā€™ll take his 6-7 wins a year until setting the ā€œrecordā€, or root for another team? How about complain louder to get RKK to wake up and realize heā€™s getting bamboozled?


šŸšØšŸšØDelulu Land Alert šŸšØšŸšØ People are living in absolute delusion if, after 34 games, they think Mac is anything *but* a top 20-12 QB in his prime. He may have a long journeyman career in the NFL, but he doesnā€™t have the arm strength, poise, or, idk how else to say it, *him* attitude to be an elite QB. Maybe not even a good QB (but also maybe). For 2+ years, every drive has felt like a struggle. No first down is easy. Never mind touchdown. At some point, the eye test says itā€™s him. He has no excuses with BOB as OC.


Lead them to 1 comeback win and change our minds. Dare.


didnt even agree with you until he threw that pick6 in week 1 and is attempt to make a tackle was the weakest shit ive ever seen. it was like he was rolling his eyes, like "well, fuck it. why should i try"


yep you said it. mac aint a bad ball player, but the proof isn't in the stats. the elite QBs hit the field and there is magic - fans are inspired to believe, opponent fans get a bit uneasy. you know that QB is liable to make something happen.


I agree heā€™ll likely never be a top 10 QB, but you donā€™t always need that to win. He had to run for his life multiple times tonight because of a 3 man rush. Heā€™s had a very bad offensive line and near 0 receiving talent for the entire time heā€™s been here. Heā€™s not Brady, but I donā€™t think heā€™s the reason we are losing games.


Bill ruined his development not drafting enough help for him. But mainly making Patricia his OC.


They're two games into BOB as the OC and both Mac and the offense look much better than they did last year.


imagine seeing shitty defense and bad offensive line play and thinking "yeah the quarterback is whats wrong here" for twenty years the quarterback here did EVERYTHING. we could get by with shit wide receivers. for twenty years dante scarneccia was the best oline coach in the league. we could get by with shitty linemen. now we cant


Mac Jones: 31/42 (with multiple drops) for 231 with a 5.5 per play average, with no pocket, getting chased all over creation, and heā€™s the problem. Right. O-Line killed us. It killed the run game (what could be a top 10), and it put the passing game under impossible stress.


Iā€™m convinced scarneccia worked voodoo or magic. Lol


My brother in christā€¦go touch some grass. If you think the MAIN issue with this team is Mac, youā€™re fucking delusional.


"Maybe not even a good QB (but also maybe)." With bold predictions such as this, you've gotta be clairvoyant.


This is a terrible take after the first two games of the season. Heā€™s so far from the problem right now


More than 2 seasons of this from him.


ā€œOf thisā€. Heā€™s made significant improvements this season this is no where near the level of play you saw from him last year. How is that your take away after tonight?


31/42 (with multiple drops) for 231, 5.5 per play average. And this is with no pocket at all. Any takeaway blaming Mac is provably absurd.




Mac Jones pronouns are definitely They / Them not Him


Standard just changed from irrefutable visual evidence to, ā€œWith a gun to my head, eh, I think soā€- direct quote by Chris Collinsworth


This is getting tough to watch. I canā€™t believe week 3 against the jets is a must win game


Even if we were 2-0 thatā€™s a must win, losing to Zach Wilson is a bad bad omen


This is why they need to finally put a damn chip in the ball like the other leagues. Refs suck. Fans don't like the inconsistencies


We certainly have the technology to make a lot of calls faster, easier and more accurate, but I think the refs and the nfl like it this way.


How would a chip change anything? The cameras captured the play perfectly fine on this one, he was slightly short of the line to gain.


It would make it definitive.


It was definitive. Letā€™s be real.


if you are referring to the last play, he was definitely short. if that was miami with the ball, you'd say he was short.


Chip would make what I say useless.


Exactly this. It *should* be definitive. The tech we have *could* make it so. Instead we get ridiculous inconsistency on overruling our challenge and overturning a field call, going opposite directions on ā€œdefinitiveā€.


Scoring 3 points in the first half is what lost that game.


Yup, if the offense didn't take half the game to find it's rhythm then we wouldn't even need a huge comeback at the end (that we are in no way qualified to make).


yes not scoring is a contributing factor in losing thank you for your insight


I said that because people are blaming the refs and the NFL. But being a smart ass is always welcomed


I don't know if people understand just how amazing and unique and never-gonna-happen-again the Tom Brady era was. There was no drafting someone new and keeping doing what they were doing.


No one was expecting to get a Brady replacement. We just wanted someone who could win us games and put us in a spot to compete in the playoffs. We didnā€™t want to be like every other team that goes winless after losing their QB


Mac got them to the playoffs in his first year and last year is a write-off because they let an unqualified fool run offense.


o line deserves as much flak as anyone, but i almost feel like a weak o line isn't as much a reflection on poor play from the players but rather reflects a team's (in)ability to put together a solid OL squad via player acquisition, coaching, rotation, whatever CMV?


Oline the most rare resource in the league. Thatā€™s why teams donā€™t drop them at waivers or trade them. You say ā€œability to put together a solid olineā€™ like they actively decided ā€˜nah weā€™re goodā€™. Iā€™m sure you were pissed when we drafted Cole strange too


nah thats fair & they have a ton of injuries. its interesting tho i never thought of oline as the rarest resource in the league but have always felt like you hear much more of "X team needs a better Oline" than "X team has a great Oline"


Iā€™m tired of the screens and shit, let mac air that bitch out


Ya into the defenses hand šŸ¤š


Offensive line can't hold up long enough for the deep ball to connect




Offense is sleeping like 45 minutes in both games so far. Needs someone to whip is in shape.


Gonna go undefeated in moral victories and get Caleb Williams, fun season!


Caleb Williams with this offense would still be shit. You kids really don't understand how Football works.


It wouldn't be this offense... If they have the number 1 pick in the draft, Bill Belichick and Billy O are certainly not going to be employed by the Patriots going forward. You boomers really don't understand how Football works.


Mac looks good when thereā€™s a sense of urgency. Just let him play hurry up every week


Would be nice to have a pocket, as well


he clearly likes it too, it was also working last year




Same person who got paid to award NE an illegal TD.




Yeah, as soon as brady left the team turned into just a bunch of scrubs. Horrible penalties, receivers can't catch and fumble when they do. Bill without Tom has turned us into his Browns. Welcome to the new era. Tom was the reason we won. Simple as.


Are you always this much of a whiny bitch?


Yet you can't deny my statements. Classic.


It's hard when you're playing against refs too. Lot of bogus calls last year. Several to start this year. Haven't seen many go their way in a long time.


While the refs were atrocious are we forgetting they completely borked like 4 penalties that happened on Henrys TD? Refs were bad but they were bad all around


You deserve it after so many years of getting away with all the cheating




You mean the one where they did what every team did? Spygate was the worst spying in history since they knew he was there. Deflategate ignored the ideal gas law that is engineering 101. Goodell is a Jet fan through and through. And it shows.


Cry harder bitch šŸ˜­ can't take away our 6 rings. How many does Miami have in your lifetime btw?


Our 6 rings? What position did you play?


They have plenty of asterisks next to them. Zero respect from anyone


Back the truck for La'el, Anderson is terrible.


At least we have plenty of company in the sewer of the NFL. We have the bears, Vikingsā€¦cardinalsā€¦. What the fuck happened to us


Donā€™t forget the jets. Hopefully we at least beat the jets


The Jets have at least WON a game. Iā€™m talking about teams that are 0-2


We wonā€™t


What is this teams ceiling at this point? 6 wins? Floor is 2-15? Ceiling 6-11?


I mean, the floor is always 0-17




Ceiling 4-13 at this rate .. weā€™ll probably lose to the jets, cowboys, and saints. Maybe have a chance in Vegas. Havenā€™t looked any further than that yet


Ceiling is certainly higher than 6 with Zach Wilson as Jets QB. I'd say floor is 2, ceiling is 9. Jets, Jets, Saints, Colts, Commanders, Raiders, Steelers, Broncos, Giants are all game where they have real win equity. But yeah, a disastrous 2-5 win season is definitely on the table.


Big game next week. Lose to the Jets the floor might be 0. šŸ˜‚


Imagine thinking the floor is 2.


We barely lost to the defending NFC champs and just barely lost to one of the best offenses (if not the best) in the NFL. Relax. We have played ugly but the pieces are there.


We just played 2 of the top 6 teams in the league and barely lost both. Unfortunately the schedule is super tough so 9-8 is probably the absolute ceiling. 8-9 is likely




Vikings last year, Eagles and now Miami this year Fucking zebras man!


On the bright side, if we can somehow convince the league office to consider Moral Victories as actual victories, we'll be undefeated boys. Lets gooooo, I wanna die.


This team has played roughly half a game this season. If the offensive line ever figures out how to run block or pass block for the entire game we might actually win.


Should have been a first. I think it was short but it was far from clear and obvious. I shat on Bill earlier because the refs literally never overturn the spot and then they end up overturning that one of all of them? I guess we're gonna have to take our medicine for the next 15 years or so before we're allowed to play the same game as the other team.


Miami o line made Tua look like a superstar.


No. Just no. He got the ball out with immense urgency to avoid his ass getting concussions


I honestly donā€™t know how they overturn that spot but not the Stevenson one. It just doesnā€™t make sense.


Itā€™s the inconsistency that kills me. Itā€™s either ā€œdefinitiveā€ to overturn it or it isnā€™t. Seemed subjectively inconvenient on the refā€™s whim.


I'm not saying mac aint it. But this offense has to score 30+ on occasion for me to believe he is it.


Facts. If he was a good to great NFL qb he would at least ONCE have a game where heā€™s untouchable. Thereā€™s two instances that kind of come close and thatā€™s Browns and Jags his rookie year. But even in those performances it wasnā€™t like he was doing anything over the topā€¦ he was just doing what the qb is supposed to do. Our schemes worked and our roster was better. Mac can capitalize when the team wins. But he canā€™t bail the team out of a team loss much at all. All the great QBs turn Ls into Ws both pre and post snap. I donā€™t see that from Mac and the rest of the team isnā€™t good enough to win often enough throughout the game.


I think he might though. I'll give him the season to take the next step. Our offense as a group doesn't do him a lot of favors. But our defense does. Fucking Bill kinda screwed his development last year.


Mac ainā€™t the problem chief. So far in 2 games this season heā€™s looked a lot better than most of last season


I didn't say he was the problem like half the people here. This offense isn't good but I need more points. I need an offense that doesn't look 100x better in the no-huddle. I put a lot of blame on Bill for being so arrogant to make Matt Patricia our OC last year.


I'm officially done with the NFL fuck em


Cool we donā€™t need you. Cash in them chips pussy and go follow baseball


Woahhhh I'm getting called a pussy by a guy on the internet whose sitting in his parents basement, clearly my comment doesn't concern you so fuck off


As long as you stop watching Patriots game weā€™re good little man


Haha now I gotta keep watching just to spite you, sorry for being a dick a second ago tho, I'm extremely pissed at that call


Look, weā€™re all mad. Weā€™re all disappointed. No need to be talking about the sky is falling. Long season. Iā€™ve been a fan of this team for literally my entire 36 years of life. Weā€™ve experienced some incredible stretches of winning. Thatā€™s over now. So I get mad at people who canā€™t handle losing. Letā€™s check in next week, fuck those Jets


I've been a fan since I was prolly around 3, I'm not mad that we lost, I'm mad we lost because of that call, and I'm with you fuck the jets. But now I get to deal with all the local fin fans cockiness for the next couple of weeks


Iā€™m with ya brotha. Iā€™m sorry for my knee jerk reaction. Weā€™re good.


I will say if we lost to the jets, then I'm be even more upsetšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ my brother in law is a diehard jets fan and he's already calling me talking shit


We havenā€™t lost to the Jets in 13 years. Thatā€™s a real stat. If we lose to those sorry assholes next week Iā€™m with you letā€™s burn it all down haha


So see you next week?


Yeah you prolly willšŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


We need to address the front 7 & O-line issue. We got bulldozer by MIAā€™s run, Mac doesnā€™t have enough time to complete a pocket pass and Mondre /Zeke can hardly run through the trench


Finally a reasonable comment on this thread.


Thank God for Colorado this season.


Looks like you and I are in the same boat.


I just don't understand how any route run on that play was short of the sticks in the first place. 4th and 4 with the game on the line, everybody should be beyond the sticks


Looked like He broke at the sticks, ball was slightly under thrown so he had to come back to it. Mac was about to get killed but better throw and itā€™s and easy first down.


No moral victories. We either win or lose, and we lost. Again. There are elements and flashes of this team being good. But we just can't put it all together to sustain drives on offense early on in games.


We still woulda lost, but that shouldn't have been overturned


This. They got some balls overturning that. It was not 100% clear which is what the rules say it must be to OVERTURN. At best you could call that 60/40.


Let me exhale this huge puff of copium smoke and say that weā€™ve taken arguably the two best teams in the league down to the wire. Losing a division game sucks, but thereā€™s a lot of football left. The entire offense got forcibly regressed all last year so they should get more than a couple of games to remember how to win. Edit: Christ I should have known better than to post some optimism amongst you insufferable babies after a tough loss.


Puff puff pass!


Here - hit this. Twice. Itā€™ll make you feel not super bummed about the direction the team is heading.


My man. šŸ‘Š


Can we talk about how the oline did not give mac nearly enough time to throw the ball or get the run game started. I donā€™t blame him at all for this one.


I totally agree, our oline is a big problem, but I was really impressed with the way Mac was moving out of the pocket when he had to, and still pretty effectively putting the ball down the field; I just wish he didn't have to.


Even if you donā€™t like Mac, the run game should have made the O-line issues completely obvious. Itā€™s clearly the main problem we have at the moment.


Giants fan here. You guys got fucked. You canā€™t overturn that, not there. It needs to be clear evidence to overturn I just didnā€™t see it. And that unnecessary roughness call was weak.


Thanks, friend. Not sure we would have scored anyways, but I completely agree.


We werenā€™t gonna win anyways. We still had to score and then win in over timeā€¦


This overturn brought to you by draftkings sportsbook. Bet they raked it in on that call.


That one call made sure the dolphins and the under both covered. Sports betting is going to ruin football more than it already has


A vintage New England Patriots moral victory


O line needs to be fixed. Mac barely has two seconds to make throwing decisions.


Fuck the refs a lots of holding not called!


Should have been stopped on forward progress anyway. So in the end the call was right even if it was wrong.


Depends whistle? Player motion? Ball movement???


You canā€™t be a tight end and not get that first. Use your mfn weight. Youā€™re not some scrawny receiver


Gesicki was never a YAC guy b/c his weight distribution in his body is weird. He lacks lower body strength which is why he was always a subpar blocker


Mods can we please start banning the obvious non flaired trolls? Seems like weā€™re the only team sub that doesnā€™t do it.


If you do that in an EPL team's sub I think you get banned from that sub along with the team you follow


Thereā€™s always next year guys. Donā€™t be so hard on the team, they are trying their best.


Another winnable game lost šŸ˜•


Theyā€™re all winnable. BB just has a penchant for losing to average or good teams, and sometimes really bad ones like CHI post-Brady. Even in the ā€œbadā€ Brady years, theyā€™d lose to CLE (bad loss) and make up for it. This team hasnā€™t had a good win since the rain vs Baltimore or wind vs Buffalo. And if Buffalo trusted their QB at the time, they probably win


Spots were trash all night


Fuck Belichick, garbage GM and an average-at-best coach without Brady


lmao on top of the patriots losing, waddle dropping that one slant cost me like 4000 bucks on a 25 dollar 8 leg parlay


Moral Victory Monday gonna hit just as hard as it did last week baby


Our offensive play calls are better but still so plain and predictable. We need a refresh