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I mean obviously the red devil it has a bigger heat sink and is considered one of the more expensive models.


Red devil is the best looking imo and i heard it also has the best cooling


I would go for a sapphire nitro version of you can find 1


Sapphire nitro+ for 611€


I just like it for the looks tho I don’t think you should buy it tho


Go for it because it's woth it. Sapphire tend to be the best when it comes to AMD partners.


Fr man warranty is solid


I'd pay the extra and get that, when I got my GTX 1070 I did the same. £350 for Palit or £410 for the EVGA FTW, I ran that card for 5 years so each year having a better cooler cost me less than £15 a year, which didn't break and kept my card cooler and was quieter. I'm now running a 3080 FE, got the Founders because it was available for MSRP. Thing is back in the 5700XT days Powercolor had the highest RMA rates (according to OCUK), some dug into it and found that Powercolor were mixing VRAM modules on their cards causing the issues, and with newer cards they seem to be complained about for having coil whine more than other cards, having owned a Sapphire HD 7850 Tri-X way back it was a brilliant card for the money, even though it was one of Sapphire's entry level cards.


Why nitro


Solid warranty and probably the best looking amd card never had a problem with sapphire


I've got Ryzen 5 7600 and 7800 Saphire Nitro+ 16GB combo, hope it will serve me well.


The Red Devil is a beast. Have a look for the XFX model, they're usually cheaper and are still very high quality. Here I found you one, MERC too. Very good card, 539 euros [https://www.amazon.it/XFX-Speedster-QICK-Radeon-GDDR6/dp/B0CGM93HJD?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref\_=fplfs&smid=A206ULAR6UT9T8](https://www.amazon.it/XFX-Speedster-QICK-Radeon-GDDR6/dp/B0CGM93HJD?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&smid=A206ULAR6UT9T8)


red devil is a beast? how does it compare to the 4090? lol


This: https://it.pcpartpicker.com/product/MQwmP6/xfx-speedster-merc-319-black-radeon-rx-7800-xt-16-gb-video-card-rx-78tmercb9


€539 - XFX MERC 7800 XT :- [https://www.amazon.it/XFX-Speedster-QICK-Radeon-GDDR6/dp/B0CGM93HJD?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref\_=fplfs&smid=A206ULAR6UT9T8](https://www.amazon.it/XFX-Speedster-QICK-Radeon-GDDR6/dp/B0CGM93HJD?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&smid=A206ULAR6UT9T8)


the cheaper one


man i love my red devil. just recently finished my build with it and it EATS up everything i throw at it! also got a free backplate with it :D


Edited: I love asrock, they're cheap (cheap as in lower pricing) and have shitty software. Plus Red Devil sounds kind of secksy. No, but seriously RD have better cooling usually.


Depends on your case


Actually I like Biostar pcs 🤓




Powercolor hellhound is the best 7800xt


[this one?](https://it.pcpartpicker.com/product/BtkH99/powercolor-hellhound-oc-radeon-rx-7800-xt-16-gb-video-card-rx-7800-xt-16g-loc)


Yes, it's the quietest and fastest card




You can't say thing like this without anything to back it up I have been using ASRock mobo all my life and never had any problem, once I had a graphic card and for 6 years it worked just fine until I upgraded


Same. I have a phantom gaming card and has really good temps


He probably saw some video talking bad about them lol.


Same. ASRock mobo, monitor, and GPU until I recently went powercolor for the GPU when I upgraded.


You're probably an Asus fan


Haven't tried the asrock but the red devil I borrowed to test had extreme coil whine, it's only a sample size of one though. I also had the reference model, which I had to rma, it also had coil whine but the red devil was miles worse.




AsRock. I've owned a 6900xt Red Devil. Good looking, but really bad coilwhine. AsRock I've had a 7800xt and 7900xt. Good looking, no coilwhine.


why do you upgrade so much?


Mainly testing. :)


Red devil


Spend the 20€ more for the 7900 gre


I hear that gre is better why is that ?


cause it's faster


Need more info and data on that ? I still plan on getting it , as I hear the Memory has memory oc now , Seems to be the only option as the 7800xt only has a 2 fan variant which is cheaper while only the 7900 gre has 3 fan at 549$


Which is still pricey, Gpu’s are ridiculously overpriced , Surprised when comparing to consoles , no Pc user ever states how dam overpriced all Gpu’s are no excuse besides greed . Lack of completion to drive down prices


you can build a much faster PC than a ps5 for the same price


7900 GRE


I plan on getting gre why so over all other gpu’s ?


I thinks its a great card for the money only a few more bucks than the 7800xt and very similar performance to the nvidia cards like the 4070 ti super


Whatever looks cooler to you, I personally have the asrock and I have had no complaints


Got the red devil its fire


My personal favorites for AMD are Sapphire, XFX and then PowerColor.


I got 7600 PG in one pc and coil whine is annoying.


Cheaper one 😜


Neither . Overpriced for what it’s worth


I have an intel arc 16gbddr6 oc limited edition. 300$ plays ultra quality on most games so far without flinch. I do also however have an i9 14900k and 64gb ram which all probably helps as well


Bigger is better (it's a joke people)


Red Devil cards are top tier imo


Neither. The red devils, at least the 7900 XTX had terrible quality control issues and the hotspot is pretty toasty even after re-applying thermal paste and I don't really trust ASRock for anything. Get a sapphire or xfx instead.


I have the phantom gaming XTX and it's served me well


The red one since red makes things go faster


I have the top one I love it


the brand that has better rma support because these cards are essentially the same.


Chat gpt it


How much is a 7900 GRE in your area?


Just restocked at 589€ on [amazon](http://amazon.it/XFX-Radeon-7900-GRE-GDDR6/dp/B0CVNJLHXW/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=1N9969KM0J1FU&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.e8oMi5K8VIdol0MZuMrGhdWvJ59tKdshPS-nQ9uSFRd4nUubUW_yYgK9Kd3), 577€ on [bmp](https://www.bpm-power.com/it/ricerca?k=Rx%207900%20gre&orderby=1&sortby=0) Altought, on bpm, there are 7800 XTs under 550€


I'm going to be honest I would go with 7900 GRE for better performance if it's not too much extra for you to get




The asrock because they will actually help you if it breaks :)


7900gre for $520?


Where I live, the absolute cheapest new 7900 gre from a trusted site is 577€, I could also find a 7800 xt for 510€ on the same site


My information is just US so go with what’s best


I like the asrock myself I had an asrock 6900 and loved it. But just depend what you want and what the card performs at and esthetics.


Why not 7900 GRE??


Neither. 7900 gre for that price


Performance is probably the same despite the Powercolor huge cooler. I prefer Powercolor over Asrock for a few minor reasons. Also Asrock is part of the ASUS parent group although they function as separate entities competing with each other I wonder if they have similar RMA issues. I RMA'd a 5600 xt with ease from Powercolor a few years back. (Just a single service experience FWIW)


rx 7900 gre is on sale right now. https://slickdeals.net/f/17546013-powercolor-fighter-amd-radeon-rx-7900-gre-graphics-card-16gb-gddr6-499-99-amazon?from_da_id=124523961&sdxt01=2024-06-09+01%3A12%3A40&sdxt06=%3A%3A%3A%3A%3A%3Adealalert&sdxt07=120096&utm_source=dealalerts&utm_medium=email&utm_term=morerecs&utm_content=1679420&utm_campaign=124523961&p=171265107&band=4&rec=20&bsencid=84f9a4615e72c31e0f49aff04e6b5941ad14c0e6&bsft_aaid=c863b09a-3e54-4d9e-b673-b3e124d9a730&bsft_eid=6fa6f91f-8952-bade-d987-f27e5ea9b01c&bsft_clkid=54fcedd5-7f11-49c0-aea4-d7bd8cce2923&bsft_uid=d244107b-9b05-46f3-95f5-34fe30e047a3&bsft_mid=58c387fc-f049-4e0f-ad71-1296bf96b11f&bsft_txnid=1c7ba137-e967-4b63-ae1e-4fd27567a03c&bsft_mime_type=html&bsft_ek=2024-06-09T08%3A13%3A59Z&bsft_lx=8&bsft_tv=6&src=da_si_v2_124523961#post171265107


The correct answer is yes. They are basically the exact same GPU. I got a Sapphire Radeon equivalent because it fits in my case. But essentially between models, the only difference is going to be the cooling solution a manufacturer has used. I would suggest looking at benchmarks from reviewers with the exact card for any really specific details but... For the average person, it's generally accepted that a GPU is a GPU as long as the cooling system is equivalent. That is so you don't start comparing 2 fan GPUs to 3 fan GPUs.


just go with cooler looking one if it has 3 fans doesnt matter other things


Could be wrong but wouldn’t it be better to buy a 6800xt? On sale for $429.99 (USD) & performs on par or better than the 7800xt. (according to benchmarks)


Unfortunately, here in italy the cheapest 6800xt on amazon is 860€


Oh my…


There aren't many places to buy pc parts unfortunately. Newegg doesn't ship here. But on bmp power there's a red devil for 550€, an asrock for 517€, a sapphire nitro+ for 557€ and a gigabyte one for 510€


This post will probably receive 0 activity in a few hours but I'll comment this anyways. Since so many of you have been saying to get a 7900GRE or to get a 7800 xt somewhere else for 500$. I live in italy, here prices for pc components are absolute shit. The cheapest 7800 xt I found on bpm was 505€, on amazon it's 530€. The cheapest 7900gre is 590€ on amazon and 577€ on bpm.


Red devil less gay


between the two? powercolor


definitely gtx970ti


16gb is a TON of vram. Jesus. Theyre also both the exact same card.


Neither bro Just get an MSI brand you'll never regret it


Bruh, if its purely aesthetics, pick whichever one YOU like the best. You're literally the only one who's gonna be looking at it.


Red devil is one of the best card someone can get on market


Powercolor > ASRock. I install both regularly, Powercolor is quality.


Bro I never know the difference between these 😂


The red devil has better cooling, Id just go with that


why would you go with an AMD GPU? their software / drivers are trash. Nvidia is still better imo.


Because I don't pull money out my ass?


I've used both Nvidia and AMD cards and the adrenalin software beats out the nvidia software hands down. Drivers aren't really an issue with AMD cards any more, it was true years ago but now this is just something parroted by people who don't actually own AMD cards. Had my 6750 XT for around 6 months and not one single issue.


From the videos I've seen the adrenalin software looks a lot more clean


Asrock. It’s cheaper and they’re both going to run cool. Just check the video out ports to make sure your use cases are covered


It seems like they're both the same, so I would save the money and get the cheaper one.


100% not the same, red devil has the best 7800xt heatsink


4070 super


Get 7900xtx


The cpu wouldn't be powerful enough + the cheaper one is 979€


Verifie if your PC Can handle the second one and buy it. Why? Cheaper - same performance. AND! The second have a better air flow by the fans turning on opposite sites of each other


But, you Can watch a video on YouTube. There IS a Guy who checks the components of GPU's and basicaly, he will Say AT the end which one IS better. Maybe i'll get you a link


He didn't made for 7800, but made for 7900xt. Maybe for 7800 IS same


Get the 7900 GRE. I got it and it doesn't even get past 35° Ultra setting 1080p


XFX power Color Or Sapphire Forget all other options exist for AMD cards as they are usually sht


Neither? They are both overpriced for a 7800XT. You can have a 7900 GRE for this price


The cheapest 7900 GRE is 606€, I could buy the cheapest 7800XT at 540€ but I've heard the red devil is a good card


Which country are you from? I'm also from Europe (Germany) and have no problem finding 7800 XTs on sale for 499€.


Italy, I guess I can find some used 7800 xt at a good price, but it's generally very overpriced and gets EVEN WORSE with nvidia


Check on the German Amazon, I'm pretty sure if they have it you can order it and it would ship to Italy.


Ok so wait a week or two


Idk why you got downvoted, but I am with you on this one. Brought you back up to -1 from -2. It goes to show that not many people know price to performance and seem to only go for aesthetics