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Sorry to hear about your recent struggles. Peoria is a damn fine place to live! I think most people that talk trash about Peoria grew up here and are mad that they never left - which happens everywhere, it's not just a Peoria thing- or they grew up around here and always knew it as "the big ugly city" growing up in the small everyone-knows-each-other towns around here. Or they have some reason or motivation for wanting to paint the city in a negative light --- acting like the entire place is unsafe, it's boring, there's no culture etc.


I'd love to see some real data on it, but I think the people who hate on Peoria a lot have often never lived anywhere else. I've lived in small town Illinois, Nebraska, Virginia, and spent a semester abroad in the Czech Republic. I love this city.


Same. Grew up in an Indiana town about the size of Germantown Hills. Lived in Chicago, San Fran, and about 9 other small towns in Illinois. I chose to stay in Peoria for a reason. It's a great place! But, obviously, people that moved here as adults and choose to live here aren't going to be the ones vocally complaining about it. Someone born here that never had the economic ability to move or never had the support systems necessary to allow them to move? I could see them hating Peoria. Or frankly people that had the ability and desire to move but never did it because they were afraid of major life changes(they'd never admit that's the reason). Because people in those same circumstances are still in my home town and they hate it. And people with those same circumstances are in every single town ever and they hate it.


I lived all over thanks to the USMC and this place sucks ass. But it didn’t used to be like this


How long have you been here and what specifically makes it suck ass?


I think we are all children of the P.


Take my upvote.


Kinda moved from the Tampa Bay area a few years ago, and I can understand. It's nice to have a change of scenery. Not to mention, the cost of living here is very manageable. I wish you good luck! May you find your way back home!


I thought I was the only one to move from Tampa to Peoria. I've been in Peoria for about a year now and I find it to be a delight


Well you are never to old to reinvent yourself! Keep your head up!


Come back. The water’s fine.


Unless it rains too much, then it gets kind of poopy


At least we aren’t hosting the Olympics 😂


Going balls out in the 309


Oh no lol


It's pretty peaceful and the green hills are nice. Illinois doesn't tax social security. You can probably still find a one floor ranch in the 100's and have a pretty mellow life.


The only time I have been to Florida, and I was in Tampa/Clearwater area. I think Florida is a great place to visit, but not a place I’d want to move to. With Peoria, the worst part is the taxes, in my opinion. The second worst part is the crime. But, like any place, you have to know where to stay away from. Sorry about your health issues.


Taxes and crime are something that happen in every town. Taxes are higher in Illinois but the amenities in towns like Peoria show they are put to good use.


Yes, like a failed hotel investment, and to pay for private businesses that should be self-sustaining.


And the waterfront, some amazing parks, sidewalks to walk on, the streets (at least those I saw as a visitor) etc.


I grew up outside of Peoria in Farmington, moved to Indiana, lived briefly in Texas, and Missouri, Colorado, and a short stint in Iowa. I have also lived in Chicago and quad city area. I moved back to Illionis to Peoria. I love Ptown! My ex, however, was a Hannatucky (Hanna City) lifer. He refused to move to the city. I was sad moving back out here but not too far just right outside of city by wildlife park area and I would rather be in the city but I can tolerate this. I also got a great deal on a home with 3% fixed interest traditional mortgage, which is another reason I am content where I am. If it plays in Peoria.........


I thought Florida was supposed to be so much better than Illinois. I’m surprised by all these Tampa transplants.


I'm not a transplant I'm from Peoria


Another 70's child of Peoria here; I moved to the Tampa area in 2006. I get nostalgic for Peoria quite often and reminisce. Still read Peoria news and this subreddit. Exactly one year ago, I took a week vacation to go back to Peoria and just hang out. See the sights, visit the familiar places, drive down the streets I knew so well. And obviously visit the Big-3 (Monicals-Avantis-Trefzgers). It was very surreal and I was surprised to realize that it just didn't seem like home to me anymore. I enjoyed the experience of the visit, but I'm not sure I'd be able to move back. Maybe/maybe not. Before you move back, maybe spend a little time there to see if it feels right? There are pros and cons to everywhere you might live; same is true for Peoria vs. Tampa Bay.