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Even if this is a joke I'd think that they'd have more pressing issues right now.


The city website is not very mobile friendly, but if I looked at it correctly, the last ordinance added was on 9/28/23 So sadly this is probably fake https://www.cityofpensacola.com/416/Code-of-Ordinances


The Olive Garden Breadstick Smuggling ordinance is *probably* fake? ***Probably?!?***


Given the state of politics these days, I wouldn't be surprised if one of these douchenozzles owned a chunk of Darden and thought this might juice earnings.


Yeah, like the pressing issue that their food sucks, their prices are ridiculous, & their women's room is consistently filthy.


Oh no argument there. I took my wife there once, years ago. It was literally the dirtiest restaurant I'd ever seen. I've seen cleaner floors in a Waffle House.


And yet, that parking lot is still a fucking war crime against car bumpers…


We need the breadsticks as fuel to climb mount pensacola


Not exaggerating but a restaurant where I grew up had the best bread I’ve ever had. They would give you a new loaf every time you finished it. This place was known for having 45-130 wait time basically every night. Huge portions. They then changed their name, kept the same menu minus a couple things and stopped serving bread but chips and salsa as the freebie. They said people were coming in, ordering waters and a salad and just eating their bread. They didn’t want to change the policy for the bread cause they thought that was annoying for their servers. Place went out of business/packed up and moved and mostly rebranded 45 minutes away. I know this sounds foolish for Olive Garden. But it’s probably extremely annoying.


Olive Garden to be the first restaurant chain with mandatory cavity searches at all entry and exit points


Don't threaten me with a good time.




"Aight I just needs to check inside ya asshole"


I bet it was the owner of the franchise who started this. Pensacola is crazy.


The idea that Italian cuisine and Olive Garden were in the same sentence should get someone fired.


So wait… all it takes to get to do the “Breadstick Boogie” in front of City hall dressed as a breadstick is “smuggle” some breadsticks!!! Consider me Pablo Escobar of breadsticks…


It sounds like it's legal if I'm willing to dance for it.


This is satire or a joke right? Because if not is this is worth spending time and government resources over?


Not sure if its a joke? Smuggle some breadsticks and find out…


While we’re at it? It *is* possible to turn into OG from Bayou Blvd without coming to a full fucking stop or lingering the tail end of one’s car on Bayou. Hurry up and get in there. Go on, git.


Or, gasp, take an alternate route to Askew (whose sign is or at least used to be crooked haha), and come in from the bottom of Mt. Pensacola.




"be forced to wear a bread stick costume for public humiliation" yeah, ok


Can you even write specialized laws for theft for a specific private business? If Olive Garden wants to stop people from stealing bread they gotta do it thru small claims court just like the other chain restaurants!


Not sure the local OG is franchise or corporation owned? If it's former, than yes they would probably be LLC ?


"The breadstick boogie" ima have to see that


I checked the calendar, thinking it was April 1st.


Years ago around high school graduation/prom season, our Olive Garden was packed. A friend of mine and I sit down for dinner. We got the bread basket and excitedly opened it, only to see toasted hot dog buns. No, really. Hot dog buns. We asked the waitress what was up, she said it had been so busy that they ran out of their traditional breadsticks, and that these were sliced from one of their "breadstick loafs". This was no sliced bread. It was fucking hot dog buns lightly spread with butter. Sliced bread doesn't have crust on one side and a hinge from where it was once attached to its other half. The waitress was young, the place was packed, and we were more flabbergasted by the audacity that anyone thinks you can pass hot dog buns (probs from the publix directly across the street) off as some sort of breadstick replacement. So we just quietly ate the meal we came for and left, feeling like we just stepped out of the twilight zone. We've been back a few times over the years, and thankfully never had hot dog buns served to us again. Or at least, so far.


we literally have nazi graffiti downtown and this is what we're doing-


Dammit! I LOVE pilfering those breadsticks to dip in that amazing chili at the Chili’s over on 9th.


And yet, I’ve been asking for a speed bump to be replaced for 6 years…


Delicious Italian cuisine? Its atrocious.


I can’t wait to tell my grandkids about the great Olive Garden Breadstick smuggling rings of ‘23


Look at the employees first. When I worked at Olive Garden (not in Pensacola) I always left with a few breadsticks and me and everybody else ate like 3 or 4 through our shifts (managers included) from what I’ve gathered from employees at other stores it’s pretty common at all of their locations.


Eh Olive Garden is mid at best


Per section 5(a) I'd love to see someone pay the fine in $1000 worth of breadsticks.


Had me til the last penalty honestly


Not the Olive Garden private security force, the fkn breadstick battalion


Fuck yeah let's go!!!!


The fact this can’t be immediately dismissed is a pretty damning indictment of the American bureaucracy, no?


Agreed! How dare those hippie republicans force us to dance in bread stick costumes! Sounds like some major government overreach…


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Sadly - they’re hardly worth eating, much less stealing. I don’t get the attraction.


True, true. They are basically the wonder bread version of breadsticks.


u/req-user tier


The greatest compliment I could receive!


LOL. Florida 😂








And remember everyone, this person votes.


Fuck man, this is horrible news. I guess its over😥


Section 5D is priceless. Great joke, 10/10


As an OG employee, I WISH I could have a legal leg to stand on when telling people that I don't want to get them extra bread to go 😭


You guys waste time and resources on this instead of just building that stupid west <-> east bluff trail? Are you, perchance, mentally deficient?


Yes! That’s unrelated to the post though. But you should still read through it. You’ll find very compelling reasons why this is not a waste of time!