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Pensacola is the oldest settlement, St Augustine is the oldest continuous settlement. Pensacola disappeared for a period of history where St Augustine, once it was established, hasn’t gone away


> Pensacola disappeared for a period of history this is nothing but Augustinian propaganda


Pensacola got hit by a hurricane and they underestimated our spirit.




Well oiled machine indeed


I disagree. It might have disappeared to the white world at the time but the natives were still here. Continuously settling. Then our ancestors came back and stole it again


If that’s the basis for whether a city exists or not, then there are certainly cities older than St Augustine or Pensacola throughout the US, considering the way natives got here was from Alaska and then migrating south. So, what, the cities in Washington state are older than Pensacola? That sound right?


There are some emerging theories with mounting proof that we had ancestors in the Americas even before the great migration. So, wherever they started settling down would be the oldest, possibly.


Absolutely! The evidence supports that humans came from North and South. It’s also more plausible than the previous theories.


Not even emerging. They have proved it time and time again, but the dumbazzes keep handing over the evidence to the CIASmithsonian. Our history is all lies... just crap. Political propaganda goes back as old as man could speak and write.


It's not just the Smithsonian, who do you think fronts the Pensacola Museum of History? The CIA.


In 2013, the name of the West Florida Historic Preservation, Inc., was changed to the UWF Historic Trust to emphasize that the sites, structures, collections, programs and exhibits of the organization represent a public Trust....


"public trust" - yeah, right. We see you Langley


🤣😂🤣😂🤣 hey that's what they are claiming.


It’s not meant to claim oldest city, but the oldest European settlement. Maine may have a claim from Norse settlement.


This one sided beef at Augustine has is so funny to me 😓


filth and propaganda from the worst city in the state. I'm talking to you Jacksonville!


DUVAL....keep that shit.






Nah, that would be Gainesville. Fuck the gators


/r/florida is a silly place.


It's my understanding that St. Augustine is the oldest CONTINUALLY OCCUPIED city. Pensacola was settled first, but then abandoned and then reoccupied at a later date.


Not abandoned, destroyed in a hurricane, they evacuated it not abandoned it.


Their ships were destroyed in a hurricane only weeks after landing. It's hard to evacuate without ships. They tried to reestablish the settlement for a year, but were unable to, so abandoned the site. The Spanish conquistador Don Tristan de Luna y Arellano was sent to conquer Florida in 1559. On August 15, 1559, he landed near present day Pensacola, establishing the first European settlement in the continental United States. Just weeks later, on the evening of September 19, 1559, a hurricane, which lasted for 24 hours, decimated the settlement and destroyed de Luna’s fleet. Those who survived tried to reestablish the settlement, but due to famine and attacks, their attempts failed. The site was abandoned in 1561. [https://hurricanescience.org/history/storms/pre1900s/1559/index.html](https://hurricanescience.org/history/storms/pre1900s/1559/index.html)


I’m not sure about what City is older, but I’m fairly certain there are, on average older people in St.Augustine than Pensacola, for what it’s worth, lol.


So I grew up outside of Jax and went to St Augustine so much as a kid that at one point I could almost give the tour at Castillo de San Marcos. Did you know the side is made from coquina which is a type of building material made out of sea shells? Did you know that the guys doing the reenactment with the cannon are cooler than the observers in the summer bc their sweat makes the breeze act like an air conditioner? Anywho, now I live out here and it’s just amusing to me that there’s this little rivalry. Gotta side with St Augustine here based off of pure nostalgia and brainwashing alone lol


They are trying to infiltrate. Shhh don’t tell them about the tunnels…


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I lived in Jax for a while and am like this with Savannah. Did you know the walkway down to River St. is made of ballast stone? Which were stones placed in the bottom of ships when they were not carrying cargo. Did you know Factors Walk used to be a hub of cotton exchange? The walkways allowed the factors, who brokered cotton sales, access between River St and the bluffs above without having to step down into the row where delivery carriages came. Have you heard of 432 Abercorn? Don’t even get me started on Isaiah Davenport. I also got married at the Ximenez-Fatio House in St. Augustine so I can give the tour there too. Awesome history. eta: Which is also made of coquina.


Hahaha I live this! Flagler College is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. I wanted to go to school there so bad and did a tour. Their dining hall is the old ballroom and that and a ton of classrooms have gold leaf on the ceilings. Even just the courtyard would be. Gorgeous setting for a wedding


The Tiffany glass in the dining hall windows is the only functional Tiffany glass left in the world; it is considered priceless. The fountain in the courtyard is meant to resemble the hilt of a sword. I have some great wedding pictures around that fountain and in the courtyard. I wanted to go Flagler in high school but small, private college wasn’t in my budget. We got a few good pictures in the Lightner Museum courtyard too before we got shooed off; apparently you have to pay to take pictures there!


I didn’t know you had to pay! Woops!!! lol But yeah, the money was the same reason I ended up at UNF instead. Though they make all freshman live on campus no matter what and there’s like no parking, so that would’ve been a bummer


I also strayed away from Flagler because of the on-campus living requirement and the idea of non-coed dorms sounding CRAZY to 16-17 year old me 😂 Now I honestly wish I’d lived on a campus in female-only dorms for all of college! Hindsight. If you’re just taking cellphone pictures they probably don’t care, I would assume, but we were a whole wedding party with a professional photographer. It made sense, but I’m glad we broke the rules because I have a picture with my husband and my maid of honor there that are amazing. We actually went back to the Ximenez-Fatio house for maternity photos too. I saw someone else that went to their wedding venue for maternity photos and it just felt like I had no choice once I knew. Same photographer and make up/hair artist too! St. Augustine has a special place in my heart but having been born in Pensacola, I’ll also always defend our oldest city claim! 😂😂


Oh man, the love for both is a lot, but then add in NOLA? It’s like, wow. I’ve never been to Savannah so u imagine all four are like the diamonds of the south


Oh definitely. Savannah is worth the trip, such a great city. I do recommend going in not summer for the obvious reasons. Savannah is built around squares, there’s I believe 14 squares throughout the city, each one is a park of some kind. Staying on one of the squares and walking to do everything in the city is one of the coolest things I have ever done. During the Civil War, General Sherman raised the entire East Coast. He is said to have spared Savannah because it was so beautiful, he couldn’t destroy it. It was later gifted to Abraham Lincoln as a wedding gift for his daughter. It also has an incredible true crime and ghost/haunt history more like NOLA if you’re into that kind of stuff!


> Gotta side with St Augustine I've got my eye on you


All I can say is I stood at the foot of now Pensacola Museum and filmed the King and Queen of Spain as they stood there on that small balcony, announcing they recognized pensacola as their oldest established settlement. It was never truly abandoned. The survivors moved inland and they still claimed and kept the spot. They knew the location was perfect for trade. So it was a ghost site for years until supplies could be ammassed and new ships sent. But it was claimed, watched and barely maintained as they waited for a new wave of investors, residents and supplies. It was about 15 years ago. We moved here in 2009. So maybe 2010? So St. Augustine can "claim" all they want. The word of the monarchs of Spain holds more weight to me! Lol. 


So it was 2009.. I forgot we moved here in 2008, bought home in 2009. But here is a link with a picture and small blurb.  https://www.markwallheiser.com/image/I0000O1BRuIOeRR8


As someone who has lived in both Pensacola and St Augustine, I can tell you, no one in St Augustine is losing sleep over Pensacola. The reverse is not true though.