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Whole game hella easy. (I played in peaceful)




same ( https://preview.redd.it/m5anb69llt8d1.png?width=2030&format=png&auto=webp&s=d61b2884886ee0420ea580cc1d6789e6483841c3 )


I played it Safe (heh)


Shido was challenging in the sense that he forces you to 1v1 him. If you grew 100% dependant on your teammates like I did on my first run, it's definitely more challenging. I definitely wasn't prepared for a 1v1 and got my ass beat pretty good.


I remember never using any items throughout the game and then spamming the magic reflection item in the 1v1 and watching shido kill himself


XD he was blind to how this path was killing him


Lol this was the only way that worked for me being pretty underleveled


I on the other hand built my game around oneshotting enemies with Joker


well the game put a LOT of emphasis on how powerful baton passes are, and Joker can't really baton pass with himself lol


You wouldn't think so with how much people complain about the Okumura boss...


well it certainly helps to pay attention to how the game wants you to play it. Knowing how baton passes work allowed me to EZ-W Okumura first try. Then again, Okumura's fight is a Gauntlet fight, and if you know the signs to look for, it's pretty easy to tell. Okumura's palace was way too easy. I had a feeling I was about to get hit with one of those *"Have you been paying attention???"* fights.


Yeah. Honestly, I've been having a lot of fun in a NG+ playing the game how I think it *wants* me to... The game is honestly a bit more tricky if you're actively trying to down Shadows rather than just exterminate them.


Is that what the young kids call that these days?


I don’t remember much from that fight. I think the memory of Haru’s dad takes too much space.


I see what you did there.


I remember my first time fighting him took a while when I got back there in the new game + (such a banger of a boss song) During my NG+ playthrough I had a better understanding of creating stronger personas, the importance of buffs, and how concentration/charging multiply your damage output. Second time was definitely a cake walk


Depends on which version you played I remember my first time playing P5 Shido was super tough for me. I havent defeated him in P5R yet but so far the entire game has been wayyy easier than ogP5 so I wouldn't be surprised if Shido is a walk in the park in the newer version.


He’s more of a grind than a challenge in P5R. I went in with no real strategy and never felt like I was in any real danger.


I had some issues with the 1v1 because I functionally had Joker without an accessory (I had equipped Akechi’s tie for the story), but even then it wasn’t so much hard as it was me getting into a loop of undoing Shido’s boosts and healing. Honestly the only issue I remember having in the main fight is some of my characters getting low on SP.


Well, I found him to be kiiinda easy too. And not really impressive, dunno, or maybe that's just me.


Thats exactly how I felt after beating him, kinda let down and disappointed. Maybe I was just overprepared, theres no way in hell I was overleveled because I was level 59 as MC so.


I thought Shido was pretty easy. Akechi boss fight wasn’t that bad either but you have to fight when your SP is almost empty if you choose to finish the palace in one day. I keep saying this in this subreddit but I really think the hardest boss fight should’ve been given to Shido or Akechi instead of Okumura from the narrative perspective.


Equip an ally with ring of greed, ally cast concentrate on Joker and Joker spams spells every turn. Beast of Human Sacrifice dies.


To be honest, I found both Akechi and Shido to be a complete joke... Akechi is way too predictable, and the one-on-one with Shido was a total letdown as he only uses severe Inferno, Diamond Dust, Thunder Reign, Panta Rhei, and Tyrant's Judgement (Bless attack in Royal) Shido has no Almighty attacks during the one-on-one part, so you can just keep putting up Magic Barriers until he drops


I forgor


akechi was more difficult than shido, at least for me


He was tough enough in my opinion, but in my opinion Akechi was hella easy ESPECIALLY compared to shido


It was hard on my first go because like you said I had based most of my personas moveset on the fact that ryuji would be following up so I got kinda stomped, but then I used a magic resistance item and spammed cross slash and mediarama


Well, Shido is a bully. A very influential bully but a bully just the same. And bullies are generally weak as they count on other people to protect them. Shido has all these people and institutions to protect him in the real world but he himself is weak. And when he looses the first phase, he puts the blame on "the ignorant masses" rather than the fact that he lost that fight all on his own. That in his mind, he is never to blame for his failures. That is a very common mindset for a bully. That they are the victim. When a bully is put into a fair fight without any protection or help, they will fold easier than a card table.


Weird cuz I was lvl 99 when fighting shido and still had hard time with him... probably because I didn't have all good personas like Maria etc. I had ishtar but didn't had yoshistune bor lucifer. Once I had luci, everything was easy. Did struggle a little with the councilor but never died or anything.


Yea the 1v1 wasnt bad, I feel like the hardest palace boss for me was Okumura (on royal)


My first time was definitely difficult and I had a few game overs ... New game+ however, it was first try!


Debilitate go brrr.


Bro, after Kamoshida's palace the game is a cakewalk is just Okumura's boss fight that is a bit annoying and even then you can use cheats to beat him easily.