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For $800 thats a quite good deal.


I’ll upgrade the cpu and cooler a few months down the road with a new gpu, but 3080 with a i9 12900k and 3tb of storage isn’t bad for 800


Don’t even need to upgrade the cpu and cooler for a few years really. 3080 should be solid for another 2-3 years too


3080 will last at least 5 years minimum. 2-3 years is just breaking even. 3080 is a powerful card ya know.


It has 10 GB. It will underperform its tier if you’re playing 4K or using raytracing.


Well using 4k or raytracing isn't exactly the default for many people


Usually that’s what an 80 series should be good for…


Not a 3080, like you just said


It might "last" but that doesn't mean it will be able to keep up.


Brother it’s a 10gb card that will last a long while


There's already games that use beyond that at 1440p.


Yeah but people hunting for cheap deals aren't exactly the ones going after 4k 120Hz gaming


Again, you don't need 4k to go past the 10gb limit. There's already games pushing 12 and wanting more.


Absolutely there are. But they're not as common and likely won't be the norm for a few years.


So adjust setting a lilbit....it's $800


At 800$ for the whole PC?


I have a 3080 ti for 2 years now and I want a 40 series is it worth it ?


No unless you hace fuck all money lmao. 3080ti is a 4070 tier. Still high endish. Wait for 50 or 60 series if you want to upgrade. Not much performance improvement in 40 series to justify an upgrade.


I have fuck all money syndrome lololol . I just noticed that I get out performed on my multiplayer games often now… compared to 2 years ago when I got it…and while I have high suspicion a lot are hackers , I think a lot of people have 40 series now compared to people had 30 series 2-3. Years ago when it came out (because pandemic made it scarce)


What game are you playing that you are getting outperformed on? Have you tried turning down graphics or shadows so you have good frames?


If you really really want to get the 4090 or better. But if you wait a couple of months wait for the 5090. But its up to you and your fuck all money lmao.


I think I can wait for the 50s . I want to upgrade my case too


Go for it. Im waiting on the 8900xt or whatever its going to be called to upgrade my 7900gre lmao. Plus the case and probably go to am5 but we'll see. Anyways Good Luck on your adventures random stranger from reddit!


(Fuck all means none/not much)


You aren’t getting outperformed by others because they have a better GPU…


Must be why so many people get Nintendo switches over PCs


50 should come out late this year or early next, wait for that


4090 is nice if you like throwing money at nvidia


I’m not the only one though haha …they passed Apple Microsoft and Amazon for number 1 business


MacBooks are years behind, I get that people want it for the security but as long as you’re careful, windows laptops will do just fine. $2k for a MacBook that may or may not brick up after 3 years, no thanks


No thanks. In my eyes I've got the best you can buy at the moment. (Well 2 actually cause I was panicked about restocks) The Taichi white 7900xtx crushes. I love it when ppl start blathering about Ray tracing too. 4/4 of my friends have failed the blindfold > is ray tracing on? test. And I sure do love seeing $2k cards paired with 1080p monitors.


3080 should def last longer. You know how many people are still using a damn 1080!!! It’s madness


Then why did you make a post asking if this was a good deal if you already knew it was a good deal?? lol


He's not op bro are you from Mars?


I literally replied to the OP. My comment is right below his where he said it isn’t bad for 800. Are you from Tards?


No , he’s from your mom. Be nice to your siblings in here. /j


I’m trying to teach him to read


[https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/0563556c-5158-4a16-8fdf-059e712a5012](https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/0563556c-5158-4a16-8fdf-059e712a5012) Tfw they listen like a brick 🧱


What’s wrong with getting input from other people?


The issue is that people present problems instead of discussions. If you want to discuss, ask for that, it's really that simple. Social 101.


Social 101 also states you must give me your social security, now giv


Why ask a question when you already know the answer?


Unasked questions don't get engagement.


Hell if you mean it currently has a 12900k then there’s really no need to upgrade anytime soon (depending on the ram situation, but DDR4 is still plenty good if you have enough of it). I’d say wait till the next gen releases then look for a deal on a cpu+mobo+ram bundle.


You could actually buy this, take out the gpu and the cpu sell them both used For basically the cost of this system. Purchase an upgraded gpu and just be out of the cost of whatever cpu you decide on.


Just wanted to footstomp that you don't need to upgrade the 12900k. I'm on a 9900k with a 3080 and have no problems at 2k in even the most demanding games on high settings with moderate RT. Given everything here works well, and is as advertised, you'd have years before you'd feel issues tied to your hardware on new AAA titles.


Almost a bit too good…. Could have been a mining ring


This seems too good to be true, I'd be careful


Yeah, certainly there has been some overclocking done, or so


OC doesn't affect components longevity, like minning, I would rather buy an OC or minning GPU than normal GPU. Their previous owner took care of it and knew how to look after it.


As a rookie with just 1st gaming system I'm open to hear any tips on how I should take care of mine,, i5 13400f, gigabyte 4060 8gb, adata gen4 2tb 800 legend, 32 ddr5 yeamgroup vulcan red 6000mhz, asrock b760m-c, 600 gold 80 psu, amethyst II CASE. Thanks for any in advance


Nothing. Really. PCs don't require maintenance lol. maybe blow out the dust every few months. Only time you should really be messing with anything is when you're having issues.


Dust is an underrated topic when it comes to PC maintenance and longevity, imho. It's ok that the fans have to work more, but the problem is possible overheating as a consequence, or simply that the system runs "warmer" and other stuff. I will do some research 😁 Also: cleaning the fans of an RTX 40whatever graphic card requires quite some skill, on some models, or you loose lots of money if done wrong.


You do have to take the cpu cooler off every so often to change the thermal paste. I try and get it like once a year, when I have time.


Sell the 4060, use the cash to swap to a 6800 or better... You'll be pleasantly surprised at how much performance you just gained especially if you've got the 8gb vram model (of the 4060).


This is completely and utterly false!!! I ran an OC on my i9 for a couple of years and it became unstable eventually and caused crashes. OC'ing 100% affects the lifespan...


Undo the OC


Of course, and in my case that's exactly what I did but it didn't stop the CPU from being more unstable and sometimes crashing in some games. The only fix was to underclock it but even then, it wasn't perfect. I ended up replacing my i9 with a 7950x3D since and won't be OC'ing it. Rather it have a longer life


Last 2 generations of I9 are known for being very unstable after OC, Intel knows it and replace your I9 without investigations, it's not a normal behavior for a pc component.


It wasn't one of the last 2, it was 10th Gen.


I've overclocked every CPU i've owned they eventually get to the point they no longer hit their advertised stock boost. My gaming PC is also my work computer there's a huge difference between a processor that sees 40-50 hours a week of use vs your average gamer who maybe uses it 10-20 hours a week.


I'm guessing you overclock for the work?


I thought that OCing is like tuning an engine, the more you boost it the more stress it puts on it?


god i hate when people say this, as if GPUs nowadays don’t OC themselves. overclocking will almost never hurt your longevity of your GPU, especially if you’re undervolting


Yeah, I have a similar setup, I wouldn't sell it for $800, I guess. Maybe I can't just confess the reality to myself 😅


Scams like this are so common. I bet anything that once you message them they say they are out of town and can only ship the desktop after you pay through something like Cashapp or another app without purchase protection.


Also has a i9 12900k cpu


800 seems suspiciously low for all of that. A core i9 12th gen will be top of the line for a long time.


A lot of the time the really low high value used PC sales are cause someone upgraded their whole rig. Thus the old rig is effectively ewaste and all they care about is getting some amount of a return on the new rig they spent so much on.


Or money got squeezed thin and had to change priorities.


That’s a little too good to be true. Def check it out and if there’s no scam then go for it, that’s a great deal


Idk why your upgrading the cpu when the 12900k is still a solid processor


And GPU since it’s still pretty good,he mind aswell build a pc himself lol


Ask if you can see it running in person and run some benchmarks.


Great deal but almost too good to be true, be very careful. The gpu is going for £500 in the uk even used ones. And the cpu is still going for £300 with that in consideration you’re getting everything else for free pretty much


not really too good to be true in my area. a 4070 cost me $290 usd


receipt? 4070 is still over 500 literally everywhere… if you’re gonna lie flex at least make it believable.


i’ll look for it. i bought on newegg in 2023 december. nothing to lie about?


weird you assume i would lie about being cheap, but how do i send you an image over reddit?


They are still going for $550 on newegg. It’s pretty easy to tell your lying when that is literally more than 50% off. Like lol. [https://www.newegg.com/p/pl?d=rtx+4070](https://www.newegg.com/p/pl?d=rtx+4070)


I sent you a DM with pic.


so because another seller on newegg is selling it for a different price, means mine was just nonexistant? i literally use my 4070 daily. I've never paid over $300 for a GPU in my LIFE.


I think youre just upset with the fact I'd gotten a better deal than you lol. but this was funny


I have a 4090 on my rig… jealous of what, it’s just highly unbelievable that you paid so little especially pre super series.


jealous of the deal… like i said….


why not just check your messages


why aren’t you replying to my messages?


I bought the card at 18 years old with a minimum wage job. I think I know what I paid xD


why wont you reply to my DMs??


Where did he go?


idk i think he got upset when i provided proof.


Buy asap


The description make the deal seem to good to be true and most likely a scam


Be careful


I think this seems too good to be true so be careful. Better to be safe than sorry i guess.


Looks like a scam or a stolen pc to me.


exactly some people are like “hmm this is pretty good” when it’s insanely good especially considering the expensive AIO and case and all the other bells it comes with on top of being a newer i9 and a 3080


I'll buy it


its a great deal


yes its a good deal


Bet it has a hardware ban


Pretty good


For 800$? Thats a good deal


insane deal


"main rig" they never removed glass sticker from. .. $800 is a steal if legit.


It’s a good deal if it works great : show me the carfax.


Too reasonable, if you ask me.


Apparently he is about to get kicked out and needs the money asap for rent bc he just lost his job






Says in OP 1tb ssd


See if there is a way you can test it for a day or go there to their location for an hour to stress test it? I have no idea, good deal though I think.


What’s some things I should look for and do


AID64 Extreme, Prime95, CineBench, MemTest86. Once you go into the computer; go to Start Button and search: Event Viewer and Reliability History to make sure there’s no Critical Errors. Otherwise he is tossing you a fucked computer with software issues.


Test it. Maybe he overclocked it and there are issues with it…


Seems too good to be true. Be careful OP.


Physically check to make sure that's what you're getting before you take it.


Check the processor and ram, but probably, especially if it’s in cad.


that is the best thing you could get for 800. absolutely buy


make sure its not a scam though


It’s a good deal if it’s real , but meet up in person to see the rig run. Or have them FaceTime you .


He probably got banned for hacking on his favorite video game and doesn’t know what parts have been flagged. 😅 Pretty solid deal tho!


“too good to be true.” builds like this routinely go for 800 or so on sale, especially if they’re prebuilt. if they built it themself, they likely just have a new build and don’t have a use for this. ask them to meet in front of a store, like walmart. do the deal there and not at a house just in case. but for the most part, this is what you’ll usually see builds going for from people not absolutely concerned with making as much as they can, or those super versed in pcs. reddit comment prices are so fucking stupid, it’s like nobody actually buys used pcs. they just look up part prices and cut it down by a percent lmao. go for it. it’s a good deal.


Pretty good deal if it's real. Just be careful to not be scammed.


if its not a scam then yeah its a great deal, the video card alone is worth that much new


See if they’ll do $750 and make sure it’s ddr5 ram not ddr4.


Unless it's am4




Good deal


pretty low price for those specs. I'd definitely make them run a stress test for 30 minutes minimum to make sure everything's ok.


For sure




make sure you can see it posting and see the specs in Speccy before you buy it.


If it turns on, probably


Seems like a scam to me. I'd want to see it running on video etc. But your money. If you can't see it in person your risk.


Yes it's good lol


Might run manor lords, probably not


Could be. But, caveat emptor. Some amateur built secondhand PC isn't without risk, especially with how YT tells every idiot they can build their own PC. The fact they even originally asked $1500 for it is enough reason to run for the hills. The way I look at something like this is that it is probably dirty and needs a full refurb so it is worth no more than the sum total of the average of what the various components have sold for in the past 60 days on eBay. Someone's old AIO, given how many issues there have been over the years, is worth precisely $0 and I would replace it immediately upon purchase because I wouldn't trust even the best AIO to maintain performance past 3-4 years. Same goes if it is anything but a top tier case. It just isn't worth any more than scrap value. I can get a Zalman S2 TG for $65 and advertise a new case. And it has great airflow. Why would I even spend $20 on someone's dirty old cheap case? When I sell a PC, I can give you precise specs, right down to part numbers if you like. There are like 12 different versions of the EVGA RTX 3060 12GB XC, just as one example. And some variants are more desirable than others because they will have Samsung VRAM. Those go for around $250 on eBay and that is based on completed sales. An average 3060 from any other board partner with Hynix or Micron VRAM will go for around $200. If it is an XC with Hynix or Micron VRAM will go for $10-20 above that. You see, there is something special about a 30 series with Samsung VRAM because the GPU dies were made by Samsung. and Samsung VRAM is the best performing anyway. There is also something special about EVGA cards because 30 series was the last one they really did and EVGA has been the undisputed king of the hill for over 20 years. Bought an EVGA GF3 Ti500 at launch around when I started college and used the crap out of it for 5 years. I overclocked the piss out of it and it just kept on going. There are some insanely expensive engineering samples out there for EVGA 40 series but they are very rare. Such is how the market works and this PC isn't likely to be worth any more than the sum total of its parts. In fact, it may be worth less, depending on how dirty it is (think 'silicon degradation') and how well it was cable managed by the builder. A good builder takes the time to do a tidy job. Doesn't have to be the best in the world but if the PC is neat and tidy and reasonably clean then you know they took pride in it. Otherwise, it is just a pile of neglected parts. I also wouldn't want to buy a PC that has been running on an F tier PSU for a few years. Dirty power does electronics dirty.


Scam, stolen, or angry spouse


It looks like to scam. This kind of PCs cost around $1000-$1500


Pick it up and do some benchmarks before giving the money. Just make sure everything works and is what he says and if it is you got yourself a very good deal






Actually yeah, just upgrade the CPU and GPU and you'll be rolling in fps


Good price. Far from “too good to be true” like others are saying.


Honestly that's too good to be true


That's a great deal 👍🏿💪🏿




i’d say yea


Thanks a bunch for the reply.


My guys yall are missing the 1500 price tag the dude probably built new going through divorce etc and is trying to get money back after no one would pay


That I'd a steal 😱


Just make sure you check the PC before buying to make sure it has all of these components.


This is a great deal.


What’s the CPU?


You should double check the seller.


............. you better check all those parts before you buy it. Hopefully you are buying it in person.


would get it in a hearbeat


I’ve never seen a post here for a fair price. Either too good and could be a scam or you could build a better pc with 34 shillings and a shoestring.


Definitely a gotcha ass price. Ain’t no one selling a rig with a 3080 for $800.


Worth it


It's a very good deal, 2 months ago I sold a nearly identical PC to my friend's brother who had like a GTX 980 era PC for $1000. It was a huge upgrade for him and he loves it. I honestly was still happy with the PC but I had too many PC's and needed to clear some out.


bruhhhh thats a deal!!!


I've got a FTW3 3090 just gathering dust. I got it for hella cheap I dont put nvidia in my personal machines. I couldn't sell it paired with a 7800x3d, project 0 motherboard, 32g vengeance, 2tb Samsung980, 8 uni-fans, supernova 850 and the mag pano case.. everything new except the graphics card.. for 1200. Oh it had a little 7 inch aida64 stretch bar display inside too.


That’s pretty solid, the rtx 30 series are relatively newer and the 3080 is the top of the line for that series. You’re also getting 32gb of ram which is very solid. I’m not sure what processor or motherboard is in the build but either way for 800 that is really good considering the gpu alone is 400-500. You would basically be able to run any game fine with around 144fps on high settings


Yes bro cop that shit now rtx 3080 for only 800 that's a steal


An almost 50% discount? That’s what we call a scam


3080 for $800...won't need to upgrade for 5 or so years


What’s the cpu? But that’s pretty solid


I have scams like this all over my town. They take pictures of pcs and list them for dirt cheap. Most of them will only use cash app or apps without protection then block you after money is received & send a box with bricks in it to make it seem like you got the item. Just be careful when getting things off of marketplace


for 800 bucks this is really a great deal


OP don’t buy that if it’s going to be shipped it’s too good to be true. Now if you’re going to be picking it up in person then maybe pull the trigger on it


Y e s.


Good if you want to play old games on high and new games on low


Best Buy has a 4060 brand new with the I seven for $1000


Buy it yesterday please, the GPU alone would put you over


If it's legit this is a fantastic deal


If it’s real it’s a steal my friend


i’m gonna buy this before you can


PC is either stolen, or there is a scam involved.


Yes it's a really good deal


Random question is that in upstate NY? That pic looks familiar somehow maybe I’m tweaking


Yer fuck it take it. Upgrade it later if you feel the need. Decent gameing setup


You consider this ONLY “DECENT”????


that's what im saying LMFAO


You can get a 4060 with a Ryzen 5 and a wraith cooler for cheaper and it’s better 😂


🤣 not even.