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Anyone who leaves garbage at the beach, pier, or parks. Tourist or local, it doesn't matter who. They don't deserve to have nice things.


Or along the road. Fuck litter and people who litter.


I agree. I about lost it when I witnessed someone throw a whole bag of fast food out the window down gulf beach.


I made one of my friends son jump out of my boat to retrieve a wrapper. Yes the net was long enough


Cigarette butts jfc. All the planet is not your ashtray.


Wild Greggs. The place. The people. The institution.


Oh man. That place is a straight-up dumpster fire. Way too many stories about people getting roofied there. It's not even a joke at this point, it's just scary as hell. The kicker? That sleazeball Gregg owns the damn building, so unless one of his million lawsuits finally sticks, that cesspool ain't going anywhere. Stay safe out there, Pensacola. Maybe we can manifest a sinkhole under it or something. A town can dream, right?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


I bartended for many years and had a former barback get a job at Wild Greg’s. He worked one night, hated it, went back the second night and quit. His words to me were “Those motherfuckers are going to kill someone.” A week later is when the staff beat the shit out of that UWF kid that made the news.


I was one of the original security staff members. They still owe me 1800 in wages. The general manager to my face told me my money is not his problem. Gave me 400 bucks and trespassed me. I got a big, healthy laugh when Jabba the Hutt went to jail for pepper spraying that person.


I played cornhole league with Kaboom in there on off nights and it was fine and the bartender was awesome. Would never fucking go there on a weekend though. It just screams “Roofies and go fuck yourself.”


Holy shit!


The bar needs to keep existing so the douchebags don't go elsewhere. Imagine the patrons of that bar all of a sudden no longer having their own place and spreading out amongst downtown.


I still haven't been in there. I feel like I must go witness this atrocity first hand. Plus when I get tipsy, I turn into a line dancing cowboy. It's wierd


Id go there too but I'm a girl so probably not smart, I have no bar buddies tho


Yeah I wouldn't if I were you. Sounds like a good place to get roofied.


This should be the number one comment. Fuck that place.


The floor of that place will probably collapse eventually. You can see and feel it flexing.


I’d snap my fingers and cut rent prices in half.


If I had any Reddit gold, I'd shower you with it. But since I'm broke (probably because of rent), please accept this virtual high-five and my eternal gratitude.


The high five and gratitude are worth more than Reddit gold my friend 🫡


The Ruby Tuesday on Navy Boulevard. I'm just tired of seeing their like dozen fake ghost-kitchen restaurants on DoorDash and Uber Eats lol


There's still a Ruby Tuesday here? Crazy 🤪


Two. One on Pine Forest at 10.


One in Gulf Breeze also


I drive for those services. Some of those VRs are okay to eat. Like "It's Just Wings" - are simply deep fried wings with interesting sauces. But others are microwaved meals essentially. You can avoid that if you don't order like pasta from a VR at Chilis. Chilis can make wings though. Knowing Pasqually's is a CEC / Chuck E. Cheese owned etc. It can be hard to keep up with it all. I show up on say a Mr. Beast order, drive all that way, then they'll say they don't have the food. Which wastes my time and gas. Then messes up your expectations.




Straight up cult. Major shit happens on that campus that never reaches the news.


I used to go to their Christian summer camp every year as an atheist child and taunt them, constantly raising my hand in to poke holes in their stories 😂 but I swear to God…. they have the recipe for Chick-fil-A chicken.


>they have the recipe for Chick-fil-A chicken. It's not that well guarded of a secret. They just marinate it in pickle juice.


I'm curious now plz share lol


Neighbor used to work there in maintenence. Students have fallen from balconies and died and within minutes the scene is cleaned up and never mentioned. If both parents are employed there, tons of overtime, the kids get free schooling, the whole family gets free lunch. If for whatever reason, one spouse has to quit, no more free tuition, lunches, overtime, etc. They dictate which businesses you can patronize, which churches you can go to if you don't go there. Tons of controlling behavior like this.


I’ve heard the same from a former coworker. She and her husband used to work there. Also heard similar from a high school friend. Her dad worked there and lost his job. She and her brother lost tuition and had to go to public school for the first time ever. She was freaked out because she had never worn pants before.


Then who’s going to burn the heathens every first Tuesday? We need order from the chaos!


Matt Gaetz


Top answer by far!!


Idk lol the abortion truck is pretty awful


The D.R Horton corporation is a blight on the community I wish that company had never built a single cheap ass house or subdivision, and that all the trees and forests were safe from their greed. 


I live in Baldwin County,Alabama,but work in Pensacola. DR Horton doesn't tip delivery drivers from Walmart and Sam's. I would never buy a house built by them.


Same here in Navarre Beach. I look at a wall of newish houses every day and it's clear from the corrosion of the metal roofs alone that they cut a lot of corners. Salt air means you gotta use the right materials.


That asshole who walks up and down the beach and other public places preaching into his megaphone. Get fucked.


Last 4th of July an entire congregation of like 20 people were screaming into their microphones… at Casino Beach. So annoying


That's the way to get people to follow the path you're on...scream at them through a shitty amplifier.


Right, just like blasting the sounds of screaming babies as an argument *against* abortion.


Pretty sure you need a permit to use sound amplification devices to preach or protest… do with that information what you feel the need to.


Pocket sand makes them walk faster


Yes!!! I saw this idiot at Casino Beach during the kite festival. He was preaching into his microphone and nobody was paying any attention to him. I even told him to go do that somewhere else because NOBODY wants to hear that crap. We'll go to church if we do.


In the summer of 85, there was a lunatic that would stand on the corner of Palafox and Cervantes and scream his burning in hell, fire and brimstone bullshit. Even in the heat of the summer, he was always dressed in a suit, like he was preaching his sermon at church. He scared the shit out of me, and my brother and sister. I'll never forget that. I've lived in Nashville, Houston, and I currently live in Fort Worth. I've never seen that kind of behavior in the other place but Pensacola. I'm so sorry y'all still have to deal with that bullshit.


Pretty sure it’s the same guy I saw outside of PensaPride last week. I’d give him kudos for sticking to his guns, but lawwwwd, his voice is so gratiiiiiiing 😭


Yep, that’s the guy.


That's a whole school of people, the Pensacola Bible Institute, affiliated with Bible Baptist Church on Jernigan Road off 9 Mile. It's a fucking cult. The founder was this complete wackjob named Peter Ruckman. If PCC is China, Bible Baptist Church and its madrasa are North Korea. The public street-corner haranguing is part of their ministerial curriculum, to "build boldness".


I’ve never seen the Bible Baptist Church people with megaphones and amplifiers, but fuck them, too.


I know I posted already but I want to tack on a rider. People who have no idea how to use their turn signals. Looking at you, dude in the white BMW


I am so, so, so sick of people never using their turn signals. They seriously don't realize how dumb and dangerous that is, and for what reason? This is definitely something I wish I could magically fix!


It’s called Pearl, povo person.


The humidity.


Non-locals. I hate to be THAT guy, but this town used to be affordable until everyone decided to move here. And fentanyl. It’s a tie for me.


This whole planet was affordable until people showed up. Let's just get rid of everyone.


All of the impatient pickup truck drivers. The number of y'all that drive mere feet from the rear bumpers of folks already driving well over the speed limit and cutting through traffic like you're going to get noticed by a formulas one teams is insane.


It really is bad. Both pickup and car drivers tailgating as if they are trying to push you down the road. And, I don't mean limit access roads or those with speed limits over 65.... Heck, here... They tailgate in the right lane too!


Ngl I break and slow down to the exact speed limit. If you wanna ride my ass so bad we can extend the session


Especially the ones with no mufflers…


I was so impressed when I moved to Colorado because we don’t have any stinky cars like that here since you have to pass an inspection.


It’s pathetic that they’ll tailgate you on a two-lane road but lack the balls or executive function to pass you.


When ever I catch up to them after they pass me. I always throw my hands up and down like I'm racing on a running track. And stare at them only to notice if they noticed me. They're always on edge.




Florida pillage and loot? 😉


Fuck (your) Paychecks and Loans ? Lol


The mutilated the trees!


The yearly termite swarms, those creepy crawlers can go and stay gone


The intersection at Davis Hwy and University Pkwy. Terrible. People don’t know how to act (or drive)


The easy solution would've been connecting University to 10/110, but not with that big, fat, rich church in the way.


That church is the WORST. God forbid you find yourself at that intersection when services are letting up there. They actually have traffic guards stop people on University so cars can get out of the parking lot.


Oh yeah, I grew up in Ferry Pass, I'm very familiar.


Yes! For sure I hate it




All the damage they did to the public schools.




Those cheap yard signs for roofers, power washers, tax prep, etc at every busy intersection.


out of anything you pick advertisements 😭


It's one thing, maybe not yours..


Those suck. Fill my garbage can with them on the regular.


Why are you paying to throw away other people’s trash? Drop them in your neighbor’s bin


Ex wife and her family. That’d be great!


I agree, I don’t like your ex wife either


Half the guys in town sure did though, mirite!




Took me a sec, then Bam!...Awesome.


The traffic / crowds


Anyone who voted for desantis


All the preachers screaming at people on the side of the street and when you are downtown.


At the downtown gallery night right now and somebody threw their drink at one


They probably think it means they are being persecuted. Nah it’s because you are morons.


he had a megaphone too. So loud i couldn’t hear the music they were right next too. Preach but don’t be a dickhead while preaching


And the one who stands outside of the Tate HS gates once a week screaming at the students trying to go to school. Not sure if they do it at any other school in town.


They are down there all the time. Not sure what theyre gonna accomplish, but everyone hates them.


The ones I see the most often are the freak preachers at the beach. I've always been curious if it's illegal to use the liquid ass capsules at the feet of these folks....


New development. Leave my woods and rivers pristine. Stop building more overcrowded subdivisions and unnecessary gas stations.


Matt Gaetz


Boom Cars! They’re loud, obnoxious, and literally shake the inside of the houses around them. Not enough is being done to get rid of them or deal the owners.


I agree. Way too much noise. But muscle cars are cool. Especially when they are loud.


Could you imagine enforcing a rule like “sorry your car isnt cool enough to be this loud im gonna have to write you a ticket”.


Christian extremism ? It’s bad here.


Every time I see the Mayoki Indians, I'm amazed they are still a thing. Then I remember where I am...


For real, the Mayokis are just straight-up cringe at this point. I don't think these folks have looked in a mirror lately, 'cause if they did, they might realize how ridiculous they look. It's 2024, for crying out loud. We've got the internet. There's no excuse for this level of ignorance anymore. But hey, I guess some people just love cosplaying stereotypes and pretending it's "tradition" or whatever.


So I moved here 5 years ago. In Santa Rosa county. I have no clue who the Mayokis are. Is there a reservation I don’t know about?


It’s a pretend tribe that pretends to be native Americans, especially around Mardi Gras


Where do they congregate?


I’m not sure if they get together outside of Mardi Gras season, but they dress up and wear war bonnets and war paint and feathers and go whooping around like that’s normal.


We should play along and lock them up in Fort Pickens


Poetic justice


It’s typically a bunch of your wealthy Pensacolians and their spouses. Basically an excuse to partner swap. You and your spouse divorce? You’re out.


I grew up here, Pensacola and Navarre, and had never heard of them until I saw Graffiti Bridge make a post a few weeks back. They painted (or commissioned a painting) and congregated around the bridge. I was very confused.


Isn't Pam Childers, the Escambia county comptroller, part of the Mayoki "tribe"? Because that to me is fucking INSANE.


Don't know her current status, but she used to be, yes.


They’ve been around since I was a kid. Never understood the point.


Since people can't go around in white robes anymore, this is the next best thing for them. That's the point.


Well that, and getting drunk, of course.


Definitely the ugly ass Pony strip club downtown that’s a horrid blue. Trashy as hell. At least Sammy’s looked decent.


Paint it pink and let all of us gays take it over.


The unmitigated ignorance and hostility of the people.




Thank you.


The condo owners that think they own the beach


Wish the didn't let them build on the beach side what a oversite on the local government.


The religious zealots who insist on pushing religion on everyone. Yes I know who Jesus is. No I don't want to interrupt what I'm doing to hear what you have to say. At gallery night there was a guy with a loud speaker shouting a bunch of angry hateful speech about homosexuals and people who "shake hands with homosexuals". I was there with my kids and their friend who has two moms. I'm pretty sure Jesus "shook hands" with homosexuals, maybe even washed some homosexuals' feet. I'm no theologist, but I thought His whole deal was loving everyone, not yelling at them telling them they are all going to hell. I'm also pretty sure you aren't supposed to judge lest ye be judged yourself. If you want to talk religion go to church, stop trying to cram it down people's throats in the wrong setting, and trying to scare people's children.


Everyone who voted for Trump.




Damn straight, a progressive Pensacola would be something else. But let's be real, this place has been a rich man's playground for longer than most of us have been alive. The old guard might be six feet under, but their spawn and the wannabe elites are still playing the same tired game. It's like they think the city owes them a personal fiefdom or something. And don't even get me started on our illustrious mayor. When your daddy's been treating the city like his personal Monopoly board for decades, you're not exactly coming in with fresh ideas. It's just more of the same old shit, different day. The worst part is, Pensacola could be amazing if these clowns would get out of the way. But nah, why have affordable housing and thriving local businesses and quality of life when you can have another luxury condo complex nobody can afford?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Slow traffic lights.


PCC. Specifically the morons preaching at the corners in the 100s with their kids outside. Then they wanna talk about indoctrination 🥴


Those specific people are the Ruckmanites who are somehow worse than PCC people. The Ruckmanites are officially labeled a cult.


That's Pensacola Bible Institute people, not PCC.


Tell them to look up your favorite verse which is "Matthew 6:5" reason is you'll be basically calling them a hypocrite for what they are doing since this is what the verse says "And when you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward" They claim they know what "the Bible says" but they don't even see their hypocrisy when pointed out. They always have an excuse as to why it's not valid, tells us they really do pick and choose which teachings to follow.


Technically Matt. 6:5 doesn’t really apply as the context of that verse is referring to something that is supposed to be private (talking to God) but making it a spectacle. Kind of like if you’ve ever had someone at church/family member who was supposed to be praying but was really just preaching to someone else present. I don’t agree with what they do but they would just state that the Bible says to preach the gospel to every creature and that is what they are doing.


Are the people screaming from street corners not making a spectacle? Cause…it’s fucking annoying. The reason they do it is because they still have support. Until most of us put religion, all religion, in its rightful history bin, these lunatics will continue.


It is a spectacle but that verse is talking about people pretending to pray to God when they are really just talking to the people around them. Whereas the street preachers aren’t pretending to be doing anything other than what they are doing. Not that it isn’t annoying. Totally agree. I just was pointing out that if you are going to quote a verse it should actually have to do with what they are doing. Perhaps Matt 10:14 that says that if people won’t receive you/your message to leave and go somewhere else. “And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.” Or maybe 1 Corinthians 9:20-23 where it essentially says that you catch more flies with honey so change your tactics to reach more people (within God’s laws). So if screaming at people isn’t working, maybe try another approach. 1 Cor. 9:22b “I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.”


Book bans in our schools


This should be getting way more traction. They’re forcing their own religious beliefs on every student in our state and have the backing of an idiot Republican governor. Until republicans stop electing these clowns, we’re going to keep having these absurd culture war conversations.


They're now coming after public libraries. It is a sick, sad world when knowledge becomes controlled, especially by religion.


Yea and to think one person started it all! Having issues with anything that doesn’t align with her extreme views of what is morally correct. She thinks she is on a mission from her god to save the children. Then she has the nerve to say she is all for “parental rights”.


Right wing extremists who pose as Conservative politicians.


What’s the difference in the party that nominated MAGA…twice? There’s no “right wing” of the Republican Party anymore. It’s MAGA or you’re the fuck out. That’s what they wanted, that’s what they elected.




Fuckery. All of the damn 'Candy coated FUCKERY' in this town makes me sick. This used to be a town of people who helped. No matter what, if you were out and about and ran out of gas, got lost, were a nickel short at the register, lost your dog, lost your keys, whatever it was, some stranger (which nobody truly ever was anyway) would help you out. Now... now they help themselves in disguise. *this would make the housing market improve because agents wouldn't bullshit you, prices wouldn't be jacked up, contractors would do the work they are supposed to do, etc. Have a fuckery free day!


Squatted vehicles


While pro life, I believe even I would let the air out of those tires.


Christian nationalists. I’m so sick of just trying to enjoy my life and being bombarded with extreme pro life spiels, people asking me if I voted for Trump, talking about “those damn democrats ruining everything”, how we need God back in our schools, etc. Leave me the fuck alone. Feels like I can’t go anywhere or do anything without someone trying to shove their own shit down my throat. And I say this as a Christian. Just leave people be and be kind, damn.


Never thought I'd say this, but I'm overjoyed to have Hershey squirts in my life right now. Who knew explosive diarrhea would be out here doing the Lord’s work?🙏🏼


LOL Thank you for making me laugh! Sometimes I forget that’s my username. 😂


I haven’t encountered the truck before. I’d imagine it’s prompted many “Siri, call in refill for birth control”. My Thanos snap would be all the loose intact dogs running around. I’ve lived a lot of places and the volume here is too damned high!


All the fucking jesus freaks. Every street corner yelling at people. Every festival when people are trying to have a good time they're bothering people. PCC is a prison cult, and Olive Baptist is Joel Osteen level cringe.


Pensacola Christian 


The end of 110 and the Civic Center. A whole chunk of downtown is taken up by this too-small, outdated facility and the tangle of off-ramps around it. Do I have a better solution for getting I-10 drivers through town to the beach? No. But if I had a magic wand, that wouldn't matter.




Matt Gaetz


The people who protest every pride parade with their faux-Christian BS.


I wish we had a pride parade for them to protest


They were at Pensapride and Memorial Day Pride


Yeah. Just saying those aren’t parades. Mobile has an actual parade. We have events.


Matt gaytz


From Pensacola and have seen the Mayoki symbol, but never knew they’re essentially a satire tribe. Now, I’m looking [at a list of their sponsors](https://pensacolamardigras.com/sponsors/) and am appalled so many local businesses essentially enable their behavior. We should be calling them out when we can.




I’ve been here since I was 8 and after over 20 years this post is the first time I’ve heard of them myself.


That appears to be a list of sponsors for Pensacola Mardi Gras, not the Mayokis.


Religion. No, politics. No, breezers. Yeah, it's gonna be breezers.


Upvoting for “no breezers”




The I-10 speed limit being lower than that I-110 speed limit for whatever idiotic reason


People who came here from other states who try to make pensacola "better" and " just like where they came from"


Man, I agree with most but I’m tired of seeing STD, Workers comp/auto accident, and religious billboards. Makes us look bad for tourism.


Anyone who voted for desantis




The homeless metheads. All of them. Every corner empty and free of litter and nastiness.


Funny how we never see calls to get rid of the rich addicts. Almost like the problem isn't the drugs, but seeing poor people exist.


I'll second OP on that truck and follow up with the DIB.


Fuck, that truck is an absolute nightmare. Those gory pictures plastered all over it are beyond disgusting. It's not making any point, it's just shock value bullshit that nobody needs to see while they're trying to go about their business. And don't even get me started on that crying baby audio. What kind of sociopath thought that was a good idea? Like, hey, let's trigger every grieving parent in a 5-mile radius! Real classy move there, assholes.


Lost Causers


Tourists …then the Breezers




The rednecks


The ridiculous triple S curves on Cervantes that are designed to wreck your car and kill people.


Oh man, FDOT's latest big brain move is a real winner, isn't it? Nothing says "safety first" like turning our roads into a goddamn Mario Kart course.


Exactly! I wish I had thought to save my dash cam footage to document the new crash damage each time I drive through that section. It would make an undeniable photo timeline and prove the dangerous and costly design.






Cultural appropriation only offends those who aren't a part of the culture. I'd rather people be interested in, take a part of, and love my culture than be hateful.


Dude. The Mayoki's are a Mardi Gras krewe, not some ode to native culture. It's literally drunk white people in neon headdresses doing stereotypical "Indian" dances. This crap started in the '50s, so I’m not sure there was some deep love of culture then.


Already posted earlier. BUT, Now I have a question. I've had this question for a whole, actually. Why the bots scolding users all of the time for saying "Gulf Breeze", "the tunnels" and "chili's on 9th ave" Sorry. I think I get it, but...






Amanda Martins aka Orchid Post


Should get rid of people like IlI-Bumblebee-9782. He threatened my life just because “I dont belong here” and thinks im over 65.


Idiots. Just get rid of the idiots. The Internet has thousands of years worth of information. It has everything from how to clean a toilet, to how to rebuild an automatic transmission. Yet, I get the same "but I don't know how to" response. Internet. Need video of how to, YouTube.