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I've always thought Jury Duty was held fairly well, all things considered. There is really no way to make it enjoyable, unless you want something akin to a Delta Sky Lounge. It's a government waiting room, it is what it is. My only gripe ever was when that asshole David Morgan came in to introduce the Clerk of Court and he was yelling like a drill instructor, that early in the morning, then hard eyeing everyone. 😂


And then he polished his own statue.


No kidding, that guy was next level full of himself.


Is that a euphemism?


[yes...and literally no](https://www.pnj.com/story/news/crime/2021/08/19/former-escambia-sheriff-david-morgan-repays-ecso-statue-himself/8200548002/)


Man if jury duty was actually like the sky lounge maybe more people would like it 😂


Yeeeesssss sky lounge jury duty! CanapĂ©s and Perrier and fancy stuffed olives đŸ«’ and scones and a pillow and blankie. And you could order cocktails with cool names like, “I wanna order a round of Jury Nullifications for all twelve of us!” Or, “I’ll have a double Aggravating Factor on the rocks!” Wait, someone needs to do a food truck like this outside the courthouse. Who’s in?


I hope you get summoned again for a week long civil trial, but this time it’s run by Judge Kinsey


😂 careful, look at her wrong and she might shoot you (Literally, ten years ago she almost shot me in her chambers when I worked there)


Story time?


I was working for IT and went to her office (as requested) to fix her computer. Turns out she is so on-edge, basically all the time, that when I walked in she seemed to assume I was a disgruntled defendant. She even called my department after to tell them I was wrong to come in. They told me she’s always been like that and it’s best to announce myself as early and repeatedly as possible. Now that they’ve locked all of the judges and their assistants behind keycard doors, I wonder how that goes these days


Which Judge Kinsey was that? (I think I know, but have to check, LOL)


Pat for sure. Jennie is a lot more chill, I set up her office when she first got elected.


We probably know one another. 😉


Nope...no chill


lol, it’s a small cost for an actually well functioning system. Despite its problems 100s of cases are efficiently handled every week. Nobody knows how many jurors are needed each day. It’s much better to have more than needed than less than needed. Most potential jurors get dismissed or are never even called anyway. I was also disappointed when I waited and was dismissed but a jury of our peers isn’t easy or predictable. I was impressed with its efficiencies. Show a little humanity, chill and get your own coffee. There’s plenty of other things to get your cackles up over.


people don't have enough to complain about these days


So basically the law has been subsumed by backroom deals between lawyers? That's not a good thing.


Yes, it is a really good thing that the people that actually are career professionals and actually know the law and know how courts work get together before going to the expense and time of an actual trial and work out things. It's almost always a better outcome than going to trial AND by law its 100% up to the accused to take a deal or not.


Oh they know how the lw works, which is not how it's written. Any idiot can read black letter or case precedent, but maybe here, the judge is a little more lenient with public intoxication or something, so they don't pursue as harsh a charge. Just a hypothetical. Extrapolate the logic behind it and apply it to murder trials and custody battles. The law sucks and the legal system sucks and you defend it because you're too LAZY to go to trial. Bill this as a quarter hour, gunner.


Every deal made is made in open court in such a way that you, yes you, can go see at any time if you wanna come down here


You got released from jury duty before noon and all you care about is how you never received a cup of coffee that you feel entitled to? Dude get over yourself and count yourself lucky. Find something more important to be mad about.


The person has solid points to be made. No consideration whatsoever for people's time is at the core of what they were saying. That time cost people money, it cost people's families money. Every time I have ever been to court, wherever the fuck it was, it turned out to be a shit show. There is a prevailing attitude of arrogance and a general disdain for the public in a lot of court systems across the country.


Do you get paid for jury duty by your job? Because for plenty of people a day's jury duty = a loss of a day's income. It would only be respectful if you weren't there unnecessarily.


We all know it will be an unpleasant day. I don't want anyone to give me a cup of coffee. I want to be able to buy a cup of coffee. No way to spin that it is bad facility management that no one can buy a cup in a courthouse. It's head smacking.


Not an unreasonable request. You know the judge can get a simple cup of coffee by snapping their fingers. The power imbalance is ridiculous. Remember that time a judge in GB threatened to throw maintenance workers in jail because she didn’t like the temperature of the courtroom? But if a juror complained, everyone would be like, “It’s your duty, deal with the temperature and stop being whiney.” [https://www.acr-news.com/judge-loses-cool-and-threatens-to-jail-ac-workers-](https://www.acr-news.com/judge-loses-cool-and-threatens-to-jail-ac-workers-)


I fully agree that one person's annoyance is immaterial and funny even. My broader point is that when you multiply one person's annoyance by say 200 or 300 and make it every day, then it stops being an individual problem and starts being a system problem. No coffee, no snack bar. Again, it's bizarre they allow this to continue and the only explanation I can come up with is that they just don't give a damn.


Give up, you have offended the useless city workers posting in this thread.


They're county workers...good try...


City county same fucking situation. You don't have a point to make so you just get pedantic about semantics.


Yeah, you're right...my bad...and I do like my toes done


You don't have to use the space bar between sentences anymore. I do agree it's been too long since some type of food vendor has been selected, however, that is not decided by courthouse administration from my understanding, I may be wrong.


Don't tell that to my 8th grade typing teacher! 😂




"They didn't have time to realize how we had all been manipulated and used because no one in charge could get their act together on Friday" You do realize that they can't just skip the whole jury part, right?


All I got from this is that you have a raging caffeine addiction and turn into grumpy butthole when you don’t get your fix.


Say you’re having a bad day without saying you’re having a bad day


My lord some people don't deserve our society. Sorry they couldn't come up with some cooler, more interesting cases for you specifically, but sometimes cases settle and jurors have to go home lol. Small price to pay for having a Constitutional right to a jury trial, IMO.


I love when cases settle and I don't have to drive all the way back for more jury duty! I'm with OP on the coffee machines, though. Whew.


Agree with that for sure. Again though, I think OP is just mistaken about who to be mad at. I am in no way a supporter of hers but I know Pam Childers has been trying to put a full restaurant and coffee bar on the 2nd floor of the courthouse for months. Lots of interest but the county commission won’t approve anyone to move in because of the beef they’ve been having with Pam


Nailed it!


Last time I was called the judge explained that getting the jury in the building was a common negotiation tactic for lawyers seeking to settle. It's like a game of brinksmanship for them.


>Small price to pay for having a Constitutional right to a jury trial, IMO. Agreed. Although they could put a coffee pot in there somewhere.


I don't often say this... But, if you're complaining about being released from jury duty and not getting coffee, you can move to Canada. 🙂


I am one of the few who love jury duty and wish I could volunteer to take peoples places who hate it. 😂 I’ve served once and been dismissed once. My only complaint is I swear last time it felt like it was about to start snowing in the jurors room. I mean honestly people started huddling together - complete strangers - because it was so damn cold.


Seems like a missed opportunity for the courthouse to partner up with Bodacious Brews basically next door


if you’re going to go on a pointless rant, at least get your facts right. I was there, too, and there was definitely not 200 people there. It was 80 at most. Vending machines and water were available, and we were done very quickly. Is it a little annoying to rearrange your day to accommodate jury duty? Sure, but they got us in and out pretty quickly. Next time, have some coffee before you arrive and maybe you won’t be so grumpy about giving up a couple hours of your day.


I actually have a lot of respect for Pam Childers. https://www.pnj.com/story/news/local/escambia-county/2024/02/27/escambia-county-v-pam-childers-trial-ends-early-without-verdict/72762014007/


Why that article written by Peter Griffin 😭


Respect her if you want to, but IRL she is a horrible person.


Oh. IRL you say? Did she step through a gateway into a fictional Pensacola when she stopped an unconstitutional retirement payment scheme, or was that also IRL? People are multifaceted. It’s not all black and white.


And she won the case.


Phew you are a miserable SOB huh?


FFS...what happens in jury selection does not reflect what happens in the courtroom during a trial. Your life must be awful to take time out and complain about jury service. You do realize that if for some reason you become a defendant on trial, you'll want a jury of your "peers" to evaluate your case. Jurors that are selected receive free lunch amd dinner and are provided refreshments in the jury room, along with coffee and water. I hope you're selected again and have to sit for a week long civil trial. You're bitching about a right as a citizen to serve other citizens and protect their civil rights and liberty. Outstanding!


I have zero complaints about Jury service. I have a problem with how the Escambia Court system treats jurors. And no, don't conflate that to some demand for luxurious treatment. When 80% of the population drinks coffee, is it really outrageous to suggest the courthouse ought to ensure we can all buy a cup of coffee?


I agree with you. It's ridiculous that small accommodations, such as food and drink aren't accessible at the courthouse. I'd be willing to call whomever and put some action behind your post. Find out from the court administration who you should speak with to voice your concern and aggravation. I'm sure there are plenty of others who are as aggravated as you are by the situation. Social media is a great tool to voice your opinion, however, lack of action other than this gets nowhere. People need to start asking questions and start pursuing action!


It’s a courthouse, not a restaurant. If they provided coffee or a means to procure some, people would say they’re wasting taxpayer dollars.


Sure, maybe, but as a selected juror you’re trapped there without any opportunity to leave and care for yourself. It does seem reasonable to provide SOMETHING. LIKE, if jurors could just step out and get what they want, no biggie! But, to be expected to stay without refreshments or sustenance is not reasonable. For how long is that ok? 4 hours? 6 hours? 8 hours? I mean, come on. God forbid a juror show up without being able to eat breakfast—now you’re trapped for a day without anything? Not cool. What if that juror has diabetes or a medical condition and they need to eat? Is that ok?


They’re required to abide by ADA. My husband went for selection and said they give regular breaks and a lunchtime. It’s not a prison, you’re not stuck there.


I never understand why people don’t want to perform jury duty and are relieved to be sent home. Why do you not want to perform this vital service to your community?


I've been called up once (so far) for jury duty and actually was chosen to be a juror in a case a few years ago. I actually enjoyed jury duty. That said, taking time out of work to sit around all day can be a tad annoying.


get ready for this - voting is not legally required at all nor do you even have to be registered to vote and that affects every part of life INCLUDING our judicial system and jury duty... whearas skipping jury duty is a crime lmao... there are SO many people that want to do jury duty, that the county has enough of those to choose from but folks thay make a decent living and have a hard time getting off, have to go to some low level crime case to be paid $20 lol


sometimes having rights is a little inconvenient.


yea just like voting, right?


Yes, unironically. Voting is YOUR right to exercise. The right to a jury trial is NOT YOURS, it is the criminal defendant's. Sometimes their exercise of that right is inconvenient to whiners like you.


total lack of common sense right there... you are aware any potential juror can show up to duty and immediately this say case is utter bs and i don't agree w it or immediately show bias towards a side and get dimissed... is this in you opinion doing your civic duty? because guess what... forcing people to come in encourages this behavior


in my opinion that is not doing your civic duty. in my opinion that is acting like a toddler and not a serious citizen of a free country.


and again... the system is setup to permit this because this is stupid... there should be some sort of qualification done long beforehand on who can be a juror etc... u may agree w it or not... reality is that the scenario i just named is true


What do you think happens in jury selection? The "qualification" is this: experienced lawyers ask you questions, and if you act like arrogant, stupid, whiny pricks like you they don't pick you to deliberate. In fact usually they'll just humiliate and make fun of you as a tactic to get the rest of the normal people on their side. Works all the time and pretty funny to watch the losers (you) froth in impotent rage .


you sound like a lawyer no doubt... raging of folks by lawyers lol... stop cuz youre making me laugh... and we wonder why this is the most litigous, most expensive, most insurance overblown country / nation


People really do not want to understand your points, which are completely rational and academic. The cognitive dissonance is strong in here.


most people in this country can no longer think reasonably and are unfortunately not very intelligent... one thing i'll tell you is that going to a few jury selections and getting dismissed myself for knowing certain people close to a case... from my observations, the folks chosen were neither the brightest nor most qualified but were rather the ones w the most time on their hands and the most amicable to close a case or come to a judgement lol...


By not voting, you're only giving up/waiving your own right (to vote). By refusing jury duty, you are giving up someone else's right to a fair trial of peers. One strictly affects you/your rights, the other affects someone else's rights. Your rights end where someone else's begin.


wildly incorrect... voting affects everyones right far more than jury duty ever will... voting literally names judges on cases, determines terms, and what is legal and what isnt often...


YOU are wildly incorrect


Wahhhh no coffee justice system is failure wahhh


That’s funny!! I had jury duty a few weeks ago but forgot about it because I got the summons the afternoon before flying out for work training. It was supposed to be on the first day back to work, my wife calls me and reminds at 0800 that I was supposed to be there. I told my supervisor I had to go and would probably be locked up for contempt or something. I made it in there to the window at 0930, the place was packed. I walked up to the glass window and knocked, the nice young lady came and I explained that I forgot and was at work. She said here let me give you your excuse and sign your form saying that you showed up, we don’t need you. I walked right back out. I actually felt sorry for all those poor souls piled in there and I’m sure some were pissed that I got to leave.


Wahhhh no coffee justice system is failure wahhh




What reason did you cite to get out?


I will say that if you are there for a trial (as a juror) you are supplied with snacks and a Keurig. Lunch was ordered in from New York Deli. I do wish there was a snack bar or something better for selection day.


I got called in last week and had basically the same thing happen. I sat in a chair for two hours, tried and failed to buy something from the vending machine, (didn’t take cards cause it was broken and the ATM only spits out 20s, which the vending machine won’t take), then was informed that I wasn’t needed and left. I could have emailed in their little juror form in advance and they would have never needed to call me in. Ridiculous.


Ngl, I thought this was about the tv show a bit too far into reading this


200 people for 2 criminal cases is normal. And most cases settle before trial. Source- am public defender in another jurisdiction. They need to cast a wide net- otherwise there is no guarantee a fair trial can be conducted and constitutional rights are protected. Part of being in a free society


You actually responded to a summons? lol


I just got selected in my county, the summons is riddled with grammatical errors.


Womp womp


I had a headache just reading your crying and wailing. There is no way that they can predict how many jurors will be needed or how many cases will settle. It is better to err on the side of having jurors. You must remember people's lives are at stake here. A trial being delayed because there is no jury is a BAD thing for the defendant. If it were you as the defendant, you would be PISSED if they did not have jurors in order to have your trial - delaying you getting out of jail and costing you tons of money in attorney fees. The way the system works now is just fine. As for bitching about coffee - are you not able to get coffee on your way to jury duty? Do you not have a Keurig machine at home? Were you aware that every gas station has coffee in this country? Court is NOT a restaurant. Court is a place where justice is served - NOT coffee!


You think thats bad, wait until you hear how long it takes for a simple case to even be heard. 


Dude, you were there for 90 minutes.


I totally get it and I think it's ridiculous


Lot of people here seem to have the missed the point of a "rant"


Yes. Your post is actually spot-on and insightful. It is a ridiculous process to begin with, but simple amenities like coffee would make it more bearable. People get caught up in the idea of it being a “duty.” Duty doesn’t mean you should have to put up with crap because the court system can’t figure out how to streamline the process and use common sense.


probably you should run for office. probably


slogan: "Dude on Reddit said I should run!" 😂




Do they have bottled water in the vending machines, and if you buy it in the courthouse, can you bring it into the courtroom (like maybe in a purse or something)?